1(b) Notice of the vote to recall the elected member is made on the agenda of the
2meeting of the regional health council that is immediately prior to the meeting at
3which recall is voted upon.
SB133,15,6 4(3) The staff of the appropriate regional office shall provide services to each
5regional health council to deal with issues of health consumer advocacy and health
6ombudsman functions.
SB133,15,11 7152.40 Department of health planning and finance. (1) The department
8shall administer the universal health plan, including establishing a regional office
9in each of the regions specified under s. 15.207 (1) (a) 1. to 6. Each regional office shall
10have at least one staff member who acts in a full-time capacity as a regional
11consumer advocate and health care ombudsman.
SB133,15,13 12(2) The department shall, after review and approval by the board, promulgate
13as rules all of the following:
SB133,15,1614 (a) Guidelines for cost containment under the universal health plan, including
15the purchasing and distribution of major diagnostic, medical, and surgical
SB133,15,1817 (b) Criteria for determining state residency for the purposes of eligibility under
18the universal health plan.
SB133,15,2219 (c) Criteria, as recommended by the medical advisory committee appointed by
20the secretary under sub. (5), for determining medical necessity for orthodontia and
21for the performance of reconstructive or cosmetic surgery for coverage under the
22universal health plan.
SB133,15,24 23(3) The department shall biennially evaluate and recommend to the board cost
24control measures for the universal health plan.
1(4) The department shall, by July 1, 2003, begin implementation of processes,
2in light of outcomes under s. 152.20 (3), to effect all of the following:
SB133,16,63 (a) Specification of the amounts and sources of funds to finance payment to
4providers under the universal health plan, excluding all premiums, copayments,
5deductibles, and other forms of direct payment by patients, and including all of the
SB133,16,127 1. Use of federal, state, and local moneys that fund, as of July 1, 2004, health
8care services, including medicare, medical assistance, health care services funded by
9a relief block grant under s. 49.02 or 49.025, health care services under s. 49.665,
10veterans medical benefits, Indian health care, services provided under federal block
11grants, alcohol and other drug abuse services, and services provided by local health
SB133,16,1713 2. Use of revenues from a tax on employers, based on the amount of wages that
14they pay, that generates, in the aggregate, revenues that are at least equal to
15amounts that employers contribute, as of the effective date of this subdivision ....
16[revisor inserts date], for employee health care benefit costs, including the costs of
17worker's compensation attributable to health care for injured employees.
SB133,16,2118 3. Use of revenues from a graduated income tax on individuals that generates,
19in the aggregate, revenues that are not greater than expenditures that individuals
20make, as of July 1, 2004, for health care costs for which coverage under disability
21insurance policies is not obtained.
SB133,16,2422 4. An indexing of the sources of revenues under this paragraph that provides
23for revenue growth that is equivalent to the anticipated growth of health care costs
24under the universal health plan.
1(b) Application for waivers to 42 USC 1396 to 1396v or consideration of the
2feasibility of statutory changes to 42 USC 1396 to 1396v in order to effect all of the
SB133,17,54 1. Administration of the medical assistance program in this state by the
5department, rather than by the department of health and family services.
SB133,17,76 2. Use of federal financial participation to fund a portion of the administrative
7costs, after June 30, 2004, of the department.
SB133,17,128 3. Use of federal financial participation, after June 30, 2004, to fund, under the
9universal health plan, the health care services received by a percentage of the
10residents that corresponds to the percentage of the residents, as determined by the
11board, that is eligible to receive health care services under the medical assistance
12program on July 1, 2004.
SB133,17,1413 4. The formulation of criteria and procedures for payment of out-of-state
14health care costs incurred by residents specified in subd. 3.
SB133,17,1615 5. Use of federal financial participation to fund the scope, or a portion of the
16scope, of medical services to be provided under the universal health plan.
SB133,17,1817 (c) Application for waivers to medicare or consideration of the feasibility of
18statutory changes to 42 USC 1395 to 1395ddd in order to effect all of the following:
SB133,17,2019 1. Administration of the medicare program in this state by the department,
20rather than by private insurers.
SB133,17,2221 2. Use of federal medicare funds to fund a portion of the administrative costs,
22after June 30, 2004, of the department.
SB133,17,2523 3. Use of federal medicare funds to fund, under the universal health plan, the
24health care services received by residents who are eligible to receive services under
25medicare beginning on July 1, 2004.
14. The formulation of criteria and procedures for payment of out-of-state
2health care costs incurred by residents specified in subd. 3.
SB133,18,43 5. Use of federal medicare funds to fund the scope, or a portion of the scope, of
4medical services to be provided under the universal health plan.
SB133,18,65 6. The assignment to the state, as represented by the department, of rights of
6an individual to payment for medical care from any 3rd party.
SB133,18,117 (d) Application for waivers or consideration of the feasibility of statutory
8changes to federal laws, other than those specified in pars. (b) and (c), in order to use
9moneys available under those federal laws for payment of health care services under
10the universal health plan or in order to provide services to all residents under the
11universal health plan.
SB133,18,1412 (e) The establishment and maintenance, with reserves of no less than 5% of the
13total annual health budget, of a health trust fund in the department, for receipt of
14revenues specified in par. (a).
SB133,18,2215 (f) The formulation of criteria for determining payment and the formulation of
16procedures for determining payment and negotiating applicable rates to be used for
17payment for health care providers, including health care facilities, under the
18universal health plan. The criteria and procedures for determining payment shall
19include periodic overall budgeting, including separately budgeting for operational
20costs; for health care facilities and services; for negotiations with professional groups
21or associations of practitioners; for consideration of inflation costs and increased
22patient populations; and for research and teaching.
SB133,19,223 (g) The formulation of criteria and procedures to review and to provide funding
24for capital expenditures, from an account separate from that from which health care

1services are paid, for the establishment, maintenance, or expansion of health care
SB133,19,43 (h) The formulation of criteria and procedures for recovery of overpayments
4made to health care providers under the universal health plan.
SB133,19,65 (i) The determination and use of factors requisite to establishing an annual
6state health budget for the provision of services under the universal health plan.
SB133,19,97(j) Application for waivers of 29 USC 1144 (a) or consideration of the feasibility
8of statutory change to 29 USC 1144 (a) or the means by which operation of the
9universal health plan may avoid conflict with 29 USC 1144 (a).
SB133,19,1210 (k) Investigation of the feasibility of providing the state with subrogation rights
11to payments for injury or disease to residents that are provided under motor vehicle
12or other liability insurance policies or plans.
SB133,19,1413 (L) Formulation of criteria and procedures for payment under the universal
14health plan of out-of-state health care costs incurred by residents.
SB133,19,1615 (m) Establishment of a listing of approved medicinal substances and formulae,
16including all of the following:
SB133,19,2017 1. Negotiation with pharmaceutical manufacturers or distributors to obtain
18the lowest possible cost for each medicinal substance. The negotiation shall include
19as parties on behalf of the universal health plan the secretary of the department and
20the chairperson of the board.
SB133,19,2221 2. Establishment of a single statewide price, under the universal health plan,
22for each medicinal substance.
SB133,19,2423 3. Monitoring the listing to oversee its currency and revising the listing by
24January 1 and July 1 annually.
14. Negotiating a statewide uniform dispensing fee with representatives of
2pharmacists or pharmacies.
SB133,20,43 (n) Exemption of operation of the universal health plan from ch. 133, if
SB133,20,65 (p) Other issues relevant to the universal health plan, as determined by the
SB133,20,8 7(5) The secretary shall create a medical advisory committee and appoint
8members of the committee, to recommend criteria under s. 152.40 (2) (c).
SB133, s. 15 9Section 15. 230.08 (2) (cd) of the statutes is created to read:
SB133,20,1010 230.08 (2) (cd) The secretary of the department of health planning and finance.
SB133, s. 16 11Section 16. Nonstatutory provisions; health planning and finance.
SB133,20,1612 (1) Health policy board; appointment of members. Notwithstanding the
13length of terms specified for the members of the health policy board under section
1415.20 (intro.) of the statutes, as created by this act, the initial members of the health
15policy board shall be appointed or elected by the first day of the 3rd month beginning
16after the effective date of this subsection for the following terms:
SB133,20,2117 (a) Two members specified under section 15.20 (1) of the statutes, as created
18by this act, one of whom is elected from the northern regional council and one of
19whom is elected from the southeastern regional council, and 2 members specified
20under section 15.20 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act, for terms expiring on
21May 1, 2005.
SB133,21,222 (b) Two members specified under section 15.20 (1) of the statutes, as created
23by this act, one of whom is elected from the northeastern regional council and one of
24whom is elected from the regional council for the area within Milwaukee County, and

12 members specified under section 15.20 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act, for
2terms expiring on May 1, 2007.
SB133,21,63 (c) Two members specified under section 15.20 (1) of the statutes, as created by
4this act, one of whom is elected from the southern regional council and one of whom
5is elected from the western regional council, and one member specified under section
615.20 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act, for terms expiring on May 1, 2009.
SB133,21,117 (2) Regional health councils; appointment of members. Notwithstanding the
8length of terms specified for the members of regional health councils under section
915.207 (1) (b) of the statutes, as created by this act, the initial members of the regional
10health councils shall be appointed by the first day of the 3rd month beginning after
11the effective date of this subsection for the following terms:
SB133,21,1312 (a) For the regional health council under section 15.207 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes,
13as created by this act:
SB133,21,14 141. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2006.
SB133,21,15 152. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2007.
SB133,21,16 163. Six members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2008.
SB133,21,1817 (b) For the regional health council under section 15.207 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes,
18as created by this act:
SB133,21,19 191. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2006.
SB133,21,20 202. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2007.
SB133,21,21 213. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2008.
SB133,21,2322 (c) For each regional health council under section 15.207 (1) (b) 3. or 4. of the
23statutes, as created by this act:
SB133,21,24 241. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2006.
SB133,21,25 252. Five members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2007.
13. Seven members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2008.
SB133,22,32 (d) For each regional health council under section 15.207 (1) (b) 5. or 6. of the
3statutes, as created by this act:
SB133,22,4 41. Four members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2006.
SB133,22,5 52. Four members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2007.
SB133,22,6 63. Four members, for terms expiring on July 1, 2008.
SB133,22,77 (3) Proposed implementation.
SB133,22,128 (a) The department of administration shall expedite the creation of health
9councils in accord with section 15.207 (1) (b) of the statutes, as created by this act,
10by initiating and making follow-up contacts with boards of supervisors in counties
11other than Milwaukee County and with the county executive of Milwaukee County
12and the mayor of the city of Milwaukee.
SB133,22,1613 (b) The department of administration shall provide staff assistance to complete
14all activities required to create the 6 regional health councils and enable each
15regional health council to elect one member of the health policy board as required
16under section 15.20 (1) of the statutes, as created by this act.
SB133,22,1917 (c) The health policy board shall appoint the secretary of health planning and
18finance within 6 months after the first meeting at which all appointed and at least
193 elected board members assemble.
SB133,23,720 (d) The secretary of health planning and finance and the secretary of
21administration shall, until September 1, 2003, meet at least semimonthly to
22formulate decisions on issues concerning the universal health plan and the
23department of health planning and finance, as specified in chapter 152 of the
24statutes, as created by this act, and how the scope and functions of the department
25of health planning and finance affect the scope and functions of the department of

1health and family services, the office of the commissioner of insurance, and the board
2on aging and long-term care and the duties or powers of any other state agency.
3Following approval by the health policy board, the department of health planning
4and finance shall convey these decisions to, and cooperate with, the legislative
5reference bureau in the drafting of proposed legislation that is necessary to meet
6those issues, for introduction in the legislature in 2004 by the appropriate committee
7of the legislature.
SB133,23,138 (e) Within 2 months after 36 months after the appointment of the first secretary
9of health planning and finance under paragraph (c), the health policy board shall
10evaluate, in writing, the performance of the secretary, shall decide whether or not to
11continue the appointment, and shall provide a copy of the evaluation to the governor.
12If the health policy board decides to discontinue the appointment, the board shall,
13within 6 months, implement the decision and appoint a successor.
SB133, s. 17 14Section 17. Nonstatutory provisions; legislative reference bureau.
SB133,23,2015 (1) Drafting proposed legislation to implement the universal health plan.
16The legislative reference bureau shall, after meeting with and receiving the
17decisions of the department of health planning and finance with respect to the
18universal health plan, prepare in proper form proposed legislation that shall relate
19to those decisions, for introduction in the legislature in 2004 by the appropriate
20committee of the legislature.
SB133, s. 18 21Section 18. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
22except as follows:
SB133,23,2423 (1) The repeal and recreation of section 15.01 (4) of the statutes takes effect on
24September 1, 2003.
1(2) The treatment of sections 20.430 (1) (b) and 152.10 of the statutes takes
2effect on July 1, 2004.
SB133,24,33 (End)