diabetesDiabetes, see Disease
digital televisionDigital television, see Television
disabledDisabled, see Handicapped
discrimination in educationDiscrimination in education
Intradistrict pupil transfer program: revenue limit adjustment [Sec. 2798g] -  Act 16
Uniforms for pupils: school boards authorized to adopt policy; exemption, discrimination, and economic assistance provisions; report required [Sec. 2673m]  -  Act 16
discrimination in employmentDiscrimination in employment
Reemployment rights and benefits for armed forces or national guard members re active service under state law and certain federal law -  Act 26
AIDS services program: term changed to HIV; hepatitis C provisions; provisions re life care, early intervention and grant for Milwaukee African-American family resource center [Sec. 718, 3129-3142] [3140c, m — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Alzheimer's disease registration program grant [Sec. 721r, 1568c, 2858L-n, p] [721r — partial veto; 1568c, 2858p — vetoed] -  Act 16
Alzheimer's family and caregiver support program revision [Sec. 1556d, 1568mg, mh] -  Act 16
Children with asthma: grants for case management services re MA or Badger care [Sec. 718s, 3142m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Community aids re Alzheimer's family and caregiver support set [Sec. 1556] -  Act 16
Community-based health management services in medically underserved areas or with health professional shortage: 3-year pilot program created; evaluation required [Sec. 2850x]  -  Act 16
Diabetes treatment: health insurance policies required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin  -  Act 82
Disease aids eligibility levels, copayments, and deductibles; drug manufacturer rebates and patient liability for costs [Sec. 712c, 1837p-1838c] [1838c — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Disease management activities on behalf of MA recipients [Sec. 122c, 9123 (2v)] [9123 (2v) — partial veto]  -  Act 109
Employment-connected heart or lung disease or cancer: presumption extended to state and county fire fighters re disability or death benefits [Sec. 3862c-t, 9316 (1m)]  -  Act 16
Health screening for low-income women and breast cancer screening: program revised and renamed ``well-woman program" [Sec. 719b, d, 3155z-3157b, 4039p-r]  -  Act 16
Multiple sclerosis education program [Sec. 369gh] -  Act 109
Security initiative re terrorism response training, statewide trauma care system, diseases and biological and chemical threats, and Hygiene laboratory duties [Sec. 14d, 94, 326-329, 330-333, 334, 334g, 339, 340, 623, 696, 9223 (1), 9229 (1k), 9323 (1), 9359 (6)] -  Act 109
Women under age 65 diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer: MA coverage; presumptive eligibility [Sec. 1748, 1822, 9423 (11)] -  Act 16
district attorneyDistrict attorney
DA position reallocations re Ashland and Rock counties [Sec. 9113 (1q)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
DA staff salaries and benefits: funding from vehicle-related fines and penalties [Sec. 781m, 1996f-j] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Drug crime prosecutions in Dane and Milwaukee counties: funding for assistant DA positions [Sec. 9101 (2), (3)]  -  Act 16
Faith-based approaches to crime prevention and corrections; restorative justice program in Milwaukee county and a second county selected by AG; evaluation of DHFS and Corr.Dept AODA programs; inmate rehabilitation; LAB audit; legislative purpose and sunset provided [Sec. 1483j, 2002j, 3327r, 3333j, 3334j, 3354j, 4031j-r, 9113 (2m), 9132 (4m)] [3333j, 4031p — partial veto; 1483j, 3327r — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Firearms violations in Milwaukee: prosecution cost reimbursement limited; media campaign eliminated; funding of court clerk positions [Sec. 781, 2004, 4032m]  -  Act 16
Misdemeanor diversion program to be developed by Public defender board, Director of state courts, and Wisconsin District Attorneys Association; passive review by JCF; community justice center grants [Sec. 9101 (13), (21j), 9139 (1)] [9101 (21j) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Salaries and fringe benefits appropriation reduced [Sec. 9213 (1f)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
Sexual assault cases with D.N.A. evidence: exception to statute of limitations for certain cases; funding for DA activities re D.N.A. evidence [Sec. 770, 783, 3934-3936c, 9359 (5)]  -  Act 16
districtingDistricting, see Redistricting
divorceDivorce, see also Marriage
Divorce cases: personal jurisdiction revised -  Act 42
Vital records information, fees, and disclosure revisions [Sec. 689d, e, 1483, 2057-2064, 2067-2100, 2101, 3782-3785, 3794, 9423 (3), (4)] [2077, 2093, 2095g, h — partial veto; 2095i — vetoed] -  Act 16
dlcl _division for libraries and community learning_DLCL (Division for libraries and community learning), see Public instruction, Department of
dltcl _division for libraries, technology, and community learning_DLTCL (Division for libraries, technology, and community learning), see Public instruction, Department of
dodge countyDodge county
Major highway project enumeration: portions of STH 17, STH 26, and I 39/USH 51 added [Sec. 2300-2302]  -  Act 16
Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam: DOT to erect directional signs [Sec. 9152 (6e)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Pet dealer, pet breeder, animal shelter, and kennel licensing regulations; DATCP advisory committee created; dog license issuance revisions [Sec. 412b, 2881b-L, 9104 (3k), 9404 (4k)] [2881b, e — partial veto; 2881d, k, L — vetoed] -  Act 16
domestic abuseDomestic abuse, see Family; Sex crimes; Women
Drainage board grant program [Sec. 422] -  Act 16
Drainage district Internet website: DATCP to create and maintain [Sec. 423g, 2351h] [vetoed] -  SB-55
drillingDrilling, see Petroleum
drinking waterDrinking water, see Water supply
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Driver education teacher training: U.W. system appropriation repealed [Sec. 577m] -  Act 16
Truck driver training: grants, education assessments, and training center provisions [Sec. 583m, 1369g, 3428-3442, 3456k, 3832c, 3834m, 9148 (1f)] -  Act 16
drug abuseDrug abuse, see Drugs
Diabetes treatment: health insurance policies required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin  -  Act 82
Disease aids eligibility levels, copayments, and deductibles; drug manufacturer rebates and patient liability for costs [Sec. 712c, 1837p-1838c] [1838c — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Drug crime prosecutions in Dane and Milwaukee counties: funding for assistant DA positions [Sec. 9101 (2), (3)]  -  Act 16
Drug manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession prohibitions expanded re specific drugs; penalties increased [Sec. 3985-3996] -  Act 16
Glucagon administration to pupils: liability exemption created [Sec. 2695e, m] -  Act 16
HIRSP revisions re preexisting condition exclusions, drug expenditures, out-of-pocket limits, and drug copayments and coinsurance [Sec. 2850c, d, e-Ld, Le, Lf-w, 9123 (9w), (9x), 9323 (15w)] [2850Le, Lj, Ln — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Milwaukee drug court project revisions [Sec. 4026g, r, 9311 (6tk)] -  Act 16
Milwaukee school athletes: grant for community programs for drug prevention [Sec. 1557v] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: program created [Sec. 707u, 711g, h, 1838gb, 9123 (16h), 9423 (19h)] -  Act 16
Prescription drug prior authorization committee created to advise DHFS re MA recipients [Sec. 122]  -  Act 109
Prescription drug program modifications [Sec. 100vp, 128p, 140p-r] -  Act 109
Prescription drugs administered to pupils: civil liability immunity expanded to advanced practice nurse prescriber, optometrist, and physician assistant -  Act 83
Prescription drugs for treatment of HIV infection and AIDS: eligibility for reimbursement program revised  -  Act 81
Substance abuse grants for services to TANF-eligible persons throughout the state; unencumbered moneys transferred to DWD for W-2 and other assistance programs [Sec. 725]  -  Act 16
Urban and rural substance abuse and treatment grants for women [Sec. 1568d] -  Act 16
Driver improvement surcharge increased [Sec. 3444, 9352 (5)] -  Act 16
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; sanctions and occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3409f, g, 3415m-3427m, 3443c-m, 3445f-m, 3937j-3938p, 4060gg-hy, 9352 (6), (7kk), 9452 (8), (9kk)] -  Act 16