Services for Emotionally Disturbed Children. Reduce funding by $5,043,600 annually to reflect a reestimate of the amount of funding that would be transferred from the MA benefits appropriation to the Division of Supportive Living (DSL) to fund community-based mental health services for children with severe emotional disturbances. This item reflects that service providers in Milwaukee County now receive capitated payments directly from the MA benefits appropriation, rather than MA funds transferred to DSL. Under the bill, $1,242,300 would be budgeted annually to fund services for children in other counties that wish to participate in the program.
DHFS Information Systems. Increase funding by $900,000 in 1999-00 and $900,000 in 2000-01 to reflect: (a) an increase in the amount of funding transferred to the Division of Management and Technology (DMT) from other divisions to support information technology services purchased by DMT ($2,500,000 annually); and (b) a decrease in funding to support services for DMT (-$1,600,000 in 1999-00 and -$2,100,000 in 2000-01).
Nursing Home Quality Improvement. Provide $150,000 annually for the Bureau of Quality Assurance to fund grants of up to $1,500 each for projects that proactively protect the health or property of nursing home residents and for DHFS to monitor or operate facilities in the event of a closure or termination. Funding would be provided from revenue DHFS receives from civil monetary penalties against federally certified nursing homes for violations of federal quality standards.
Funding Positions
GPR $120,700 1.29
FED 42,900 0.50
20,600 0.21
Total $184,200 2.00
Governor: Provide $86,000 ($57,300 GPR, $18,400 FED and $10,300 PR) in 1999-00 and $98,200 ($63,400 GPR, $24,500 FED and $10,300 PR) in 2000-01 to extend 1.0 project position and convert 1.0 project position to permanent status. First, extend the termination date for 1.0 project accountant position from June 30, 1999 to June 30, 2001. This position, which is supported on a 79% GPR/21% PR basis, would continue to work on financial matters relating to administering the child welfare system in Milwaukee County. Second, convert 1.0 program and planning analyst position which is scheduled to terminate on October 1, 1999, to a permanent position. This position, which is supported on a 50% GPR/50% FED basis, would continue to assist school districts in claiming MA funds.
Funding Positions
GPR - $43,000 - 1.00
104,000 1.00
Total $61,000 0.00
Governor: Delete $21,500 GPR and provide $52,000 PR annually and convert 1.0 GPR position to 1.0 PR position, beginning in 1999-00 to: (a) reflect the availability of federal MA matching funds to support a position that is currently supported entirely with GPR; and (b) support training for third-party collection activities.
Position Conversion. Delete $31,900 GPR and provide $52,000 PR annually to convert 1.0 financial specialist position from GPR to PR, beginning in 1999-00. This item reflects that $20,100 GPR would be retained in the DHFS budget as the state match for federal MA funds to support the position.
Billing and Collections Training. Provide $10,400 GPR annually to fund training for staff in the billing and collections unit. These staff collect and report third-party liability information from a variety of sources (MA, Medicare, counties and private insurance) for DCTF facilities.
Funding Positions
GPR $0 3.15
FED 4,400 5.25
- 2,192,600 - 7.28
Total - $2,188,200 1.12
Governor: Modify funding by -$1,094,100 ($2,200 FED and -$1,096,300 PR) annually and provide 1.12 positions (3.15 GPR positions, 5.25 FED positions and -7.28 PR positions) beginning in 1999-00, to reflect: (a) the recent creation of the Division of Health Care Financing from the former Division of Health, which has been renamed the Division of Public Health; (b) appropriation consolidation; and (c) corrections to transfers of positions and funding in 1997 Wisconsin Act 27. The fiscal effect of these changes by DHFS program is identified in the following table.
Program Funding Positions Funding Positions Funding Positions Funding Positions
Public Health - state operations -$22,826,400 -118.17 -$48,058,200 -366.75 -$6,152,700 -66.14 -$102,700 -1.50
Public Health - aids and local assistance -950,150,700 0.00 -1,686,254,300 0.00 -14,502,700 0.00 0 0.00
Care and Treatment Facilities -21,600 -0.30 0 0.00 0 -0.70 0 0.00
Children and Family Services 755,300 -2.00 -82,200 -0.72 -14,800 0.22 0 0.00
Health Care Financing 972,777,600 117.68 1,734,276,500 370.85 18,807,900 52.39 102,700 1.50
Supportive Living -783,000 1.14 40,800 0.37 -32,400 -0.50 0 0.00
Management and Technology 248,800 4.80 79,600 1.50 798,400 7.45 0 0.00
Total $0 3.15 $2,200 5.25 -$1,096,300 -7.28 $0 0.00
Program Funding Positions Funding Positions Funding Positions Funding Positions
Public Health - state operations -$22,826,400 -118.17 -$47,628,400 -326.70 -$6,153,800 -66.14 -$102,700 -1.50
Public Health - aids and local assistance -950,150,700 0.00 -1,686,254,300 0.00 -14,502,700 0.00 0 0.00
Care and Treatment Facilities -21,600 -0.30 0 0.00 0 -0.70 0 0.00
Children and Family Services 755,300 -2.00 -82,200 -0.72 -14,800 0.22 0 0.00
Health Care Financing 972,777,600 117.68 1,733,846,700 330.85 18,809,000 52.39 102,700 1.50
Supportive Living -738,000 1.14 40,800 0.37 -32,400 -0.50 0 0.00
Management and Technology 248,800 4.80 79,600 1.50 798,400 7.45 0 0.00
Total $0 3.15 $2,200 5.25 -$1,096,300 -7.28 $0 0.00
Transfer appropriations currently budgeted in the health services planning, regulation and delivery; state operations program and the health services planning, regulation and delivery; aids and local assistance program to a new health services planning, regulation and delivery; health care financing program and create new appropriations within this program to reflect the creation of a Division of Health Care Financing. Change statutory references to the renumbered appropriations. Rename the "health" programs as the "public health" program to reflect the Department's reorganization.
Division of Public Health -- Operations. Repeal the emergency medical services operations appropriation. Repeal the appropriation used to support certain vital statistics functions, health data analysis, radiation monitoring of nuclear power plants and the purchase of supplies and services and instead fund these activities from a modified appropriation for licensing review, certification and supplies and services. Repeal the appropriation for internal services provided within the Division and transfer funding and positions to other appropriations to reflect that these services would be supported directly, rather than on a program revenue-service basis.
Division of Public Health -- Aids and Local Assistance. Repeal separate appropriations that support relief block grants to Milwaukee County and other counties and transfer funding from these appropriations to a modified appropriation to support all grants distributed under the program. Repeal three separate appropriations that support pregnancy counseling, pregnancy outreach and infant health and family planning and transfer funding from these appropriations to a modified appropriation to support women's health services.
Division of Children and Family Services. Create an appropriation to fund grants for children's community programs and transfer funding currently budgeted for foster placement continuation, Police Athletic League recreational activities and grants for court-appointed special advocates currently budgeted in the Division of Supportive Living to the new appropriation. Create an appropriation to fund local assistance expenditures from federal block grant funds. Transfer $150,000 GPR annually from the Division of Supportive Living to the Division of Children and Family Services for administrative costs for the temporary emergency food assistance program.
Division of Supportive Living. Repeal the appropriation that supports the benefit specialist program and transfer funding to a modified appropriation to support programs for senior citizens, elder abuse services and the benefit specialist program. Repeal the appropriation that supports the Council on Physical Disabilities and transfer funding to the Division's general program operations appropriation. Delete the appropriation that supports capacity building for treatment programs.
Modify all statutory cross-references to reflect appropriation renumbering.
[Bill Sections: 372 thru 384, 386, 390, 398, 400, 401, 403, 405, 407 thru 424, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432 thru 441, 445, 448, 449, 450, 454, 1054, 1056 thru 1058, 1061 thru 1063, 1065, 1083, 1093, 1095, 1097, 1099 thru 1101, 1111, 1112, 1117, 1203 thru 1206, 1362, 1371, 1375, 1381, 1389, 1402, 1404, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1411 thru 1415, 1418, 1419, 1426, 1441, 1461, 1482, 1483, 1524, 2254, 2255, 2262 thru 2268, 2278, 2280 thru 2283, 2436 thru 2438 and 3111]
PR $700,600
Governor: Provide $175,400 in 1999-00 and $525,200 in 2000-01 to fund projected increases in pay plan costs for positions in the Division of Management and Technology (DMT) that are supported by funds contributed by other DHFS divisions on a charge-back basis. This funding would be transferred from the Division of Care and Treatment Facilities to DMT to support fiscal services, information management and personnel services provided by DMT.
Funding Positions
PR $86,000 1.00
Governor: Provide $39,600 in 1999-00 and $46,400 in 2000-01 to support 1.0 two-year project position, terminating October 30, 2001, to manually review time reports for the purpose of claiming federal reimbursement for certain activities for which federal funds can be claimed. This position would be supported by funds transferred from other divisions to the Division of Management Technology.
PR - $10,600
Governor: Transfer $99,100 annually and 1.0 position from an appropriation for DHFS information systems to an interagency and intra-agency programs appropriation and delete $5,300 annually that is not needed to support the activities of this position. The transferred position would continued to work on EBT tasks related to various programs, including the women, infants and children (WIC) supplemental food program.
FED - $200
Governor: Reduce funding by $100 FED annually and transfer $244,100 GPR and 3.37 GPR attorney positions and $182,300 FED and 2.48 FED attorney positions annually from the Division of Public Health, the Division of Children and Family Services and the Division of Supportive Living to the Office of Legal Counsel in the DHFS Secretary's Office. Further, delete the PR appropriation for legal services collections in the Division of Management and Technology.
[Bill Section: 456]
FED - $1,017,800
Total - $864,400
Governor: Modify funding by -$445,800 (-$519,300 FED and $73,500 PR) in 1999-00 and -$418,600 (-$498,500 FED and $79,900 PR) in 2000-01 to reflect reestimates of space rental and lease costs.
Governor: Create a federal appropriation that would authorize DHFS to expend specified federal revenues for the purpose of paying federal disallowances, federal sanctions or penalties and the costs of any corrective action affecting DHFS. Credit this appropriation with all federal funds DHFS receives (other than MA targeted case management funds, federal income augmentation funds, certain supplemental MA hospital payments and funds described under MA violations provisions) that are intended to reimburse the state for expenditures in previous fiscal years from GPR appropriations whose purpose includes a requirement to match or secure federal funds and that exceeded in those fiscal years the estimates reflected in the intentions of the Legislature, the Governor, as express by them in their budget determinations, and estimates approved for expenditure by DOA. Specify that at the end of the fiscal year, an amount determined by DOA would lapse to the general fund. Under current practice, DHFS submits an annual plan for the use of these funds for the review by the Joint Committee on Finance. A similar provision is summarized under "Department of Workforce Development -- Economic Support and Child Care."