83.001 Definition.
83.01 County highway commissioner.
83.013 County traffic safety commissions.
83.015 County highway committee.
83.016 Traffic patrol officers, appointment, duties, bond.
83.018 Road supplies; committee may sell to municipalities.
83.02 County aid highways.
83.025 County trunk highways.
83.026 Federal aid secondary highways.
83.027 Controlled-access highways.
83.03 County aid; local levy; donations.
83.035 Streets and highways, construction.
83.04 Highway construction by county; noncontract work; payments.
83.05 Improving streets over 18 feet wide.
83.06 Maintenance of county aid highways.
83.065 County road and bridge fund; tax levy.
83.07 Acquisition of lands, quarries, gravel pits; relocation; eminent domain.
83.08 Acquisition of lands and interest therein.
83.09 Emergency repairs of county trunk highways.
83.11 Marking section and quarter section corners in highways.
83.12 Cattle passes.
83.13 Guideboards.
83.14 County aid on town and village initiative.
83.15 Aid by county for state line bridge or highway.
83.16 County may contract with foreign county.
83.17 County may assume compensation liability; agreements with localities.
83.18 Entry on lands.
83.19 Temporary highways and detours.
83.20 Highways, lighting.
83.42 Rustic roads system.
83.001 83.001 Definition. In this chapter, "department" means the department of transportation.
83.001 History History: 1985 a. 223.
83.01 83.01 County highway commissioner.
83.01(1) (1)Election or appointment.
83.01(1)(a)(a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), the county board shall elect a county highway commissioner. If the county board fails to elect a county highway commissioner, the county shall not participate in state allotments for highways.
83.01(1)(b) (b) In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, the county highway commissioner shall also be the director of public works. The person holding the position of county highway commissioner and director of public works, under the classified service, on June 16, 1974, shall continue in that capacity under civil service status until death, resignation or removal from such position. Thereafter the county executive shall appoint as successor a director of transportation who shall assume the duties of county highway commissioner and director of public works and is subject to confirmation by the county board, as provided in s. 59.17 (2) (bm).
83.01(1)(c) (c) Except as provided under par. (b), in any county with a county executive or a county administrator, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint and supervise the county highway commissioner. The appointment is subject to confirmation by the county board unless the county board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. Notwithstanding s. 83.01 (7) (a) and (b), the highway commissioner is subject only to the supervision of the county executive or county administrator.
83.01(2) (2)Term. Unless the county board establishes a different term of service by ordinance, upon his or her first election the county highway commissioner shall serve until the first Monday in January of the 2nd year succeeding the year of the election, and if reelected it shall be for a 2-year term.
83.01(3) (3)Salary. The salary of the county highway commissioner shall be as determined under s. 59.22.
83.01(4) (4)Office and assistants. The county board shall provide the county higher commissioner with suitable offices and such assistants as are necessary for the proper performance of the commissioner's duties.
83.01(5) (5)Bond. The county highway commissioner shall give bond in such sum as the county board shall from time to time require.
83.01(6) (6)Payment of salaries. The salaries, expenses of maintaining an office and the necessary traveling expenses of the county highway commissioner, assistants and special highway patrolmen in counties having such patrolmen may be paid monthly out of the general fund after being audited and approved by the county highway committee. All such expenditures out of the general fund shall be reimbursed out of moneys received under s. 86.30.
83.01(7) (7)Duties.
83.01(7)(a)(a) Except as provided under s. 83.015 (2) (b), the county highway commissioner shall have charge, under the direction of the county highway committee, of the construction of highways built with county aid and of the maintenance of all highways maintained by the county.
83.01(7)(b) (b) Except as provided under s. 83.015 (2) (b), the county highway commissioner shall perform all duties required by the county board and by the county highway committee and shall do or cause to be done all necessary engineering and make all necessary examinations for the establishment, construction, improvement and maintenance of highways. The county highway commissioner shall establish such grades and make such surveys and maps or cause the same to be made as the commissioner considers proper, and examine the highways and report as to the condition of roads, bridges and culverts, and make estimates of the cost of the improvement thereof, and of the cost of any relocation when required to do so or when the commissioner considers the same reasonably necessary.
83.01(7)(c) (c) The county highway commissioner shall have charge of all county road machinery and tools, and shall be responsible to the county board for their proper maintenance, repair and storage, and shall in the annual report required under par. (d) make a complete inventory of the same, which inventory shall show the date of purchase, the location and condition of such machinery and tools, and the cost and present value thereof.
83.01(7)(d) (d) The county highway commissioner shall make an annual report to the department and to the county board at its annual meeting containing an itemized statement of all expenditures made from the county road and bridge fund during the year ending November 1. The commissioner shall include in the report an itemized estimate of the amount needed to properly maintain the county trunk highways in the county for the succeeding year and shall make such recommendations as deemed advisable.
83.01(7)(e) (e) The county highway commissioner and the commissioner's employees may enter private lands for the purpose of making surveys or inspections.
83.01(7)(f) (f) Whenever any fence encroaches upon any highway on the county trunk or state trunk system, the county highway commissioner may issue an order requiring the owner or occupant of the land to which such fence is appurtenant to remove the fence from the highway within 30 days. The order shall be served personally or by registered mail. If the fence is not sooner removed the commissioner shall, after the expiration of 30 days, remove the fence. The commissioner shall keep an accurate account of the expense thereof which shall be paid by the county. The expense shall be charged to the town in which such lands are situated and shall be added to its tax roll as a special tax against such lands, and shall be collected and accounted for as other county taxes are. If the claim of encroachment is disputed, the dispute shall be decided in the manner prescribed by s. 86.04 (3).
83.01(7)(g) (g) The county commissioner shall compile and maintain a record of the laying out, alteration or discontinuance of all highways in the county outside the limits of cities and villages. The record shall be known as the county highway register and be kept in the manner or form prescribed by the department. The county highway commissioner or agents shall have access to the records of town clerks and may have temporary custody of such as are necessary for the purpose of making accurate and appropriate copies thereof. The department shall assist in the compilation of the records and shall furnish to the county highway commissioner such information as the department deems appropriate relative to the laying out of military, territorial and such other roads as have been authorized by the legislature. The information contained in the county highway register shall be placed in the county register of deeds' office, which records shall be kept separate and apart from the records of real estate and shall in no event be indexed in indexes provided for ordinary real estate conveyance. Such register of deeds' office shall be used solely as a safe repository for such county highway register and shall never be considered a part of the official real estate records. Such county highway register may be supplemented from time to time by the county highway commissioner and such supplemental information is to be treated in the same fashion as the original county highway register all of which shall be admissible in evidence.
83.01 Annotation Counties are without the power to furnish equipment or supplies or to contract to do repair work on private roads and driveways. 61 Atty. Gen. 304.
83.01 Annotation County highway commissioners are appointed by the county board. Their salary is to be fixed, and may be changed during their term, under s. 59.15 (2) [now 59.22(2)]. 63 Atty. Gen. 286.
83.01 Annotation A county board may provide for an indefinite term of office for a highway commissioner. 80 Atty. Gen. 46.
83.013 83.013 County traffic safety commissions.
83.013(1) (1)
83.013(1)(a)(a) For each county, the county highway commissioner or a designated representative, the chief county traffic law enforcement officer or a designated representative, the county highway safety coordinator, and a representative designated by the county board from each of the disciplines of education, medicine and law and 3 representatives involved in law enforcement, highways and highway safety designated by the secretary of transportation shall comprise a traffic safety commission that shall meet at least quarterly to review traffic accident data from the county and other traffic safety related matters. The county board chairperson, or the county executive or county administrator in a county having such offices, may appoint additional persons to serve as a member of the county traffic safety commission. The commissions shall designate a person to prepare and maintain a spot map showing the locations of traffic accidents on county and town roads and on city and village streets if the population of the city or village is less than 5,000 and to maintain traffic accident data received from cities, villages and towns with a population of 5,000 or more under s. 66.0141. Upon each review, the commission shall make written recommendations for any corrective actions it deems appropriate to the department, the county board, the county highway committee or any other appropriate branch of local government.
83.013(1)(b) (b) Counties may combine for the purposes of par. (a), if desired.
83.013(1)(c) (c) The commissions shall file a report on each meeting with the department.
83.013(2) (2) The department shall furnish each commission with traffic accident data and uniform traffic citation data for the rural, federal, state, and county highways in the jurisdictions represented in each commission, which shall identify the accident rates and arrest rates on their highways, and shall also furnish a suitable map for use in spotting accidents.
83.015 83.015 County highway committee.
83.015(1) (1)Election; compensation; term.
83.015(1)(a)(a) Except as otherwise provided in par. (c) each county board at the annual meeting shall by ballot elect a committee of not less than 3 nor more than 5 persons, to serve for one year, beginning either as soon as elected or on January 1 following their election, as designated by the county board, and until their successors are elected. Any vacancy in the committee may be filled until the next meeting of the county board by appointment made by the chairperson of the board. The committee shall be known as the "county highway committee", and shall be the only committee representing the county in the expenditure of county funds in constructing or maintaining, or aiding in constructing or maintaining highways.
83.015(1)(b) (b) The members of the county highway committee shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, and shall be paid the same per diem for time necessarily spent in the performance of their duties as is paid to members of other county board committees, not, however, exceeding $500 for per diem, in addition to necessary expenses, to any member in any year. A different amount may be fixed as a maximum by the county board.
83.015(1)(c) (c) Notwithstanding par. (a), each county board may fix the number of members on the county highway committee, the membership, manner of appointment, method of filling vacancies and the terms of the members.
83.015(1)(d) (d) The town chairperson of each town in which county aid construction is performed shall be a member of the county highway committee, or shall act with such committee, on all matters affecting such construction in the town, if the town has voted a portion of the cost thereof.
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