103.43(1)(b) (b) Any of the acts described in par. (a) shall be considered a false advertisement or misrepresentation for the purposes of this section.
103.43(1m) (1m) A strike or lockout is considered to exist as long as any of the following conditions exists:
103.43(1m)(a) (a) The usual concomitants of a strike or lockout.
103.43(1m)(b) (b) Unemployment on the part of workers affected continues.
103.43(1m)(c) (c) Any payments of strike benefits are being made.
103.43(1m)(d) (d) Any picketing is maintained.
103.43(1m)(e) (e) Publication is being made of the existence of a strike or lockout.
103.43(2) (2) Any person who, by himself or herself, or by a servant or agent, or as the servant or agent of any other person, or as an officer, director, servant or agent of any firm, corporation, association or organization of any kind, violates sub. (1) (a) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year or both.
103.43(3) (3) Any worker who is influenced, induced or persuaded to engage with any person specified in sub. (1) (a), through or by means of any of the acts prohibited in sub. (1) (a), shall have a right of action for recovery of all damages that the worker sustains in consequence of the false or deceptive representation, false advertising or false pretenses used to induce the worker to change his or her place of employment in this state or to accept employment in this state, against any person, corporation, company or association, directly or indirectly, causing the damage. In addition to all actual damages that the worker may sustain, the worker shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees as determined by the court, to be taxed as costs in any judgment recovered.
103.43 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1995 a. 225; 1997 a. 253.
103.45 103.45 Time checks; penalty. All persons paying wages in time checks or paper, other than legal money, shall make those time checks or that paper payable in some designated place of business in the county in which the work was performed or at the office of the person paying the wages if within this state, or at any bank within this state. Any person failing to comply with this section shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100.
103.45 History History: 1997 a. 253.
103.455 103.455 Deductions for faulty workmanship, loss, theft or damage. No employer may make any deduction from the wages due or earned by any employee, who is not an independent contractor, for defective or faulty workmanship, lost or stolen property or damage to property, unless the employee authorizes the employer in writing to make that deduction or unless the employer and a representative designated by the employee determine that the defective or faulty workmanship, loss, theft or damage is due to the employee's negligence, carelessness, or willful and intentional conduct, or unless the employee is found guilty or held liable in a court of competent jurisdiction by reason of that negligence, carelessness, or willful and intentional conduct. If any deduction is made or credit taken by any employer that is not in accordance with this section, the employer shall be liable for twice the amount of the deduction or credit taken in a civil action brought by the employee. Any agreement entered into between an employer and employee that is contrary to this section shall be void. In case of a disagreement between the 2 parties, the department shall be the 3rd determining party, subject to any appeal to the court. Section 111.322 (2m) applies to discharge and other discriminatory acts arising in connection with any proceeding to recover a deduction under this section.
103.455 History History: 1989 a. 228; 1997 a. 253.
103.455 Annotation The consent of the employee may only serve as a basis for a deduction if it is given in writing after the loss and before the deduction. Donovan v. Schlesner, 72 Wis. 2d 74, 240 N.W.2d 135 (1976).
103.455 Annotation Termination of an employee-at-will may violate the public policy underlying this section. Wandry v. Bull's Eye Credit, 129 Wis. 2d 37, 384 N.W.2d 325 (1986).
103.455 Annotation Commissions earned over and above a salary are wages under this section. The 6-year statute of limitations, under s. 893.43, applicable to claims for commissions applies to the recovery of deductions from commissions under this section. A claimant need not first bring a claim before DILHR if the employer has never given the employee an opportunity to contest the deductions. Erdman v. Jovoco, Inc. 181 Wis. 2d 736, 512 N.W.2d 487 (1994).
103.455 Annotation The exception to the at-will employment doctrine, founded on well-defined public policy found in this section, does not reach every potential deduction by an employer from an employee's wages. Batteries Plus, LLC v. Mohr, 2001 WI 80, 244 Wis. 2d 559, 628 N.W.2d 364.
103.457 103.457 Listing deductions from wages. An employer shall state clearly on the employee's pay check, pay envelope, or paper accompanying the wage payment the amount of and reason for each deduction from the wages due or earned by the employee, except such miscellaneous deductions as may have been authorized by request of the individual employee for reasons personal to the employee. A reasonable coding system may be used by the employer.
103.457 History History: 1993 a. 492.
103.46 103.46 Contracts; promises to withdraw from or not to join labor, employers' or cooperative organizations are void. Every undertaking or promise, whether written or oral, express or implied, constituting or contained in any of the following is declared to be contrary to public policy and wholly void and shall not afford any basis for the granting of any legal or equitable relief by any court:
103.46(1) (1) A contract or agreement of hiring or employment between any employer and any employee or prospective employee, in which either party to the contract or agreement undertakes or promises not to join, become or remain a member of any labor organization or of any organization of employers, or in which either party to the contract or agreement undertakes or promises to withdraw from the employment relation if the party joins, becomes or remains a member of any labor organization or of any organization of employers.
103.46(2) (2) A contract or agreement for the sale of agricultural, horticultural or dairy products between a producer of those products and a distributor or purchaser of those products, in which either party to the contract or agreement undertakes or promises not to join, become or remain a member of any cooperative association organized under ch. 185 or of any trade association of the producers, distributors or purchasers of those products.
103.46 History History: 1985 a. 30 s. 42; 1993 a. 492; 1997 a. 253.
103.465 103.465 Restrictive covenants in employment contracts. A covenant by an assistant, servant or agent not to compete with his or her employer or principal during the term of the employment or agency, or after the termination of that employment or agency, within a specified territory and during a specified time is lawful and enforceable only if the restrictions imposed are reasonably necessary for the protection of the employer or principal. Any covenant, described in this subsection, imposing an unreasonable restraint is illegal, void and unenforceable even as to any part of the covenant or performance that would be a reasonable restraint.
103.465 History History: 1995 a. 225; 1997 a. 253.
103.465 Annotation A provision in an employer's profit sharing and retirement plan that calls for the forfeiture of benefits by employees who engage in competitive enterprises is valid and enforceable only if it meets the requirements of this section. Holsen v. Marshall & Ilsley Bank, 52 Wis. 2d 281, 190 N.W.2d 189 (1971).
103.465 Annotation A provision of a pension plan denying benefits if the retired employee accepts any employment in the same industry without limit as to time or area is void. Estate of Schroeder, 53 Wis. 2d 59, 191 N.W.2d 860 (1971).
103.465 Annotation This section, limiting the enforceability of covenants not to compete to those containing restrictions reasonably necessary for the protection of the employer or principal, incorporates pre-existing common law principals that contracts in restraint of trade are viewed with disfavor. Behnke v. Hertz Corp. 70 Wis. 2d 818, 235 N.W.2d 690 (1975).
103.465 Annotation A profit-sharing plan that provided for forfeiture in the event that a covered employee worked for a "competitive business" was construed to apply only to businesses that seek out and appeal to the same customers and offer substantially identical services. Zimmerman v. Brennan, 78 Wis. 2d 510, 254 N.W.2d 719 (1977).
103.465 Annotation The basic requirements for an enforceable restrictive covenant are that the agreement must: 1) be necessary for the protection of the employer; 2) provide a reasonable time period; 3) cover a reasonable territory; 4) not be unreasonable to the employee; 5) not be unreasonable to the general public. Chuck Wagon Catering, Inc. v. Raduege, 88 Wis. 2d 740, 277 N.W.2d 787 (1979).
103.465 Annotation A covenant prohibiting an executive employee from contacting company clients with whom the employee had had no previous contact was not unreasonable per se. Hunter of Wisconsin, Inc. v. Hamilton, 101 Wis. 2d 460, 304 N.W.2d 752 (1981).
103.465 Annotation A covenant not to compete is not automatically voided by the presence of an unreasonable provision for liquidated damages. Whether specific restraints as to area and time are necessary to protect the employer is a question of law to be resolved on the basis of the facts. Fields Foundation, Ltd. v. Christensen, 103 Wis. 2d 465, 309 N.W.2d 125 (Ct. App. 1981).
103.465 Annotation An agreement requiring agents of an insurance company to forfeit their extended earnings if after termination they engaged in certain competitive practices was unenforceable. Streiff v. American Family Mutual Insurance Co. 118 Wis. 2d 602, 348 N.W.2d 505 (1984).
103.465 Annotation Territorial limits in a restrictive covenant need not be expressed in geographical terms. General Medical Corp. v. Kobs, 179 Wis. 2d 422, 507 N.W.2d 381 (Ct. App. 1993).
103.465 Annotation An employer is not entitled to protection against ordinary competition of the type a stranger would give. There must special facts that render the covenant necessary for the protection of the employer's business. Wausau Medical Center v. Asplund, 182 Wis. 2d 274, 514 N.W.2d 34 (Ct. App. 1994).
103.465 Annotation A valid covenant not to compete requires consideration. Continued employment, absent a requirement that the employment requires executing the agreement, is not consideration. NBZ, Inc. v. Pilarski, 185 Wis. 2d 827, 520 N.W.2d 93 (Ct. App. 1994).
103.465 Annotation This section sets out its own remedy. A violation does not grant an automatic right to pursue a wrongful discharge claim, but voids the the covenant. Tagte v. Chambers and Owens, Inc. 210 Wis. 2d 51, 565 N.W.2d 150 (Ct. App. 1997).
103.465 Annotation It would be an exercise in semantics to overlook this section merely because a contract provision is labeled a non-disclosure provision rather than a covenant not to compete. This section does not create an exception to the at-will employment doctrine that would allow an employee to refuse to sign a non-disclosure or non-compete clause that the employee considers to be unreasonable. Tatge v. Chambers & Owen, Inc. 219 Wis. 2d 99, 579 N.W.2d 217 (1998).
103.465 Annotation Any part of an indivisible covenant, even if reasonable on its own, will not be given effect if any other part is unreasonable. A provision that an insurance agent was to have no contact with company clients without geographic restriction was overbroad, as was a provision that the agent not work for a named competitor in any capacity. Mutual Service Casualty Insurance Co. v. Brass, 2001 WI App. 92, 242 Wis. 2d 733, 625 N.W.2d 648.
103.465 Annotation "Specified territory" in this section encompasses customer lists as well as geographic locations. A covenant not to compete based on a customer list limitation is not invalid per se. Farm Credit Services of North Central Wisconsin v. Wysocki, 2001 WI 51, 243 Wis. 2d 305, 627 N.W. 2d 444.
103.465 Annotation A covenant not to compete cannot escape the requirement of territorial reasonableness by not including any geographical parameters. A covenant without any specified territory is void. Equity Enterprises, Inc. v. Milosch, 2001 WI App 186, 247 Wis. 2d 172, 633 N.W.2d 662.
103.465 Annotation A penalty provision in a contract that is invoked if there is a violation of an unreasonable covenant not to compete must be read with, and is intertwined with, the covenant. As such, it is an unreasonable covenant itself. Equity Enterprises, Inc. v. Milosch, 2001 WI App 186, 247 Wis. 2d 172, 633 N.W.2d 662.
103.465 Annotation An agreement between the operator of nursing homes and a company that provided physical therapists to the homes that the nursing owner would not hire any of the therapists without the consent of, and paying a fee to, the company restricted employment opportunities of the therapists without their knowledge or consent and constituted an unreasonable restraint of trade in violation of this section and s. 133.03 (1). Heyde Companies, Inc. v. Dove Healthcare, LLC, 2001 WI App 278, 249 Wis. 2d 32, 637 N.W.2d 437.
103.465 AnnotationA restrictive covenant was not overbroad. Brunswick Corp. v. Jones, 784 F.2d 271 (1986).
103.465 Annotation An agreement to accept an education loan funded by certain employers on the condition that the recipient repay it in kind by working for a contributor or repaying it in cash if the recipient accepts employment with a non-contributor was not a covenant subject to s. 103.465. Milwaukee Apprentice Training Committee v. Howell, 67 F.3d 1333 (1995).
103.465 Annotation Drafting and enforcing restrictive covenants not to compete. Richards, 55 MLR 241.
103.465 Annotation Drafting enforceable covenants not to compete. Nettesheim. WBB Oct. 1986.
103.465 Annotation Can Employers Force Employees to Sign Noncompete Agreements as a Condition of Their Employment? Cohen & Stuart. Wis. Law. May 1999.
103.49 103.49 Wage rate on state work.
103.49(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
103.49(1)(a) (a) "Area" means the county in which a proposed project that is subject to this section is located or, if the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in that county, "area" means those counties that are contiguous to that county or, if the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in those counties, "area" means those counties that are contiguous to those counties or, if the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in those counties, "area" means the entire state or, if the department is requested to review a determination under sub. (3) (c), "area" means the city, village or town in which a proposed project that is subject to this section is located.
103.49(1)(b) (b) "Hourly basic rate of pay" means the hourly wage paid to any employee, excluding any contributions or payments for health insurance benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits and any other bona fide economic benefits, whether paid directly or indirectly.
103.49(1)(bg) (bg) "Insufficient wage data" means less than 500 hours of work performed in a particular trade or occupation on projects that are similar to a proposed project that is subject to this section.
103.49(1)(bm) (bm) "Multiple-trade public works project" means a public works project in which no single trade accounts for 85% or more of the total labor cost of the project.
103.49(1)(c) (c) "Prevailing hours of labor" for any trade or occupation in any area means 10 hours per day and 40 hours per week and may not include any hours worked on a Saturday or Sunday or on any of the following holidays:
103.49(1)(c)1. 1. January 1.
103.49(1)(c)2. 2. The last Monday in May.
103.49(1)(c)3. 3. July 4.
103.49(1)(c)4. 4. The first Monday in September.
103.49(1)(c)5. 5. The 4th Thursday in November.
103.49(1)(c)6. 6. December 25.
103.49(1)(c)7. 7. The day before if January 1, July 4 or December 25 falls on a Saturday.
103.49(1)(c)8. 8. The day following if January 1, July 4 or December 25 falls on a Sunday.
103.49(1)(d)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., "prevailing wage rate" for any trade or occupation engaged in the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing or demolition of any project of public works in any area means the hourly basic rate of pay, plus the hourly contribution for health insurance benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits and any other bona fide economic benefit, paid directly or indirectly for a majority of the hours worked in the trade or occupation on projects in the area.
103.49(1)(d)2. 2. If there is no rate at which a majority of the hours worked in the trade or occupation on projects in the area is paid, "prevailing wage rate" for any trade or occupation engaged in the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing or demolition of any project of public works in any area means the average hourly basic rate of pay, weighted by the number of hours worked, plus the average hourly contribution, weighted by the number of hours worked, for health insurance benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits and any other bona fide economic benefit, paid directly or indirectly for all hours worked at the hourly basic rate of pay of the highest-paid 51% of hours worked in that trade or occupation on projects in that area.
103.49(1)(e) (e) "Single-trade public works project" means a public works project in which a single trade accounts for 85% or more of the total labor cost of the project.
103.49(1)(f) (f) "State agency" means any office, department, independent agency, institution of higher education, association, society or other body in state government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, including the legislature and the courts. "State agency" also includes the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority and the Fox River Navigational System Authority.
103.49(1)(g) (g) "Truck driver" includes an owner-operator of a truck.
103.49(2) (2)Prevailing wage rates and hours of labor. Any contract hereafter made for the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing, or demolition of any project of public works, except contracts for the construction or maintenance of public highways, streets, and bridges, to which the state or any state agency is a party shall contain a stipulation that no person performing the work described in sub. (2m) may be permitted to work a greater number of hours per day or per week than the prevailing hours of labor, except that any such person may be permitted or required to work more than such prevailing hours of labor per day and per week if he or she is paid for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of labor at a rate of at least 1.5 times his or her hourly basic rate of pay; nor may he or she be paid less than the prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (3) in the same or most similar trade or occupation in the area wherein such project of public works is situated. A reference to the prevailing wage rates determined under sub. (3) and the prevailing hours of labor shall be published in the notice issued for the purpose of securing bids for the project. If any contract or subcontract for a project that is subject to this section is entered into, the prevailing wage rates determined under sub. (3) and the prevailing hours of labor shall be physically incorporated into and made a part of the contract or subcontract, except that for a minor subcontract, as determined by the department, the department shall prescribe by rule the method of notifying the minor subcontractor of the prevailing wage rates and prevailing hours of labor applicable to the minor subcontract. The prevailing wage rates and prevailing hours of labor applicable to a contract or subcontract may not be changed during the time that the contract or subcontract is in force.
103.49(2m) (2m)Covered employees.
103.49(2m)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), all of the following employees shall be paid the prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (3) and may not be permitted to work a greater number of hours per day or per week than the prevailing hours of labor, unless they are paid for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of labor at a rate of at least 1.5 times their hourly basic rate of pay:
103.49(2m)(a)1. 1. All laborers, workers, mechanics and truck drivers employed on the site of a project that is subject to this section.
103.49(2m)(a)2. 2. All laborers, workers, mechanics and truck drivers employed in the manufacturing or furnishing of materials, articles, supplies or equipment on the site of a project that is subject to this section or from a facility dedicated exclusively, or nearly so, to a project that is subject to this section by a contractor, subcontractor, agent or other person performing any work on the site of the project.
103.49(2m)(b) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a) 1., a laborer, worker, mechanic or truck driver who is regularly employed to process, manufacture, pick up or deliver materials or products from a commercial establishment that has a fixed place of business from which the establishment regularly supplies processed or manufactured materials or products is not entitled to receive the prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (3) or to receive at least 1.5 times his or her hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of labor unless any of the following applies:
103.49(2m)(b)1. 1. The laborer, worker, mechanic or truck driver is employed to go to the source of mineral aggregate such as sand, gravel or stone that is to be immediately incorporated into the work, and not stockpiled or further transported by truck, pick up that mineral aggregate and deliver that mineral aggregate to the site of a project that is subject to this section by depositing the material substantially in place, directly or through spreaders from the transporting vehicle.
103.49(2m)(b)2. 2. The laborer, worker, mechanic or truck driver is employed to go to the site of a project that is subject to this section, pick up excavated material or spoil from the site of the project and transport that excavated material or spoil away from the site of the project.
103.49(2m)(c) (c) A truck driver who is an owner-operator of a truck shall be paid separately for his or her work and for the use of his or her truck.
103.49(3) (3)Investigation; determination.
103.49(3)(a)(a) Before bids are asked for any work to which this section applies, the state agency having the authority to prescribe the specifications shall apply to the department to determine the prevailing wage rate for each trade or occupation required in the work under contemplation in the area in which the work is to be done. The department shall conduct investigations and hold public hearings as necessary to define the trades or occupations that are commonly employed on projects that are subject to this section and to inform itself as to the prevailing wage rates in all areas of the state for those trades or occupations, in order to determine the prevailing wage rate for each trade or occupation. The department shall issue its determination within 30 days after receiving the request and shall file the determination with the requesting state agency. For the information of the employees working on the project, the prevailing wage rates determined by the department, the prevailing hours of labor and the provisions of subs. (2) and (6m) shall be kept posted by the state agency in at least one conspicuous and easily accessible place on the site of the project.
103.49(3)(am) (am) The department shall, by January 1 of each year, compile the prevailing wage rates for each trade or occupation in each area. The compilation shall, in addition to the current prevailing wage rates, include future prevailing wage rates when those prevailing wage rates can be determined for any trade or occupation in any area and shall specify the effective date of those future prevailing wage rates. If a construction project extends into more than one area there shall be but one standard of prevailing wage rates for the entire project.
103.49(3)(ar) (ar) In determining prevailing wage rates under par. (a) or (am), the department may not use data from projects that are subject to this section, s. 66.0903, 103.50 or 229.8275 or 40 USC 276a unless the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in the area to determine those prevailing wage rates, in which case the department may use data from projects that are subject to this section, s. 66.0903, 103.50 or 229.8275 or 40 USC 276a.
103.49(3)(b) (b) Any person may request a recalculation of any portion of an initial determination within 30 days after the initial determination date if the person submits evidence with the request showing that the prevailing wage rate for any given trade or occupation included in the initial determination does not represent the prevailing wage rate for that trade or occupation in the area. The evidence shall include wage rate information reflecting work performed by persons working in the contested trade or occupation in the area during the current survey period. The department shall affirm or modify the initial determination within 15 days after the date on which the department receives the request for recalculation.
103.49(3)(c) (c) In addition to the recalculation under par. (b), the state agency that requested the determination under this subsection may request a review of any portion of a determination within 30 days after the date of issuance of the determination if the state agency submits evidence with the request showing that the prevailing wage rate for any given trade or occupation included in the determination does not represent the prevailing wage rate for that trade or occupation in the city, village or town in which the proposed project is located. That evidence shall include wage rate information for the contested trade or occupation on at least 3 similar projects located in the city, village or town where the proposed project is located on which some work has been performed during the current survey period and which were considered by the department in issuing its most recent compilation under par. (am). The department shall affirm or modify the determination within 15 days after the date on which the department receives the request for review.
103.49(3g) (3g)Nonapplicability. This section does not apply to any single-trade public works project for which the estimated project cost of completion is less than $30,000 or an amount determined by the department under s. 66.0903 (5) or to any multiple-trade public works project for which the estimated project cost of completion is less than $150,000 or an amount determined by the department under s. 66.0903 (5).
103.49(4r) (4r)Compliance.
103.49(4r)(a)(a) When the department finds that a state agency has not requested a determination under sub. (3) (a) or that a state agency, contractor or subcontractor has not physically incorporated a determination into a contract or subcontract as required under sub. (2) or has not notified a minor subcontractor of a determination in the manner prescribed by the department by rule promulgated under sub. (2), the department shall notify the state agency, contractor or subcontractor of the noncompliance and shall file the determination with the state agency, contractor or subcontractor within 30 days after such notice.
103.49(4r)(b) (b) Upon completion of a project and before receiving final payment for his or her work on the project, each agent or subcontractor shall furnish the contractor with an affidavit stating that the agent or subcontractor has complied fully with the requirements of this section. A contractor may not authorize final payment until the affidavit is filed in proper form and order.
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