Governor: Repeal the requirement that cities and metropolitan sewerage districts must report to Commerce each failure of a state licensed plumber to qualify as a journeyman or master plumber and each willful violation of any plumbing regulation.
[Bill Section: 2189]
Governor: Eliminate the authority of Commerce to regulate sources of radiation. Currently, Commerce and DHFS are together authorized to perform various activities related to radioactive materials regulation. Specify that DHFS would be the state radiation control agency. (See the entry under "DHFS -- Public Health.") Delete statutory provisions which currently require Commerce to: (a) promulgate, amend and repeal rules that are necessary to prevent unnecessary radiation; (b) administer radiation regulations; (c) develop policies and programs for the evaluation of radiation hazards; (d) advise, consult and cooperate with other agencies relating to radiation regulation; (e) facilitate or conduct research and demonstrations relating to radiation; (f) collect and disseminate radiation health education information; (g) review plans for and inspect radiation sources; (h) conduct a number of activities related to radon gas; and (i) when necessary, enter public or private property for radiation control investigations. Delete Commerce's authority to impound radioactive materials.
[Bill Sections: 2454, 2456 thru 2462 and 2477 thru 2482]


Budget Change Items

Funding Positions
GPR $8,719,400 - 4.00
- 10,208,500 - 16.15
Total - $1,489,100 - 20.15
Governor: Provide $4,549,600 GPR and -4.0 GPR positions and -$4,870,500 PR and -9.65 PR positions in 1999-00 and $4,169,800 GPR and -4.0 GPR positions and -$5,338,000 PR and -16.15 PR positions in 2000-01 for the following adjustments to the base budget: (a) turnover reduction (-$5,480,100 GPR and -$1,062,000 PR annually); (b) removal of noncontinuing items (-$1,802,100 GPR and -4.0 GPR positions and -$5,459,500 PR and -9.65 PR positions in 1999-00 and -$1,844,500 GPR and -4.0 GPR positions and -$5,542,300 PR and -16.15 PR positions in 2000-01); (c) full funding of salaries and fringe benefits (-$3,405,900 GPR and -$1,696,900 PR annually); (d) full funding of financial services ($66,800 GPR annually); (e) reclassifications ($7,600 GPR annually); (f) overtime costs ($10,525,400 GPR and $2,409,000 PR in 1999-2000 and $10,185,100 GPR and $2,023,900 PR in 2000-01); (g) night and weekend pay differential ($4,475,800 GPR and $918,100 PR annually); (h) fifth week of vacation as cash ($105,100 GPR and $20,800 PR in 1999-00 and $108,000 GPR and $21,200 PR in 2000-01); (i) full funding of private lease costs and directed moves ($57,000 GPR annually); and (j) minor transfers within the same appropriation (-1.0 GPR and -1.0 PR permanent positions annually and 1.0 GPR and 1.0 PR project positions annually). The 20.15 positions removed as noncontinuing items include: (a) 3.0 GPR project positions which were converted from permanent status and expire in 1999-00; (b) 1.0 GPR one-year project position associated with the chemical castration program created in 1997 Act 284; (c) 3.2 PR one-year project positions associated with inmate work initiatives at the Waupun Correctional Institution; (d) 5.0 PR positions associated with a computer recycling project which expires at the end of 1998-99; (e) 6.5 PR positions associated with a grant for a substance abuse program at the Oshkosh Correctional Institution which expires in 2000-01; and (f) 1.45 PR positions associated with frozen positions or positions which no long exist in the personnel management information system.
GPR - $4,528,600
- 286,100
Total - $4,814,700
Governor: Provide -$3,496,800 GPR and -$145,200 PR in 1999-00 and -$1,031,800 GPR and -$140,900 PR in 2000-01 to reflect a reestimate of debt service costs in the Department of Corrections. The total reestimate is divided as follows: (a) -$3,760,300 GPR in 1999-00 and -$1,280,800 in 2000-01 associated with adult institutions; (b) $263,500 GPR in 1999-00 and $249,000 GPR in 2000-01 associated with juvenile institutions; and (c) -$145,200 PR in 1999-00 and -$140,900 PR associated with Badger State Industries. In total, estimated debt service costs for Corrections would be: (a) $46,187,300 GPR in 1999-00 and $48,666,800 GPR in 2000-01 for adult institutions; (b) $3,425,900 GPR in 1999-00 and $3,411,400 GPR in 2000-01 for juvenile institutions; and (c) $97,600 PR in 1999-00 and $101,900 PR in 2000-01 for Badger State Industries.
GPR-REV $3,800,000
Governor: Deposit $1,900,000 annually received from the federal state criminal alien assistance program (SCAAP) into the general fund. Under SCAAP, the federal Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance provides assistance to state and local governments for costs incurred for the imprisonment of undocumented criminal aliens who are convicted of felony offenses or two or more misdemeanors. Awards are based on the total number of reimbursable aliens, the average length of incarceration and the cost per inmate. No restrictions are placed on a state's use of the funds that are received.
GPR $1,420,200
Total $1,732,200
Governor: Provide $710,100 GPR and $156,000 PR annually for rental costs on a departmentwide basis, as follows: (a) Division of Management Services, -$62,800 GPR and -$10,900 PR; (b) Division of Adult Institutions, -$59,400 PR; (c) Division of Program Planning and Movement, $5,400 GPR and $1,900 PR; (d) Division of Community Corrections, $774,800 GPR and $16,800 PR; (e) Division of Juvenile Corrections, $4,400 GPR and $207,600 PR; and (f) Parole Commission, -$11,700 GPR.
GPR $1,256,200
Total $1,333,200
Governor: Provide $628,100 GPR and $38,500 PR annually to annualize non-salary costs, including rent, supplies and services, and internal services charges associated with positions created for only a portion of a year in 1997 Acts 27 and 284. Annual funding would be provided as follows: (a) $25,300 GPR for the Division of Management Services; (b) $25,300 GPR for the Division of Adult Institutions; (c) $317,000 GPR for the Division of Program Planning and Movement; (d) $260,500 GPR for the Division of Community Corrections; and (e) $38,500 PR for the Division of Juvenile Corrections.
PR $2,065,000
Governor: Provide $1,005,500 in 1999-00 and $1,059,500 in 2000-01 associated with the following program revenue appropriation reestimates: (a) $505,900 in 1999-00 and $559,900 annually for the telephone commission revenues appropriation for the purchase of educational, religious and library supplies at the state prisons and correctional centers; (b) -$100,000 annually from revenues of third party liability of medical claims which are not provided to the Department, but rather the medical service providers; (c) $100,000 annually for inmate room and board charges at the correctional centers; (d) -$23,300 annually for electronic monitoring fees from offenders in the community residential confinement program to reduce the appropriation to $0 to correspond with estimated revenue (the program is not operational); (e) $507,800 annually for increased activity associated with correctional institution enterprises; (f) -$3,000 annually to decrease the sales of lands appropriation to $0 to correspond with estimated revenue; (g) -$1,300 annually for state-owned housing maintenance; and (h) $19,400 annually for activity therapy at the Southern Oaks Girls School.
GPR $28,600
Governor: Provide $14,300 annually to correct an error in the Department’s base budget. As the result of data entry errors, Corrections' general program operations appropriation base budget for local assistance is -$14,300. The Governor’s recommendation would adjust this funding to $0. In addition: (a) transfer $73,900 GPR and 13.0 GPR positions annually from the appropriation for operations of community corrections to the Department's general program operations appropriation to correctly align funding and positions as the result of a 1996 reorganization of the Department; (b) move $1,600 GPR annually for supplies and services to variable non-food associated with an error that occurred when the Office of Education was created; and (c) move $34,900 GPR annually from unallotted reserve to supplies and services associated with inmate supplies and services.
PR $2,000,000
Governor: Provide $1,000,000 annually for alcohol and drug abuse (AODA) programs in Corrections. Direct the Secretary of DOA to allocate $1,000,000 annually from federal anti-drug law enforcement funds and matching penalty assessment monies received by the Office of Justice Assistance to the Department of Corrections to fund AODA programs. The bill does not specify how the funding would be utilized, but does
place the funding in Corrections’ Office of Offender Programming.
[Bill Section: 9101(12)]
Funding Positions
PR $324,600 3.00
Governor: Provide $153,200 in 1999-00 and $171,400 in 2000-01 and 3.0 positions to create an Office of Victim Services and Programs. Transfer $50,800 and 1.0 position, currently in the Parole Commission, to the Office of Victim Services. Total funding for the Office would be $202,000 in 1999-00 and $220,200 in 2000-01 and 4.0 positions annually. The Office would provide information and services to victims of crimes and their families related to issues such as new laws, new correctional programs, victim notification, community education and restitution. Create an annual, program revenue appropriation to support the Office, funded from federal crime victim assistance funds transferred from the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
[Bill Sections: 361 and 496]
Funding Positions
GPR $253,000 2.00
Governor: Provide $113,000 in 1999-00 and $140,000 in 2000-01 and 2.0 positions for sex offender registry program staff. Funding would support: (a) an additional 2.0 corrections program specialists to track, verify and ensure compliance with sex offender registration requirements ($93,300 in 1999-00 and $103,100 in 2000-01); (b) five vehicles for travel by the corrections specialists ($14,200 in 1999-00 and $31,600 in 2000-01); (c) five pagers ($200 in 1999-00 and $500 in 2000-01); and (d) computer equipment for staff ($5,300 in 1999-00 and $4,800 in 2000-01).
Funding Positions
PR $3,654,500 4.00
Governor: Provide $1,472,900 in 1999-00 and $2,181,600 in 2000-01 and 4.0 positions annually for database improvements. Funding would be used to modify the State of North Carolina’s offender population system for application in Wisconsin. The improved database would combine prison and probation and parole databases, provide for increased continuity in departmental data, provide for increased information sharing between justice agencies and automate certain correctional processes. Total funding would be divided as follows: (a) $221,400 in 1999-00 and $252,300 in 2000-01 to support 1.0 information systems development specialist, 2.0 senior information systems programmer analyst and 1.0 information systems data architect; and (b) $1,251,500 in 1999-00 and $1,929,300 in 2000-01 for contractor costs. Penalty assessment revenues would support: (a) staffing costs of $221,400 in 1999-00 and $252,300 in 2000-01; and (b) contractor costs of $718,200 in 1999-00 and $729,300 in 2000-01. Revenues for the remaining contractor costs of $533,300 in 1999-00 and $1,200,000 in 2000-01 would be provided from federal anti-drug funds and state penalty assessment match monies received by the Office of Justice Assistance. Direct the Secretary of DOA to allocate $533,300 in 1999-00 and $1,200,000 in 2000-01 from federal and state anti-drug funds received by the Office of Justice to the Department of Corrections to fund information technology.
[Bill Section: 9101(13)]
PR $1,591,200
Governor: Provide $795,600 annually to support the continued costs of data transmission lines for information technology activities in the Department. The Department currently has 78 high-speed data lines. The current line charges are being supported by a federal grant, which will expire in 1998-99, and through base resources. This item would provide funding for all current data lines for Corrections. Funding would be provided from penalty assessment revenues.
Funding Positions
PR $193,300 3.00
Governor: Provide $96,500 in 1999-00 and $96,800 in 2000-01 and 3.0 positions annually for increased central records staff to process records associated with probation admissions, sentences to prison, releases from prison, mandatory releases and discharges from supervision. Funding for the positions would be provided from penalty assessment revenues.
Funding Positions
PR $163,500 1.00
Governor: Provide $107,600 in 1999-00 and $55,900 in 2000-01 and 1.0 information systems applications programmer position annually for programming, development and maintenance of the sex offender registry. Under current law, all felony sex offenders are required to register with Corrections for 15 years after being released from supervision and certain information is passed on to law enforcement and the public. Of the funding provided, $57,500 in 1999-00 in one-time funding is provided for 90 digital cameras to provide photographic identification of individuals listed on the registry. Funding for the sex offender registry programmer and digital cameras would be provided from penalty assessment revenues.
Funding Positions
PR $130,800 1.00
Governor: Provide $60,700 in 1999-00 and $70,100 in 2000-01 and 1.0 network specialist position to provide staff support for an identification card system currently being installed at seven departmental locations. The system is designed to match digitized facial features against a database to identify staff, inmates, offenders and visitors at state prisons, correctional centers, probation and parole offices and the juvenile facilities. Funding for the position would be provided from penalty assessment revenues.

GPR 14.00
Governor: Provide 14.0 positions for increased information technology staffing in the Department’s Bureau of Technology Management. Reduce supplies and services funding for contract IT staff by $816,900 in 1999-00 and $886,400 in 2000-01 to fund the increased positions. Increased staffing would be provided for the following information technology activities: (a) statewide information technology data archiving and maintenance of archiving software and hardware ($60,700 in 1999-00 and $70,100 in 2000-01 and 1.0 position annually); (b) statewide email system maintenance and support ($121,200 in 1999-00 and $140,300 in 2000-01 and 2.0 positions annually); (c) forms management and electronic forms development ($39,300 in 1999-00 and $62,600 in 2000-01 and 1.0 position annually); (d) statewide information technology help desk to assist staff with computer problems ($250,300 in 1999-00 and $280,200 in 2000-01 and 5.0 positions annually); (e) statewide network security ($50,100 in 1999-00 and $55,900 in 2000-01 and 1.0 position, and $55,000 in 1999-00 on a one-time basis for security software); (f) statewide information technology network administration, maintenance and field support ($140,100 in 1999-00 and $165,500 in 2000-01 and 2.0 positions annually); (g) programming and maintenance for the Division of Community Corrections’ offender tracking system ($50,100 in 1999-00 and $55,900 in 2000-01 and 1.0 position annually); and (h) voice communications and technology support ($50,100 in 1999-00 and $55,900 in 2000-01 and 1.0 position annually).
Governor: Create an annual appropriation for maintaining, developing and operating information systems funded from penalty assessment revenues. Under the bill, penalty assessment revenues would be deposited to a newly-created appropriation under the Office of Justice Assistance for penalty assessment surcharge receipts. The bill requires that the amounts specified in the information technology appropriation ($2,000,000 PR annually) would then be transferred to Corrections.