SB55-SSA1-SA2,715,23 231502. Page 1362, line 21: after that line insert:
1"(6q) Signs in Marathon County. Not later than June 30, 2003, the department
2of transportation shall erect 2 signs, one for each direction of travel, along STH 29
3in Marathon County, and 2 signs, one for each direction of travel, along STH 107 in
4Marathon County. Each sign shall identify and provide directional information to
5the area that is commonly known as "Little Chicago" and shall be erected near the
6highway exit providing the most direct route from the highway to the area that is
7commonly known as "Little Chicago."".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,716,8 81503. Page 1363, line 7: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,716,15 9"(7x) Noise attenuation barrier in Milwaukee County; I 94 at College Avenue.
10The department of transportation shall install a noise attenuation barrier along the
11east side of I 94 at the interchange ramp providing access for northbound traffic to
12I 94 from College Avenue, in Milwaukee County. The department shall allocate
13sufficient moneys during the 2001-03 fiscal biennium from the appropriations under
14section 20.395 (3) (cq), (cv), and (cx) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to pay for
15the installation required under this subsection.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,716,16 161504. Page 1363, line 7: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,716,22 17"(7y) Noise attenuation barrier in Milwaukee County; I 94 at Grange Avenue.
18The department of transportation shall install a noise attenuation barrier along the
19west side of I 94 from the intersection of I 94 and Grange Avenue and extending to
20the south, in Milwaukee County. The department shall expend funds not to exceed
21$200,000 from the appropriation under section 20.395 (3) (cq), (cv), and (cx) of the
22statutes, as affected by this act, for the installation required under this subsection.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,716,23 231505. Page 1364, line 16: after that line insert:
1"(3g) Mathematics position. The board of regents of the University of
2Wisconsin System shall ensure that at least one of the FTE positions authorized in
3the 2001-02 fiscal year by this act shall be filled by a faculty or staff member in the
4mathematics department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,5 51506. Page 1364, line 16: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,6 6"(3c) Position authorizations.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,7 7(a) In this subsection:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,8 81. "Board" means the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,10 92. "Limited term appointment" means an appointment under section 230.26 (1)
10of the statutes.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,17 11(b) Notwithstanding section 16.505 (1) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
12before July 1, 2003, the board may create up to 100 authorized FTE positions in the
13classified service of the state civil service system at the University of
14Wisconsin-Madison in positions that are frequently filled by limited term
15appointments, as determined by the board in consultation with the department of
16employment relations. The authorized FTE positions may be GPR positions, PR
17positions, or SEG positions, or any combination thereof.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,717,24 18(c) Notwithstanding section 230.15 of the statutes, the board may initially
19appoint to the positions created under paragraph (b) only individuals who have held
20limited term appointments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for at least one
21year. Individuals so appointed are not required to be certified under section 230.25
22of the statutes and are not required to have qualified for the position by competitive
23examination. Any position created under paragraph (b) may not be filled by transfer
24under section 230.29 of the statutes.
1(d) Notwithstanding section 20.928 (1) of the statutes, before July 1, 2003, the
2board may not certify under section 20.928 (1) of the statutes any sum of money
3needed to pay any costs associated with a position created under paragraph (b) if that
4position is a GPR position.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,718,7 5(e) During the 2001-03 fiscal biennium, the board shall report quarterly to the
6department of administration and to the joint committee on finance on the number
7of positions created under paragraph (b).
SB55-SSA1-SA2,718,19 8(f) No later than September 1, 2003, the board shall submit a report to the
9governor, the department of employment relations, and to the chief clerk of each
10house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under section 13.172 (2) of
11the statutes concerning the creation of the positions under paragraph (b). The report
12shall determine if the number of limited term appointments at the University of
13Wisconsin-Madison has been reduced as a result of the creation of positions under
14paragraph (b); document the number of individuals appointed to positions created
15under paragraph (b) and the number of years of employment that these individuals
16had as limited term appointments at the time of their appointment to the positions
17created under paragraph (b); and examine the reasons why any individual who was
18appointed to a position created under paragraph (b) subsequently terminated
19employment with the board.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,3 20(3e) Fringe benefits for certain limited term appointments. Notwithstanding
21section 230.26 (4) of the statutes, any person who holds a limited term appointment
22under section 230.26 (1) of the statutes at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and
23is a participating employee, as defined in section 40.02 (46) of the statutes, shall
24receive paid vacation and sick leave during the period that begins on the effective
25date of this subsection and ends on June 30, 2003. For the purpose of calculating the

1amount of paid vacation and sick leave to which a person holding a limited term
2appointment is entitled under this subsection, the person shall be considered a
3permanent employee.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,4 41507. Page 1364, line 16: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,9 5"(2y) Center for Dairy Profitability. Of moneys appropriated to the board of
6regents of the University of Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (a) of the
7statutes, the board of regents shall allocate $250,000 for fiscal year 2001-02 for the
8development and operation of an Internet program for beginning dairy farmers
9sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitability.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,10 101508. Page 1365, line 21: delete lines 21 to 24.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,11 111509. Page 1366, line 25: delete "Wisconsin veterans service organizations,".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,12 121510. Page 1367, line 1: delete ", and county veterans' service officers".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,13 131511. Page 1368, line 4: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,18 14"(7v) Victorious charge monument grant. From the appropriation under
15section 20.485 (2) (eg) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department of
16veterans affairs shall provide a grant of $50,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 to the
17Milwaukee Arts Board for the restoration of the Victorious Charge Civil War
18monument located in the city of Milwaukee.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,719,19 191512. Page 1368, line 4: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,2 20"(8g) Grant to Wisconsin Veterans Tribute Memorial. In fiscal year 2001-02,
21the department shall provide a grant from the appropriation account under section
2220.485 (2) (e) of the statutes, as affected by this act, in the amount of $3,000 to the
23Wisconsin Veterans Tribute Memorial in Chippewa County for the repair and

1replacement of flags at the memorial if the Wisconsin Veterans Tribute Memorial
2provides matching funds of $3,000.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,3 31513. Page 1368, line 4: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,8 4"(8b) Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center. The authorized FTE
5positions for the department of veterans affairs are increased by 28.0 PR positions,
6to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.485 (1) (gk) of the statutes, as
7affected by this act, for the operation of the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,9 91514. Page 1371, line 9: delete lines 9 to 17 and substitute:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,13 10"(8xb) Community youth grants. Notwithstanding section 49.175 (1) (z) of the
11statutes, as affected by this act, from the moneys allocated under section 49.175 (1)
12(z) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of workforce development
13shall provide all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,19 14(a) In each fiscal year of the 2001-03 fiscal biennium, grants to the Wisconsin
15chapters of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to improve social, academic, and
16employment skills of youth who are eligible to receive temporary assistance for needy
17families under 42 USC 601 et seq. The total amount of grants that are provided
18under this paragraph in each fiscal year of the 2001-03 fiscal biennium shall be
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,2120 (b) In the 2002-03 fiscal year, grants to community learning centers. The total
21amount of grants that are provided under this paragraph shall be $500,000.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,720,2422 (c) In each fiscal year of the 2001-03 fiscal biennium, a grant of $250,000 to the
23New Concept Self Development Center, Inc., to continue community youth
24opportunities programming.".
11515. Page 1371, line 24: delete lines 24 and 25.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,2 21516. Page 1372, line 1: delete lines 1 to 5.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,3 31517. Page 1372, line 12: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,5 4"2f. "Food stamp employment and training program" means the program under
5section 49.124 (1m) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,96 2r. "Right-of-first-selection benchmark" means the benchmark the
7department applies to determine whether a Wisconsin works agency is eligible to
8contract with the department under section 49.143 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes, as
9affected by this act.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,12 102t. "Tier one unrestricted bonus funds benchmark" means the benchmark the
11department applies to determine whether a Wisconsin works agency is eligible to
12receive payment under paragraph (b) 1.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,15 132w. "Tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark" means the benchmark the
14department applies to determine whether a Wisconsin works agency is eligible to
15receive payment under paragraph (b) 2.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,16 161518. Page 1373, line 9: delete "bureau" and substitute "bureau,".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,18 171519. Page 1373, line 18: delete lines 18 and 19 and substitute "and
18right-of-first-selection benchmarks.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,21 191520. Page 1373, line 23: delete lines 23 to 25 and substitute "the Wisconsin
20works agency meets the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks
21include an extension request".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,721,22 221521. Page 1374, line 15: after that line insert:
1"7. That the entered employment standard the department applies to
2determine whether a Wisconsin works agency meets the base contract and
3right-of-first-selection benchmarks requires the Wisconsin works agency to place
4at least 50% of Wisconsin works and food stamp employment and training program
5participants in unsubsidized employment.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,722,9 68. That, for purposes of applying the entered employment standard under
7subdivision 7., each participant who participates in unsubsidized employment is
8counted only once regardless of the number of times the participant participates in
9a new unsubsidized employment placement.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,722,22 109. That the performance standards the department applies to determine
11whether a Wisconsin works agency meets the base contract, right-of-first-selection,
12and tiers one and 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmarks include a wage rate
13standard that measures the initial wage rate placement for each participant. For
14purposes of the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks, the
15department shall require a Wisconsin works agency to have a wage rate equal to the
16average wage rate in the county in which the Wisconsin works agency contracts. For
17purposes of the tier one unrestricted bonus funds benchmark, the department shall
18require a Wisconsin works agency to have a wage rate equal to 102.5% of the average
19wage rate for the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks. For
20purposes of the tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark, the department shall
21require a Wisconsin works agency to have a wage rate equal to 105% of the average
22wage rate for the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,722,24 2310. That, for informational purposes, the job retention standard also measures
24the percentage of participants who remain employed after 360 days.
111. That the job retention standard requires 85% of Wisconsin works and food
2stamp employment and training program participants to remain employed after a
330-day follow-up for purposes of the base contract and right-of-first-selection
4benchmarks, requires 90% of Wisconsin works and food stamp employment and
5training participants to remain employed after a 30-day follow-up for purposes of
6the tier one unrestricted bonus funds, and requires 95% of Wisconsin works and food
7stamp employment and training program participants to remain employed after a
830-day follow-up for purposes of the tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,723,19 912. That the full and appropriate engagement standard requires that 90% of
10Wisconsin works and food stamp employment and training program participants be
11appropriately engaged in work and educational activities with a current
12employability plan for purposes of the base contract and right-of-first-selection
13benchmarks, requires that 95% of Wisconsin works and food stamp employment and
14training program participants be appropriately engaged in work and educational
15activities with a current employability plan for purposes of the tier one unrestricted
16bonus funds benchmark, and requires that 100% of Wisconsin works and food stamp
17employment and training program participants be appropriately engaged in work
18and educational activities with a current employability plan for purposes of the tier
192 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,724,2 2013. That the basic education activities standard requires that 90% of Wisconsin
21works participants are participating in appropriate education and training activities
22for purposes of the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks, requires
23that 95% of Wisconsin works participants are participating in appropriate education
24and training activities for purposes of the tier one unrestricted bonus funds
25benchmark, and requires that 100% of Wisconsin works participants are

1participating in appropriate education and training activities for purposes of the tier
22 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,724,9 314. That the educational attainment standard requires that 40% of Wisconsin
4works participants complete an education or training activity for purposes of the
5base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks, requires that 45% of
6Wisconsin works participants complete an education or training activity for
7purposes of the tier one unrestricted bonus funds benchmark, and requires that 50%
8of Wisconsin works participants complete an education or training activity for
9purposes of the tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,724,13 1015. That the staff training standard requires that 100% of Wisconsin works
11agency employees and persons with whom the Wisconsin works agency contracts
12meet training requirements specified by the department for purposes of the base
13contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,724,18 1416. That the appropriate tier placement standard requires that 100% of
15Wisconsin works participants receive an assessment to determine appropriate
16placement in a Wisconsin works employment position within 30 days of applying to
17the program for purposes of the base contract and right-of-first-selection
SB55-SSA1-SA2,724,22 1917. That the department will not apply the staff training standard under
20subdivision 15. or the appropriate tier placement standard under subd. 16. to
21determine whether a Wisconsin works agency meets the tier one and tier 2
22unrestricted bonus funds benchmarks.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,2 2318. That the department will not apply the faith-based contracts standard or
24the supplemental security income program advocacy standard to determine whether

1a Wisconsin works agency meets the base contract, right-of-first-selection, or tier
2one and tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmarks.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,7 319. That for purposes of determining whether a Wisconsin works agency meets
4the base contract and right-of-first-selection benchmarks, the department shall
5apply the employer health insurance standard and that the employer health
6insurance standard requires that 55% of participants placed in unsubsidized
7employment have employer health insurance.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,12 820. That for purposes of determining whether a Wisconsin works agency meets
9the tier one unrestricted bonus funds benchmark, the department shall apply the
10employer health insurance standard and that the employer health insurance
11standard requires that 60% of participants placed in unsubsidized employment have
12employer health insurance.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,17 1321. That for purposes of determining whether a Wisconsin works agency meets
14the tier 2 unrestricted bonus funds benchmark, the department shall apply the
15employer health insurance standard and that the employer health insurance
16standard requires that 65% of participants placed in unsubsidized employment have
17employer health insurance.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,18 181522. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,725,24 19"(10d) Early childhood excellence initiative; La Causa. Notwithstanding
20section 49.175 (1) (r) of the statutes, as affected by this act, from the moneys allocated
21under section 49.175 (1) (r) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
22workforce development shall provide, in each year of the 2001-03 fiscal biennium,
23a grant of $250,000 to La Causa, Inc., to expand its day care facilities and to provide
24community services.".
11523. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,726,2 2"(10c) Predatory residential real estate lending practices investigation.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,726,16 3(a) Grant for investigation of predatory residential real estate lending practices.
4From the appropriation under section 20.445 (1) (a) of the statutes, the department
5of workforce development shall award a grant of $150,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 to
6the Milwaukee Metropolitan Fair Housing Council, Inc., for the investigation of
7predatory practices of lenders in the making of loans that are secured by a first lien
8real estate mortgage on, or an equivalent security interest in, a one-family to
94-family dwelling that the borrower uses as his or her principal place of residence.
10The investigation shall examine the practices of lenders only in Milwaukee County.
11The investigation shall examine the practices of making loans based upon the equity
12in a property rather than on the particular borrower's ability to repay the loan,
13including credit insurance and other financial products as part of or in association
14with loans, and inducing borrowers to repeatedly refinance their loans, and shall
15examine any other unfair, deceptive, false, misleading, or unconscionable practices
16within the scope of the investigation.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,517 (b) Report on predatory residential real estate lending practices. By January
181, 2004, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Fair Housing Council, Inc., shall submit a
19report evaluating the results of its investigation under paragraph (a) to the secretary
20of workforce development, and by February 1, 2004, the secretary of workforce
21development shall forward copies of the report to the appropriate standing
22committees of the legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (3) of the
23statutes, to the secretary of financial institutions, and to the governor. The report
24shall indicate the number of predatory practices discovered during the investigation,

1and, for each loan with regard to which a predatory practice is discovered, a
2description of the practice, the total amount of the loan, the cost to the borrower as
3a result of the practice, the income level, age, race, national origin, and gender of the
4borrower, and a description of the census block in which the real estate securing the
5loan is located.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,6 61524. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,12 7"(11e) Early childhood excellence initiative; Noel Learning Center.
8Notwithstanding section 49.175 (1) (r) of the statutes, as affected by this act, from
9the moneys allocated under section 49.175 (1) (r) of the statutes, as affected by this
10act, the department of workforce development shall provide, in fiscal year 2002-03,
11one grant of $50,000 to the Noel Learning Center to provide child care for low-income
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,13 131525. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,19 14"(10b) Vocational rehabilitation report. By the first day of the 10th month
15after the effective date of this subsection, the subunit of the department of workforce
16development that deals with vocational rehabilitation shall report to the joint
17committee on finance of the legislature, to all other standing committees of the
18legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes, and to
19the governor on all of the following:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,21 20(a) Any reduction in the length of waiting lists that developed after August
212000 for clients of the vocational rehabilitation program.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,22 22(b) The status of personnel in the subunit.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,727,24 23(c) The current and future capacity of the subunit to meet vocational
24rehabilitation program client caseloads.".
11526. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,7 2"(10g) Community reinvestment funds for Milwaukee County.
3Notwithstanding section 49.175 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes, as affected by this act, from
4the moneys allocated under section 49.175 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes, as affected by this
5act, the department shall provide $656,000 in fiscal year 2001-03 and $1,312,000 in
6fiscal year 2002-03 to Milwaukee County to provide services to individuals who are
7eligible to receive temporary assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 to 619.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,8 81527. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,16 9"(11d) Investigation of discriminatory housing practices. From the
10appropriation account under section 20.445 (1) (a) of the statutes, the department of
11workforce development shall distribute $80,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $80,000
12in fiscal year 2002-03 to the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, Inc., for
13the investigation of discriminatory housing practices. Of the amounts distributed
14under this subsection, the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, Inc., shall
15allocate $20,000 in each of those fiscal years for the investigation of discriminatory
16housing practices in each of the following areas:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,17 17(a) Milwaukee County.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,1818 (b) Dane County.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,1919 (c) Racine County.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,2020 (d) Brown, Fond Du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago counties.".
SB55-SSA1-SA2,728,21 211528. Page 1375, line 17: after that line insert:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,729,4 22"(11vw) Apprenticeship marketing council; initial terms. Notwithstanding
23the length of terms specified for the members of the apprenticeship marketing
24council under section 15.227 (14) of the statutes, as created by this act, representing

1the interests of employees and the members of that council representing the interests
2of employers, the initial members of that council representing the interests of
3employees and the initial members of that council representing the interests of
4employers shall be appointed for the following terms:
SB55-SSA1-SA2,729,65 (l) One member representing employees and one member representing
6employers, for terms expiring on July 1, 2001.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,729,87 (m) One member representing employees and one member representing
8employers, for terms expiring on July 1, 2002.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,729,109 (n) Two members representing employees and 2 members representing
10employers, for terms expiring on July 1, 2003.
SB55-SSA1-SA2,729,11 11(11vx) Workplace diversity grant program.