70.56 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1647 (19); 1987 a. 378; 1991 a. 316.
70.5770.57Assessment of counties and taxation districts by department.
70.57(1)(a)(a) The department of revenue before August 15 of each year shall complete the valuation of the property of each county and taxation district of the state. From all the sources of information accessible to it the department shall determine and assess by class the value of all property subject to general property taxation in each county and taxation district. If the department is satisfied that the assessment by a county assessor under s. 70.99 is at full value, it may adopt that value as the state’s full value.
70.57(1)(b)(b) The department shall set down a list of all the counties and taxation districts and opposite to the name of each county and taxation district the valuation determined by the department, which shall be the full value according to its best judgment.
70.57(1)(c)(c) There shall also be prepared a list of all the counties of the state with the valuation determined for each county listed opposite the name of the county. The list shall be certified by the secretary of revenue as the assessment of the counties of the state made by the department and be delivered to the department of administration.
70.57(1)(d)(d) In any case where the department, through mistake or inadvertence, has assessed to any county or taxation district, in the current year or in the previous year, a greater or less valuation for any year than should have been assessed, it shall correct the error. The department shall add or subtract, as the case may be, from the valuation of the county or taxation district, as determined by the department at the assessment in the year after the error is discovered, the amount omitted from or added to the true valuation of the county in the former assessment in consequence of the error. The result shall be taken as the full value of the county for the latter year and a final correction of the error.
70.57(1b)(1b)On or before August 1 of each year, the department of revenue shall publish on its Internet site for each county and taxation district a preliminary determination of its equalized value, tax incremental finance district values as provided under s. 66.1105 (5) (g) and (6), and net new construction value as provided under ss. 66.0602 and 79.05. If a county or taxation district discovers a clerical, arithmetic, transpositional, or similar error in the department’s determination that would result in the overvaluation or undervaluation of the property located in the county or taxation district, the county or taxation district shall notify the department of the error no later than August 7. The department shall correct, as provided in sub. (1) (d), any error reported and verified by the department under this subsection that results in an overvaluation or undervaluation of the property located in the taxation district greater than 2 percent. The correction shall be reflected in the equalized value provided to the county or taxation district under sub. (1m), except that amended assessment reports filed after the 2nd Monday in June shall not be subject to correction by the department as provided in this subsection.
70.57(1m)(1m)On August 15 the department of revenue shall notify each county and taxation district of its equalized value. The department of revenue shall make available to each taxation district a list of sales within the taxation district and shall indicate whether or not those sales were used or rejected in establishing equalized value. If insufficient residential and agricultural sales in a taxation district require the department to use sales information from other taxation districts in establishing equalized value, the department shall so notify the affected taxation district and, upon written request from that taxation district, shall make available to the taxation district the sales information from other taxation districts and other information used to establish the equalized value. Upon resolution by the governing body of a county or taxation district, the department shall review the equalized value established for the county or taxation district.
70.57(2)(a)(a) If the state board of assessors, the tax appeals commission or a court makes a final redetermination on the assessment of property subject to taxation under s. 70.995 that is higher or lower than the previous assessment, the department of revenue shall recertify the equalized value of the school district in which the property subject to taxation under s. 70.995 is located.
70.57(2)(b)(b) If a court makes a final redetermination on the assessment of telephone company property subject to taxation under s. 70.112 (4) and subch. IV of ch. 76 that is lower than the previous assessment, the department of revenue shall recertify the equalized value of the school district in which such property is located.
70.57(3)(a)(a) In determining the value of agricultural land under sub. (1), the department shall fulfill the requirements under s. 70.32 (2r).
70.57(3)(b)(b) In determining the value under sub. (1) of agricultural forest land, as defined in s. 70.32 (2) (c) 1d., and undeveloped land, as defined in s. 70.32 (2) (c) 4., the department shall fulfill the requirements under s. 70.32 (4).
70.57(4)(a)(a) From the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (b), the department shall provide payments to any taxation district that certifies to the department, in the manner prescribed by the department, that the most recent valuation of the taxation district’s property under this section is greater than it should be because of a clerical, arithmetic, transpositional, or similar error made by the department, as confirmed by the department, and that the amount of the overvaluation represents 7.5 percent or more of the taxation district’s valuation under this section in the year prior to the year in which the error occurred.
70.57(4)(b)(b) If property tax bills for the assessment year in which the error relates have been distributed to property owners, the taxation district receiving payments under par. (a) shall use the payments to make loans to persons who own property located in the taxation district and who are paying more property taxes than they should be as a result of the error. A person may receive a loan by applying, in the manner prescribed by the department, to the taxation district in which the person’s property is located no later than June 15 of the year following the error. The state shall collect the amount of any loan issued under this paragraph as a state special charge against the taxation district for the year after the year in which the error occurred and the special charge shall not be included in the taxation district’s levy. The taxation district shall assess the loan amount as a special charge against the property for which the loan was made on the property tax bill succeeding the loan, as provided under ch. 74 and s. 66.0627 (1) (c). Except for interest and penalties, as provided under s. 74.47, that apply to any delinquent special charge based on the loan amount, neither the department nor the taxation district may charge interest on any loan issued under this paragraph. The maximum loan amount that a person may receive under this paragraph shall be calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the person’s property by a decimal determined by the department as follows:
70.57(4)(b)1.1. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county, school district, technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district property taxes to the taxation district using the taxation district’s erroneous valuation.
70.57(4)(b)2.2. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county, school district, technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district property taxes to the taxation district using the taxation district’s correct valuation.
70.57(4)(b)3.3. Subtract the amount determined under subd. 2. from the amount determined under subd. 1.
70.57(4)(b)4.4. Divide the amount determined under subd. 3. by the taxation district’s assessed value for the year in which the error occurred and express the result as a decimal.
70.57(4)(c)(c) With regard to loans made under par. (b), the department shall make the payments under par. (a) monthly, based on the amounts requested in loan applications to the taxation district each month, except that the department shall make no payments to a taxation district after June 30 of the year following the year in which the error occurred.
70.57(4)(d)(d) If property tax bills for the assessment year in which the error relates have not been distributed to property owners, the department may make one payment from the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (b) to the taxation district to reduce the property taxes that would otherwise be imposed as a result of the error. The department shall confirm the amount of the payment and provide guidance to the taxation district in allocating the amount to specific parcels. In the year following the error, the taxation district, with the guidance of the department, shall collect from property owners in the taxation district an amount equal to the amount of the payment and shall remit the amount collected to the department. The department may not charge interest for any payment under this paragraph. Notwithstanding s. 66.0602 or 79.05, payments under this paragraph in both the year the payment is made to the taxation district and the year the taxation district returns the payment to the department shall not be included in determining the taxation district’s or the county’s levy, or allowable levy under s. 66.0602, or in determining the taxation district’s eligibility for, and calculation of payments, under s.79.05. Solely for purposes of relating annual revenue to estimated expenses, the amounts collected and remitted to the state under this paragraph shall be deemed accrued receipts as of the close of the fiscal year, but no revenue shall be deemed accrued receipts unless it is deposited by this state on or before August 31.
70.57 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Tax 18, Wis. adm. code.
70.57 Annotation“Taxation under s. 70.995” as used in sub. (2) means “assessment under s. 70.995.” 73 Atty. Gen. 119.
70.57570.575State assessment, time. The department, not later than August 15 in each year, shall total the assessments of counties made by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, and the total shall be known as the state assessment and shall be the full market value of all general property of the state liable to state, county and local taxes in the then present year. The department shall enter upon its records such state assessment.
70.575 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 ss. 763, 1647 (17); 1977 c. 300 ss. 6, 8.
70.5870.58Forestation state tax.
70.58(1)(1)Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), there is levied an annual tax of two-tenths of one mill for each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property of the state as determined by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, for the purpose of acquiring, preserving and developing the forests of the state and for the purpose of forest crop law and county forest law administration and aid payments, for grants to forestry cooperatives under s. 36.56, and for the acquisition, purchase and development of forests described under s. 25.29 (7) (a) and (b), the proceeds of the tax to be paid into the conservation fund. The tax shall not be levied in any year in which general funds are appropriated for the purposes specified in this section, equal to or in excess of the amount which the tax would produce and no tax shall be levied under this section beginning with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2017.
70.58(2)(2)In each of 3 years beginning with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2005, the department of revenue shall adjust the rate of the tax imposed under this section so that the percentage increase from the previous year in the total amount levied under this section does not exceed 2.6 percent. The rate determined by the department of revenue for the property tax assessment as of January 1, 2007, shall be the rate of the tax imposed under this section for all subsequent years, ending with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2017.
70.58(3)(3)In fiscal year 2017-18, and in each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to 0.1697 mills for each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property of the state as determined by the department of revenue under s. 70.57 shall be transferred from the general fund to the conservation fund for the purposes described under sub. (1).
70.6070.60Apportionment of state tax to counties.
70.60(1)(1)The department of administration shall compute the state tax chargeable against each county basing such computation upon the valuation of the taxable property of the county as determined by the department of revenue pursuant to s. 70.57. On or before the 4th Monday of August in each year the department of administration shall certify to the county clerk of each county the amount of the taxes apportioned to and levied upon the county, and all special charges which the county clerk is required by law to make in any year to any such county to be collected with the state tax. The county clerk shall then charge to each county the whole amount of such taxes and charges, and the same shall be paid into the state treasury as provided by law.
70.60 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1647 (14); 1977 c. 273; 1997 a. 35.
70.6270.62County tax rate.
70.62(1)(1)County board to determine. The county board shall determine by resolution the amount of taxes to be levied in its county for the year.
70.62(3)(3)Omitted tax. Whenever the county board of any county shall fail to apportion against any town, city or village thereof in any year any state, county or school tax or any part thereof properly chargeable thereto, such county board shall, in any succeeding year, apportion such taxes against such town, city or village and add the proper amount thereof to the amount of the current annual tax then apportioned thereto.
70.62(4)(4)Exemption from levy.
70.62(4)(a)(a) If a county levies a tax under sub. (1) for operating or maintaining, or providing services to, an airport, for public health services, or economic development services, a town located in the county, and on Madeline Island, shall be exempt from the taxes levied for such purposes if the town applies to the county for an exemption no later than September 1 of the year to which the exemption relates and the town provides documentation with the application that indicates that the town levies a tax for the same purpose that is at least equal to the amount calculated as follows:
70.62(4)(a)1.1. Divide the amount of tax the county levied in the prior year for operating or maintaining, or providing services to, an airport, for public health services, or economic development services, less any amount levied for capital expenditures, by the equalized valuation of property in that area of the county that was subject to the county property tax levy for such services in the prior year.
70.62(4)(a)2.2. Multiply the amount determined under subd. 1. by the equalized valuation of property in the town for the current year.
70.62(4)(am)(am) The county board shall make a decision to approve or disapprove an application received under par. (a), and notify the applicant of its decision, no later than 30 days after the date on which it receives the application. If the county board disapproves an application under par. (a) the town may appeal the county board’s decision to the circuit court of the county.
70.62(4)(b)(b) For purposes of par. (a), “public health services” includes emergency fire, ambulance, and medical services and operating or maintaining a community health care clinic. For purposes of par. (a), “economic development services” includes providing community, business, and economic development information and assistance services and programs, loans, surveys, design assistance, site preparation and infrastructure for brownfield development, administrative assistance, and permitting assistance.
70.62(4)(c)(c) No county may increase its levy on any municipality to compensate for granting the exemption under par. (a).
70.6370.63Apportionment of county and state taxes to municipalities.
70.63(1)(1)By county clerk. The county clerk shall apportion the county tax and the whole amount of state taxes and charges levied upon the county, as certified by the department of administration, among the towns, cities and villages of the county, according and in proportion to the valuation thereof as determined by the department of revenue. The county clerk shall carry out in the record book, opposite the name of each in separate columns, the amount of state taxes and charges and the amount of county taxes so apportioned thereto, and the amount of all other special taxes or charges apportioned or ordered, or which the clerk is required by law to make in any year to any town, city or village, to be collected with the annual taxes. The clerk shall certify to the clerk of and charge to each town, city and village, except in cities of the 1st class, the amount of all such taxes so apportioned to and levied upon it, and shall, at the same time, file with the county treasurer a certified copy of each apportionment.
70.63(2)(2)City of first class. The county clerk shall certify in a similar manner to the commissioner of assessments of each city of the first class located within the limits of the county.
70.63 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 90; 1981 c. 20; 1991 a. 156; 1997 a. 35.
70.63 AnnotationThe statutory duties of the county clerk under this chapter may not be transferred to the county auditor, but the county auditor may be granted supervisory authority over the manner in which such duties are exercised. OAG 6-08.
70.6470.64Review of equalized values.
70.64(1)(1)By tax appeals commission. The assessment and determination of the relative value of taxable general property in any county or taxation district, made by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, may be reviewed, and a redetermination of the value of such property may be made by the tax appeals commission, upon appeal by the county or taxation district. The filing of such appeal in the manner provided in this section by any county or taxation district shall impose upon the commission the duty, under the powers conferred upon it by s. 73.01 (4) (a), to review the assessment complained of. If, in its judgment based upon the testimony, evidence and record made on the preliminary hearing of such appeal, the commission finds such assessment to be unequal and discriminatory, it shall determine to correct such assessment to bring it into substantial compliance with law. Except as provided in this section, the appeal shall be taken and such review and redetermination shall be made as provided in ss. 73.01 and 73.015 and under the rules governing the procedure of the commission.
70.64(2)(2)Authorization of appeals. To authorize such appeal an order or resolution directing the same to be taken shall be adopted by the governing body of the county or taxation district taking the appeal at a lawful meeting of the governing body. When an appeal shall have been authorized the prosecution of it shall be in charge of the chairperson of the county board or county administrator or of the chairperson, mayor or president of the taxation district taking the appeal unless otherwise directed by the governing body. The officers or committee in charge of the appeal may employ attorneys to conduct the appeal. After authorizing an appeal as provided in this subsection, any 2 or more taxation districts in the same county may join in taking and prosecuting an appeal.
70.64(3)(3)Form of appeal. To accomplish an appeal there shall be filed with the tax appeals commission on or before October 15 an appeal in writing setting forth:
70.64(3)(a)(a) That the county or taxation district, naming the same, appeals to the tax appeals commission from the assessment made by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, specifying the date of such assessment.
70.64(3)(b)(b) Whether the appeal is to obtain a review and redetermination of the assessment of all the taxation districts of the county or of particular districts only, therein specified.
70.64(3)(c)(c) Whether review and redetermination is desired as to real estate, or personal property, or both.
70.64(3)(d)(d) That the appeal has been authorized by an order or resolution of the county board or governing body of the taxation district in whose behalf the appeal is taken.
70.64(3)(e)(e) A plain and concise statement, without unnecessary repetition, of the facts constituting the grievance sought to be remedied upon appeal, which shall specifically allege in what respects the assessment is in error.
70.64(3)(f)(f) The appeal shall be verified by a member of the governing body of the county or taxation district authorizing the appeal in the manner that pleadings in courts of record are verified. When 2 or more taxation districts join in taking such appeal the verification may be made by the proper officer of any one of them.
70.64(4)(4)Certified copies. Upon the filing of such appeal, the clerk of the county or taxation district, without delay, shall prepare certified copies of it, together with certified copies of the value established by the department of revenue from which the appeal is taken and a complete list showing the clerk of each taxation district within the county and the post-office address of each. The clerk shall mail by certified mail 4 sets of certified copies to the tax appeals commission and one set of the copies to the department of revenue, the county clerk and the clerk of each taxation district within the county.
70.64(5)(5)Appearance. Not later than 30 days after the clerk of the county or taxation district has mailed the certified copies, unless the time is extended by order of the tax appeals commission, any county, town, city or village may cause an appearance to be entered in its behalf before the commission in support of the appeal and uniting with the appellant for the relief demanded; and by verified petition or statement showing grounds therefor may apply for other or further review and redetermination than that demanded in the appeal. Within the same time the county, town, city or village in the county may in the same manner have its appearance entered in opposition to the appeal and to the relief demanded. Such appearances shall be authorized in the manner for authorizing an appeal under sub. (2). When so authorized the interests of the county, town, city or village authorizing it shall be in the charge of the chairperson, mayor or president thereof unless otherwise directed by the body authorizing such appearance; and attorneys may be employed in that behalf. In such appearances any 2 or more of the towns, cities and villages of the county may join if united in support of or in opposition to the appeal. Four copies of each appearance, petition or statement mentioned in this subsection shall be filed in the offices of the tax appeals commission and a copy of each mailed by certified mail to the department of revenue, to the county clerk, and to the clerk of each town, city and village within the county, and a copy to the attorney authorized to appear on behalf of the county or any town, city or village within the county.
70.64(6)(6)Hearing. As soon as practicable, the commission shall set a time and place for preliminary hearing of such appeal. At least 10 days before the time set for such hearing, the commission shall cause notice thereof to be mailed by certified mail to the county clerk and to the attorney or the clerk of each town, city and village in whose behalf an appearance has been entered in the matter of such appeal, and to the clerk of each town, city or village which has not appeared, and mail a like notice to the clerk of the taxation district taking such appeal and to the department of revenue. The department of revenue shall be prepared to present to the commission at such time during the course of the hearings as the commission requires, the full value of all property subject to general property taxation in each town, village and city of the county, as determined by the department according to s. 70.57 (1) or in the case of a complaint by a taxation district under a county assessor such information as the department has in its possession. Said hearing may be adjourned, in the discretion of the tax appeals commission, as often and to such times and places as may be necessary in order to determine the facts. If satisfied that no substantial injustice has been done in the taxation district assessment appealed from, the commission in its discretion may dismiss such appeal. If satisfied that substantial injustice has been done in the taxation district assessment, the commission shall determine to revalue any or all of the taxation districts in the county, which it deems necessary, in a manner which in its judgment is best calculated to secure substantial justice.
70.64(7)(7)Redetermination. The commission shall then proceed to redetermine the value of the taxable general property in such of the taxation districts in the county as it deems necessary. It may include in such redetermination other taxation districts than first determined upon and may include all of the taxation districts in said county, if at any time during the progress of its investigations or revaluations it is satisfied that such course is necessary in order to accomplish substantial justice and to secure relative equality as between all the taxation districts in such county. It shall make careful investigation of the value of taxable general property in the several taxation districts to which such review and redetermination shall extend, in any manner which in its judgment is best calculated to obtain the fair, full value of such property. The commission may employ such experts and other assistants as may be necessary, and fix their compensation. In making such investigations the commission and all persons employed therein by the commission shall have all the authority possessed by assessors so far as applicable, including authority to administer oaths and to examine property owners and witnesses under oath as to the quantity and value of the property subject to assessment belonging to any person or within any taxation district to which the investigation shall extend.
70.64(8)(8)Hearing. The commission may at any time before its final determination appoint a time and place at which it will hear evidence and arguments relevant to the matters under consideration upon such appeal. The time to be devoted to such hearings may be limited as the commission directs. At least 10 days before the time fixed for such hearings, the commission shall cause notice thereof to be mailed by certified mail to the county clerk and to the attorney or other representative of each town, city and village in whose behalf an appearance has been entered in the matter of such appeal, and a like copy to the department of revenue.
70.64(9)(9)Testimony. The tax appeals commission may take testimony. Witnesses summoned at the instance of said commission shall be compensated at the rates provided by law for witnesses in courts of record, the same to be audited and paid the same as other claims against the state, upon the certificate of said commission. If any property owner or other person makes any false statement to said commission or to any person employed by it upon any matter under investigation that person shall be subject to all the forfeitures and penalties imposed by law for false statements to assessors and boards of review.
70.64(10)(10)Determination. The tax appeals commission shall make its determination upon such appeal without unreasonable delay and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the county clerk and mail by certified mail a like copy to the department of revenue and to the clerk and attorney of the taxation district appealing, and a copy to the clerk and attorney of each taxation district having appeared. In such determination the commission shall set forth the relative value of the taxable general property in each town, city and village of such county as found by them, and what sum, if any, shall be added to or deducted from the aggregate value of taxable property in each such taxation district as fixed in the determination of the department of revenue from which such appeal was taken in order to produce a relatively just and equitable taxation district assessment. Such determination shall be final.
70.64(11)(11)Computation. The determination of the commission shall not affect the validity of taxes apportioned in accordance with the taxation district assessment from which such appeal was taken; but if it is determined upon such appeal that such taxation district assessment is relatively unequal, such inequality shall be remedied and compensated in the apportionment of state and county taxes in such county next following the determination of said commission in the following manner: Each town, city and village whose valuation in such taxation district assessment was determined by said commission to be relatively too high shall be credited a sum equal to the amount of taxes charged to it upon such unequal assessment in excess of the amount equitably chargeable thereto according to the determination of the commission; and each town, city and village whose valuation in such taxation district assessment was determined by said commission to be relatively too low shall be charged, in addition to all other taxes, a sum equal to the difference between the amount charged thereto upon such unequal assessment and the amount which should have been charged thereto according to the determination of the commission. The department of revenue shall aid the county clerk in making proper computations.
70.64(12)(12)Expenses. The tax appeals commission shall transmit to the county clerk with its determination on such appeal a statement of all expenses incurred therein by or at the instance of the commission, which shall include the actual expenses of the commission and regular employees of the commission, the compensation and actual expenses of all other persons employed by it and the fees of officers employed and witnesses summoned at its instance. A duplicate of such statement shall be filed in the office of the department of administration. Such expenses shall be audited upon the certificate of the commission, and paid out of the state treasury, in the first instance, as other claims against the state are audited and paid. The amount of such expenses shall be a special charge against such county and shall be included in the next apportionment and certification of state taxes and charges, and collected from such county, as other special charges are certified and collected. Unless otherwise directed by the commission in its determination upon such appeal, the county clerk, in the next apportionment of state and county taxes, shall apportion the amount of such special charges to and among the towns, cities and villages in such county whose relative valuations were increased in the determination of the commission in proportion to the amount of such increase in each of them respectively. The apportionment of such expenses shall be set forth in the determination of the commission. The amount so apportioned to each such town, city and village shall be charged upon its tax roll and shall be collected and paid over to the county treasurer as other state taxes and special charges are collected and paid.
70.64(13)(13)Procedures. The provisions of s. 73.01, insofar as consistent with this section, shall be applicable to proceedings under this section.
70.64 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. TA 1, Wis. adm. code.
70.6570.65Tax roll.
70.65(1)(1)Clerk to prepare. Annually the clerk of the taxation district shall prepare a tax roll. The clerk shall begin preparation of the tax roll at a time sufficient to permit timely delivery of the tax roll under s. 74.03.
70.65(2)(2)Content. The tax roll shall do all of the following:
70.65(2)(a)(a) As shown on the assessment roll:
70.65(2)(a)1.1. Identify all the real property within the taxation district and, with respect to each description of real property, the name and address of the owner and the assessed value.
70.65(2)(a)2.2. For assessments made before January 1, 2024, identify the name and address of the owners of all taxable personal property within the taxation district and the assessed value of each owner’s taxable personal property.
70.65(2)(b)(b) With respect to each description of real property and each owner of taxable personal property and the personal property assessments made before January 1, 2024:
70.65(2)(b)1.1. Show the total amount of taxes levied against the property by all taxing jurisdictions to which the property is subject.
70.65(2)(b)2.2. Show all other taxes, assessments and charges against the property which are authorized by law to be collected as are taxes levied against property.
70.65(2)(c)(c) Set forth the taxes, assessments and charges against property in the tax roll in a manner sufficiently organized and apportioned to permit collection and settlement of the taxes, assessments and charges under ch. 74.
70.65(2)(d)(d) Show the total amount of taxes, assessments and charges to be collected against property within the taxation district.
70.65(2)(e)(e) Direct the treasurer of the taxation district and the county treasurer to collect, under s. 74.07, the amount of taxes, assessments and charges under par. (d).
70.65(2)(f)(f) Set forth any other information required by law or determined necessary by the department of revenue.
70.65(3)(3)Certification of correctness. The clerk of the taxation district shall certify, on the tax roll, that the information contained in the tax roll is accurate, to the clerk’s best knowledge.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)