1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
February 19, 1998 - Introduced by Representatives Schneider, Carpenter,
Reynolds, Murat, Bock, Plale, Ryba, Notestein, Staskunas, Lorge, Meyer,
Riley, Hahn, La Fave, Kreuser, Steinbrink
and Baldwin. Referred to Joint
committee on Information Policy.
AB796,1,12 1An Act to renumber 895.50 (2) (a) and 895.50 (2) (b); to renumber and amend
285.105, 341.17 (6) and 895.50 (2) (c); to amend 6.15 (3) (a) 3., 6.45 (1), 6.45 (2),
36.46, 6.89, 11.21 (5), 11.21 (10), 11.22 (5), 11.22 (8), 19.55 (1), 19.71, 23.16 (3),
423.165 (4), 62.03 (1), 77.265 (9), 108.14 (7) (a), 108.14 (7) (b), 146.40 (4g) (b),
5341.17 (5) and 895.50 (2) (intro.); and to create 19.35 (1) (jm), 19.72, 61.34 (4m),
662.11 (4m), 85.105 (2), 341.17 (6) (b), 341.17 (10), 343.235 (5m), 343.24 (5),
7895.50 (2) (am), 895.50 (2) (bm) 2m., 895.50 (2) (bm) 2r. and 895.50 (2) (cm) of
8the statutes; relating to: creating a cause of action for invasion of privacy
9against a person who sells, leases, rents, trades or otherwise discloses any
10personally identifiable information about any living person, for any commercial
11purpose, without having first obtained the consent of the person who is the
12subject of the information.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a person whose privacy is unreasonably invaded is entitled
to equitable relief to prevent and restrain the invasion, compensatory damages
based on either plaintiff's loss or defendant's unjust enrichment and a reasonable
amount for attorney fees. Current law defines "invasion of privacy", in part, to
include the use, for advertising purposes or for purposes of trade, of the name,
portrait or picture of any living person, without having first obtained the written
consent of the person.

This bill extends the right of privacy to include as an "invasion of privacy" for
which a person is entitled to relief the sale, lease, rental, trading or other disclosure
of any personally identifiable information, as defined in the bill, about any living
person, without having first obtained, not less than one year before the date of the
sale, lease, rental, trade or other disclosure, the written consent of the person who
is the subject of the information, if the person to whom the personally identifiable
information is to be sold, leased, traded or otherwise disclosed intends to use the
information for any commercial purpose, as defined in the bill. The bill also includes
as an "invasion of privacy" for which a person is entitled to relief requiring the
person, as a condition for receiving a good or a service, that the person provide his
or her consent to the sale, lease, rental, trading or other disclosure of any personally
identifiable information about the person for any commercial purpose of the person
to whom the information is to be sold, leased, rented, traded or otherwise disclosed.
Under the bill, "personally identifiable information" means information that can be
associated with a particular individual through one or more identifiers or other
information or circumstances and "commercial purpose" means the purpose of
accruing any gain, benefit or advantage, either directly or indirectly, including the
purpose of advertising or marketing any property, good or service, soliciting business
or setting the terms and conditions of any commercial transaction or relationship.
The bill, however, excludes from the definition of "commercial purpose" the gathering
and reporting of news and the communication of information or the solicitation of
funds for any political, lobbying, charitable or religious purpose.
Under current law, subject to certain exceptions, any requester has the right to
inspect any public record (open records law). This bill prohibits a requester who
receives any personally identifiable information under the open records law from
using that information for any commercial purpose without first obtaining the
written consent of the individual who is the subject of that information.
Under current law, an authority (defined, generally, to include a state or local
office, elected official, agency, board, commission, council, department or other public
body) may not sell or rent a public record that contains an individual's name or
address unless the release of that information is specifically authorized by state law.
This bill prohibits an authority from selling, leasing, renting, trading or otherwise
disclosing a public record that contains personally identifiable information, other
than under the open records law, for any commercial purpose of the person to whom
the information is disclosed, unless the authority first obtains the written consent
of the individual who is the subject of the information and unless the disclosure is
specifically authorized by law.
Under current law, the department of revenue may sell information obtained
from real estate transfer fee returns. Under this bill, those sales may be made only
with the permission of the buyer and seller.
Under current law, the department of natural resources (DNR) may refuse to
reveal names and address of persons on subscriber lists DNR maintains for
distributing its publications. This bill requires DNR to refuse to reveal the name and
address of a person on such a subscriber list unless DNR first obtains the written
consent of the person who is the subject of the information.

Under current law, the department of health and family services (DHFS)
maintains a registry that contains a listing of all individuals who have successfully
completed a competency evaluation program for nurse's assistants, home health
aides or hospice aides. The registry also contains a listing of individuals against
whom DHFS has made a finding of abuse or neglect or of misappropriation of
property of a nursing home resident, hospital patient or home health agency patient.
This bill prohibits DHFS from selling, leasing, renting, trading or otherwise
disclosing personally identifiable information contained in the registry without
obtaining the written consent of the individual to whom the information pertains, if
the person requesting the information intends to use the information for any
commercial purpose.
Current law authorizes the department of transportation (DOT) to disclose
personally identifiable information obtained through motor vehicle registration or
titling, operator's licenses, traffic citations and reports of traffic accidents to property
and casualty insurers for the purpose of issuing or renewing a policy and related
underwriting, billing or processing or paying a claim. This bill authorizes DOT to
continue to disclose this information to insurers for those activities without
providing proof of the individual's written consent to the disclosure, if the insurer
limits its use of the personally identifiable information to those specified activities
and does not redisclose the information.
Current law authorizes DOT to contract with any person to periodically provide
the person with personally identifiable information obtained from motor vehicle
accidents or uniform traffic citations. This bill does not affect personally identifiable
information disclosed under such a contract, but information disclosed under a
contract entered into after this bill takes effect is subject to the limitations and
consent required under this bill.
Under current law, a city or village may sell or otherwise disclose personally
identifiable information within its possession to a person who intends to use such
information for a commercial purpose. This bill prohibits any city or village, or any
officer or employe of a city or village, from selling, leasing, renting, trading or
otherwise disclosing any personally identifiable information contained in city or
village records without first obtaining the written consent of the individual to whom
the personally identifiable information relates if the person to whom the personally
identifiable information is to be sold, leased, rented, traded or otherwise disclosed
intends to use the information for any commercial purpose.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB796, s. 1 1Section 1. 6.15 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (3) (a) 3. The clerk shall keep open to public inspection a list of all new
2residents who have voted under this section. The list shall give the name, address
3and application date of each elector. The clerk shall not provide access to the list for
4any commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first
5complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 2 6Section 2. 6.45 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,4,157 6.45 (1) After the deadline for revision of the registration list, the municipal
8clerk shall make copies of the list for election use. The registration list and any
9supplemental lists which are prepared at polling places or other registration
10locations under s. 6.55, shall be open to public inspection. Under the regulations
11prescribed by the municipal clerk, any person may copy the registration list at the
12office of the clerk. A registration list maintained at a polling place may be examined
13by an observer when such use does not interfere with the conduct of the election. The
14clerk shall not provide access to the list for any commercial purpose, as defined in s.
15895.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 3 16Section 3. 6.45 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,4,2217 6.45 (2) The municipal clerk shall furnish upon request to each candidate who
18has filed nomination papers for an office which represents at least part of the
19residents of the municipality one copy of the current registration list for those areas
20for which he or she is a candidate for a fee not to exceed the cost of reproduction. The
21clerk shall not furnish the name of any elector on the list for any commercial purpose,
22as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 4 23Section 4. 6.46 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,5,9 246.46 Poll lists; copying. Poll lists shall be preserved by the municipal clerk
25until destruction or other disposition is authorized under s. 7.23, and shall be open

1to public inspection. The municipal clerk shall furnish upon request to each
2candidate who has filed nomination papers for an office which represents at least
3part of the municipality one copy of the current poll list for those areas for which he
4or she is a candidate for a fee not to exceed the cost of reproduction. If a copying
5machine is not accessible, the clerk shall remove the lists from the office for the
6purposes of copying, and return them immediately thereafter. The clerk shall not
7provide access to the lists or furnish the name of any elector on the lists for any
8commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first complies
9with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 5 10Section 5. 6.89 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,5,16 116.89 Absent electors list public. The municipal clerk shall keep a list of all
12electors who make application for an absent elector's ballot and who have voted
13under the absent elector provisions giving the name, address and date of application.
14The list shall be open to public inspection. The clerk shall not provide access to the
15list for any commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first
16complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 6 17Section 6. 11.21 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,5,2518 11.21 (5) Make the reports and statements filed with it available for public
19inspection and copying, commencing as soon as practicable but not later than the end
20of the 2nd day following the day during which they are received, and permit copying
21of any report or statement by hand or by duplicating machine at cost, as requested
22by any person. No Notwithstanding ss. 19.35 (1) (jm) and 19.72, no information
23copied from such reports and statements may be sold or utilized by any person for
24the purpose of soliciting contributions from individuals identified in the reports or
25statements or for any commercial purpose.
AB796, s. 7
1Section 7. 11.21 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,6,42 11.21 (10) Make available a list of delinquents for public inspection. The board
3shall not provide access to the list for any commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50
4(2) (am), unless the board first complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 8 5Section 8. 11.22 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,6,86 11.22 (5) Make available a list of delinquents for public inspection. The filing
7officer shall not provide access to the list for any commercial purpose, as defined in
8s. 845.50 (2) (am), unless the clerk first complies with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 9 9Section 9. 11.22 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,6,1710 11.22 (8) Make the reports and statements filed with the filing officer available
11for public inspection and copying, commencing as soon as practicable but not later
12than the end of the 2nd day following the day during which they are received, and
13permit copying of any report or statement by hand or by duplicating machine at cost,
14as requested by any person. No Notwithstanding ss. 19.35 (1) (jm) and 19.72, no
15information copied from such reports and statements may be sold or utilized by any
16person for the purpose of soliciting contributions from individuals identified in the
17reports or statements or for any commercial purpose.
AB796, s. 10 18Section 10. 19.35 (1) (jm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB796,6,2319 19.35 (1) (jm) A requester who receives any personally identifiable information
20under pars. (a) to (f) may not use that information for any commercial purpose, as
21defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), without first obtaining the written consent of the
22individual who is the subject of the personally identifiable information or, if that
23person is a minor, of his or her parent or legal guardian.
AB796, s. 11 24Section 11. 19.55 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
119.55 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), all records in the possession of the
2board are open to public inspection at all reasonable times. The board shall require
3an individual wishing to examine a statement of economic interests or the list of
4persons who inspect any statements which are in the board's possession to provide
5his or her full name and address, and if the individual is representing another
6person, the full name and address of the person which he or she represents. Such
7identification may be provided in writing or in person. The board shall record and
8retain for at least 3 years information obtained by it pursuant to this subsection. No
9individual may use a fictitious name or address or fail to identify a principal in
10making any request for inspection. The board shall not provide access to any record
11containing personally identifiable information, as defined in s. 19.62 (5), for any
12commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), unless the board first complies
13with s. 19.72.
AB796, s. 12 14Section 12. 19.71 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,7,21 1519.71 (title) Sale or rental of names or addresses. An authority may not
16sell or rent a record containing an individual's name or address of residence, unless
17specifically authorized by state law and, if the record is sold or rented for any
18commercial purpose, as described in s. 19.72, unless the authority first obtains the
19written consent of the individual or, if the individual is a minor, of his or her parent
20or guardian
. The collection of fees authorized by law is not a sale or rental under this
AB796, s. 13 22Section 13. 19.72 of the statutes is created to read:
AB796,8,7 2319.72 Sale, lease, rental or trade of personally identifiable
An authority may not sell, lease, rent, trade or otherwise disclose a
25record containing personally identifiable information, for any commercial purpose,

1as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am), of the person to whom the personally identifiable
2information is sold, leased, rented, traded or otherwise disclosed, unless the
3authority first obtains the written consent of the individual who is the subject of the
4personally identifiable information or, if the individual is a minor, of his or her parent
5or guardian and unless the authority is specifically authorized to do so by state law.
6The collection of fees is not a sale, lease, rental or trade under this section. The
7disclosure of a record under s. 19.35 (1) is not a disclosure under this section.
AB796, s. 14 8Section 14. 23.16 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,8,209 23.16 (3) Subscriber lists. The Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the department may
10refuse to reveal names and addresses of persons on any magazine or periodical
11subscriber list. The department may charge a fee to recover the actual costs for
12providing or for the use of any magazine or periodical subscriber list. The department
13shall refuse to reveal the name or address of a person on any such subscriber list
14unless the department first obtains written consent as required under s.19.72.
15person who obtains or uses any magazine or periodical subscriber list from the
16department may refer to the department, the magazine or the periodical as the
17source of names or addresses unless the person clearly indicates that the provision
18of or permission to use the subscriber list in no way indicates the department's
19knowledge, involvement, approval, authorization or connection with the person or
20the person's activities.
AB796, s. 15 21Section 15. 23.165 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB796,9,722 23.165 (4) Subscriber lists. Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the department may
23refuse to reveal names and addresses of persons on any publication subscriber list.
24The department may charge a fee to recover the actual costs for providing or for the
25use of a publication subscriber list. The department shall refuse to reveal the name

1or address of a person on any such subscriber list unless the department first obtains
2written consent as required under s. 19.72.
No person who obtains or uses a
3publication subscriber list from the department may refer to the department or the
4publication as the source of names or addresses unless the person clearly indicates
5that the provision of or permission to use the subscriber list in no way indicates the
6department's knowledge, involvement, approval, authorization or connection with
7the person or the person's activities.
AB796, s. 16 8Section 16. 61.34 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB796,9,169 61.34 (4m) Personally identifiable information. The village board, any
10village officer or any village employe may not sell, lease, rent, trade or otherwise
11disclose to any person any personally identifiable information contained in village
12records without first obtaining the written consent of the individual to whom the
13personally identifiable information relates or, if that individual is a minor, of his or
14her parent or legal guardian, if the person to whom the personally identifiable
15information is to be sold, leased, rented, traded or otherwise disclosed intends to use
16the information for any commercial purpose, as defined in s. 895.50 (2) (am).