801.07 Annotation The minimum contacts standard for quasi in rem jurisdiction is discussed. Shaffer v. Heitner, 433 U.S. 186.
801.07 Annotation Posting notice of eviction on apartment door did not satisfy minimum requirements of due process. Greene v. Lindsey, 456 U.S. 444 (1982).
801.08 801.08 Objection to personal jurisdiction.
801.08(1) (1) All issues of fact and law raised by an objection to the court's jurisdiction over the person or property as provided by s. 802.06 (2) shall be heard by the court without a jury in advance of any issue going to the merits of the case. If, after such a hearing on the objection, the court decides that it has jurisdiction, the case may proceed on the merits; if the court decides that it lacks jurisdiction, the defendant shall be given the relief required by such decision.
801.08(2) (2) Factual determinations made by the court in determining the question of personal jurisdiction over the defendant shall not be binding on the parties in the trial of the action on the merits.
801.08(3) (3) No guardian or guardian ad litem may, except as provided in this subsection, waive objection to jurisdiction over the person of the ward. If no objection to the jurisdiction of the court over the person of the ward is raised pursuant to s. 802.06 (2), the service of an answer or motion by a guardian or guardian ad litem followed by a hearing or trial shall be equivalent to an appearance and waiver of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the ward.
801.08 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 598 (1975); 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (7); Sup. Ct. Order, 101 Wis. 2d xi.
801.08 Note Judicial Council Note, 1981: The last sentence of sub. (1) has been repealed because it erroneously implied that non-final orders deciding jurisdictional questions were appealable as of right. This has not been true since ch. 187, Laws of 1977 repealed s. 817.33 (3) (f), Wis. Stats. (1975) and created s. 808.03 (1), Wis. Stats. (1977). Heaton v. Independent Mortuary Corp. 97 Wis. 2d 379, 294 N.W. 2d 15 (1980). [Re Order effective July 1, 1981]
801.08 Annotation A jurisdiction dispute may not be resolved on motion. Merco Distrib. Corp. v. O & R Engines, Inc. 71 Wis. 2d 792, 239 N.W.2d 97.
801.08 Annotation An order denying a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction is appealable by permission under s. 808.03 (2). Heaton v. Independent Mortuary Corp. 97 Wis. 2d 379, 294 N.W.2d 15 (1980).
801.08 Annotation An order denying motion to dismiss based on jurisdiction under s. 801.08 (1) is not a final order and is not appealable as of right under s. 808.03 (1). Grulkowski v. DOT 97 Wis. 2d 615, 294 N.W.2d 43 (Ct. App. 1980).
801.08 Annotation The trial court erred in denying plaintiff's request for evidentiary hearing. The plaintiff has no burden to prove jurisdictional facts prior to a hearing. Henderson v. Milex Products, Inc. 125 Wis. 2d 141, 370 N.W.2d 291 (Ct. App. 1985).
801.08 Annotation Conducting pretrial discovery does not constitute "going to the merits of the case" under sub. (1) and does not waive an objection raised under s. 802.06 (2). Honeycrest Farms v. Brave Harvestore Systems, 200 Wis. 2d 256, 546 N.W.2d 192 (Ct. App. 1996).
801.09 801.09 Summons, contents of. The summons shall contain:
801.09(1) (1) The title of the cause, specifying the name of the court in which the action is brought, the name of the county designated by the plaintiff as the place of trial, the standardized description of the case classification type and associated code number as approved by the director of state courts and the names and addresses of the parties to the action, plaintiff and defendant.
801.09(2) (2) A direction to the defendant summoning and requiring defendant to serve upon the plaintiff's attorney, whose address shall be stated in the summons, either an answer to the complaint if a copy of the complaint is served with the summons or a demand for a copy of the complaint. The summons shall further direct the defendant to serve the answer or demand for a copy of the complaint:
801.09(2)(a) (a) Within 45 days, exclusive of the day of service, after the summons has been served personally upon the defendant or served by substitution personally upon another authorized to accept service of the summons for the defendant; or
801.09(2)(b) (b) Within 45 days after a date stated in the summons, exclusive of such date, if no such personal or substituted personal service has been made, and service is made by publication. The date so stated in the summons shall be the date of the first required publication.
801.09(3) (3) A notice that in case of failure to serve an answer or demand for a copy of the complaint within the time fixed by sub. (2), judgment will be rendered against the defendant according to the demand of the complaint. The summons shall be subscribed with the handwritten signature of the plaintiff or attorney with the addition of the post-office address at which papers in the action may be served on the plaintiff by mail, plaintiff's or attorney's telephone number, and, if by an attorney, the attorney's state bar number, if any. If the plaintiff is represented by a law firm, the summons shall contain the name and address of the firm and shall be subscribed with the handwritten signature and state bar number, if any, of one attorney who is a member or associate of such firm. When the complaint is not served with the summons and the only relief sought is the recovery of money, whether upon tort or contract, there may, at the option of the plaintiff, be added at the foot a brief note specifying the sum to be demanded by the complaint.
801.09(4) (4) There may be as many authenticated copies of the summons and the complaint issued to the plaintiff or counsel as are needed for the purpose of effecting service on the defendant. Authentication shall be accomplished by the clerk's placing a filing stamp indicating the case number on each copy of the summons and the complaint.
801.09 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 598 (1975); Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d viii; 1975 c. 218; Sup. Ct. Order, 112 Wis. 2d xi; Sup. Ct. Order, 171 Wis. 2d xxv; 1993 a. 365, 486; 1997 a. 133, 187.
801.09 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 802.06 (1) for provision giving the state 45 days to serve an answer.
801.09 Note Judicial Council Note, 1983: Sub. (2) (a) is amended by applying the extended response time for state officers and agencies to state agents and employees as well. The extended time is intended to allow investigation of the claim by the department of justice to determine whether representation of the defendant by the department is warranted under s. 893.82 or 895.46, Stats. [Re Order effective July 1, 1983]
801.09 Annotation Where a defective summons does not prejudice the defendant, non-compliance with s. 801.09 (2) (a) is not jurisdictional error. Canadian Pac. Ltd. v. Omark-Prentice Hydraulics, 86 Wis. 2d 369, 272 N.W.2d 407 (Ct. App. 1978).
801.09 Annotation Failure to name a party in the summons means that the court has no authority over that party regarding the case. Prejudice need not be shown. Bulik v. Arrow Realty, Inc., 148 Wis. 2d 441, 434 N.W.2d 853 (Ct. App. 1988).
801.09 Annotation An unsigned summons served with a signed complaint is a technical defect, which in the absence of prejudice does not deny the trial court personal jurisdiction. Gaddis v. LaCrosse Products, Inc. 198 Wis. 2d 396, 542 N.W.2d 454 (1996).
801.095 801.095 Summons form. The summons shall be substantially in one of the forms specified in subs. (1) to (4). The applicable form depends on the type of service and on whether a complaint is served with the summons, in accordance with s. 801.09. The forms are:
801.095(1) (1)Personal service; complaint attached.
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ....
, Plaintiff
vs. S U M M O N S
C. D.
Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
City, State Zip Code
, Defendant
THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To each person named above as a Defendant:
You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is attached, states the nature and basis of the legal action.
Within 45 days of receiving this summons, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is ...., and to ...., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is ..... You may have an attorney help or represent you.
If you do not provide a proper answer within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
Dated: ...., .... (year)
Signed: .... ....
A. B., Plaintiff
E. F., Plaintiff's Attorney
State Bar No.: ....
Address: ....
City, State Zip Code: ....
Phone No: ....
801.095(2) (2)Personal service; no complaint attached.
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ....
, Plaintiff
vs. S U M M O N S
C. D.
Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
City, State Zip Code
, Defendant
THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To each person named above as a Defendant:
You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you.
Within 45 days of receiving this summons, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is ...., and to ...., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is ..... You may have an attorney help or represent you.
If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 45 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
Dated: ...., .... (year)
Signed: .... ....
A. B., Plaintiff
E. F., Plaintiff's Attorney
State Bar No.: ....
Address: ....
City, State Zip Code: ....
Phone No.: ....
801.095(3) (3)No personal service; complaint served at the same time.
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ....
, Plaintiff
vs. S U M M O N S
C. D.
Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1999. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?