Reassessment ordered by court, 74.39
Penalty, 75.375
Warrant to sheriff, 75.37
taxation_15. property tax, general levy authority 15. Property Tax, General Levy Authority
Generally, 62.11 (5)
Airports, 114.15
Art museums, 66.0917
Common schools, X, 4
Harbor commissioners, 30.38 (14)
Exemption from county tax, 43.64 (2)
Levy for, 43.52
Metropolitan sewerage district commission levies, 200.55 (6)
Parks, 27.10
Parkways and boulevards, 27.11
Sewer district tax, may be levied, 62.18
Soldiers' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Utilities or transportation provided by contractor, 66.0815 (2)
Constitutional authorization, uniformity, VIII, I
Generally, 59.51 (2), 70.62
Airports, 114.15
Fairs, 59.56 (14)
Levy rate limit, 59.605
Libraries, 43.64
Road and bridge fund, 83.065
Veterans' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Veterans' relief, 45.10, 45.11
Forestation state tax, 70.58
Judgment against municipality, payment by, 66.0117 (1)
Lake protection and rehabilitation districts, 33.30 (3)
Metropolitan sewerage districts, 200.13 (2)
Common and union schools:
School board, 120.12
School meeting, 120.10
Constitutional authority, X, 5
First class city, 119.46 to 119.485
Spending limits, professional employees, 118.245
Unified schools, 120.44
Special assessments and charges, see Special Assessments
State tax, apportionment of, 70.62
Technical college, 38.14
Generally, 60.10
Harbor commissioners, 30.38 (14)
Exemption from county tax, 43.64 (2)
Levy for, 43.52
Metropolitan sewerage district commission levies, 200.55 (6)
Parks, 27.10
Parkways and boulevards, 27.11
Sanitation districts, 60.77
Soldiers' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Utilities or transportation provided by contractor, 66.0815 (2)
Village, 61.46
taxation_16. public utilities and insurers 16. Public Utilities and Insurers
Generally, Ch. 76
Action, to collect tax, 76.22
Air carriers, 76.01, 76.025 (3)
Adjustment of, 76.075
By revenue department, 76.01, 76.07 (1)
In name of operating company, 76.03 (4)
Review, utility may request, 76.08
Roll, 76.07 (2)
Car line companies, 76.39
Commercial property, net tax rate for, 76.125
Confidentiality of information, 76.30
Definitions of terms used, 76.02
Electric cooperatives, 76.48
Electricity sales at wholesale; license fees, 76.29
Exempt from other taxes, 76.23
To make reports, effect, 76.05
To pay taxes, franchise forfeited, 76.14
Full market value of property, determination, 76.07 (5)
General structure:
Assessment, exemption, 70.112 (4), 76.23
Electric cooperative associations, license fees, 76.48 (1r)
Hearing on state assessment, 76.10
Certified capital investment credit, 76.635
License fees and premium taxes, 76.60 to 76.69
Investigation by department, 76.46
Lien of taxes, 76.13 (2), 76.22
Light, heat and power companies: