General Appropriations 332,983,900 0.8
Compensation Reserves 309,587,500 0.8
Judicial 197,237,800 0.5
Legislature 117,596,800 0.3
TOTAL $41,160,578,900 100.0%
General Purpose Revenue
Functional Area Amount % of Total
Education $11,020,998,200 51.0%
Human Relations and Resources 5,462,877,900 25.3
Shared Revenue and Tax Relief 3,525,231,200 16.3
Environmental Resources 437,053,100 2.0
General Executive 333,557,300 1.6
General Appropriations 290,689,100 1.4
Judicial 174,733,800 0.8
Compensation Reserves 138,850,000 0.6
Legislature 114,959,700 0.5
Commerce 97,791,500 0.5
TOTAL $21,596,741,800 100.0%
Summary of 1999-01 Appropriations
By Purpose
All Funds
Purpose Amount % of Total
Local Assistance $16,289,313,000 39.6%
State Operations 14,672,674,400 35.6
Aids to Individuals and Organizations 10,198,591,500 24.8
TOTAL $41,160,578,900 100.0%
General Purpose Revenue
Purpose Amount % of Total
Local Assistance $13,075,758,300 60.6%
State Operations 5,037,388,600 23.3
Aids to Individuals and Organizations 3,483,594,900 16.1
TOTAL $21,596,741,800 100.0%
Budget Comparisons
All Funds
Adjusted Base 1999-00 2000-01
$19,288,048,300 $20,204,709,900 $20,955,869,000
Annual Increase
Amount $916,661,600 $751,159,100
Percent 4.8% 3.7%
Change Over
1998-99 Base Base Year Doubled
Year Doubled 1999-01 Amount %
$38,576,096,600 $41,160,578,900 $2,584,482,300 6.7%