Debt contracting by the state and building program [Sec. 628m, 629e, 633p, r, 636d-t, 638b-r, 3261p]  -  Act 9
Major highway projects and administrative facility bonding level increased; revenue obligations provision [Sec. 1826] -  Act 9
1999-2001 authorized state building program [Sec. 9107 (1)-(5)] -  Act 9
Professional football stadium district created; bonding authority; income, property, sales, use and franchise tax provisions; minority and women owned businesses and prevailing wage law requirements; special distinguishing registration plates and sale of engraved tiles or bricks; investment authority of BCPL and the Investment board; state moral obligation pledge re bonds; LAB audit [partial veto] -  Act 167
Public debt service cost projection by Building commission [Sec. 65m] -  Act 9
State agency capital building maintenance funds: plans for expenditure [Sec. 3hg, 105m] [vetoed]  -  AB-133
State fair park board made an independent agency; building approval, lease agreement with private person, grant to city of West Allis and minority business provisions; LAB audit and report required [partial veto] -  Act 197
State fair park improvements bonding; racetrack seating and improvements restricted; noise abatement plan [Sec. 642m, r, 9107 (7tu), (7tv), 9145 (1tv)] [9107 (7tu), (7tv), 9145 (1tv) — vetoed] -  Act 9
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices; bluff protection; land acquisition in the Baraboo Hills; USH12 construction; funding re Milwaukee lakeshore state park, Sheboygan riverfront park, Rib mountain state park and Rock river recreational corridor [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -  Act 9
Swiss cultural center in the village of New Glarus: grant for [Sec. 3im, 638x, 642x, 9107 (6g), 9110 (7h)]  -  Act 9
Wausau state office facility study [Sec. 9107 (8m)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
burnett countyBurnett county
Burnett county historical society: grant from Indian gaming revenue re Fort Folle Avoine [Sec. 9149 (2c)] [partial veto] -  Act 9
Drinking water study: grant for town of Swiss and St. Croix band of Chippewa; funding from Indian gaming compact moneys; engineering design and feasiblity activities re construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities [Sec. 329, 330, 580, 581, 9136 (4), 9436 (8)]  -  Act 9
STH 35 and STH 70 in the village of Siren: traffic signal installation by DOT [Sec. 9150 (10x)] -  Act 9
Tourism promotion in northwestern Wisconsin: grants to Burnett and Polk counties [Sec. 9149 (2tw)] [partial veto]  -  Act 9
Commercial motor vehicle operation disqualification period modified; ``transporting hazardous materials requiring placarding" definition -  Act 140
Motor carriers re single-state registration system: statutes clarified; liability insurance requirement revised  -  Act 139
Motor vehicle provisions revised re registration and titling, proof of financial responsibility, VIN placement, the term ``station wagon", passing vehicle within 100 feet of certain intersections and bicycle and pedestrian facilities program grants; statutory provisions renumbered (remedial legislation)  -  Act 80
Vehicles used to pump septic or holding tanks: exemption re highway special or seasonal weight limitations  -  Act 46
bus and truck _ taxation or registrationBus and truck — Taxation or registration
Hazardous materials transportation registration fee eliminated [Sec. 354, 1853, 2303, 9250 (2)] -  Act 9
Milk truck weight limits and axle distances [Sec. 2761r, 9350 (10c)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
Motor truck telephone call-in registration late fee [Sec. 2730, 9350 (2), 9450 (2)] -  Act 9
Oversize or overweight vehicle permit: DOT to develop automated system for designating route to be traveled [Sec. 2776-2786m] -  Act 9
businessBusiness, see also Minority enterprise
Business development initiative program: required number of employes increased; Comm.Dept staff may contract directly with technical or management assistance providers [Sec. 2974-2978] -  Act 9
Business employes' skills training grant program created, funding from Wisconsin development fund [partial veto]  -  Act 177
Business tax registration system: DOR positions increased [Sec. 9143 (3gm)] [partial veto] -  Act 9
CAP services, inc.: grants re assistance and services to small businesses [Sec. 202g, 9110 (7v)] [9110 (7v) — partial veto] -  Act 9
Gaming economic development and diversifications grants and loans to businesses in same county as casino; Indian gaming compact moneys to fund; grants and loans to qualified businesses (including Native American businesses); grants and community-based venture fund re Milwaukee and Northwest RPC [Sec. 197-199, 203, 205-209, 555-559, 2952-2953i, 3022, 3023, 9110 (1), 9410 (4), (5)] [2953g-i — partial veto] -  Act 9
High-technology business development corporation created in Comm.Dept to promote and support science and technology-based business in the state -  Act 106
Information technology investment fund program repealed; VendorNet fund created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Data processing"] -  Act 9
Nondepository small business lenders: provisions created [Sec. 1488m, 1798u, 2343d, 2353h, 9319 (1g), 9419 (2g)]  -  Act 9
Private business employment program and contracting revisions; profitability report required; sunset provided [Sec. 359g, r, 361m, 2029y, 2718e-v, y, 9111 (2d), 9411 (5d)] [2718e — partial veto; 359g, r, 361m, 2029y, 2718em-p, qm, v, y, 9111 (2d), 9411 (5d) — vetoed] -  Act 9
Private employer health care coverage program and board created; coverage mandates; audit, report and grant provisions; toll-free telephone [Sec. 4m, r, 14p, r, 28fc, fd, 591gb-gy, 930wb-931c, 944ym, yr, 9115 (1g), (3), 9415 (1g)]  -  Act 9
Recycling surcharge imposed on business, including farms, with certain amount of gross receipts [Sec. 1810em, 1817bb-bn, 9143 (3d), (3dm), 9343 (23em)] [1817be, bf, bh, bi — partial veto] -  Act 9
Signs and commercial activities within highway rights-of-way [Sec. 1818mn, 1820n, 1855p] -  Act 9
Urban area early planning grants created; funded from Wisconsin development fund [Sec. 2956] -  Act 9
c - C -
cable televisionCable television, see Television
campgroundCampground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
cares _client assistance for reemployment and economic support_ data systemCARES (Client assistance for reemployment and economic support) data system, see Workforce development, Department of
carlson, laurie eCarlson, Laurie E.
Life and public service [SJR-15] -  JR-5
casa _court_appointed special advocate_CASA (Court-appointed special advocate), see Juvenile court
Cemetery location restriction: exemption provided for private military academy in a 4th class city [Sec. 2283t, u]  -  Act 9
DVA appropriations re cemetery maintenance and sale of utilities by Wisconsin veterans home at King repealed [Sec. 499, 503, 504] -  Act 9
DVA authority re construction and operation of cemeteries and residential treatment and nursing care facilities; funding revision [Sec. 498t, v, 982m, 984m] -  Act 9
Veteran retraining grant revision; funding for certain veterans residential facility, museum and cemetery  -  Act 108
Census education program and board created; grants provided [Sec. 28am, an, 510m, 9101 (19wx), (19wy), 9401 (7wx)] [9101 (19wx) — partial veto]  -  Act 9
charitable corporationCharitable corporation, see also Organization, Miscellaneous
Community-based hunger prevention grants program repealed; DHFS report; provision re processing venison from deer causing damage [Sec. 393, 722t, 730m, 784m, 785d, 1109, 1110, 9123 (7)] -  Act 9
Nursery and plant pest detection revisions re license fee, gypsy moth surcharge, Christmas tree growers and additional nursery operation license fee for Christmas tree sales [Sec. 187, 188, 189, 1932, 1934, 9104 (3y), 9204 (1)]  -  Act 9
Prisoner identification re making telephone solicitations or answering toll-free calls: regulations created [Sec. 2165rx, rz, 2313m-y] [vetoed] -  AB-133
charter schoolCharter school, see School
Canceled drafts: payment and reserve for [Sec. 613f, h, k, 644e, p, 9201 (2b)] -  Act 9
child abuse and neglect prevention boardChild abuse and neglect prevention board
``Children first" vehicle registration plates renamed ``celebrate children"; use of moneys and forwarding of special application fee [Sec. 369d, 1199d, 1200d, 2726v, 2729] [2726v — vetoed] -  Act 9
child born out of wedlockChild born out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
child custody, placement, support or welfareChild custody, placement, support or welfare, see Family — Support
child laborChild labor
Athletic events with participants under 14 years old: employing minors 12 and 13 years old as officials  -  Act 164
Child labor laws re proof of age for work permit: driver's license or DOT issued ID card acceptable -  Act 132
Income earned by dependent child not considered re W-2 eligibility [Sec. 1226v] -  Act 9
Alcohol and other drug testing of minors [Sec. 1573g, 9323 (13z), 9423 (12z)] -  Act 9
Background investigation of current employes of certain facilities providing care for children or adults: effective date extended -  Act 8
DHFS revisions: health premiums of certain persons with HIV; informal conferences for contested cases involving care facilities; MA reimbursement for hospitals; excess revenue retained by nonprofit rate-based service providers; CBRF B and specific fiscal year references re certain mental health and social service programs eliminated; statement of parents' financial information for juvenile dispositional order; licensing a foster home in another county; kinship care child eligible for other assistance (remedial legislation) -  Act 103
Foster home: number of children limited [Sec. 1130, 1148, 3115] -  Act 9
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required -  Act 115