(b) Eleven years after the last expenditure identified in the original, unamended project plan is made.
(c) The town board, by resolution, dissolves the district, at which time the town becomes liable for all unpaid project costs actually incurred which are not paid from the special fund under sub. (6) (d).
(d) The secretary of revenue determines that tax increments have been used to pay for ineligible costs and the secretary of revenue orders that the district be terminated under sub. (6) (e) 5. b.
(10) Notice of district termination. (a) A town which creates a tax incremental district under this section shall give the department of revenue written notice within 10 days of the termination of the tax incremental district under sub. (9).
(b) If the department of revenue receives a notice under par. (a) during the period from January 1 to May 15, the effective date of the notice is the date the notice is received. If the notice is received during the period from May 16 to December 31, the effective date of the notice is the first January 1 after the department of revenue receives the notice.
(c) Not later than February 15 of the year immediately following the year in which a town transmits to the department of revenue the notice required under par. (a) the town shall send to the department, on a form prescribed by the department, all of the following information that relates to the terminated tax incremental district:
1. A final accounting of all expenditures made by the town.
2. The total amount of project costs incurred by the town.
3. The total amount of positive tax increments received by a town.
(d) If a town does not send to the department of revenue the form specified in par. (c), the department may not certify the tax incremental base of a tax incremental district in the town under sub. (5) (a) and (b) until the form is sent to the department.
(11) Financing of project costs. Payment of project costs may be made by any one or more of the following methods:
(a) Payment by the town from the special fund of the tax incremental district.
(b) Payment out of its general funds.
(c) Payment out of the proceeds of the sale of bonds or notes issued by it under ch. 67.
(d) Payment out of the proceeds of the sale of public improvement bonds issued by it under s. 66.0619.
(e) Payment as provided under s. 66.0713 (2) and (4) or 67.16.
(f) Payment out of the proceeds of revenue bonds or notes issued by it under s. 66.0621.
(g) Payment out of the proceeds of revenue bonds issued by the town as provided by s. 66.1103, for a purpose specified in that section.
(12) Overlapping tax incremental districts. (a) Subject to any agreement with bondholders, a tax incremental district may be created, the boundaries of which overlap one or more existing districts, except that districts created as of the same date may not have overlapping boundaries.
(b) If the boundaries of 2 or more tax incremental districts overlap, in determining how positive tax increments generated by that area which is within 2 or more districts are allocated among the overlapping districts, but for no other purpose, the aggregate value of the taxable property in the area as equalized by the department of revenue in any year as to each earlier created district is that portion of the tax incremental base of the district next created which is attributable to the overlapped area.
(13) Equalized valuation for apportionment of property taxes. With respect to the county, school districts and any other local governmental body having the power to levy taxes on property located within a tax incremental district, if the allocation of positive tax increments has been authorized by the department of revenue under sub. (6) (a), the calculation of the equalized valuation of taxable property in a tax incremental district for the apportionment of property taxes may not exceed the tax incremental base of the district until the district is terminated.
(14) Department of commerce report. The department of commerce, in cooperation with other state agencies and local governments, shall make a comprehensive report to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), at the beginning of each biennium, beginning with the 2007 biennium, as to the effects and impact of town tax incremental financing projects socially, economically, and financially.
(16) Use of tax incremental financing for inland lake protection and rehabilitation prohibited. Notwithstanding sub. (11), no tax incremental financing project plan may be approved and no payment of project costs may be made for an inland lake protection and rehabilitation district or a county acting under s. 59.70 (8).
(17) Payment of eligible costs for annexed territory, redetermination of tax incremental base. If a city or village annexes territory from a town and if all or part of the territory that is annexed is part of a tax incremental district created by the town, the city or village shall pay to the town that portion of the eligible costs that are attributable to the annexed territory. The city or village, and the town, shall negotiate an agreement on the amount that must be paid under this subsection. The department shall redetermine the tax incremental base of any parcel of real property for which the tax incremental base was determined under sub. (5) if part of that parcel is annexed under this subsection.
(18) Substantial compliance. Substantial compliance with subs. (2), (3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j), (4), and (5) (b) by a town that creates, or attempts to create, a tax incremental district is sufficient to give effect to any proceedings conducted under this section if, in the opinion of the department of revenue, any error, irregularity, or informality that exists in the town's attempts to comply with subs. (2), (3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j), (4), and (5) (b) does not affect substantial justice. If the department of revenue determines that a town has substantially complied with subs. (2), (3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j), (4), and (5) (b), the department of revenue shall determine the tax incremental base of the district, allocate tax increments, and treat the district in all other respects as if the requirements under subs. (2), (3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j), (4), and (5) (b) had been strictly complied with based on the date that the resolution described under sub. (3) (h) 2. is adopted.
231,3 Section 3. Laws of 1975, chapter 105, section 1 (1) and (2) are amended to read:
[Laws of 1975, chapter 105] Section 1 (1) The legislature finds that the existing system of allocating aggregate property tax revenues among tax levying municipalities has resulted in significant inequities and disincentives. The cost of public works or improvements within a city, town, or village has been borne entirely by the city, town, or village, while the expansion of tax base which is stimulated, directly or indirectly, by such improvements, benefits not only the city, town, or village but also all municipalities which share such tax base. This situation is inequitable. Moreover, when the cost to a city, town, or village of a public improvement project exceeds the future benefit to the city, town, or village resulting therefrom, the city, town, or village may decide not to undertake such project. This situation has resulted in the postponement or cancellation of socially desirable projects.
(2) The legislature further finds that accomplishment of the vital and beneficial public purposes of sections 66.405 to 66.425, 66.43, 66.431, 66.435 and 66.52 of the statutes, is being frustrated because of a lack of incentives and financial resources. The purpose of this act is to create a viable procedure by which a city or, village, or town, through its own initiative and efforts, may finance projects which will tend to accomplish these laudable objectives.
231,4 Section 4. Initial applicability.
(1) This act first applies to a tax incremental district that is created on October 1, 2004.