Alcohol concentration: prohibited level lowered; ATV, boat, and snowmobile operation included -  AB88
American Red Cross Month: March 2003 proclaimed as -  AJR23
Anatomical gift as part of a living will: option created -  SB336
Anderson, (Petty Officer) Michael C.: life and military service commended -  SJR72
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  - SB209
Bodily substances thrown at another person by a juvenile while in a secured facility: mandatory minimum sentence set  - SB132
Bosveld, (PFC) Rachel: life and military service commended - AJR57
Bosveld, (PFC) Rachel: life and military service commended - SJR50
Breast-milk collection and storage: income and franchise tax credit for businesses that provide facility for employees - SB263
Brownfields revolving loan program established with funding from the EPA -  SB471
Cancer drug repository program established by DHFS; civil liability immunity provision -  SB452
Caterers: temporary Class ``B" and ``Class B" licenses authorized; provisions for premises where catered events are held - AB371
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  AB798
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  SB399
Child or family support or maintenance order: payee required to report change of employer and any substantial income changes - AB198
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified and penalty provisions; Child Safety Restraint System Program created and DOT duties set -  AB724
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - AB250
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - SB156
Child support revisions re use of percentage standard required, disparity in parties' incomes considered, and information included in petitions in actions affecting the family  - SB257
Children's trust fund: income tax check-off procedure created; CANPB grant provision -  SB427
CHIPS proceeding: right to a jury trial eliminated -  AB784
Circuit court allowed to reduce unpaid forfeiture by time served in jail -  AB661
Civil liability immunity for certain transportation programs re transportation for individuals who wish to avoid operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant  - AB707
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: March proclaimed as -  SJR20
Community Services Block Grant reauthorization: President Bush and Wisconsin congressional delegation urged to support - SR4
Computer system or telephone used to invite harassment or sending obscene, lewd, or profane messages prohibited; penalty provided -  AB327
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - AB559
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - SB274
Day care center for children of employees: income and franchise tax credits for business created - SB264
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for certain first degree homicides; jury and aggravating circumstances provisions -  SB2
Defined network plans: coverage of prosthetic and orthotic devices required -  SB288
Defined network plans submission of quality assurance plan: requirement revised -  SB515
Delinquent child support: statute of limitations for an action to collect -  AB624
Delinquent taxpayer accounts: DOR required to prepare and maintain list and post certain names on the Internet; exceptions and Tax Appeals Commission provisions  - AB473
Dental hygienist continuing education requirements created - SB225
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  SB7
Deputy coroner: number appointed by coroner revised -  AB851
Deputy coroner: number appointed by coroner revised -  SB425
Divorce proceeding: substitution of judge in subsequent proceeding permitted -  AB809
Domestic violence: portion of marriage license fee and increase in domestic abuse assessment to fund services related to - AB341
Drugs for the treatment of cancer: health care plans required to cover -  AB364
Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program revisions -  SB324
Elementary and secondary education laws and administrative rules: DPI waiver provisions modified  - SB161
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities; power of attorney for health care instruments and patient declarations; exemption from liability; civil action and examining boards provisions -  AB67
Employment discrimination because of military status revised and expanded -  AB603
Employment discrimination because of military status revised and expanded -  SB282
Entertainment, broadcasting, and film economic rebate tax credit created -  AB976
Environmental insurance: DNR, in cooperation with DOA, to make available re cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated property -  AB914
Environmental insurance: DNR, in cooperation with DOA, to make available re cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated property -  SB472
Falsifying title insurance commitment or policy or other written evidence re title to real property prohibited  - AB545
Fish population stabilization or improvement on property owned by or held in trust for a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption -  AB951
Fitness center intended for exclusive use by persons of same sex: denial of services to persons of opposite sex permitted  - AB64
Fitness center intended for exclusive use by persons of same sex: denial of services to persons of opposite sex permitted  - SB24
Game birds sold to game farms and clubs: sales and use tax exemption created -  SB6
Garnishment of the income of a minor permitted and definition of ``household income" revised - AB346
Guardian for certain CHIPS: requirements modified and monthly subsidized payments provided; TPR, W-2, and MA provisions; DHFS to seek certain waiver  - SB488
Health care powers of attorney and declarations to physicians executed in another state and in compliance with that state's laws is enforceable in Wisconsin; immunity provision  - AB554
Health care professional discipline process duties of DORL, report required; MEB membership, authority re summary suspension of credentials, and forfeiture for unprofessional conduct revised; national practitioner data bank reporting requirements; therapeutic-related deaths reported to DORL  - SB227
Health care providers: state agency status granted in certain cases re public health emergency declared by the Governor - AB919
Health savings account option for state employees under certain health plans: GIB required to offer  - SB536
Healthy lifestyles: legislature and executive branch agencies encouraged to focus attention on - SJR65
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment and requirement to provide drugs available under certain plans, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - AB840
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - SB466
Historical registration plates displayed on special interest vehicles permitted; DOT and contribution provisions  - AB427
Historical registration plates displayed on special interest vehicles permitted; DOT and registration renewal provisions - AB282
Hospice nurse authorized to make a pronouncement of death under certain conditions -  AB405
Hospice nurse authorized to make a pronouncement of death under certain conditions -  SB196
Huber privileges extended to include counseling, therapy, parenting education program, or meeting with probation, extended supervision, or parole officer - AB352
Human organ donation from living donor: individual income tax subtract modification for certain expenses created  - AB477
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - AB964
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - SB507
JIPS jurisdiction granted to juvenile court re third alcohol beverage violation -  AB101
Joint or sole legal custody of a child: rebuttable presumption created re pattern or serious incident of spousal abuse; guardian ad litem and mediator provisions re domestic violence dynamics training and investigating - AB279
Kids Safety Month: June declared as - SJR38
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  - SB512
Lieutenant Governor, Office of: nomination of major party candidates revised; declining nomination and filling vacancy provisions -  SB18
Local youth apprenticeship grants increased for health care and technology training -  AB987
Long-term care facility definition expanded to include residential care apartment complexes for purposes of activities by the long-term care ombudsman or designee  - AB644
Long-term care insurance disclosure requirements -  SB269
Looking into a private place or dwelling for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification without consent: prohibitions created; expunging a juvenile delinquency adjudication or conviction and sex offender registration provisions  - SB14
Major highway projects: TPC may not approve without final environmental impact statement or assessment; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; certain DOT report to TPC and certain management system change; TPC membership increased -  AB893
Major highway projects: TPC may not approve without final environmental impact statement or assessment; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; certain DOT report to TPC and certain management system change; TPC membership increased -  SB478
Manufactured housing regulations revised re manufacturers, home installations, fees, and titling; rehabilitation and recycling grant program; Manufactured Housing Code Council created; manufactured home ``park" changed to ``community" - AB897
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB226
Medicare system reform legislation and a funding method that dispenses benefits regardless of geography: Wisconsin congressional delegation urged to work to enact  - SR7
Mental illness treatment, transfer, discharge, and access to records: distinction between a minor under age 14 or 14 years old or older eliminated re informed consent  - SB387
Methamphetamine and related controlled substance analog: drug paraphernalia possession penalties increased re residence of person under age 18 and presence of child age 16 or younger - AB212
Metropolitan service district creation authorized -  AB510
Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage for adult sponsors of minors applying for driver's licenses: insurers required to offer - AB491