Funding Positions
GPR $12,034,500 291.30
Governor: Provide $802,900 and 10.0 positions in 1999-00 and $11,231,600 and 291.3 positions in 2000-01 to operate the new 750-bed (512 cell), medium-security Redgranite Correctional Institution. The facility is scheduled to open in January, 2001. The recommendation includes 10.0 GPR positions for the initial staffing of the facility in 1999-00 (the warden, personnel, financial services, maintenance and security positions). When fully staffed in 2000-01, the institution would include the following GPR positions: 1.0 warden, 1.0 deputy warden, 1.0 secretary for the warden, 2.0 positions for institutional security (1.0 security director and 1.0 program assistant), 184.3 correctional officers, 4.0 unit managers, 13.0 supervising officers, 11.0 social workers, 1.0 chaplain, 19.0 inmate education and recreation-related positions, 5.0 clinical services positions (including 1.0 psychologist placed in one of the housing units), 1.0 crisis intervention worker, 16.0 maintenance positions, 7.0 food service positions, 2.0 inmate complaint positions, 7.0 financial services positions, 3.0 personnel positions, 4.0 records office positions, 3.0 institutional stores positions, 2.0 institution programs positions and 4.0 central office positions. The recommendation includes $980,400 in 2000-01 for a food service contract and $626,000 in 2000-01 for a medical services contract.
Funding Positions
GPR $784,500 9.00
Governor: Provide $9,400 and 2.0 positions in 1999-00 and $775,100 and 9.0 positions in 2000-01 for initial staffing at the New Lisbon Correctional Institution. On September 17, 1998, the Building Commission approved the construction of a 375-bed (250-cell) medium-security correctional institution at New Lisbon. The facility will also contain a 50-bed segregation unit. The facility is estimated to be complete by July, 2001. The recommendation provides 1.0 warden and 1.0 secretary for one month in 1999-00, and the following additional positions in 2000-01: 1.0 human resources specialist, 1.0 institutional business director, 2.0 building and maintenance positions, 1.0 institutional security director, 1.0 corrections program supervisor and 1.0 program assistant. Of the funding provided in 2000-01, $406,700 is provided to purchase vehicles for the institution; the remaining costs in both 1999-00 and 2000-01 are associated with personnel costs.
Funding Positions
GPR $14,066,800 273.25
Governor: Provide $389,000 and 13.0 positions in 1999-00 and $13,677,800 and 273.25 positions in 2000-01 to operate the new 600-bed, medium-security probation and parole hold/alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) facility in Milwaukee. The facility is scheduled to open in January, 2001. The facility will have 400 beds for secured detention of probation and parole offenders and 200 beds for AODA treatment services. In 1999-00, the recommendation would provide the following positions: 1.0 warden, 1.0 deputy warden, 1.0 secretary for the warden, 2.0 personnel positions, 3.0 business office positions, 3.0 maintenance positions, 1.0 food services position and 1.0 management information technician. In 2000-01, when the facility is full staffed, the following additional positions will be included: 2.0 additional administrative positions for the warden, 2.0 positions for institutional security (1.0 security director and 1.0 program assistant), 176.25 correctional officers, 3.0 unit managers, 13.0 supervising officers, 23.0 social workers (20.0 for the AODA program), 5.0 clinical/social services positions (including 3.0 placed in the AODA program), 1.0 crisis intervention worker, 12.0 additional maintenance positions, 5.0 additional food service positions, 1.0 institutional complaint position, 3.0 additional financial services positions, 2.0 additional personnel positions, 6.0 records office positions, 3.0 institutional stores positions, 1.0 library services position and 2.0 central office positions for inmate program review. The recommendation includes contract funding for the following: (a) $1,114,300 in 2000-01 for food service; (b) $626,000 in 2000-01 for medical service; (c) $18,000 in 2000-01 for laundry service; (d) $60,000 in 2000-01 for intake services purchased from Milwaukee County; and (e) $60,000 in 2000-01 for educational services.
Funding Positions
GPR $4,389,800 40.00
Governor: Provide $1,304,000 in 1999-00 and $3,085,800 in 2000-01 and 40.0 positions annually to establish and staff two 150-bed inmate work centers ("inmate work houses") for male inmates. The bill does not provide funding for the construction of the work centers or specify where these centers would be located. Each work center would have the following staff: 1.0 center superintendent, 1.0 social worker, 1.0 program assistant, 1.0 financial specialist, 4.0 food production assistants, 2.0 employment coordinators and 10.0 correctional officers. The recommendation includes $961,500 in 2000-01 for a food service contract. The bill assumes that the work centers will begin operating in July, 2000. According to the Executive Budget Book, the work centers will be secured facilities. Inmates in the facilities would work in market-wage jobs and be expected to reimburse Corrections for the cost of housing and other expenses.
Funding Positions
GPR $440,900 5.00
Governor: Provide $210,400 in 1999-00 and $230,500 in 2000-01 and 5.0 correctional officer positions annually to staff a 30-bed expansion of the Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center. On September 17, 1998, the Building Commission approved the renovation and construction of 30 additional beds at the Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center for women in Union Grove. The project will renovate an unoccupied area in the existing facility. The project is designed to support an alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) program for women. The executive budget book indicates that funding for AODA programming will be provided by a grant from the Office of Justice Assistance. The project is currently scheduled to be completed in late 1999.
Funding Positions
GPR $526,700 6.00
Governor: Provide $234,600 in 1999-00 and $292,100 in 2000-01 and 6.0 positions (4.0 pharmacists and 2.0 pharmacy technicians) annually for increased staffing at the central pharmacy at the Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun. The central pharmacy provides prescription medications for offenders in the adult and juvenile correctional systems.
Funding Positions
GPR $394,000 4.50
Governor: Provide $180,800 in 1999-00 and $213,200 in 2000-01 and 4.5 positions annually to expand the current sex offender treatment programs at the Waupun and Columbia Correctional Institutions. Funding would support specialized treatment teams (2.0 treatment specialists and 0.25 psychologist) at the two institutions. The programs would provide intensive group treatment (five, one and a half-hour group treatment sessions per week for a minimum of 45 weeks). In order to successfully complete the program, each offender would be required to complete a minimum of 337 hours of treatment.
Funding Positions
GPR $286,700 2.00
Governor: Provide $139,600 in 1999-00 and $147,100 in 2000-01 and 2.0 positions annually for the sexually violent person (SVP) evaluation unit. Funding would support: (a) 1.5 psychologist positions and 0.5 program assistant position ($98,200 in 1999-00 and $112,000 in 2000-01); (b) leased vehicles for travel ($20,900 in 1999-00 and $28,900 in 2000-01); (c) copying costs ($5,500 in 1999-00 and $6,200 in 2000-01) and (d) $15,000 in 1999-00 for specialized training and certification for SVP evaluation unit staff in evaluation techniques. The unit is responsible for evaluating sexually violent offenders and providing testimony at civil commitment hearings.
In addition, convert 2.0 current positions (1.5 psychologist and 0.5 program assistant) in the SVP evaluation unit from project to permanent status. The current project positions end in October, 1999, but were not removed under the standard budget adjustments as non-continuing items. Total cost of the positions is $71,700 in 1999-00 and $95,600 in 2000-01. This funding is transferred from within the Department’s base budget.
GPR $130,500
Governor: Provide $43,500 in 1999-00 and $87,000 in 2000-01 for waste water treatment at the McNaughton Correctional Center in Lake Tomahawk. Funding would be placed in unallotted reserve to fund an agreement between the state and the Lake Tomahawk Sanitary District for connecting the Center to the District. Funding would support: (a) a portion of the debt retirement cost of a treatment facility for the Lake Tomahawk Sanitary District ($37,500 in 1999-00 and $75,000 in 2000-01); and (b) annual waste water treatment costs for the Center ($6,000 in 1999-00 and $12,000 in 2000-01).
PR $275,000
Governor: Provide $275,000 in 1999-00 to purchase literacy software for ten correctional institutions and one correctional center. The software ($25,000 per institution) is designed to improve the reading skills of inmates through the use of individualized training in a computer lab. The software tracks individual inmates progress. Corrections indicates that up to 45 offenders per day, per institution could receive literacy training provided through the software. Funding for the software is provided from telephone commission revenues.
Governor: Transfer $175,700 GPR annually from rent at the Drug Abuse Correctional Center (DACC) to supplies and services for repair and maintenance at the facility. Prior to 1997-98, Corrections rented DACC from the Department of Health and Family Services. In that year, DACC was sold to Corrections. The recommendation transfers funding previously used to pay rent costs to the repair and maintenance appropriation for DACC.
Governor: Require that on June 30, 2000, $2,250,000 be lapsed from the Department of Corrections program revenue appropriation for telephone company commissions. Under current law, Corrections collects commissions from telephone companies with contracts to provide telephone services to inmates. Of the total collected as commissions by Corrections (approximately $2.7 million annually), two-thirds is deposited into the general fund and one-third is retained by Corrections in a separate, PR appropriation. Program revenue in the appropriation is required to be used for purchases for inmates. As of January 31, 1999, the appropriation had an unappropriated revenue balance of $2,233,500. [Note: The Department of Administration indicates that this provision should not have been included in the Governor’s bill. The GPR-Rev identified for this item was not included in the Governor’s fund condition statement.]
[Bill Section: 9211(1)]
Funding Positions
PR $7,783,500 3.00
Governor: Provide $3,571,900 in 1999-00 and $4,211,600 in 2000-01 and 3.0 positions annually for increased expenditure authority for Badger State Industries (BSI) associated with: (a) an additional 3.0 positions (1.0 purchasing agent, 1.0 financial specialist and 1.0 sales and marketing specialist) to address increased workload in Badger State Industries, $117,000 in 1999-00 and $124,000 in 2000-01; (b) increased utilization of limited-term employes, $219,600 annually; (c) on-going equipment replacement, $226,000 annually; (d) increased inmate employment, $77,900 annually; and (e) increased raw materials costs, $2,931,400 in 1999-00 and $3,564,100 in 2000-01. Revenue to support the program is generated from charges to BSI customers for various services and products.
Funding Positions
PR $1,853,600 1.00
Governor: Provide $593,500 in 1999-00 and $1,260,100 and 1.0 four-year project position in 2000-01 associated with the costs of issuing new state license plates ("rebasing"). Badger State Industries produces license plates and tags for the Department of Transportation (DOT). The recommendation would provide funding for: (a) production raw materials, $539,000 in 1999-00 and $1,101,600 in 2000-01; (b) inmate wages, $13,500 in 1999-00 and $28,100 in 2000-01; (c) retooling of the production line, $20,000 in 1999-00; (d) staff and officer overtime $18,900 in 1999-00 and $76,800 in 2000-01; (e) 1.0 four-year project industries specialist position, $42,600 in 2000-01; and (f) miscellaneous supplies and maintenance, $2,100 in 1999-00 and $11,000 in 2000-01. Program revenue is provided from charges to DOT. Under 1997 Act 237, DOT was required to issue new license plates between July 1, 2000, and July 1, 2003. The bill extends the rebasing period to July 1, 2005. [See "Department of Transportation -- Motor Vehicles."]
PR $755,000
Governor: Provide $360,000 in 1999-00 and $395,000 in 2000-01 for Badger State Industries associated with raw materials for expanded industries. Funding would be provided for: (a) a new wood furniture line, $110,000 in 1999-00 and $145,000 in 2000-01; (b) $160,000 annually for new stainless steel products; and (c) $90,000 annually for the production of pants and segregation uniforms. Revenues to support the program are generated from charges to BSI customers for various services and products.
PR - $2,084,600
Governor: Delete $1,042,300 annually to reestimate expenditure authority associated with raw materials purchased for the Fabry Glove private business/prison employment project. The private industry/prison employment program allows selected private businesses to operate in state correctional institutions using inmate labor. Total expenditure authority of $2,383,300 annually would be provided for the two current private business/prison employment projects. Revenue to support the program is generated from charges to the private businesses operating in the correctional institutions.
Funding Positions
PR $1,671,000 1.00
Governor: Provide $778,700 in 1999-00 and $892,300 in 2000-01 with 1.0 position annually for operations of the correctional farms in Waupun, Oregon and Oneida. Funding would be divided as follows: (a) $31,700 in 1999-00 and $31,500 in 2000-01 for 1.0 program assistant for clerical support at the farms; (b) $6,500 in 1999-00 and $11,700 in 2000-01 for inmate wages for an additional 20 inmate workers in 1999-00 and 25 inmate workers in 2000-01; (c) $665,700 in 1999-00 and $774,200 in 2000-01 for farms supplies and services including an additional 60 dairy cows, steers, dairy packaging supplies and an inflationary increase associated with farm supplies; and (d) $74,800 in 1999-00 and $74,900 in 2000-01 for increased farms permanent property expenditure authority. Revenue for the farms is generated from the sales of beef, pork and dairy products produced by the prison farms.
Funding Positions
SEG $1,000,000 4.00
Governor: Provide $500,000 and 4.0 two-year project positions annually to support a computer recycling program operated by the Bureau of Correctional Enterprises at the Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility (RYOCF) and Taycheedah Correctional Institution (TCI) funded from the recycling fund. Create an annual, SEG appropriation in Corrections for the computer recycling program. In 1997 Act 237, Corrections was provided a one-time $409,800 grant in 1998-99 from the recycling fund with 4.0 PR one-year project positions to support a computer recycling program at RYOCF and TCI. (Funding and position authority for these positions are removed as non-continuing items under the standard budget adjustments.) The bill would continue the program with funds appropriated directly from the recycling fund, instead of from a recycling grant, and increases total annual funding to $500,000.
[Bill Section: 363]
Governor: Modify statutory language to increase the dollar limit that an institution’s canteen operation revolving fund may maintain from $60,000 to $100,000. Under current law, Corrections is required to establish and maintain a revolving fund at each institution for the education, recreation and convenience of inmates and employes of the institution. Revolving funds are used for the operation of vending stands, canteen operations, reading clubs, musical organizations, religious programs, athletics and similar projects.
[Bill Section: 2711]
Governor: Modify funding for the correctional officer training appropriation from 9.09% of penalty assessment revenues to the amounts specified in the appropriation schedule. Under the bill, penalty assessment revenues would continue to fund correctional officer training, but all penalty assessment revenues would initially be deposited to a newly-created appropriation under the Office of Justice Assistance appropriation for penalty assessment surcharge receipts. The bill requires that amounts specified in the appropriation schedule for correctional officer training ($1,440,700 PR annually) would then be transferred to Corrections.
[Bill Sections: 360, 542 and 2293]
Governor: Specify that Corrections may not enter into any contract or other agreement if, in the performance of the contract or agreement, a prisoner would perform data entry or telemarketing services and: (a) have access to an individual’s financial transaction card numbers, checking or savings account numbers or social security numbers; or (b) have access to any information that may serve to identify a minor. Specify that the provision would first apply to contracts entered into or renewed by Corrections on the effective date of the bill.
[Bill Sections: 2689 and 9311(1)]
Governor: Modify statutory language to name the medium-security facility near Black River Falls the Jackson Correctional Institution. Create statutory language separately identifying that: (a) the 600-bed probation and parole hold/alcohol and other drug abuse facility is located in Milwaukee; (b) a medium-security facility is located in Redgranite; and (c) a medium-security facility is located in New Lisbon. Specify that all of these facilities are state prisons.