Conservation reserve enhancement program and funding; grassland habitat provision; prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm [Sec. 183tm, 637e, 1933gm] [1933gm — partial veto] -  Act 9
Land remote from a highway project: limitation on moneys used to purchase [Sec. 358m, 1818r, t, 1819rgg, rgm, 1820mg, 1824fm, 1855rn] [1855rn — partial veto]  -  Act 9
educational approval boardEducational approval board
EAB transferred to DVA [Sec. 40g, 245m, 732, 921m-928, 1686m, 2308d, 2923m, 3191, 3197, 9158 (2m)]  -  Act 9
educational communications boardEducational communications board
ECB facilities: debt authority [Sec. 641g] -  Act 9
Restructuring public broadcasting and funding digital television transition committee created; duties defined; report and sunset provided [Sec. 9113 (1mm)] [partial veto]  -  Act 9
educational service agency, cooperativeEducational service agency, Cooperative
Foreign language instruction in K-6: grants for public schools or CESAs to be awarded on a competitive basis [Sec. 262p, 2042e] [vetoed] -  AB-133
School safety research, plans and funding; suspensions and expulsions for threats; parental liability for damage caused by child; reporting pupil without parent or guardian; school performance report; truancy definition; DOJ and DPI to seek federal funds [Sec. 887d, 896m, 2042g, 2048nr, t, 2068m, r, 2108m, 2124m-u, 3111s, t, 9339 (4g), 9439 (1g)] [2108m — partial veto] -  Act 9
TEACH training and technical assistance grants re CESA territories; grant for Internet-based instructional program at U.W. [Sec. 273n, 955, 9148 (2g)] [273n, 9148 (2g) — partial veto] -  Act 9
eggsEggs, see Poultry
electionsElections, see also Referendum
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -  Act 182
Joint municipal judge elections: filing of nomination papers specified -  Act 182
elections _ ballotsElections — Ballots
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -  Act 182
Governor and Lieutenant governor, Offices of: independent candidate without running mate and write in vote for individual permitted -  Act 6
Referenda questions: deadline for submission to agency responsible for ballot preparation set -  Act 182
elections _ campaign expenseElections — Campaign expense
Campaign finance law: enforcement authority granted to certain populous county -  Act 182
elections _ contested electionsElections — Contested elections
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -  Act 182
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -  Act 182
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -  Act 182
Elector qualifications: challenge of [Sec. 1c-j, 9414 (2g)] -  Act 9
Voter registration: confidentiality of information re victims of domestic abuse -  Act 49
elections boardElections board
Elector qualifications: challenge of [Sec. 1c-j, 9414 (2g)] -  Act 9
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Cooperative associations
Electric reliability provisions; Council on utility public benefits created; nitrogen oxide emission reduction and weatherization provisions [Sec. 28at, 109m, no, 114nm, 511n, r, 587b, d, 695g, 699m, 718b, d, 1809b-zp, 1810gm, 1812Lmr, 2310c-t, 2312x, 2334d-t, 2335ta-wp, ya-z, 2336mt, u, 2554j, 9101 (1zt)-(1zw), 9141 (2zt), 9341 (1zt), 9343 (1zt)] [109m, 9101 (1zu) — partial veto; 1812t — vetoed]  -  Act 9
Electric utilities: nitrogen oxide emission reduction requirements re DNR and EPA; transmission company provisions  -  Act 75
Stray voltage research program established; assessment fee created [Sec. 222m, 294mm, 891k, 997m, 2336gq] [222m, 891k — partial veto; 997m — vetoed]  -  Act 9
Electricity sold for use in farming: sales tax exemption expanded [Sec. 1812p, 9343 (23g)] -  Act 9
Stray voltage research program established; assessment fee created [Sec. 222m, 294mm, 891k, 997m, 2336gq] [222m, 891k — partial veto; 997m — vetoed]  -  Act 9
elkElk, see Game
emergency medical service or technician _ems or emt_Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
eminent domainEminent domain
Local cultural arts district creation authorized; bonding, condemnation, collective bargaining, taxation, ethics and employment provisions; LAB duty set -  Act 65
emission standardsEmission standards, see Air pollution
employe trust funds, department ofEmploye trust funds, Department of, see also Retirement system, Wisconsin
Benefit improvement costs: DETF appropriation Sec. 591d, e, 9115 (1h), 9415 (1h)] -  Act 9
Civil service revisions re restoration to certain classified positions, running for political office, assistant DAs, veterans museum superintendent, DMRS administrator authority and recommendations for promotion (remedial legislation)  -  Act 102
Employe trust fund board membership increased -  Act 181
Health care data collection: DHFS to submit proposal to support; DETF and Insurance commissioner to participate; memorandum of understanding; DOA and JCF duties [Sec. 9123 (8mx)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
Private employer health care coverage program and board created; coverage mandates; audit, report and grant provisions; toll-free telephone [Sec. 4m, r, 14p, r, 28fc, fd, 591gb-gy, 930wb-931c, 944ym, yr, 9115 (1g), (3), 9415 (1g)]  -  Act 9
SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employe pay period forms prohibited [Sec. 936t, 944w, 2359tb, 9315 (1p), (2p), 9317 (3p)] [vetoed]  -  AB-133
Student employes of U.W. system: social security coverage [Sec. 940tc, tr, 9316 (1m)] -  Act 9
WRS revisions re benefit improvements, annuities, unfunded prior service liability, transaction amortization account within FRIT, employer and employe required contributions, actuarial assumptions, death benefits and purchase of creditable service by legislators and legislative service agency employes; Supreme court jurisdiction -  Act 11
Applied technology centers: capital expenditures for [Sec. 895t, 897e-897m, 1648g, m, 1649m] -  Act 9
Business development initiative program: required number of employes increased; Comm.Dept staff may contract directly with technical or management assistance providers [Sec. 2974-2978] -  Act 9
Business employes' skills training grant program created, funding from Wisconsin development fund [partial veto]  -  Act 177
Development zones program: Comm.Dept may create exceptions to full-time jobs requirement [Sec. 3006, 9310 (2)] -  Act 9
Development zones program: tax credits for job creation; credit for environmental remediation not to be based on job creation [Sec. 1709, 1743, 1756, 3001-3005m, 9310 (1)]  -  Act 9
Development zones tax credit: certification for target group members [Sec. 1708, 1742, 1755, 9343 (2)] [9343 (2) — partial veto] -  Act 9
Employment skills advancement program revision [Sec. 1331, 1332] -  Act 9
Federal workforce investment act conformity; functions of Governor's council on workforce excellence transferred to Council on workforce investment; adult and youth programs created; local boards established [Sec. 36r, 37g, 1220m, 1630m, 1637t, 1707t, v, 1741t, v, 1754t, v, 2005k-x, 2027d-x, 2029x, 2040d, 2996g, 2998p, 3191c, 9157 (2xt), 9457 (6xt), (6xu)] [9157 (2xt) — partial veto] -  Act 9
Local cultural arts district creation authorized; bonding, condemnation, collective bargaining, taxation, ethics and employment provisions; LAB duty set -  Act 65
Local roads for job preservation grant program created; general obligation bond provision -  Act 146
Patient-identifiable data: employers may not request from DHFS [Sec. 2280n] -  Act 9
TANF allocations re programs and support for low-income children and youth revised [Sec. 466, 474, 475, 1213, 1277, 1360, 9157 (1)] [466 — partial veto]  -  Act 9
W-2 agency may offer job retention and case management services [Sec. 1235] -  Act 9
Wisconsin development fund: definition of full-time job revised [Sec. 2985] -  Act 9
employment relations, department ofEmployment relations, Department of
Civil service revisions re restoration to certain classified positions, running for political office, assistant DAs, veterans museum superintendent, DMRS administrator authority and recommendations for promotion (remedial legislation)  -  Act 102
DER training functions [Sec. 2359ti-uh, 2367d, 9117 (1w)] -  Act 9
Employment services and materials for state agencies: PR-S appropriation created [Sec. 590] -  Act 9
Excess division administrator [Sec. 2360m] [vetoed] -  AB-133
QEO and economic issues [Sec. 2033r, 2035m, 2036m, 2069r, 9316 (1f), (3g), 9339 (8c)] -  Act 9
SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employe pay period forms prohibited [Sec. 936t, 944w, 2359tb, 9315 (1p), (2p), 9317 (3p)] [vetoed]  -  AB-133
U.W. system senior executive salary groups expanded; salary restriction provision -  Act 42
employment relations commissionEmployment relations commission
WERC appropriation for collective bargaining training [Sec. 367m] -  Act 9
ems or emt _emergency medical service or technician_EMS or EMT (Emergency medical service or technician), see Medical service
endangered resourceEndangered resource, see Game; Natural resource
energy conservationEnergy conservation
DOA appropriations repealed re energy development demonstration fund and Governor's office of mediation [Sec. 109, 510, 530, 531] -  Act 9
Electric reliability provisions; Council on utility public benefits created; nitrogen oxide emission reduction and weatherization provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Electric utility"] -  Act 9