Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 13 8Section 13. 13.55 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 13.55 (3) (intro.) and
9amended to read:
AB938,8,1310 13.55 (3) National conference. (intro.) Each commissioner may attend the
11annual meeting of the conference of commissioners on uniform state laws; National
12Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
and shall examine do all of the
AB938,8,14 14(a) Examine subjects on which uniformity of legislation is desirable; ascertain.
AB938,8,15 15(b) Ascertain the best methods to effect uniformity ; cooperate.
AB938,8,17 16(c) Cooperate with commissioners in other states in the preparation of uniform
17acts; and prepare.
AB938,8,19 18(d) Prepare bills adapting such uniform acts to the Wisconsin statutes, for
19introduction in the legislature.
Note: Corrects name and subdivides provision for improved readability and
conformity with current style.
AB938, s. 14 20Section 14. 20.765 (3) (fa) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,9,521 20.765 (3) (fa) Membership in national associations. A sum sufficient to be
22disbursed under s. 13.90 (4) for payment of the annual fees entitling the legislature

1to membership in national organizations including, without limitation because of
2enumeration, the national conference of state legislatures, the national conference
3of the Commission
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
4and the national committee on uniform traffic laws and ordinances National
5Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances
Note: Corrects name and conforms capitalization to current style.
AB938, s. 15 6Section 15. 21.19 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,9,137 21.19 (4) The adjutant general shall be the auditor of military accounts, and
8all accounts or claims payable from the treasury of the state for military purposes
9shall be regularly audited by the adjutant general before payment. The adjutant
10general shall cause to be prepared and issued all necessary books, blank books,
11blanks and forms required by the adjutant general's office for the national guard.
12All said of the books, blank books, blanks and forms shall be made to conform as
13nearly as practicable to those in use in the United States army.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms.
AB938, s. 16 14Section 16. 21.36 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,9,2315 21.36 (2) The governor may make and publish rules, regulations, and orders
16for the government of the national guard, not inconsistent with the law, and cause
17the same rules, regulations, or orders, together with any related laws relating
, to be printed and distributed in book form, or otherwise another form, in
19such numbers as any number that the governor deems considers necessary , and the.
governor may provide for all books, blank books, and blanks forms that may be
21necessary for the proper discharge of the duty of all officers. The governor may
22delegate the authority under this subsection to the adjutant general by executive

Note: Replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references, and divides long
sentence for improved readability.
AB938, s. 17 1Section 17. 26.12 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,10,102 26.12 (5) (a) No person may set any fire except for warming the person or
3cooking food within the limits of any intensive forest protection area at any time of
4the year except when the ground is snow-covered, unless written permission has
5been received in advance from a duly appointed fire warden. The department shall
6prepare the necessary blanks forms for this purpose, shall promulgate rules for the
7issuance of the permits, shall appoint, if necessary, in addition to the regular or
8emergency fire wardens, others who shall be authorized to issue the permits, and
9shall have jurisdiction over all other details concerned with or growing out of the
10closed season on the setting of fire.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 18 11Section 18. 29.024 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,10,1412 29.024 (5) (b) Blanks Forms. The department shall prepare, procure the
13printing of, and supply all necessary blanks forms for applications and approvals
14issued under this chapter and related applications for approvals.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 19 15Section 19. 29.229 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,11,216 29.229 (4) (a) The band shall prepare, procure the printing of, and supply all
17necessary approval blanks forms and applications for approvals issued under this
18section. Approval blanks forms and applications used under this section shall be
19numbered consecutively, at the time of printing, in a separate series for each kind of
20approval. Each license blank form issued under this section shall be provided with
21a corresponding stub or carbon numbered with the serial number of the license. Each

1requisition for the printing of such the approval blanks forms shall specify any serial
2numbers to be printed on the blanks forms.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms.
AB938, s. 20 3Section 20. 29.331 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,11,84 29.331 (3) Report. On or before June 1 annually, the licensee shall report to
5the department, by affidavit, on blanks forms furnished by the department, the
6number of the licensee's license, the number and value of each variety of animals
7taken during the previous 12 months ending May 1, and other information required
8on the blanks forms furnished.
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 21 9Section 21. 46.18 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,11,1310 46.18 (8) Bookkeeping. For the institutions listed in sub. (1), the department
11of health and family services shall formulate a system of keeping the books, accounts,
12and reports, and shall furnish blanks forms for reports, and reports shall be made
Note: Replaces disfavored term.
AB938, s. 22 14Section 22. 49.82 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,12,215 49.82 (1) Departments to advise counties. The department of health and
16family services and the department of workforce development shall advise all county
17officers charged with the administration of requirements relating to public
18assistance programs under this chapter and shall render all possible assistance in
19securing compliance therewith, including the preparation of necessary blanks forms
20and reports. The department of health and family services and the department of
21workforce development shall also publish such any information as it deems that
22those departments consider
advisable to acquaint persons entitled to public

1assistance, and the public generally, with the laws governing public assistance under
2this chapter.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms and corrects sentence agreement.
AB938, s. 23 3Section 23. 50.01 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,12,64 50.01 (2m) "Nursing care" means nursing procedures, other than personal
5care, that are permitted to be performed by a registered nurse under s. 441.01 (3) or
6by a licensed practical nurse under s. 441.11 441.001 (3) , directly on or to a resident.
Note: Section 441.11 is renumbered to s. 441.001 by this bill.
AB938, s. 24 7Section 24. 59.10 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,12,158 59.10 (5) Counties having only one town. In all counties containing one town
9only, the board shall consist of the members of the town board and one supervisor
10from every incorporated village. A supervisor from an incorporated a village shall
11be elected at the time the other village officers are elected. A majority of the members
12shall constitute a quorum of the county board. Each supervisor shall receive
13compensation and mileage as provided in sub. (3) (f) and (g). The chairperson of the
14board elected under s. 59.12 (1) may be, but need not be, the same person who is
15elected chairperson of the town board under s. 60.21 (3) (a).
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
AB938, s. 25 16Section 25. 59.26 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,12,2017 59.26 (1) (b) One for each assembly district in the county, except the district in
18which the undersheriff resides, which contains an incorporated a village having less
19than 1,000 inhabitants and does not contain a city or incorporated village having
20more than 1,000 inhabitants.
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
AB938, s. 26 21Section 26. 61.187 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
161.187 (1) Procedure. Whenever a petition conforming to the requirements
2of s. 8.40, signed by at least one-third as many electors of any village as voted for
3village officers at the next preceding election therefor for village officers in that
, shall be presented to the village board, and filed as provided in s. 8.37,
5praying for dissolution of the village corporation, such , the village board shall submit
6to the electors of such the village , for determination by ballot in substantially the
7manner provided by ss. 5.64 (2) and 10.02, at a general election or at a special election
8called by them for that purpose,
the question whether or not such the village
9corporation shall be dissolved. The question shall be determined by ballot, in
10substantially the manner provided by ss. 5.64 (2) and 10.02, at a general election or
11at a special election called by the village board for that purpose.
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
Inserts specific references and reorganizes text for improved readability.
AB938, s. 27 12Section 27. 61.187 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 61.187 (2) (a) and
13amended to read:
AB938,13,1714 61.187 (2) (a) If two-thirds of the ballots cast at such the election on such
15proposition shall be for
under sub. (1) are in favor of dissolution such, the village
16shall, at the expiration of 6 months from the date of such the election, cease to be an
a village.
AB938,14,4 18(b) Within 6 months after the election under sub. (1), the village board shall
19dispose of the village property and settle, audit, and allow all just claims against the
20village. It The village board shall settle with the treasurer and other village officers,
21and cause the assets of the village to be used in paying its the village's debts. If
22anything remains any property or assets remain after paying such the village's debts
23it, the village board may designate the manner in which the same remaining

1property and assets
shall be used. If there are not sufficient funds to pay the village's
2debts of, the village the board may levy a tax to cover the deficiency, which shall be
3collected as other taxes and be paid out by the town treasurer in payment of the
4outstanding village orders or bonds; and in case of such dissolution the.
AB938,14,7 5(c) The territory embraced in included within the village at the time of its
shall revert to and become a part of the town or towns from which it was
7taken or in which it is then located. Within 10 days after such
AB938,14,21 8(d) If, in accordance with par. (a) , the results of the election, if resulting in favor
under sub. (1) provide for dissolution, the village clerk shall, within 10 days after
10the election,
record the petition and determination with of the village board of
11canvassers in the office of
the register of deeds of the county or counties in which the
12village is located
and file with the secretary of state certified copies of the petition
13and the determination of inspectors of election, and. The village clerk shall also
14record the certificate by the village clerk showing the date when the dissolution takes
15effect with
in the office of the register of deeds a certificate by the village clerk
16showing the date on which the dissolution takes effect
and file with the secretary of
17state 4 copies of the certificate. These documents shall be recorded and indexed by
18the register of deeds. The index shall include the volume or reel number and the page
19or image number of the original documents. The secretary of state shall forward 2
20copies of the certificate to the department of transportation and one to the
21department of revenue.
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
Inserts specific references and cross-references, subdivides long provision, and
reorganizes text for improved readability.
AB938, s. 28 22Section 28. 61.25 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
161.25 (8) To make a tax roll and deliver the same to the village treasurer; a tax
and to make and transmit to the county treasurer, on blanks forms provided by
3the department of revenue, a statement showing the total amount of all taxes levied
4therein in the village.
Note: Inserts specific references, replaces disfavored term, and reorganizes text
for improved readability.
AB938, s. 29 5Section 29. 66.1211 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,15,176 66.1211 (2) Advances to housing authority. When any housing authority
7created for any city is authorized to transact business and exercise its powers, the
8governing body of the city may immediately make an estimate of the amount of
9money necessary for the administrative expenses and overhead of the housing
10authority during the first year after the creation of the housing authority, and may
11appropriate the amount to the authority out of any moneys in the city treasury not
12appropriated to some other purposes. The moneys appropriated may be paid to the
13authority as a donation. Any city, town, or incorporated village located in whole or
14in part within the area of operation of a housing authority may lend or donate money
15to the authority. The housing authority, when it has money available to pay back
16repay loans made under this subsection, shall make reimbursements for all loans
17made to it.
Note: By definition, under s. 990.01 (45), village means an incorporated village.
Inserts more specific term.
AB938, s. 30 18Section 30. 69.60 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,16,2 1969.60 Taxes and bonds. The clerk of each town, city, and village shall
20annually, at the time required by law to deliver the tax roll to the town, city, or village
21treasurer, make out and transmit to the county treasurer, on blanks forms furnished

1by the department of revenue, a statement showing the total amount of all taxes
2levied therein by said the town, city, or village for the current year.
Note: Replaces disfavored term. Deletes "therein" as being unnecessary.
AB938, s. 31 3Section 31. 69.61 of the statutes is renumbered 69.61 (1) and amended to read:
AB938,16,114 69.61 (1) Annually, on or before the 3rd Monday of December, each city, village,
5and town clerk shall make and file with the department of revenue
a statement in
6detail of all taxes levied in each town, village and the clerk's city, village, or town
7during the year, shall be made and filed by the clerk thereof, with the department
8of revenue
. Any such clerk failing who fails to make the statement herein provided
9for, and
required under this section within the required time above provided, shall
10be liable to the town, village and city, village, or town for all damages caused by the
AB938,16,17 12(2) The department of revenue shall prepare and furnish the blanks to each
13county clerk forms and instructions
for such the statement, as well as for the
14statement mentioned in s. 69.62
required under this section. The clerk of each county
15shall, immediately upon receipt of the forms and instructions from the department
16of revenue distribute the forms and instructions to the clerk of each city, village, and
17town in the county, at the county's expense
Note: Replaces disfavored terms, deletes unnecessary verbiage, and subdivides,
reorders, and modifies text for improved readability and conformity with current style.
The reference to the form in s. 69.62 is moved to that section and provisions for carrying
out s. 69.61 contained in s. 69.62 are moved to s. 69.61 for more logical placement. See
also the next section of this bill.
AB938, s. 32 18Section 32. 69.62 of the statutes is renumbered 69.62 (1) and amended to read:
AB938,17,719 69.62 (1) The county clerk of each county shall, immediately upon the receipt
20from the department of revenue of the blanks and instructions necessary for carrying
21out s. 69.61, by town, village and city officers, distribute the same to such officers at

1the expense of the county, and shall annually
Annually, on or before November 30,
2each county clerk shall make out and transmit to the department of revenue a
3statement in detail of all county taxes levied on taxable property in the county during
4the preceding year, and the purposes for which the same taxes were levied and
5expended. Any county clerk failing to make the statement herein provided for, and
6required under this section within the required time above provided, shall be liable
7to the county for all damages caused by the delinquency.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms. Provisions for carrying out s. 69.61 contained in
s. 69.62 are moved to s. 69.61 for more logical placement. See also the previous and next
section of this bill.
AB938, s. 33 8Section 33. 69.62 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB938,17,109 69.62 (2) The department of revenue shall prepare and furnish to the clerk of
10each county forms and instructions for the statement required under this section.
Note: Moves the reference to the form under s. 69.62 in s. 69.61 to s. 69.62 for more
logical placement. See also the previous two sections of this bill.
AB938, s. 34 11Section 34. 70.52 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,18,2 1270.52 Clerks to examine and correct rolls. Upon receiving such Each city,
13village, and town clerk upon receipt of the
assessment roll the said clerk shall
14carefully examine it the roll. The clerk shall correct all double assessments,
15imperfect descriptions and other errors apparent upon the face of the roll, and strike
16off all parcels of real property not liable to taxation. The clerk shall add to the roll
17any parcel of real property or item of personal property omitted by the assessors and
18immediately notify them thereof; and such the assessors of the omissions. The
shall forthwith immediately view and value the same omitted property and
20certify such the valuation to said the clerk, who. The clerk shall enter it the valuation
21upon the roll, and such the valuation shall be final. To enable such the clerk to
22properly correct defective descriptions, the clerk may request aid, when necessary,

1from the county surveyor, whose fees for the services rendered shall be paid by the
2town, city or,village , or town.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references and divides long
sentences for improved readability.
AB938, s. 35 3Section 35. 70.53 of the statutes is renumbered 70.53 (1) (intro.) and amended
4to read:
AB938,18,85 70.53 (1) (intro.) Upon the correction of the assessment roll as provided in
6under s. 70.52, the clerks each city, village, and town clerk shall prepare and, on or
7before the 2nd Monday in June, transmit to the department of revenue a all of the
AB938,18,10 9(a) A detailed statement of the aggregate of each of the several items of taxable
10property specified in s. 70.30, a .
AB938,18,12 11(b) A detailed statement of each of the several classes of taxable real estate,
12entering land and improvements separately, as prescribed in s. 70.32 (2), the.
AB938,18,14 13(c) A detailed statement of the aggregate of all taxable property by elementary
14and high school district and by technical college district, and a .
AB938,18,17 15(d) A detailed statement of the aggregate of each of the several items of exempt
16real property as specified by the department of revenue, entering land and
17improvements separately, and.
AB938,18,23 18(2) The city, village, or town clerk shall make available to the department of
19revenue at its request a copy of the corrected assessment roll from which the detailed
20statement is
statements required under sub. (1) are prepared. Failure to comply
21with this section subjects the taxation district to the penalty provisions under s.
2273.03 (6). The department of revenue shall review and correct the statement.
1(3) Every county clerk shall, at the expense of the county, annually procure and
2furnish to each town, city and, village, and town clerk blanks forms for such the
3statements required under sub. (1), the form of which shall be prescribed by the
4department of revenue.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references, puts words in proper
order, and divides long provision for improved readability.
AB938, s. 36 5Section 36. 70.99 (13) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,19,146 70.99 (13) (a) 1. The department of revenue shall prescribe the due dates, the
7blanks and forms, and the format of information transmitted by the county assessor
8to the department as to the assessment of property and such any other information
9as that may be needed in its the department's work as well as the forms. The
10department of revenue shall also prescribe the form
of assessment rolls, blanks
11forms, books, and returns required for the assessment and collection of general
12property taxes by the county. The county shall submit material on or before the due
13dates that the department prescribes and shall use all of the material that the
14department prescribes.
Note: Replaces disfavored terms, inserts specific references, and divides long
provision for improved readability.
AB938, s. 37 15Section 37. 71.55 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB938,19,2116 71.55 (3) Forms to be provided by department. In administering this
17subchapter, the department of revenue shall make available suitable forms with
18instructions for claimants, including a form which that may be included with, or as
19a part of, the individual income tax blank form. In preparing homestead credit forms,
20the department of revenue shall provide a space for identification of the county and
21city, village or town in which the claimant resides.