Generally, Ch. 939
Accused, rights of, 939.70 to 939.74
Act punishable as several crimes, 939.65
Aiding and abetting, 939.05
Aiding or harboring felon, 946.47
Application of ch. 939, 939.20
Attempt, 939.32
As included crime, 939.66
Precludes conviction of completed crime, 939.72
Burden of proof, 939.70
Common-law crimes abolished, 939.10
Common-law penalties abolished, 939.61
Conspiracy, 939.31
Double conviction for completed and inchoate crime, prohibited, 939.72
Withdrawal from, party to, 939.05
Contributory negligence of victim, no defense, 939.14
Limitation on number, 939.71
Necessary before penalty, 939.73
Crime, defined, 939.12
Criminal code, name, interpretation, 939.01
Criminal procedure, see Criminal Procedure
Defenses to criminal liability:
Coercion, 939.46
Defense of property, 939.49
Intoxication, 939.42
Mental disease or defect, 971.15
Mistake, 939.43
Necessity, 939.47
Privilege, 939.45
Provocation, 939.44
Self-defense, 939.48
Victim's criminal conduct, negligence, no defense, 939.14
Definitions, 939.20 to 939.25
Double jeopardy, 939.71, 939.72
Classification, penalties, 939.50
Defined, 939.60
Defined for repeater statute, 939.62
Foreign criminal acts, jurisdiction, 939.03
Classified, penalties, 939.52
Inchoate and completed crime, no conviction of both, 939.72
Inchoate crimes, 939.30 to 939.32
Intent, defined, 939.23
Jurisdiction over crimes, 939.03
Criminal court jurisdiction, 938.18, 938.183
Juvenile code proceedings, see Criminal Procedure—4. Juvenile Justice
Lesser included offenses, 939.66
Classification, penalties, 939.51
Defined, 939.60
Negligence, criminal, 939.25
Party to crime, 939.05
Generally, 939.50 to 939.645
Domestic abuse, penalty increased in certain cases, 939.621
Felonies, generally, 939.50
Forfeitures, generally, 939.52
Hate crimes, 939.645
Misdemeanors, generally, 939.51
Not imposed without conviction, 939.73
Penalty surcharge, 757.05
Repeat offenders:
Increased penalties, 939.62
Sex crimes, 939.623
Violent crimes, 939.624
Sex offender lifetime supervision, 939.615
Violent crime in school zone, 939.632
When none expressed, 939.61
Presumption of innocence, 939.70
Recklessness, criminal, 939.24
Reward for detection, 14.15
Solicitation, 939.30
And completed crime, no conviction of both, 939.72
Parties to crime, 939.05
Statutes of limitations, 939.74
Victims of crimes, see Criminal Code—12. Victims of Crimes