lawyerLawyer, see Attorney
layoffLayoff, see Unemployment
Lease of school property: limit on the term eliminated -  Act 254
State property sale or lease provisions; net proceeds deposited in budget stabilization fund; DHFS authority re Northern Center for the Developmentally Disabled, provision re employee or position transfers [Sec. 26, 209, 477, 861, 1490, 1490c] [1490c — vetoed] -  Act 33
legislative audit bureauLegislative audit bureau
DORL credentialing fees: JLAC requested to evaluate methodologies; may direct LAB to perform evaluation [Sec. 9133 (3f)] -  Act 33
Driving skills test to operate ``Class D" vehicles: DOT may contract with third party to administer; LAB audit required [vetoed] -  AB-833
MPCP study: LAB to administer; report required [vetoed] -  AB-126
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative fiscal bureau
Joint Committee on State Mandates created; LFB provision [vetoed] -  SB-15
legislative reference bureauLegislative reference bureau
Federal grants: LRB to assist state departments and agencies in locating and applying for [Sec. 40m] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
Appropriation for operation of legislature and legislative service agencies for 2003-05 revised [Sec. 11, 14-19, 24, 27, 29, 30, 34-38, 43, 49, 53, 654-658, 927-929, 9133 (1)-(3)]  -  Act 33
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit proposal to legislature for approval [vetoed] -  SB-41
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision [vetoed]  -  AB-998
Indian gaming compacts: prohibitive terms specified; joint resolution provision [vetoed] -  AB-144
Major highway projects: notifying TPC of approval of final environmental impact statement or assessment by federal highway administration; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; DOT duties re reports, public information, and certain management system change  -  Act 217
Private employer health care coverage program funding; task force created to review; report required [Sec. 9130 (1c), 9133 (4c)] [9130 (1c) — partial veto; 9133 (4c) — vetoed] -  Act 33
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  Act 27
Unfunded prior service liability under WRS: payment of; moral obligation pledge stated [Sec. 21, 182, 567, 571]  -  Act 33
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature — Audit committee, Joint legislative
DORL credentialing fees: JLAC requested to evaluate methodologies; may direct LAB to perform evaluation [Sec. 9133 (3f)] -  Act 33
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
Classified driver license system changes re commercial motor vehicle and CDL privileges and offenses, occupational or other special license, school bus operators, and DOT records; legislative committee review required [Sec. 2512, 2513, 2522-2534, 2535, 2537-2551, 2552, 2553, 2555-2555m, 2556, 2557, 2558-2564, 2565-2570g, 2571-2574, 2752, 2771, 9353 (2), 9453 (2)] -  Act 33
Joint Committee on Court Judgments and Settlements created; JCF, AG, and DOJ duties specified; grant provisions [partial veto] -  Act 309
Joint Committee on State Mandates created; LFB provision [vetoed] -  SB-15
MA recipients who receive SSI: DHFS duties re managed care plans [Sec. 1312n] [vetoed] -  SB-44
State aid distribution to municipalities: JCLO may appoint committee to study [Sec. 9133 (3m)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
legislature _ court judgments and settlements, joint committee onLegislature — Court judgments and settlements, Joint committee on
Joint Committee on Court Judgments and Settlements created; JCF, AG, and DOJ duties specified; grant provisions [partial veto] -  Act 309
legislature _ employeeLegislature — Employee
Schneider, Donald J.: public service commended upon his retirement as Senate Chief Clerk [SJR-58]  -  JR-26
legislature _ finance, joint committee onLegislature — Finance, Joint committee on
Appropriations of Comm.Dept lapsed to general fund; additional lapse and submission of alternative plan to DOA secretary; JCF review [Sec. 9260 (1) (a), (cs), (ct)] [9260 (1) (cs), (ct) — partial veto] -  Act 33
Best forestry management practices for water quality required; JCF may provide exemption [Sec. 868p] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Consumer protection reduction plan in DATCP; consumer protection assessments and telephone solicitation appropriation [Sec. 287p, 291n, 1815d, 1817d, 9104 (3x), 9204 (3x)] [all sections vetoed except 9204 (3x)] -  Act 33
DNR administrative appropriation reductions plan: DOA secretary to approve, JCF to review [Sec. 9138 (5g)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
DOT position reduction and submission of plan to JCF [Sec. 9153 (1y)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Federal funds use for administrative purposes; State superintendent annual plan required; JCF duties [Sec. 1995t] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys -  Act 296
HIRSP changes re use of GPR and payment of operating costs or premium and deductible subsidies; DHFS to submit requests for proposals for HIRSP administration to JCF [Sec. 452, 453, 465, 857, 858, 2068-2087, 2091, 9124 (10h)] [9124 (10h) — vetoed] -  Act 33
HMO increased payments from DHFS: plan re savings resulting from rebates; JCF duties [Sec. 9124 (7c)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Homeland security: DEM to apply for contracts and to receive and expend federal funding; Adjutant general to administer federal funds, Governor may not expend without JCF approval [Sec. 562m, 2111g, j] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Joint Committee on Court Judgments and Settlements created; JCF, AG, and DOJ duties specified; grant provisions [partial veto] -  Act 309
Licensed beds of nursing facilities: assessments expanded [Sec. 866, 1333d, 1476-1481, 9124 (3), (11k)-(11pd), 9424 (7), (11pd)] [1333d, 9124 (11k), (11p), 9424 (7) — vetoed] -  Act 33
Marquette interchange and Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation funding modifications; JCF duties [Sec. 683d, 1672g-i, 1694f, 9153 (3r)] [683d, 1694f — partial veto; 1672g-i, 9153 (3r) — veteod]  -  Act 33
Pharmacy benefits purchasing pool: GIB to develop with JCF approval [Sec. 1026r] [partial veto]  -  Act 33
Prairie du Chien juvenile correctional institution converted to an adult prison; restrictions on age and type of prisoner removed; juvenile correctional services revenue sufficiency [Sec. 441d, 2493m, 2501, 2806-2808, 2810, 9130 (2f), 9210 (2d), 9430 (2f)] [441d — partial veto; 2493m, 9130 (2f), 9430 (2f) — vetoed] -  Act 33
Private employer health care coverage program funding; task force created to review; report required [Sec. 9130 (1c), 9133 (4c)] [9130 (1c) — partial veto; 9133 (4c) — vetoed] -  Act 33
Property under DNR control: sale provisions; JCF to approve [Sec. 9138 (3x)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Rented office space by the state; management cost supplementation; DOA review and report of state office space utilization; plan for consolidation [Sec. 672m, 9101 (11q), 9130 (1q)] [9130 (1q) — partial veto; 9101 (11q) — vetoed] -  Act 33
Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center: DVA to submit plan to JCF re necessary staffing and funding [Sec. 9158 (1v)] -  Act 33
State highway rehabilitation and major highway development supplement; report requirement [Sec. 9153 (2x)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
State lottery functions: authority to contract out services [Sec. 2630g-2631] [2631 — partial veto; 2630g, h — vetoed] -  Act 33
Statewide computerized election registration system implemented from moneys allocated by JCF: DOA to ensure state does not seek reimbursement from federal goverment for expenditures [Sec. 9101 (12p)] -  Act 33
Stewardship land acquisition and development projects: JCF review reinstated re 2003 WisAct 33 veto; Building Commission approval provision [vetoed] -  SB-252
Stewardship program debt service payment; reduction in stewardship bonding authority; funds obligated re land acquisition for Peshtigo River State Forest [Sec. 412, 413, 680r, 801c-t, 802g-n, 804f-k] [802m — partial veto; 680r, 801c-t, 802g-L, n, 804f-k — vetoed] -  Act 33
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
legislature _ legislative organization, joint committee onLegislature — Legislative organization, Joint committee on
Appropriation for operation of legislature and legislative service agencies for 2003-05 revised [Sec. 11, 14-19, 24, 27, 29, 30, 34-38, 43, 49, 53, 654-658, 927-929, 9133 (1)-(3)]  -  Act 33
Appropriation revisions -  Act 1
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision [vetoed]  -  AB-998
State aid distribution to municipalities: JCLO may appoint committee to study [Sec. 9133 (3m)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
legislature _ memberLegislature — Member
Andrea, Joseph F.: life and public service [SJR-2] -  JR-2
Barbee, Lloyd Augustus: life and public service [AJR-8] -  JR-10
Blenski, Roman R., Sr.: life and public service [SJR-4] -  JR-4
Coggs, Marcia P.: life and public service [AJR-67] -  JR-28
Energy impact report re legislative proposal or state agency rule that impacts cost or reliability of electricity: legislator may request and PSC to prepare -  Act 277
Greco, Angelo F.: life and public service [AJR-83] -  JR-49
Jones, Joseph E.: life and public service [AJR-86] -  JR-52
Lewis, Helmar A. ``Pete": life and public service [SJR-11] -  JR-6
Merten, Walter L.: life and public service [SJR-37] -  JR-15
Moser, William R.: life and public service [SJR-35] -  JR-16
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws delegation: revisions re legislative members  -  Act 2
Offner, Paul: life and public service [SJR-73] -  JR-36
Ostby, Byron C.: life and public service [AJR-84] -  JR-50
Reuther, Edward W.: life and public service [SJR-5] -  JR-5
Smith, Patricia Spafford: life and public service [AJR-2] -  JR-11