AB933,51,2422 877.21 (1) (intro.) If the an action is brought against all the legatees and
23devisees, the plaintiff shall not recover unless the plaintiff shows, in addition to the
24facts required to be shown in an action against the heirs: that, any of the following:
1(a) That no assets were delivered by the executor or administrator personal
to the heirs; or that.
AB933,52,4 3(b) That the value of such the assets delivered to the heirs has been recovered
4by some other creditor; or that such.
AB933,52,7 5(c) That the assets delivered by the personal representative to the heirs are not
6sufficient to satisfy the demands of the plaintiff; and in the last case that the plaintiff
7is entitled to recover the deficiency.
AB933, s. 114 8Section 114. 777.21 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (2) and amended
9to read:
AB933,52,1310 877.21 (2) If the an action be is brought against a preferred legatee or devisee
11or a preferred class, the plaintiff must also show the same matters as to the legatee
12or devisee or class to whom the defendants are preferred as is above required to be
13shown under sub. (1) as to the heirs. And any
AB933,52,16 14(2m) Any legatee or devisee against whom recovery shall be had is made may
15maintain an action for contribution against others of the same class as heirs may
16among themselves.
AB933, s. 115 17Section 115. 777.21 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 877.21 (3) and amended
18to read:
AB933,52,2019 877.21 (3) Specific legacies and devises are preferred to residuary ones legacies
20and devises
AB933, s. 116 21Section 116. 777.22 of the statutes is renumbered 877.22 and amended to
AB933,53,2 23877.22 Payment a discharge. In case of any judgment against several heirs
24or, legatees, or devisees , the payment or satisfaction of the amount recovered against

1any one of the defendants shall discharge such that defendant from the judgment
2and from execution thereon on the judgment.
AB933, s. 117 3Section 117. 777.26 of the statutes is renumbered 877.26 and amended to
AB933,53,8 5877.26 Accounts as evidence. The account of the executor or administrator
6personal representative, settled by the proper circuit court, may be used in any action
7brought under the provisions of this chapter as presumptive evidence of any matter
8of fact stated therein in the account.
AB933, s. 118 9Section 118. 777.28 of the statutes is renumbered 877.28 and amended to
AB933,53,14 11877.28 Limit of liability. When part of the plaintiff's debt has been collected,
12the plaintiff can may recover only the residue remaining unpaid; and when. When
13the action is against the devisees and legatees, the plaintiff shall may recover only
14such that part thereof as shall of the debt that is not be recoverable from the heirs.
AB933, s. 119 15Section 119. 777.29 of the statutes is renumbered 877.29 and amended to
AB933,53,21 17877.29 Debts charged upon realty not affected. Nothing in this chapter
18shall affect the liability of heirs or beneficiaries for any debt of their decedent, which
19that was by the decedent's will expressly charged upon property or made payable
20exclusively out of particular property or of any beneficiary made exclusively liable
21for any such the debt.
AB933, s. 120 22Section 120. 777.32 of the statutes is renumbered 877.32 and amended to
AB933,54,4 24877.32 Judgment, how collected. If any real estate which that descended
25or was devised to any defendant is not aliened by the defendant before the filing of

1a notice of the pendency of the an action, the court shall adjudge that the debt of
2owing to the plaintiff, or the portion thereof which of the debt that the plaintiff is
3entitled to recover against such the defendant, shall be levied only out of such the real
4estate so descended or devised, and not otherwise.
AB933, s. 121 5Section 121. 777.36 of the statutes is renumbered 877.36, and 877.36 (intro.),
6as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB933,54,10 7877.36 Debts, order of payment. (intro.) When the The next of kin, legatees,
8heirs, or devisees who are liable for demands against the decedent as prescribed in
9under this chapter they shall be given preference in the payment of the same and
10shall be liable therefor for demands against the estate in the following order:
AB933, s. 122 11Section 122. 777.38 of the statutes is renumbered 877.38 and amended to
AB933,54,19 13877.38 Defenses. The If the decedent's next of kin, legatees, heirs, and
14devisees may show that there are unsatisfied debts of the decedent that are of a class
15prior class unsatisfied or that there are unpaid debts of the same class with that to
16or the same as the class of the debt
on which the action is brought ; and if it appear
17that the value of the personal property delivered to them or of the real estate
18descended or devised to them does not exceed the debts of a prior class prior to that
19of the debt on which the action is brought,
judgment shall be rendered in their favor.
AB933, s. 123 20Section 123. 777.39 of the statutes is renumbered 877.39 and amended to
AB933,55,3 22877.39 Extent of liability. If the personal property delivered to such the
next of kin or legatee, legatees or if the real estate descended or devised
24to such the decedent's heirs or devisees, exceed exceeds the amount of debts which
25that are entitled to a preference over the debt for which the an action is brought,

1judgment shall be rendered against them the next of kin, legatees, heirs, or devisees
2only for such a sum as shall be that is a just proportion to the other debts of the same
3class with that on which the action is brought.
AB933, s. 124 4Section 124. 777.40 of the statutes is renumbered 877.40 and amended to
AB933,55,12 6877.40 Preferred debts deducted. If any debt of the decedent that is of the
7same or
a prior class to that on which the an action is brought, or of the same class,
8shall have
has been paid by any next of kin, legatees, heirs or devisees they legatee,
9heir, or devisee, that person
may give evidence of such the payment, and the amount
10of debts so paid shall be estimated in ascertaining the amount to be recovered in the
11same manner as if such those paid debts were outstanding and unpaid as prescribed
12in ss. 777.38 877.38 and 777.39 877.39.
AB933, s. 125 13Section 125. 777.41 of the statutes is renumbered 877.41 (intro.) and amended
14to read:
AB933,55,19 15877.41 Rights and liabilities of posthumous child and witness to will.
16(intro.) A child born after the making of a will who is entitled to succeed to a portion
17of any of the real or personal testator's property or both of the testator, or a witness
18to a will who is entitled to recover any portion of such the testator's property from
19the legatees or devisees, shall have:
AB933,55,23 20(1) Have the same rights and remedies to compel a distribution of the personal
21property and partition of the real estate or to recover of from the legatees or devisees
22such the portion of the property as that belongs to him or her, or to as any other person
23entitled to any part of the estate;
1(2) Have the same rights and remedies to compel a contribution from other
2persons interested in the estate, or to gain possession of the property, as any other
3persons who are person entitled to any part of such the estate; and shall be
AB933,56,5 4(3) Be equally liable to the creditors of the decedent under this chapter as any
5other person entitled to any part of the estate
AB933, s. 126 6Section 126. 777.42 of the statutes is renumbered 877.42 and amended to
AB933,56,12 8877.42 Estate of deceased heir liable. The estate of any heir, devisee,
9legatee, or next of kin of a decedent who dies before paying his or her just share of
10the decedent's debts is liable therefor for his or her share of the decedent's debts, as
11for a personal debt, to the same extent to which that he or she would have been liable
12if living.
AB933, s. 127 13Section 127. 803.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,56,2114 803.01 (2) Representatives. A personal representative, executor,
guardian, bailee, or trustee of an express trust, a party with whom or
16in whose name a contract has been made for the benefit of another, or a party
17authorized by statute may sue in the party's name without joining the person for
18whose benefit the action is brought. A partner asserting a partnership claim may
19sue in the partner's name without joining the other members of the partnership, but
20the partner shall indicate in the pleading that the claim asserted belongs to the
AB933, s. 128 22Section 128. 806.04 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,57,423 806.04 (4) Representatives, etc. (intro.) Any person interested as or through
24a personal representative, executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or other
25fiduciary, creditor, devisee, legatee, heir, next of kin, or cestui que trust, in the

1administration of a trust, or of the estate of a decedent, an infant, mental
2incompetent, or insolvent, may have a declaration of rights or legal relations in
3respect thereto to the administration of the trust or estate for any of the following
AB933, s. 129 5Section 129. 806.04 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,57,86 806.04 (4) (b) To direct the personal representatives , executors, administrators
7or trustees to do or abstain from doing any particular act in their fiduciary capacity;
AB933, s. 130 9Section 130. 813.026 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,57,22 10813.026 Remedy against heirs and legatees; temporary injunction;
11receivership; judgment.
In an action, in a court of record, for damages founded
12upon contract or upon a judgment, when it appears that the defendant is interested,
13as heir, legatee, or devisee, in the estate of a decedent and that the defendant's
14property that is liable to execution is probably insufficient to satisfy the plaintiff's
15claim for damages, the defendant may be enjoined by the court, pending the action,
16from assigning or otherwise disposing of the defendant's interest in such the estate; ,
17and a receiver therefor for the defendant's interest may be appointed. The judgment
18may compel the defendant to transfer sufficient of the defendant's interest to satisfy
19the judgment or may adjudge such the transfer. The remedy given by this section
20is in addition to that given by proceedings supplementary to execution under ch. 816.
21If a receiver is appointed, he or she shall give prompt notice thereof of the
to the administrator or executor personal representative.
AB933, s. 131 23Section 131. 814.14 of the statutes is renumbered 814.14 (1) (a) and amended
24to read:
1814.14 (1) (a) In Except as provided in par. (b) or unless otherwise specifically
2provided in
any action or proceeding prosecuted or defended in any court in
3Wisconsin this state by an executor, administrator a personal representative,
4guardian ad litem, trustee of an express trust, general guardian or a person
5expressly authorized by statute, unless otherwise specially provided, costs shall may
6be recovered as in an action by and or against a person prosecuting or defending in
7the person's own right; but such costs.
AB933,58,15 8(b) Except in cases in which the plaintiff or defendant is guilty of
9mismanagement or bad faith in the action, proceeding, or defense of the action, costs
10recovered under par. (a)
shall be chargeable only upon or collected of from the estate,
11fund, or party represented, unless. In cases in which the plaintiff or defendant is
12guilty of mismanagement or bad faith in the action, proceeding, or defense of the
the court shall direct that the same to be costs recovered under par. (a) shall
14be paid by the plaintiff or defendant personally, for mismanagement or bad faith in
15such action, proceeding or defense
AB933,59,2 16(2) In addition to other costs, all actions or proceedings in which any receiver,
17assignee, guardian, guardian ad litem, executor, administrator, or other
18may be entitled to recover costs, the fiduciary may recover in addition to other costs,
any sum that the fiduciary paid to a company, authorized by the laws of this
20state, so to do act as the fiduciary's surety, for becoming the fiduciary's surety upon
21any bond or other obligation given by the fiduciary in the fiduciary's representative
22capacity, in such the action or proceeding, pursuant to law or the order of any court
23or judge, as may be allowed by the court or judge, in which or before whom the
24fiduciary accounts, not exceeding the lesser of 2% per year on the amount secured by

1such the obligation, or any less the actual amount which the fiduciary may have paid
2any such to the company for such purpose.
AB933, s. 132 3Section 132. 814.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,59,94 814.28 (1) Defendant may require. Except as otherwise provided by s. 814.29,
5the defendant may require the plaintiffs to file security for costs if the plaintiffs are
6all nonresidents; or are foreign corporations, nonresident executors, administrators
7personal representatives, guardians, trustees, or receivers; or are trustees or
8assignees of any debtor; or are imprisoned for crime for terms less than life; or shall
9take issue upon the answer of the garnishee.
AB933, s. 133 10Section 133. 815.15 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,60,2 11815.15 Execution after judgment creditor's death. If the judgment
12creditor dies before satisfaction of the judgment, an execution may be issued by the
13judgment creditor's attorney of record in the name of such the decedent or in the
14name of the judgment creditor's executor or administrator personal representative.
15Before an execution shall issue in the name of an executor or administrator the
16executor or administrator
a personal representative, the personal representative
17shall file with the clerk a copy of his or her the letters testamentary or of other letters
18authorizing the
administration, and of the decedent's estate, which the clerk shall
19file such papers with the other papers in the action or proceeding and. The clerk shall
enter at the foot of the judgment, in the judgment record, the fact of the death
21of such the judgment creditor, and the name and date of appointment of such
22executor or administrator
the personal representative. The moneys collected
23thereon on the judgment shall be paid to the executors or administrators of such
judgment creditor's personal representative, but if there be none then is no

1personal representative,
the moneys so collected on the judgment shall be paid to the
2clerk of the court.
AB933, s. 134 3Section 134. 815.53 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,60,64 815.53 (3) A certified copy of the creditor's letters of administration or letters
5testamentary or other letters authorizing the administration of the decedent's
, in the case of an administrator or executor a personal representative.
AB933, s. 135 7Section 135. 815.56 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,60,15 8815.56 Sheriff's deed; grantee if purchaser dead. In case If the person who
9would be entitled to a deed of real estate sold on execution dies before the delivery
10of that deed, the sheriff shall execute a deed to the person's executors or
11administrators. The
decedent's personal representative who shall either hold the
12real estate so conveyed shall be held in trust for the use of the heirs or devisees of the
13deceased person decedent, subject to the surviving spouse's right to elect under s.
14861.02 (1), but may be sold or sell the real estate for the payment of debts in the same
15manner as lands of which the person died seized owned by the decedent.
AB933, s. 136 16Section 136. 847.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,60,21 17847.05 Actions between cotenants. One joint tenant or tenant in common
18and, or his or her executors or administrators personal representative, may maintain
19an action for money had and received against the tenant's a cotenant for receiving
20more than the cotenant's just proportion of the rents or profits of the estate owned
21by them as joint tenants or tenants in common.
Note: As a personal representative can act for a person only after the person's
death, "and" is replaced with "or."
AB933, s. 137 22Section 137. 847.07 of the statutes is renumbered 847.07 (1) (intro.) and
23amended to read:
1847.07 (1) (intro.) The circuit court of any county in which a conveyance of real
2estate has been recorded may make an order correcting the description in the
3conveyances conveyance on proof being made to the satisfaction of the court that the
4any of the following applies:
AB933,61,6 5(a) The conveyance contains an erroneous description, not intended by the
6parties thereto; or if the to the conveyance.
AB933,61,8 7(b) The description is ambiguous and does not clearly or fully describe the
8premises intended to be conveyed, if the.
AB933,61,15 9(c) The grantor therein of the conveyance is dead, a nonresident of the state,
10a corporation which that has ceased to exist or an administrator, executor, or a
11personal representative
, guardian, trustee, or other person authorized to convey and
12who has been discharged from his or her trust and the person to whom it was made,
13grantee or his or her heirs, legal representatives , or assigns have been in the quiet,
14undisturbed, and peaceable possession of the premises intended to be conveyed from
15the date of the conveyance.
AB933,61,17 16(2) This section does not prevent an action for the reformation of any
17conveyance, and if in any doubt, the court shall direct the action to be brought.
AB933, s. 138 18Section 138. 853.07 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,61,2219 853.07 (3) (a) A provision for employment as executor personal representative
20or trustee or in some other capacity after death of the testator and a provision for
21compensation at a rate or in an amount not greater than that usual for the services
22to be performed;
AB933, s. 139 23Section 139. 854.14 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1854.14 (2) (a) 3. Nominates or appoints the killer to serve in any fiduciary or
2representative capacity, including personal representative, executor, trustee, or
AB933, s. 140 4Section 140. 856.03 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,62,10 5856.03 Wills in court for safekeeping. If a will has been filed with a court
6for safekeeping during the testator's lifetime, the court on learning of the death of
7the testator shall open the will and give notice of the court's possession to the
8executor person named in the will to act as personal representative, otherwise to
9some person interested in the provisions thereof of the will. If probate jurisdiction
10belongs to any other court, the will shall be delivered to that court.
AB933, s. 141 11Section 141. 856.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,62,2312 856.05 (1) Duty and liability of person with custody. Every Any person, other
13than the executor a person named in the will to act as personal representative,
14having the custody of any will shall, within 30 days after he or she has knowledge
15of the death of the testator, file the will in the proper court or deliver it to the person
16named as executor in the will to act as personal representative. Every Any person
17named as executor in a will to act as personal representative shall, within 30 days
18after he or she has knowledge that he or she is named executor to act as personal
, and has knowledge of the death of the testator, file the will in the
20proper court, unless the will has been otherwise deposited with the court. Every Any
21person who neglects to perform any of the duties required in this subsection, without
22reasonable cause, is liable in a proceeding in court to every person interested in the
23will for all damages caused by the neglect.
AB933, s. 142 24Section 142. 856.05 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1856.05 (3) Penalty. Any person who with intent to injure or defraud any person
2interested therein in a will suppresses or secretes any will of a person then deceased
3or any information as to the existence or location of any will or having custody of any
4will fails to file it in the court or to deliver it to the executor person named therein
5shall be punished by the court by imprisonment
in the will to act as personal
6representative shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned
in the county jail for
7not more than one year or by fine not to exceed $500 or both.
Note: Conforms penalty provision to current style.
AB933, s. 143 8Section 143. 856.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,63,119 856.07 (1) Generally. Petition for administration of the estate of a decedent
10may be made by any executor person named in the will to act as personal
or by any person interested.
AB933, s. 144 12Section 144. 856.09 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,63,1413 856.09 (4) The name and post-office address of the person named as executor
14in the will to act as personal representative;
AB933, s. 145 15Section 145. 856.21 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,63,1716 856.21 (1) The executor person named in the will to act as personal
AB933, s. 146 18Section 146. 856.23 (1) (intro.) and (e) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB933,63,2119 856.23 (1) (intro.) A person including the executor person named in the will to
20act as personal representative
is not entitled to receive letters if the person is any of
21the following:
AB933,63,2222 (e) A person whom the court deems considers unsuitable for good cause shown.
AB933, s. 147 23Section 147. 868.03 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1868.03 (1) (a) "Representative" means an executor, administrator a personal
, testamentary trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary of the estate of a
3decedent or a ward duly appointed by a court and qualified. It includes any
4corporation so appointed, regardless of whether the corporation is eligible to act
5under the law of this state. This section does not change the powers or duties of a
6testamentary trustee under the nonstatutory law or under the terms of a trust.
AB933, s. 148 7Section 148. 879.35 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,64,14 8879.35 Costs in will contests. Costs may be awarded out of the estate to an
9unsuccessful proponent of a will if the unsuccessful proponent is named in the will
10to act
as an executor therein personal representative and propounded the document
11in good faith, and to the unsuccessful contestant of a will if the unsuccessful
12contestant is named to act as an executor personal representative in another
13document propounded by the unsuccessful contestant in good faith as the last will
14of the decedent.
AB933, s. 149 15Section 149. 879.37 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB933,64,23 16879.37 Attorney fees in contests. Reasonable attorney fees may be awarded
17out of the estate to the prevailing party in all appealable contested matters, to an
18unsuccessful proponent of a will if the unsuccessful proponent is named in the will
19to act
as an executor therein personal representative and propounded the document
20in good faith, and to the unsuccessful contestant of a will if the unsuccessful
21contestant is named to act as an executor personal representative in another
22document propounded by the unsuccessful contestant in good faith as the last will
23of the decedent.