cranes and hoistsCranes and hoists, see Public safety
crawford countyCrawford county
DNR regions: Crawford and Vernon counties required to be in western region, if DNR divides state into management regions [Sec. 1042i] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Credit card information on receipts: nondisclosure required [Sec. 313g] -  Act 109
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
Airbag previously deployed or otherwise nonfunctional: installation of or concealing prohibited  -  Act 28
Bioterrorism response and preparedness: plan and funding; provisions re staffing, public health emergencies, vaccination, disposal of human remains, and reporting deaths of public health concern [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public safety"] -  Act 109
Computerized communication system use to facilitate a child sex crime: crime created [Sec. 149f, 338t, 378p, 379v, 531b, 559v, 566d, f, 582p, 886f, 904m, n, 910v, 1108d, 1131m, 1134f, 1138k, n] -  Act 109
Crime prevention resource center established at the Fox Valley Technical College by the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association; funding provision [Sec. 1375r, 9101 (22w)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Farm-raised fish theft: crime created -  Act 91
Harassment restraining order: court may order harasser to avoid place where victim resides [Sec. 3830d-j, 9309 (5mk)]  -  Act 16
Livestock or wild deer: threatening to infect animals or introducing a contagious or infectious disease through reckless conduct prohibited; exception and DATCP provisions [Sec. 535m, 810g-n, 812m-v] -  Act 109
Misdemeanor diversion program to be developed by Public defender board, Director of state courts, and Wisconsin District Attorneys Association; passive review by JCF; community justice center grants [Sec. 9101 (13), (21j), 9139 (1)] [9101 (21j) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Security initiative re terrorism response training, statewide trauma care system, diseases and biological and chemical threats, and Hygiene laboratory duties [Sec. 14d, 94, 326-329, 330-333, 334, 334g, 339, 340, 623, 696, 9223 (1), 9229 (1k), 9323 (1), 9359 (6)] -  Act 109
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, private bar appropriation increase, trial and appellate division hiring freeze exemption, threshold for property crimes, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"]  -  Act 109
Theft threshold re felony penalties revised; public defender GPR lapse; report to JCF re savings [Sec. 3938u-w, 3939b-s, 3966r, 4018f, h, 9139 (2q), 9239 (1q), 9359 (11r)] [9139 (2q) — vetoed] -  Act 16
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals — Felony
Body armor: violent felony offenders prohibited from possessing; exceptions provided -  Act 95
Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -  Act 16
Livestock or wild deer infection with contagious disease or damage to plant research and development prohibited; intentional actions made a felony [Sec. 3871t-w, 3938up, 3951n]  -  Act 16
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, private bar appropriation increase, trial and appellate division hiring freeze exemption, threshold for property crimes, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"]  -  Act 109
Theft threshold re felony penalties revised; public defender GPR lapse; report to JCF re savings [Sec. 3938u-w, 3939b-s, 3966r, 4018f, h, 9139 (2q), 9239 (1q), 9359 (11r)] [9139 (2q) — vetoed] -  Act 16
crime and criminals _ gang activityCrime and criminals — Gang activity
Youth diversion program transferred from Corr.Dept to OJA [Sec. 285, 684d-686, 853d, 856d, 857d, 3348-3351d, 9111 (1)] -  Act 16
crime and criminals _ homicide or murderCrime and criminals — Homicide or murder
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, private bar appropriation increase, trial and appellate division hiring freeze exemption, threshold for property crimes, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"]  -  Act 109
crime victimCrime victim
DOJ services re crime victims and witnesses and law enforcement: appropriation applicability expanded [Sec. 769, 774] -  Act 16
Domestic abuse and sexual assault: victim support training for medical and nursing students; civil actions and criminal sentencing provisions [Sec. 1351za, 1370n, 1379t, 3871x, 4028b] [all sections vetoed except 4028b]  -  Act 16
Domestic violence laws revised and expanded, includes provisions re caregivers, confidentiality, advocate-victim privilege, and injunctions [Sec. 274m, 514c-s, 519mb-mz, 523c-m, 657b-661b, 874x, 875b, 877g, 9309 (2zy), (2zz)]  -  Act 109
Victim restitution: DOJ report to DOA and JCF re use of moneys [Sec. 2856d] -  Act 16
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation
Automated criminal justice information system appropriation: separate appropriations maintained and transferred to DEG [Sec. 812b, 928] -  Act 16
Kinship care background review procedure: expiration date removed [Sec. 1629, 4036-4038, 4040, 4042-4044, 9123 (5)] -  Act 16
cummings, marlene aCummings, Marlene A.
Public service commended and congratulations upon retirement [AJR-27] -  JR-12
curly leaf pondweedCurly leaf pondweed, see Weeds
cwd _chronic wasting disease_CWD (Chronic wasting disease), see Animal — Disease
d - D -
dairy productDairy product
Dairy product wholesaler may furnish portable freezer cabinets to a retailer re frozen dessert novelties  -  Act 72
Morning milk program renamed School day milk program and eligibility revised [Sec. 548m, 2640g, h, 9340(7x)]  -  Act 16
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available [Sec. 280n, 9340 (2e)] [280n — partial veto] -  Act 109
dairy product _ regulationDairy product — Regulation
Agricultural producer security program, fund, and council created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Farm produce"] -  Act 16
damage _personal injury_Damage (personal injury), see also Worker's compensation
Anhydrous ammonia storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions  -  Act 3
Domestic abuse and sexual assault: victim support training for medical and nursing students; civil actions and criminal sentencing provisions [Sec. 1351za, 1370n, 1379t, 3871x, 4028b] [all sections vetoed except 4028b]  -  Act 16
Foster parent insurance deductible lowered [Sec. 1635, 9323 (5)] -  Act 16
Real estate broker's liability for acts of employees [Sec. 3606cs, dm, dp, 3608h] -  Act 16
Sexual assault to a child: civil action to recover damages expanded to include incest and other specific sexual assaults; time limit extended [Sec. 3862x, 9309 (5g)]  -  Act 16
Tobacco products sale or purchase: private cause of action created [Sec. 2430L] [partial veto]  -  Act 16
damage _to property_Damage (to property)
Foster parent insurance deductible lowered [Sec. 1635, 9323 (5)] -  Act 16
Livestock or wild deer infection with contagious disease or damage to plant research and development prohibited; intentional actions made a felony [Sec. 3871t-w, 3938up, 3951n]  -  Act 16
Property development rights lasting longer than 30 years: seller may bring action to recover difference in sale price and value [Sec. 3862w, 9309 (5z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State property repair or replacement costs: PR damage claims appropriation created [Sec. 665, 1122]  -  Act 16
Wild crane crop damage study extended [Sec. 588r, 887m, 4046m, 9137 (6f)] [9137 (6f) — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Wild crane crop damage study re 2001 WisAct 16: funding revised [Sec. 36b, 1160m, 9237 (36c)]  -  Act 109
danceDance, see Amusement
dane countyDane county
Dane county regional planning commission: dissolution date changed [Sec. 1157s] -  Act 109
Dane county regional planning commission dissolution re 1999 WisAct 9: provision repealed [Sec. 4046s] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Drug crime prosecutions in Dane and Milwaukee counties: funding for assistant DA positions [Sec. 9101 (2), (3)]  -  Act 16
Hanson Road bridge project and Portage Road reconfiguration in town of Burke: DOT to construct [Sec. 9152 (3h)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Lake Belle View and Sugar River project by the village of Belleville [Sec. 1261k] -  Act 16
Lake management grant to Dane county re Fish, Mud, and Crystal Lakes [Sec. 9137 (8q)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Light rail mass transit system construction revisions [Sec. 2330g-j, 4046t] -  Act 16
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]  -  Act 109
USH 12 in village of Cambridge: reconstruction may not include widening [Sec. 2305k] [vetoed] -  SB-55
data processingData processing, see also Telecommunications; specific agency
Computer aid included in school district shared cost [Sec. 2761, 9340 (7)] -  Act 16
Computer property tax exemption: ATMs and computer software excluded [Sec. 2108q, 9344 (23k), (28b)] [2108q — partial veto; 9344 (23k) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Computerized communication system use to facilitate a child sex crime: crime created [Sec. 149f, 338t, 378p, 379v, 531b, 559v, 566d, f, 582p, 886f, 904m, n, 910v, 1108d, 1131m, 1134f, 1138k, n] -  Act 109
Corr.Dept duties re inmate tracking system, adult corrections statistics on Web, and compliance with federal death in custody reporting act [Sec. 3330c-g] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -  Act 16
Data line and video link funding [Sec. 814m] -  Act 16
DNR's automated license issuance system: Internet bidding process for contractors provided [Sec. 1158m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
DORL credential renewal notice by mail or by electronic transmission [Sec. 3507] -  Act 16