146.001 Definitions.
146.0255 Testing infants for controlled substances or controlled substance analogs.
146.085 Pay toilets prohibited.
146.15 Information.
146.16 Expenses.
146.17 Limitations.
146.185 Minority health.
146.19 Cooperative American Indian health projects.
146.22 Flushing devices for urinals.
146.301 Refusal or delay of emergency service.
146.31 Blood or tissue transfer services.
146.33 Blood donors.
146.34 Donation of bone marrow by a minor.
146.345 Sale of human organs prohibited.
146.35 Female genital mutilation prohibited.
146.37 Health care services review; civil immunity.
146.38 Health care services review; confidentiality of information.
146.40 Instructional programs for nurse's aides; reporting client abuse.
146.50 Emergency medical services personnel; licensure; certification; training.
146.51 Denial, nonrenewal and suspension of license, training permit or certification based on certain delinquency in payment.
146.52 Denial, nonrenewal and revocation of license, certification or permit based on tax delinquency.
146.53 State emergency medical services activities.
146.55 Emergency medical services programs.
146.56 Statewide trauma care system.
146.57 Statewide poison control system.
146.58 Emergency medical services board.
146.59 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.
146.60 Notice of release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment.
146.62 Rural hospital loan program.
146.65 Rural health dental clinics.
146.70 Statewide emergency services number.
146.71 Determination of death.
146.81 Health care records; definitions.
146.815 Contents of certain patient health care records.
146.817 Preservation of fetal monitor tracings and microfilm copies.
146.819 Preservation or destruction of patient health care records.
146.82 Confidentiality of patient health care records.
146.83 Access to patient health care records.
146.835 Parents denied physical placement rights.
146.836 Applicability.
146.84 Violations related to patient health care records.
146.885 Acceptance of assignment for medicare.
146.89 Volunteer health care provider program.
146.905 Reduction in fees prohibited.
146.91 Long-term care insurance.
146.93 Primary health care program.
146.95 Patient visitation.
146.96 Uniform claim processing form.
146.99 Assessments.
146.995 Reporting of wounds and burn injuries.
146.997 Health care worker protection.
146.001 146.001 Definitions. In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:
146.001(1) (1) "Department" means the department of health and family services.
146.001(2) (2) "Secretary" means the secretary of health and family services.
146.001 History History: 1973 c. 323; 1985 a. 120; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19).
146.0255 146.0255 Testing infants for controlled substances or controlled substance analogs.
146.0255(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
146.0255(1)(a) (a) "Controlled substance" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (4).
146.0255(1)(b) (b) "Controlled substance analog" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (4m).
146.0255(2) (2)Testing. Any hospital employee who provides health care, social worker or intake worker under ch. 48 may refer an infant or an expectant mother of an unborn child, as defined in s. 48.02 (19), to a physician for testing of the bodily fluids of the infant or expectant mother for controlled substances or controlled substance analogs if the hospital employee who provides health care, social worker or intake worker suspects that the infant or expectant mother has controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the bodily fluids of the infant or expectant mother because of the use of controlled substances or controlled substance analogs by the mother while she was pregnant with the infant or by the expectant mother while she is pregnant with the unborn child. The physician may test the infant or expectant mother to ascertain whether or not the infant or expectant mother has controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the bodily fluids of the infant or expectant mother, if the physician determines that there is a serious risk that there are controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the bodily fluids of the infant or expectant mother because of the use of controlled substances or controlled substance analogs by the mother while she was pregnant with the infant or by the expectant mother while she is pregnant with the unborn child and that the health of the infant, the unborn child or the child when born may be adversely affected by the controlled substances or controlled substance analogs. If the results of the test indicate that the infant does have controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the infant's bodily fluids, the physician shall make a report under s. 46.238. If the results of the test indicate that the expectant mother does have controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the expectant mother's bodily fluids, the physician may make a report under s. 46.238. Under this subsection, no physician may test an expectant mother without first receiving her informed consent to the testing.
146.0255(3) (3)Test results. The physician who performs a test under sub. (2) shall provide the infant's parents or guardian or the expectant mother with all of the following information:
146.0255(3)(a) (a) A statement of explanation concerning the test that was performed, the date of performance of the test and the test results.
146.0255(3)(b) (b) A statement of explanation that the test results of an infant must, and that the test results of an expectant mother may, be disclosed to a county department under s. 46.22 or 46.23 or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, to the county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 in accordance with s. 46.238 if the test results are positive.
146.0255(4) (4)Confidentiality. The results of a test given under this section may be disclosed as provided in sub. (3).
146.0255 History History: 1989 a. 122, 359; 1993 a. 16, 446; 1995 a. 386, 448; 1997 a. 27, 35, 292.
146.085 146.085 Pay toilets prohibited.
146.085(1) (1)Prohibition. The owner or manager of any public building shall not permit an admission fee to be charged for the use of any toilet compartment.
146.085(2) (2)Penalty. Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50.
146.085(3) (3)Enforcement. The department, the department of commerce and the public service commission shall enforce this section within their respective jurisdictions.
146.085 History History: 1971 c. 228 s. 44; 1973 c. 12 s. 37; 1975 c. 298; 1995 a. 27 ss. 4361, 9116 (5).
146.15 146.15 Information. State officials, physicians of mining, manufacturing and other companies or associations, officers and agents of a company incorporated by or transacting business under the laws of this state, shall when requested furnish, so far as practicable, the department any information required touching the public health; and for refusal shall forfeit $10.
146.16 146.16 Expenses. Expenses incurred under this chapter, not made otherwise chargeable, shall be paid by the town, city or village.
146.16 History History: 1983 a. 27 s. 2202 (20); 1993 a. 27; 1995 a 227.
146.17 146.17 Limitations. Nothing in the statutes shall be construed to authorize interference with the individual's right to select his or her own physician or mode of treatment, nor as a limitation upon the municipality to enact measures in aid of health administration, consistent with statute and acts of the department.
146.17 History History: 1993 a. 482.
146.185 146.185 Minority health.
146.185(1)(1) In this section:
146.185(1)(a) (a) "African American" means a person whose ancestors originated in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
146.185(1)(b) (b) "American Indian" means a person who is enrolled as a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or who possesses documentation of at least one-fourth American Indian ancestry or documentation of tribal recognition as an American Indian.
146.185(1)(c) (c) "Asian" means a person whose ancestors originated in Asia south and southeast of the Himalayas and west of Wallace's Line in the Malay Archipelago.
146.185(1)(d) (d) "Economically disadvantaged" means having an income that is at or below 125% of the poverty line.
146.185(1)(e) (e) "Hispanic" means a person of any race whose ancestors originated in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central America or South America or whose culture or origin is Spanish.
146.185(1)(f) (f) "Minority group member" means any of the following:
146.185(1)(f)1. 1. An African American.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?