Badger Care income limits: depreciation of farm equipment exempted -  AB166
Capital gains: procedure for income tax deferral if gain is reinvested -  AB776
Capital gains: procedure for income tax deferral if gain is reinvested -  SB422
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  AB28
Federal taxable income for state income tax and franchise tax purposes: adding payments to related entities  - AB461
Federal taxable income for state income tax and franchise tax purposes: adding payments to related entities  - AB756
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created -  AB997
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income and franchise tax deductions and penalties re Internal Revenue Code, tax credit removed] -  SB568
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB775
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB815
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - SB409
Income and franchise taxes: Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-121) -  SB421
Income and franchise taxes: Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-121); individual income tax exemption created re certain pay received by reserve component of the armed forces called to active service -  AB807
Internal revenue code update [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1580da-dh, 1582da-dx, 1583da-dp, 9145 (1x)] - SB44
Nonprofit charitable organization: state income and franchise taxes apply unless certain contribution is made to veterans groups -  AB824
Operation Iraqi Freedom: veteran benefits provided and interest rate on federal income tax extension waived for persons who served in -  AB552
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-807 -  AR38
Tax increase or tax base broadened in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR6
Tax-me-more fund established re reducing revenue shortfalls - SB184
Taxpayer's state income or franchise tax liability calculation: certain amounts added to federal taxable income  - AB391
Technical college district board may contract with a business to provide job training, adult basic education, vocational and professional services, and certain facilities and equipment; TCS Board, JCF, DOR, income tax, and nonstock corporation provisions -  AB796
Technical college district board may contract with a business to provide job training, adult basic education, vocational and professional services, and certain facilities and equipment; TCS Board, JCF, DOR, income tax, appropriation, and nonstock corporation provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Wisconsin Advantage Jobs Training Program created, all other provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: tax levy provision added]  - SB384
Adoption expenses: certain income tax deduction discontinued; nonrefundable individual income tax credit created  - SB292
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB408
Apprentice training: income and franchise tax credits based on wages created -  AB626
Breast-milk collection and storage: income and franchise tax credit for businesses that provide facility for employees - SB263
Budget stabilization fund revisions re transfers and expenditures; budget stabilization fund tax credit for certain individuals created -  AB237
Certified capital investments: income and franchise tax credits created for certain public utilities and financial institutions - AB522
Child or dependent care: nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain expenses created  - AB966
Dairy farm operation expenses: income and franchise tax credits created -  AB283
Day care center for children of employees: income and franchise tax credits for business created - SB264
Earned income tax credit funding from the utility public benefits fund [Sec. 667, 668; S.Sub.Amdt.1: PSC's ability to require additional public benefits programs or provide additional funding limited, 2317m] -  SB44
Education credit re income and franchise taxes to businesses and corporations that pay certain tuitions; DOR report required - SB268
Electricity and fuel sold for use in manufacturing tangible personal property: income or franchise tax credit and sales and use tax provisions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, manufacturing investment credit created; A.Amdt.2: further revisions, ``sold for use" changed to ``consumed"]  - AB507
Electricity and fuel sold for use in manufacturing tangible property: carry forward of income or franchise tax credit re sales and use taxes modified [A.Amdt.1: allowing refunds for certain development zones and technology zones tax credits added] - AB508
Entertainment, broadcasting, and film economic rebate tax credit created -  AB976
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created -  AB997
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income and franchise tax deductions and penalties re Internal Revenue Code, tax credit removed] -  SB568
Historic preservation and downtown development revisions; federal historic rehabilitation credit and SHSW provisions - AB499
Historic preservation and downtown development revisions; federal historic rehabilitation credit and SHSW provisions - SB514
Individual who rents principal dwelling: income tax credit for sales and use taxes paid by -  AB571
Nursing home bed assessments: refundable individual income tax credit [S.Amdt.119 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 666m, 1580r-w, 9345 (4f), 9445 (3f)] -  SB44
Private school: refundable individual income tax credit created re claimants with dependent children enrolled in  - AB816
Property tax credits based on municipal tax levies; certain WHEDA loans to homeowners over age 65; refundable individual income tax credit for senior citizens; homestead tax credit revision and definition of income modified; public debt used to finance tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities; general school aid appropriation increased; creation of two special committees -  SB278
Sales and use taxes paid: refundable individual income tax credit created -  AB272
School property tax rent credit claim revised -  AB756
State historic rehabilitation tax credit revisions; supplement to federal historic rehabilitation credit and SHSW provisions - AB309
Tangible personal property damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, or natural disaster: refundable individual income tax credit created re sales and use tax on replacements  - SB449
Tax credit carry forward provisions for businesses extended re certain income and franchise taxes  - AB704
Tax revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes, liability of spouses filing a joint income tax return, extension to file annual reconciliation report, qualified retirement fund, sales or use tax refunded to or erroneously collected by seller, interest on estate taxes, mailing tax-related document or payment, filing fee for redetermination of earned income tax credit  - AB927
Venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures: income and franchise tax credits created under certain conditions; study required [for further revisions, see entry under ``Business"] -  SB261
Venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures: income and franchise tax credits created under certain conditions; study required; start-up technology business provision - AB538
Wisconsin Capital Investment Board created; income and franchise tax credits for certain equity investments in venture capital funds and individual income tax credit re certain seed capital funds or businesses created -  AB524
Adoption expenses: certain income tax deduction discontinued; nonrefundable individual income tax credit created  - SB292
American Legion and VFW: income and property tax exemptions -  AB663
Badger Fund: corporation created by special committee to make investments in certain businesses to earn income and promote and maintain capital retention and economic stability, business continuity, job retention and creation, and business ownership; income tax deduction and Comm.Dept provisions; report required -  AB970
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  AB667
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  AB741
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  SB346
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction claimed by divorced or legally separated parent allowed and deduction limited for married couple who file separately -  SB217
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary  - AB209
Farm property: computing expense deductions and amortization and depreciation for income and franchise tax purposes revised - AB781
Gambling losses included in calculation of the individual income tax deduction credit -  AB787
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income and franchise tax deductions and penalties re Internal Revenue Code, tax credit removed] -  SB568
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB775
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB815
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - SB409
Human organ donation from living donor: individual income tax subtract modification for certain expenses created [A.Amdt.1: donation from dependent provision added]  - AB477
Income and franchise taxes: Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-121); individual income tax exemption created re certain pay received by reserve component of the armed forces called to active service -  AB807
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - AB964
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - SB507
Jury service: individual income tax subtract modification created -  AB171
Long-term care expenses account established and individual income tax exemption authorized - AB138
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  AB290
Pension payments: individual income tax exemption for certain amount created -  SB453
Personal individual income tax exemption revision re persons age 70 or 75 -  SB47
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  AB336
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  SB160
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -  AB167
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -  SB367
Unemployment compensation benefits exempt from taxation -  SB301
Volunteer firefighter income exempt from income tax -  AB764
WHEDA bonds or notes: individual and corporate income tax re multifamily and elderly housing projects created; cultural and architectural landmark exemption repealed [A.Amdt.1: repayment to general fund provision] - AB98
WHEFA bonds: individual and corporate income tax exemptions created; educational institution definition expanded to include Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -  AB205
income tax _ rateIncome tax — Rate
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR17
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR15