Gill, Peter J. - S 580
Gillingham, Jerry - S 168
Gilmore, James - S 53
Giltner, Geoffrey Lee - S 117
Giltner, Robert C. - S 709
Ginsburg, Alan - S 680
Gissal, Jeanette - S 168
Glacier Creek Middle School - S 359
Glendale, City of - S 358, 416
Glendale Elementary School - S 359
Glodowski, Tom - S 417
Goetsch, Jeremy M. - S 53
Gollon, Cliff and Helen - S 249
Good Sam Club - S 249
Gorichs, James P. - S 608
Gottlieb, Colin - S 608
Grace Lutheran Church (Winchester) - S 713
Grade, Justin N. - S 580
Gray, Charlie and Torri - S 53
Greater Green Bay - S 282
Greater Racine's Youth As Resources program - S 630
Green, Pastor Alice Olivia - S 580
Green, Richard William - S 457
Green Bay, City of - S 226
Green Bay Jaycees - S 359
Green Bay Senior Optimist Club - S 283
Gregersen, Robert - S 580
Grelk, Timothy - S 117, 139
Gretebeck, Hannah - S 630
Griffith, Tom - S 283
Gritzmacher, Andrew T. - S 709
Grochowski, Brian Joseph - S 655
Groh, Robert - S 117, 580
Groleau, Lucy - S 168
Grosek, Adam - S 168
Gross, Keith E. - S 53
Grube, Kyle Ray - S 457
Grunau, Gary P. - S 709
Grunert, Megan - S 630
Guardiola, Matthew - S 692
Gudmanson, Donald - S 167
Gumz, Janice - S 359
Gumz, Richard - S 359
Gudenschwager, Alfred - S 377
Gunderson, Mitchel - S 359
Gustafson, Gary "Gus"  - S 630
Haack, James - S 417
Haacker, Matthew - S 630
Haag, Walter - S 650
Haas, Brian Robert - S 650
Haas Builders Supply - S 249
Hachey, Thomas E. - S 608
Hack, Benjamin - S 117
Hagen, Matthew - S 117
Hagen, Thomas M. - S 169
Hagengruber, Matthew - S 53
Hakes, Matt - S 359
Halama, Kristen - S 117
Halfman, Dick - S 608
Halliburton, Joyce - S 53
Hall, Timothy R. - S 417
Hallberg, Harold - S 417
Hall-Watson, Alma Jean - S 326
Halquist, Madeline - S 580
Hamel, Matthew Maury - S 630
Hammel, Town of - S 630
Haney, Benjamin - S 680
Hanke, Steve - S 417
Hanna, William E. - S 692
Hannah, Bruce J. - S 283
Hanson, Faithe - S 117
Hanson, Jeremy Paul - S 139
Harling, Deb - S 581
Harrell, Brandon James - S 709
Harried, Loraine - S 203
Harvestine, Laura - S 457
Haskin, Lawrence - S 226
Hasting, Allen Scott - S 85
Haswell, David and Rosaline (Schneider) - S 203
Hauck, Scott - S 581
Hauschen, William - S 169
Havican, Patrick - S 117
Hawley, Christopher C. - S 325
Hayes, David G. - S 139
Hazaert, Jenna - S 650
Heffron, Veronica - S 139
Hegarty, Derry - S 608
Heger, Jeanne - S 139
Heidel, Robert - S 630, 650