Collection agencies
Currently, a person who engages in business as a collection agency must be
licensed by the commissioner of banking in DFI and is subject to laws specifically
governing collection agencies. However, current law exempts certain entities from
the definition of "collection agency" and, as a result, from the statutes governing
collection agencies. Currently, certain professional men's associations that collect
accounts for their members on a nonprofit basis are exempt from the definition of
"collection agency." The term "professional men's association" is not currently
This bill removes this exemption for professional men's associations.

For further information, see the Notes provided by the law revision committee
of the joint legislative council.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Law revision committee prefatory note: This bill is a remedial legislation
proposal, requested by the department of financial institutions and introduced by the law
revision committee under s. 13.83 (1) (c) 4., stats. After careful consideration of the
various provisions of the bill, the law revision committee has determined that this bill
makes minor substantive changes in the statutes, and that these changes are desirable
as a matter of public policy.
SB436, s. 1 1Section 1. 138.09 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB436,4,2 2138.09 (title) Licensed lenders.
SB436, s. 2 3Section 2. 138.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,4,54 138.10 (2) Maximum loan. Unless made by a person licensed under s. 138.09,
A pawnbroker's loan may not exceed $150.
SB436, s. 3 6Section 3. 138.10 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 138.09 (13) and amended
7to read:
SB436,4,108 138.09 (13) Pawnbroking by licensed lenders. The division of banking may
9promulgate rules regulating the conduct of pawnbroking by persons licensed under
10s. 138.09
and issue orders to administer and enforce this section.
SB436, s. 4 11Section 4. 138.10 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 138.10 (13).
SB436, s. 5 12Section 5. 138.10 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 138.10 (14) and amended
13to read:
SB436,4,1714 138.10 (14) Penalty. Any pawnbroker who shall refuse refuses to comply with
15sub. (6) (13) shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment be imprisoned in
16the county jail for not more than one year or by fine fined not exceeding more than
SB436, s. 6
1Section 6. 138.10 (15) of the statutes is created to read:
SB436,5,32 138.10 (15) Exception. This section does not apply to any person that is
3licensed under s. 138.09.
Note: Under current law, pawnbrokers are subject to regulation under s. 138.10,
Stats., which, among other things, limits loans to $150 and caps interest rates at 3% per
month. If a pawnbroker wants to charge interest rates greater than 18%, the pawnbroker
must also register as a licensed lender under s. 138.09, Stats. To register as a licensed
lender, a pawnbroker must meet certain character and fitness, and financial
responsibility requirements. In addition, the pawnbroker must meet certain record
keeping and annual reporting requirements. This Section provides that if a pawnbroker
registers as a licensed lender, the pawnbroker is exempt from the requirements of s.
138.10, Stats.
SB436, s. 7 4Section 7. 217.02 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,5,95 217.02 (9) "Seller of checks" means a person who, as a service or for a fee or
6other consideration, engages in the business of selling and issuing checks or the
7receiving of money for transmission or the transmitting of money, or the transmitting
8of money to foreign countries, but does not include the business of a telegraph
9company in receiving money for immediate transmission by telegraph
Note: This Section deletes the exemption of telegraph companies from the
definition of "seller of checks." Telegraph companies no longer exist.
SB436, s. 8 10Section 8. 218.04 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,5,1811 218.04 (1) (a) "Collection agency" means any person engaging in the business
12of collecting or receiving for payment for others of any account, bill or other
13indebtedness. It shall not include attorneys at law authorized to practice in this state
14and resident herein, banks, express companies, state savings banks, state savings
15and loan associations, insurers and their agents, trust companies, or professional
16men's associations collecting accounts for its members on a nonprofit basis, where
17such members are required by law to have a license, diploma or permit to practice
18or follow their profession
, real estate brokers, and real estate salespersons.
Note: Under current law, a person who engages in business as a collection agency
must be licensed by the division of banking in the department of financial institutions

(DFI) and is subject to laws that specifically regulate collection agencies. Certain
"professional men's associations" that collect accounts for their members on a nonprofit
basis are exempt from the definition of "collections agency." Since the term "professional
men's association" is currently not defined and DFI cannot locate any such organizations,
this Section deletes the exemption.
SB436, s. 9 1Section 9. 220.02 (2) (e) and (f) of the statutes are created to read:
SB436,6,32 220.02 (2) (e) Mortgage bankers, loan originators, and mortgage brokers under
3subch. III of ch. 224.
SB436,6,44 (f) Nondepository small business lenders under subch. IV of ch. 224.
Note: Under current law the division of banking (division) in the department of
financial institutions has the specific authority to regulate mortgage brokers, mortgage
bankers, loan originators and certain institutions that lend to small businesses. In
addition the division's general authority authorizes it to enforce all laws relating to banks
and banking in this state. This Section specifies that the division's general authority
includes the authority to regulate mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, loan originators
and certain institutions that lend to small businesses.
SB436, s. 10 5Section 10. 221.0316 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,6,146 221.0316 (4) Trust service offices. A state bank exercising trust powers may,
7with the approval of the division, establish and maintain a trust service office at any
8office in this state of any other depository institution, as defined under s. 221.0901
9(2) (i). A state bank may, with the approval of the division, permit any other
10depository institution, as defined under s. 221.0901 (2) (i), exercising trust powers
11or any trust company bank organized under ch. 223 to establish and maintain a trust
12service office at any of its banking offices. The establishment and operation of a trust
13service office are subject to s. 223.07. This subsection does not authorize branch
SB436, s. 11 15Section 11. 223.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,7,216 223.07 (1) Any trust company bank may, with the approval of the division,
17establish and maintain a trust service office at any office in this state of a depository
18institution, as defined in s. 221.0901 (2) (i), if the establishment of the trust service

1office has been approved by the board of directors of the state or national bank
2depository institution at a meeting called for that purpose.
Note: Under current law, the division of banking (division) in the department of
financial institutions may allow a state bank to exercise certain trust powers. In addition,
the division and may allow a trust company bank or a state bank exercising trust powers
to offer trust services at the offices of certain other financial institutions, as long as the
offices are in this state. During the 1995-1996 legislative session, the Legislature
amended the law to allow out-of-state depository institutions to establish a Trust Service
Office at a bank or branch location in Wisconsin. This and the preceding Section expand
the authority of the division to allow a Wisconsin state bank or trust company bank to
offer trust services at the out-of-state offices of certain financial institutions.
SB436, s. 12 3Section 12. 224.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,7,17 4224.02 Banking, defined. The soliciting, receiving, or accepting of money or
5its equivalent on deposit as a regular business by any person, partnership,
6association, or corporation, shall be deemed to be doing a banking business, whether
7such deposit is made subject to check or is evidenced by a certificate of deposit, a
8passbook, a note, a receipt, or other writing, provided that nothing herein shall apply
9to or include money left with an agent, pending investment in real estate or securities
10for or on account of the agent's principal. Provided, however, that if money so left with
11an agent for investment shall not be kept in a separate trust fund or if the agent
12receiving such money shall mingle same with the agent's own property, whether with
13or without the consent of the principal, or shall make an agreement to pay any certain
14rate of interest thereon or any agreement to pay interest thereon other than an
15agreement to account for the actual income which may be derived from such money
16while held pending investment, the person receiving such money shall be deemed to
17be in the banking business.
Note: This Section exempts from the definition of "business of banking" agents
who receive and hold money pending investment in real estate or securities on behalf of
the person who deposits the money. Under current law such an agent would only be
exempt if the agent kept the money in a separate trust fund, did not mingle the money
with the agent's own property, and did not agree to pay interest on the money. This
Section exempts such agents regardless of whether they pay interest or whether the
money is kept separate.
SB436, s. 13
1Section 13. 551.63 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,8,82 551.63 (2) No Except as provided under s. 551.34 (1m) (b) and (c), no rule, form
3or order may be made, amended or rescinded unless the division finds that the action
4is necessary or appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors.
5In prescribing rules and forms the division may cooperate with the securities
6administrators of other states and the securities and exchange commission with a
7view to achieving maximum uniformity in the form and content of registration
8statements, notice filings, applications and reports wherever practicable.
Note: The current standard in s. 551.63 (2), stats., for actions of the division of
securities prohibits rules, forms, or orders from being made, amended, or rescinded
unless the division finds that the action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest
and for the protection of investors. However, current s. 551.34 (1m) (b) and (c), stats.,
require action when a licensee fails to pay court-ordered child support or is liable for
delinquent taxes.
This Section amends s. 551.63 (2), stats., to exclude the actions required for child
support enforcement and delinquent taxes from the general standard used for division
SB436, s. 14 9Section 14. 553.26 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,8,1510 553.26 (4m) A person who has complied with sub. (1) need not file with the
11division, during the period when the registration is effective, any more information,
12including any amendments to the offering circular other than an application or
13amendment required to be filed under s. 553.31
. The division may not require
14changes in the offering circular filed by the franchisor, subject to the division's
15authority to suspend or revoke a registration for any of the causes under s. 553.28.
Note: This Section results from 1995 Wisconsin Act 364. The legislation,
introduced as 1995 Assembly Bill 782, would have repealed s. 553.31, stats., which
requires a franchise registrant to file material amendments to its uniform franchise
offering circular. Assembly Amendment 4 to Assembly Bill 782 deleted the proposed
repeal of s. 553.31. However, the amendment did not include the necessary changes to
s. 553.26 (4m), stats., to remove inconsistent language and to clarify that the
amendments required under s. 553.31, stats., must still be filed with the division of
securities in the department of financial institutions. This Section makes those changes.
SB436, s. 15 16Section 15. 553.31 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1553.31 (2) An amendment to an application filed after the effective date of the
2registration of the sale of franchises, if the amendment is approved by the division,
3is effective on the date the division determines, having due regard for the public
4interest or the protection of franchisees
is effective upon receipt of the amendment
5by the division
Note: This Section amends s. 553.31 (2), stats., to clarify that any amendment
that is filed with the division of securities after the effective date of a registration of the
sale of a franchise is effective upon receipt of the amendment by the division. The current
statute is ambiguous as to whether it applies to any amendment filed after an effective
registration or only to an amendment to an application that was filed after an effective
SB436, s. 16 6Section 16 . Initial applicability.
SB436,9,97 (1) The treatment of section 138.10 (2) and (15) of the statutes first applies to
8any person conducting business as a pawnbroker on the effective date of this
SB436, s. 17 10Section 17. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
11except as follows:
SB436,9,1412 (1) Pawnbrokers. The treatment of section 138.10 (2), (6), (7), and (15) of the
13statutes and Section 16 (1) of this act take effect on the first day of the 6th month
14beginning after publication.
SB436,9,1515 (End)