AB614,68,76 (b) The selling and purchasing of native wild reptiles and native wild
7amphibians is subject to s. 169.12 and not to this section.
AB614,68,13 8169.11 Harmful wild animals. (1) Designation. (a) The department shall
9designate by rule cougars and members of the family ursidae as harmful wild
10animals. After consulting with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
11protection and the department of health and family services, the department of
12natural resources may designate by rule other species of wild animals as harmful
13wild animals if any of the following apply:
AB614,68,1514 1. The wild animal is not a native wild animal and is capable of inflicting harm
15to the environment.
AB614,68,1716 2. The wild animal is capable of creating a risk to public health or to the health
17of domestic animals.
AB614,68,1918 3. The wild animal is capable of inflicting severe physical harm to humans or
19to domestic animals.
AB614,68,2220 (b) No person may possess, take, propagate, sell, purchase, transfer, exhibit,
21or rehabilitate a live harmful wild animal unless specifically authorized to do so by
22the department.
AB614,68,2523 (c) No person may introduce, stock, or release, or import into this state to
24introduce, stock, or release, any harmful wild animal unless specifically authorized
25to do so by the department under s. 169.06 (1) (c).
1(3) Exemptions. (a) Public zoos and aquariums are exempt from the
2prohibition under sub. (1) (b).
AB614,69,43 (b) 1. Veterinarians are exempt from the prohibition under sub. (1) (b) for the
4purpose of providing medical treatment to harmful wild animals.
AB614,69,55 2. For purposes of subd. 1., "medical treatment" does not include rehabilitation.
AB614,69,9 6169.12 Sale and purchase of native wild reptiles and wild amphibians.
7(1) Possession; general. No person may take from the wild or possess live native
8wild reptiles or live native wild amphibians unless the person is authorized to do so
9under rules promulgated by the department or unless sub. (3) applies.
AB614,69,12 10(3) Possession of native frogs. A person using native frogs for bait while
11fishing may take from the wild, possess, and kill more than 5 native frogs, but may
12not possess more than 5 of any subspecies of native frog for more than 24 hours.
AB614,69,15 13(4) Restrictions on sales and purchases. Unless authorized to do so under
14rules promulgated by the department, no person may sell or purchase live native
15wild reptiles or live native wild amphibians except for the following:
AB614,69,1816 (a) Color variants of these wild reptiles and wild amphibians that have been
17bred in captivity and have coloration that is clearly distinct from the normal
18morphological color patterns.
AB614,69,2019 (b) Leopard frogs, mud puppies, and tiger salamanders that are sold or
20purchased under the authorization of a Class A captive wild animal farm license.
AB614,69,2321 (c) Native reptiles or amphibians that are legally taken or reared outside this
22state and that are sold to educational institutions under the authorization of a Class
23A captive wild animal farm license.
1(6) Exemption for veterinarians. (a) Veterinarians are exempt from the
2requirement under sub. (1) for the purpose of providing medical treatment to native
3wild reptiles and native wild amphibians.
AB614,70,44 (b) For purposes of par. (a), "medical treatment" does not include rehabilitation.
AB614,70,7 5169.14 Carcasses of captive wild animals. (1) Restrictions on sales and
(a) No person may sell the carcass of any captive wild animal unless the
7seller provides to the purchaser written proof of origin.
AB614,70,108 (b) No person may purchase or possess the carcass of any captive wild animal
9unless the purchaser maintains written proof of origin during the time the purchaser
10possesses the carcass.
AB614,70,1211 (c) No person may sell or purchase the gallbladder of a bear that was a captive
12wild animal.
AB614,70,1513 (d) No person may preserve and mount a carcass of a captive wild animal for
14consideration unless that person holds a valid taxidermist permit issued under s.
AB614,70,20 16(2) Tagging requirements for captive wild animal farms. (a) A person killing
17a wild animal under the authority of a captive wild animal farm license shall tag the
18carcass in the manner required by the department before removing the carcass from
19the farm. No person may remove the tag from the carcass except as provided in par.
AB614,70,2421 (b) A person acquiring a carcass tagged under par. (a) that is to be consumed
22for food may remove the tag at the time the carcass is prepared for final consumption.
23The person shall keep the tag in evidence until the carcass is consumed or otherwise
24disposed of.
1(c) For purposes of pars. (a) and (b), for the carcasses of wild reptiles and wild
2amphibians, a person need not tag each carcass, but shall tag each shipment in the
3manner required by the department.
AB614,71,6 4(3) Inapplicability to certain carcasses. (a) Subsections (1) and (2) do not
5apply to the raw fur or dressed fur of fur-bearing wild animals that are possessed
6as authorized by a license issued under s. 169.18.
AB614,71,87 (c) The selling, purchasing, or possessing of carcasses of endangered or
8threatened species is subject to s. 29.604 and not to this section.
AB614,71,12 9169.15 Captive wild animal farm licenses. (1) Issuance. (a) The
10department shall issue a Class A captive wild animal farm license to operate a
11captive wild animal farm that grosses $10,000 or more in annual sales to any person
12who files a proper application for the license and who pays the applicable fee.
AB614,71,1613 (b) The department shall issue a Class B captive wild animal farm license to
14operate a captive wild animal farm that grosses less than $10,000 in annual sales to
15any person who files a proper application for the license and who pays the applicable
AB614,71,1817 (d) The applicant shall specify the location of the enclosures for the wild
18animals on the application.
AB614,71,21 19(2) Authorization. (a) A captive wild animal farm license authorizes the
20holder of the license to possess, propagate, kill, exhibit, purchase, and sell live
21captive wild animals of the species specified by the department on the license.
AB614,71,2322 (b) A captive wild animal farm license authorizes the killing of captive wild
23animals only by the holder of the license or an employee of the holder of the license.
1(3) Calculation of annual sales. (a) The calculation of annual sales under
2sub. (1) and par. (b) shall be based on sales from the prior year that involve live
3captive wild animals that are any of the following:
AB614,72,44 1. Native wild animals.
AB614,72,55 3. Harmful wild animals.
AB614,72,66 4. Endangered or threatened species.
AB614,72,97 (b) For the first year that a person is issued a captive wild animal farm license,
8the person shall be issued a Class B captive wild animal farm license, unless one of
9the following applies:
AB614,72,1210 1. The person operated a game bird and animal farm licensed under s. 29.867,
111999 stats., on the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], that
12grossed $10,000 or more in annual sales.
AB614,72,1313 2. The person elects to be issued a Class A captive wild animal farm license.
AB614,72,17 14(4) Control of wild animals. (a) A person holding a captive wild animal farm
15license shall control the wild animals at all times in the manner required by the
16department and shall keep the wild animals at the locations specified on the
17application for the license.
AB614,72,2118 (b) If any member of the family ursidae, felidae, or canidae escapes from its
19enclosure or fenced area on a captive wild animal farm, the person holding the
20captive wild animal farm license shall notify the department within 24 hours after
21the escape.
AB614,72,24 22(5) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to establish additional
23standards, limitations, and requirements for captive wild animal farm licenses and
24for captive wild animal farms, including fencing of the farms.
1169.18 Wild fur farm license. (1) Issuance. The department shall issue a
2wild fur farm license to any person who files a proper application and who pays the
3applicable fee.
AB614,73,5 4(2) Authorization; limitations. (a) A wild fur farm license authorizes all of the
AB614,73,76 1. The holder of the license to possess and propagate live muskrat, beaver,
7coyote, raccoon, otter, and mink on the land subject to the license.
AB614,73,108 2. The holder of the license and other persons authorized by the holder to take
9the live fur-bearing wild animals specified in subd. 1. or kill by trapping the
10fur-bearing wild animals specified in subd. 1.
AB614,73,1211 3. The holder of the license to sell the live fur-bearing wild animals specified
12in subd. 1. to persons authorized to possess the fur-bearing wild animals.
AB614,73,1513 (b) Section 29.501 applies to the possession and selling of the raw furs and
14dressed furs of the fur-bearing wild animals that are possessed as authorized under
15a wild fur farm license.
AB614,73,1716 (c) The number of otter that are taken or killed may not exceed the quota
17established by rule by the department under sub. (5) (a).
AB614,73,19 18(3) Eligible land. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a wild fur farm licensed
19under this section shall be in a single parcel and may not exceed 640 acres.
AB614,73,2320 (b) Upon the request of the applicant for a license under this section, the
21department shall issue a single license for a wild fur farm that does not meet all of
22the requirements of par. (a) if the wild fur farm is licensed as a fur animal farm under
23s. 29.869, 1999 stats., on the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
AB614,74,3 24(4) Exemption from trapping restrictions. Except as provided in sub. (2) (c),
25a person trapping fur-bearing wild animals on a wild fur farm is exempt from having

1any trapping approval issued under ch. 29 and is exempt from any closed season
2restrictions, bag limits, or other conditions or restrictions established by the
3department under s. 29.014 (1) or 29.192.
AB614,74,5 4(5) Rules. (a) The department shall promulgate by rule a quota for taking, or
5killing by trapping, otter for purposes of this section.
AB614,74,76 (b) The department shall promulgate rules for the purpose of determining
7whether a piece of land qualifies as a single parcel under sub. (3).
AB614,74,98 (c) The department may promulgate rules to establish additional standards,
9limitations, and requirements for wild fur farm licenses and for wild fur farms.
AB614,74,12 10169.19 Bird hunting preserve licenses. (1) Issuance. The department
11shall issue a Class A or a Class B bird hunting preserve license to any person who
12files a proper application and who pays the applicable fee.
AB614,74,14 13(2) Authorization. (a) A Class A or a Class B bird hunting preserve license
14authorizes all of the following:
AB614,74,1715 1. Possessing, stocking, propagating, releasing into the wild, selling, and
16purchasing of live wild birds of the species authorized under par. (b) by the holder
17of the license.
AB614,74,2018 2. Hunting or taking of released wild birds of those species that have been
19stocked in the preserve by the holder of the license and other persons authorized by
20the holder.
AB614,74,2221 (b) The department may authorize any of the following species of live wild birds
22under a Class A or a Class B bird hunting preserve license:
AB614,74,2423 1. Pheasants of the species Phasianus colchicus or the species Syrmaticus
AB614,74,2525 2. Quail that are of the subfamily Odontophorinae.
13. Gray partridge.
AB614,75,22 4. Chukar partridge.
AB614,75,33 5. Red-legged partridge.
AB614,75,44 6. Mallard ducks that are bred in captivity.
AB614,75,65 7. Wild turkeys, if the wild turkeys are located outside a wild turkey hunting
6zone established under s. 29.164.
AB614,75,87 (c) The department shall specify on the license the species of wild birds that the
8department authorizes under the license.
AB614,75,12 9(3) Regulation of number of birds. (a) A person holding a bird hunting
10preserve license may not allow the number of wild birds of a given species in the
11preserve that are killed or taken in a given year to exceed the number of captive wild
12birds of that species that have been stocked in the preserve for that license year.
AB614,75,1613 (b) A Class A bird hunting preserve license authorizes the person holding the
14license to possess any number of the species specified in sub. (2) (b) 2. to 7. and
15requires the person to stock at least 1,001 adult pheasants in the preserve during the
16license year.
AB614,75,2217 (c) A Class B bird hunting preserve license authorizes the person holding the
18license to possess any number of the species specified in sub. (2) (b) 2. to 7. and
19prohibits the person from stocking more than 1,000 adult pheasants in the preserve.
20A holder of a Class B bird hunting preserve license possessing pheasants under the
21license shall stock a minimum of one adult pheasant per 4 acres that are within the
22boundaries of the licensed preserve during the license year.
AB614,76,3 23(4) Requirements for mallard ducks. A person possessing mallard ducks
24under the authority of a bird hunting preserve license may possess only mallard
25ducks that are bred in captivity and shall identify them as required under 50 CFR

121.13 (b). The person shall house the mallard ducks in pens that are covered and
2maintained to prevent free-roaming wild waterfowl from being attracted to the pens
3with the mallard ducks that are being bred.
AB614,76,9 4(4m) Restrictions on hen pheasants. A person holding a Class B bird hunting
5preserve license may not allow the hunting or taking of hen pheasants beginning on
6December 15 of each year and ending on the following March 31 within the
7boundaries of the licensed preserve if the preserve is located totally or partially
8within a pheasant management zone, as established by the department, for purposes
9of s. 29.191.
AB614,76,12 10(5) Exemption from hunting restrictions. (a) A person hunting or taking wild
11birds on a bird hunting preserve that have been stocked on the preserve is exempt
12from having any approval issued under ch. 29.
AB614,76,1613 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), a person hunting or taking wild birds on a bird
14hunting preserve that have been stocked on the preserve is exempt from any closed
15season restrictions, bag limits, or other conditions or restrictions established by the
16department under s. 29.014 (1) or 29.192.
AB614,76,1817 (c) A person hunting mallard ducks shall comply with rules promulgated by the
18department under ss. 29.014 and 29.192 governing the hunting of waterfowl.
AB614,76,21 19(6) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to establish additional
20standards, limitations, and requirements for bird hunting preserve licenses and for
21bird hunting preserves.
AB614,76,24 22169.20 Dog training licenses. (1) Bird dog training license. (a) The
23department shall issue a bird dog training license to any individual who is at least
2412 years of age who files a proper application and who pays the applicable fee.
1(b) Except as provided in par. (c), a bird dog training license authorizes the
2holder of the license to purchase, possess, release into the wild, and hunt any of the
3live captive wild birds specified in s. 169.19 (2) (b) 1. to 6. solely for the purposes of
4training a dog to retrieve, point, flush, and track game.
AB614,77,85 (c) The department may restrict the possessing, releasing, and hunting of a
6species of wild birds specified in par. (b) by persons holding dog training licenses in
7zones or areas for which the department has by rule imposed special hunting
8restrictions for that species.
AB614,77,139 (d) A person training a bird dog in a bird hunting preserve for which the
10hunting of pheasant, quail, mallard ducks bred in captivity, or partridge has been
11authorized under a bird hunting preserve license is exempt from holding a bird dog
12training license to possess, release into the wild, and hunt live captive wild birds for
13the purposes of training the dog to retrieve, point, flush, and track wild birds.
AB614,77,16 14(2) Hound dog training license. (a) The department shall issue a hound dog
15training license to any individual who is at least 12 years of age who files a proper
16application and who pays the applicable fee.
AB614,77,1917 (b) A hound dog training license authorizes the holder of the license to
18purchase, possess, release into the wild, and hunt any of the following live captive
19wild animals for the purpose of teaching hound dogs to track game:
AB614,77,2120 1. Live captive rabbit purchased or otherwise acquired from a person holding
21a captive wild animal farm license.
AB614,77,2222 2. Live captive raccoon.
AB614,77,2323 3. Live captive bear of the species Ursus americanus.
AB614,78,2 24(3) Dog club training license. (a) The department may issue a dog club
25training license to an organization that meets the conditions established by the

1department by rule for dog club training licenses, that files a proper application and
2that pays the applicable fee.
AB614,78,63 (b) A dog club training license authorizes the club or its members to purchase,
4possess, release into the wild, and hunt species of live captive wild animals that are
5authorized by the department on property owned or leased by the club for the
6purpose of teaching a bird dog or hound dog to retrieve, point, flush, or track game.
AB614,78,10 7(4) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to establish additional
8standards, limitations, and requirements for licenses issued under this section. The
9rules may include standards that provide adequate protection for the wild animals
10that are authorized under a dog training license.