194.01 Definitions.
194.02 Legislative intent.
194.025 Discrimination prohibited.
194.03 Interstate and foreign commerce.
194.04 Certificates; licenses; permits.
194.05 Exemption.
194.06 Public interest.
194.07 Operations subject to law.
194.08 Effect of this chapter on powers of department and municipalities.
194.09 Marking carrier vehicles.
194.10 Service of process on nonresident carriers.
194.11 Inspection of premises or vehicles.
194.145 Hearing; decision.
194.16 Operation while delinquent unlawful.
194.17 Penalties.
194.178 Uniform traffic citation.
194.20 Certificates and licenses for carriers in interstate and foreign commerce.
194.23 Certificate required.
194.24 Application; form.
194.25 Nature of certificates.
194.31 Inspection of records.
194.32 Buses, restrictions.
194.33 Municipal consent.
194.34 Contract motor carriers; license; application and hearing.
194.355 Operation under certificate, license or permit.
194.37 Enforcement.
194.38 Regulatory powers of department.
194.405 Single-state insurance registration system.
194.41 Contract of liability for damage to person or property.
194.42 Exemption from undertaking; proof of financial responsibility; revocation.
194.43 Private motor carriers; regulation by department.
194.46 Amendment, suspension or revocation of certificate, license or permit; hearing.
194.51 Suit to recover protested tax.
194.01 194.01 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
194.01(1) (1) "Common motor carrier" means any person who holds himself or herself out to the public as willing to undertake for hire to transport passengers by motor vehicle between fixed end points or over a regular route upon the public highways or property over regular or irregular routes upon the public highways. The transportation of passengers in taxicab service or in commuter car pool or van pool vehicles with a passenger-carrying capacity of less than 16 persons or in a school bus under s. 120.13 (27) shall not be construed as being that of a common motor carrier.
194.01(2) (2) "Contract motor carrier" means any person engaged in the transportation by motor vehicle over a regular or irregular route upon the public highways of property for hire.
194.01(3) (3) "Department" means the department of transportation.
194.01(3m) (3m) "Division of hearings and appeals" means the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration.
194.01(4) (4) "For hire" means for compensation, and includes compensation obtained by a motor carrier indirectly, by subtraction from the purchase price or addition to the selling price of property transported, where the purchase or sale thereof is not a bona fide purchase or sale. Any person who pretends to purchase property to be transported by such person or who purchases property immediately prior to and sells it immediately after the transportation thereof shall be deemed to be transporting the property for hire and not a bona fide purchaser or seller thereof. The rental of a motor vehicle to a person for transportation of the person's property which rental directly or indirectly includes the services of a driver shall be deemed to be transportation for hire and not private carriage. This subsection does not apply to motor vehicle operations which are conducted merely as an incident to or in furtherance of any business or industrial activity.
194.01(5) (5) "Gross weight", when applied to a motor vehicle used for the transportation of passengers, shall mean the actual weight of the motor vehicle unloaded plus 150 pounds for each person capable of being seated in the motor vehicle.
194.01(6) (6) The term "gross weight" when applied to a motor vehicle used for the transportation of property shall mean the actual weight of such motor vehicle unloaded plus the licensed carrying capacity of such motor vehicle.
194.01(7) (7) "Motor vehicle" means any automobile, truck, trailer, semitrailer, tractor, motor bus or any self-propelled or motor driven vehicle, except a motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle or a vehicle operated on rails.
194.01(8) (8) The term "municipality" means a town or an incorporated village or city.
194.01(10) (10) "Person" means and includes any individual, firm, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, company, association, including express and forwarding companies or agencies and railroad companies, or their lessees, trustees or receivers.
194.01(11) (11) "Private motor carrier" means any person except a common or contract motor carrier engaged in the transportation of property by motor vehicle other than an automobile or trailer used therewith, upon the public highways.
194.01(12) (12) "Public highway" means every public street, alley, road, highway or thoroughfare of any kind, except waterways, in this state while open to public travel and use.
194.01(13) (13) "Secretary" means the secretary of transportation.
194.01 Annotation A buy-sell arrangement whereby the carrier "buys" property at the shipping point, immediately transports it to a delivery point, and there "sells" it to the real purchaser-with the carrier's profit amounting only to the price of the transportation between the 2 points—raises a rebuttable presumption under sub. (15), 1981 stats. [now sub. (4)], that the property is being transported "for hire." Gensler v. Dept. of Revenue, 70 Wis. 2d 1108, 236 N.W.2d 648.
194.02 194.02 Legislative intent. It is the intent of the legislature to remove the economic regulations which limit motor carrier operations in the state. The legislature intends to let the market promote competitive and efficient transportation services, while maintaining the safety regulations necessary to protect the welfare of the traveling and shipping public. It is the intent of the legislature that this chapter be interpreted in a manner which gives the most liberal construction to achieve the aim of a safe, competitive transportation industry.
194.02 History History: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (9) (c); 1981 c. 347.
194.025 194.025 Discrimination prohibited. No motor carrier may engage in any practice, act or omission which results in discrimination on the basis of race, creed, sex or national origin.
194.025 History History: 1981 c. 347.
194.03 194.03 Interstate and foreign commerce.
194.03(1) (1) This chapter shall apply to motor carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce upon the public highways of this state, in all particulars and provisions lawful under the constitution of the United States.
194.03(2) (2) Fees and taxes provided in this chapter shall be assessed against operations in interstate and foreign commerce and collected from the carriers performing such operations, as partial compensation for the use of the highways and policing of the same.
194.03(5) (5) No certificate or license hereafter issued shall contain authority to engage both in operations requiring a certificate under the Federal Motor Carrier Act, 1935, and in operations which do not require a certificate.
194.03(5m) (5m) In a case involving a claim by a common motor carrier in interstate commerce for freight charges:
194.03(5m)(a) (a) A person may assert as a defense to the claim the existence of a freight charge agreement between the person and the motor carrier which applies to the carriage of the freight at issue and which has not been filed as a tariff with the interstate commerce commission.
194.03(5m)(b) (b) A court shall request the interstate commerce commission or other appropriate federal agency to issue an advisory opinion on any issue which the court determines is within the primary jurisdiction of that agency.
194.03(6) (6) Whenever the term "interstate commerce" is used in this chapter it shall be interpreted as including foreign commerce.
194.03 History History: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (7) (a); 1987 a. 27; 1993 a. 16.
194.04 194.04 Certificates; licenses; permits.
194.04(1) (1)Authority to operate.
194.04(1)(b)(b) Every applicant for a certificate shall pay a fee of $500 for a common motor carrier of property certificate or $50 for a common motor carrier of passengers certificate, except that an applicant for a certificate under the federal motor carrier act of 1935 or for authority to transport in interstate commerce commodities which are exempt from regulation by the interstate commerce commission shall pay a fee of $25.
194.04(1)(c) (c) Every applicant for a license shall pay a fee of $500, except that an applicant for a license under the federal motor carrier act of 1935 or for authority to transport in interstate commerce commodities which are exempt from regulation by the interstate commerce commission shall pay a fee of $25.
194.04(2) (2)Permits; application, expiration. Every permit for the operation of a motor vehicle expires on December 31 of each year. Application for permits shall be made annually and shall be accompanied by the annual fee. No permit shall be issued or renewed for any motor vehicle unless the registration required by ch. 341 is paid in this state.
194.04(3) (3)Permits; restriction of use.
194.04(3)(a)(a) No motor vehicle permit issued under this chapter shall be transferable from one motor vehicle to another except as provided in this subsection. Common motor carrier vehicles, except truck tractors or road tractors, upon which the common motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated in intrastate commerce by other common motor carriers without the payment of an additional permit fee. Contract motor carrier vehicles upon which the contract motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated in intrastate commerce by other contract motor carriers without the payment of an additional permit fee and, if operated exclusively in the metropolitan area of any city within a county having a population of 500,000 or more, may be used or operated in the hauling of common motor carrier trailers within the metropolitan area. When used in railroad trailer-on-flat-car service, and when interchanged between contract and common motor carriers, contract or common motor carrier trailers upon which the contract or common motor carrier permit fee has been paid may be used or operated by other contract or common motor carriers without an additional permit. Private motor carrier trailers may be used or operated both by private motor carriers and by common and contract motor carriers upon the payment of the appropriate common or contract motor carrier permit fee.
194.04(3)(am) (am) No additional permit or payment of fees is required by the lessee of a contract motor carrier vehicle licensed in this state if the lessor is a Wisconsin resident and the lessee has a contract carrier license or common carrier certificate of authority issued by the department and insurance on file with the department as prescribed in s. 194.41.
194.04(3)(b) (b) When a motor truck, motor bus, tractor or trailer having a permit is sold or otherwise disposed of, and its permit canceled and such vehicle is replaced by another such motor vehicle, a permit of the same class shall be issued by the department for the same year to such replacement vehicle without charge.
194.04(3)(c)1.1. Any individual, partnership, limited liability company or corporation whose principal business is leasing, for compensation, motor vehicles may, upon payment of an annual permit fee as provided in sub. (4) for each leased motor vehicle for which a permit is required, lease the same to common and contract motor carriers. The lessor shall not be considered to obtain the privileges or be subject to the obligations of s. 194.23 or 194.34 nor shall s. 194.23 or 194.34 apply to the lessor.
194.04(3)(c)2. 2. An authorized common or contract carrier, when leasing a motor vehicle for which a permit is required from a person engaged in the business of leasing under this section, shall not be required to procure a permit as prescribed in s. 194.23 or 194.34 if the motor vehicle leased carries the permit required under this section.
194.04(4) (4)Annual permit fees. The annual permit fees required for motor vehicles operated under this chapter solely in intrastate commerce and used for hire shall be as follows:
194.04(4)(a) (a) Motor vehicles operated solely in intrastate commerce by common motor carriers of passengers, $5.
194.04(4)(b) (b) Motor vehicles, except semitrailers, operated solely in intrastate commerce by common motor carriers of property, $5.
194.04(4)(c) (c) Motor vehicles, except semitrailers, operated solely in intrastate commerce by contract carriers, $5.
194.04(5a) (5a)Collection of fees. The department shall collect all fees prescribed by this section.
194.04(6) (6)Disposition of fees collected. All moneys received under this section shall be paid into the transportation fund.
194.04 Annotation Vehicle exempted under 341.405 from state registration requirement is not exempted under 194.04 (2) from state permit requirement. State v. Yellow Freight System, Inc. 101 Wis. 2d 142, 303 N.W.2d 834 (1981).
194.04 Annotation Motor carrier permit fees required by (4) (a), (b) and (c) are not in conflict with interstate commerce commission regulations and may be collected. The permit fee required by sub. (4) (d), 1977 stats. is in conflict with such regulations and may not be collected. 63 Atty. Gen. 206.
194.05 194.05 Exemption.
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