Milk basic price formula: U.S. Department of agriculture urged to cease using the National cheese exchange price (memorial to Congress) -  AJR5
National cheese exchange: certain trading practices regulated; violation provisions -  AB55
National cheese exchange: certain trading practices regulated; violation provisions -  SB2
National cheese exchange: Commodities futures trading commission and the Federal trade commission urged to reevaluate their regulatory authority over - AJR14
National cheese exchange: U.S. Department of agriculture asked not to use to determine basic formula price for milk; Commodities future trading commission and Federal trade commission urged to regulate -  SJR15
dalai lamaDalai Lama
Welcomed and honored upon visit to state capitol -  AR26
Asthmatic pupil: possession and use of metered dose or dry powder inhaler in school permitted [A.Amdt.1: civil liability provisions revised; A.Amdt.2: at school sponsored activity added] - AB783
Brew-on-premises permit created; civil liability immunity provisions; occupational tax exemption  - AB947
CHIPS re physical or sexual abuse: visual inspection of child authorized; removal from custody for refusal; civil liability immunity provision; criminal history and child abuse records search required re CASA programs - SB451
Controlled substance use: recovery of damages for injury or costs permitted -  AB135
Dogs used to perform law enforcement functions: liability for damages [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, injury to crime suspect specified] -  AB611
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; court action for damages permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, complaint provisions]  - AB500
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; court action for damages permitted - SB471
Employment discrimination based on creed: definition expanded re health care provider participation in certain procedures; liability and disciplinary provisions  - AB953
Felon's right to recover personal damages limited -  AB249
Felon's right to recover personal damages limited -  SB49
Hospital lien provisions expanded re chiropractic services; ``hospital lien" changed to ``health care provider lien" [A. Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 5165c-x, 9356 (9h), 9456 (4z)] - AB100
Hospital lien provisions expanded re chiropractic services; ``hospital lien" changed to ``health care provider lien" - AB435
Hospital lien provisions expanded re chiropractic services; ``hospital lien" changed to ``health care provider lien" - SB253
Lead hazard: dwelling requirements and inspections; liability immunity for property owners; admissibility of dust tests; residential lead liability fund; oil overchange fund; WHEDA loan programs; DHFS duties and grant provisions  - SB502
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements] -  AB283
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  SB277
Partial-birth abortions prohibited, exception to save life of woman; violators sentenced to life imprisonment [A.Amdt.3: liability provisions] -  AB220
Personal identifying information misappropriation: prohibition created; civil action provision [A.Amdt.1: personal identification document provisions] -  AB724
Punitive damage cases: standard of conduct revised -  AB791
Recreational activity: civil liability immunity created re participation, supervision or provision - AB323
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria repealed; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required [A.Amdt.1: fee criterion modified, effective date set]  - SB355
Restitution for juvenile's act permitted re loss or destruction of property, bodily injury or death - AB455
Underage drinking penalties and civil liability exemption re retaining proofs of age [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2903rm, 2905g, m, 9343 (1vx)] -  AB100
Voluntary establishment of paternity: program created; civil liability immunity for hospital staff [Sec. 1880, 2224, 2231, 5226, 5227; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, immunity provision removed, financial incentive for filing paternity form, DILJD changed to DWD, 9326 (8h), 9426 (13), deletes 1880, 2231, 5226, 5227] -  AB100
Voluntary establishment of paternity: program created; civil liability immunity for hospital staff [Sec. 1880, 2224, 2231, 5226, 5227] -  SB77
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: immunity from liability created -  AB538
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: immunity from liability created -  SB289
Wrongful death and medical malpractice actions: limit on amount of noneconomic damages revised  - AB390
Wrongful death and medical malpractice actions: limit on amount of noneconomic damages revised [original bill only] - SB148
Wrongful death claims: limit increased; minor sibling provision [S.Sub.Amdt.3] -  SB148
Wrongful death or civil action: recovery on behalf of a child revised (remedial legislation) - AB785
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  - AB742
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  - SB413
Brew-on-premises permit created; civil liability immunity provisions; occupational tax exemption  - AB947
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB805
Contaminated property: immunity from civil liability re discharge of hazardous substance before owner took title to real property [Sec. 3683; original bill only]  - AB100
Contaminated property: immunity from civil liability re discharge of hazardous substance before owner took title to real property [Sec. 3683] -  SB77
Court ordered restitution to victims or payments to persons represented by DATCP: appropriation created [Sec. 182]  - AB100
Court ordered restitution to victims or payments to persons represented by DATCP: appropriation created [Sec. 182]  - SB77
Dog damages to certain wildlife: procedure to recover forfeitures established -  SB282
Dogs used to perform law enforcement functions: liability for damages [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, injury to crime suspect specified] -  AB611
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: compensation for loss of brand and cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, compensation for loss of brand removed] -  AB444
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: compensation for loss of brand and cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised -  SB252
Foreign matter or waste spilled from vehicle on or along highway: liability provisions -  SB506
Forgery, worthless checks, certain kinds of theft and criminal damage to property (includes grafitti): sentencing alternatives [Sec. 5310-5312, 5319-5339, 5452, 9356 (1), 9456 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: forgery penalty revisions, 9356 (1v), 9456 (1v), deletes all sections except 5327-5332; deleted by S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100] -  AB100
Forgery, worthless checks, certain kinds of theft and criminal damage to property (includes grafitti): sentencing alternatives [Sec. 5310-5312, 5319-5339, 5452, 9356 (1), 9456 (1)]  - SB77
Land value: property tax revisions re not economically viable land and wetlands; DOA duty set re easements; small claims court action for damage to value of real property allowed - AB757
Landlord and tenant regulations re credit or background check, rebuttable presumption for damages and removal, storage and disposal of property of evicted tenant [original bill only] - AB872
OWI offense created re prohibited BAC within two hours of certain motor vehicle accidents -  AB962
OWI offense created re prohibited BAC within two hours of certain motor vehicle accidents -  SB497
Partition fences between adjoining properties re farming or grazing: livestock definition modified; construction, maintenance and liability provisions revised - AB700
Petroleum contaminated soil handling re contract with DOT: liability exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 678m]  - AB768
Petroleum contaminated soil transportation: liability exemption created [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3660g]  - AB100
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria repealed; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required [A.Amdt.1: fee criterion modified, effective date set]  - SB355
Restitution for juvenile's act permitted re loss or destruction of property, bodily injury or death - AB455
Snowplow operation: political subdivision not liable for damage; following too closely prohibited [Sec. 784, 2209, 2571, 2572, 3008, 3959, 4005, 4006, 4130-4137, 4175, 4295, 4805-4807, 4903, 4904, 5218, 5493-5498, 9356 (3); original bill only] -  AB100
Snowplow operation: political subdivision not liable for damage; following too closely prohibited [Sec. 784, 2209, 2571, 2572, 3008, 3959, 4005, 4006, 4130-4137, 4175, 4295, 4805-4807, 4903, 4904, 5218, 5493-5498, 9356 (3)]  - SB77
Unauthorized release of animals: criminal and civil law revisions -  AB733
Vehicles obstructing freeway or expressway: removal of disabled vehicle; civil liability immunity re damage from removal or storage; stopping at scene of accident  - SB483
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program: hunting access provision revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 82ac-ae]  - AB768
Wildlife damage abatement and claim programs' hunting provisions: landowner may require notice or refuse access  - AB761
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Game"] -  AB100
danceDance, see Amusement
dane countyDane county
Badger trail between Madison and Freeport, Illinois: development of abandoned rail corridor [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 766ur] -  AB100
Community care of certain developmentally disabled persons: reimbursement by county for care costs [Sec. 1914, 1915, 2134-2137; A.Sub.Amdt.1: reimbursement to centers in Chippewa, Dane and Racine counties, 1913m-1915m, deletes 1914, 1915; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: references to Chippewa, Dane and Racine counties removed, deletes 1913m, r]  - AB100
Criminal violations of certain income and franchise tax provisions: location of trial set (remedial legislation)  - AB963
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] - AB100
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] - SB77
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required [Sec. 9101 (6), (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, additional prosecutors provided, 5491b, 9131 (1m)] - AB100
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required [Sec. 9101 (6), (7)]  - SB77
USH 14: erection and maintenance of specific information signs on certain portion authorized -  AB29
dangerous weaponDangerous weapon, see Firearms
d.a.r.e. wisconsin, ltdD.A.R.E. Wisconsin, Ltd.
Special distinguishing registration plates re Green Bay Packers supporters; additional annual fee made a tax-deductible contribution to D.A.R.E. Wisconsin, Ltd.  - SB23
data processingData processing, see also Telecommunications
Advertising space on school television or radio broadcasts, facility, bus, electronic mail system or certain publications: school board prohibited from selling -  AB685
Aquatic and terrestrial resources inventory information system [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 364m, 762c] - AB100
Campaign finance data base: funding allocated for software conversion and enhancement [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9129 (1m)] -  AB100