61.25(3) (3) To attend all meetings of the village board; to record and sign the proceedings thereof and all ordinances, rules, bylaws, resolutions and regulations adopted, and to countersign and keep a record of all licenses, commissions and permits granted or authorized by them, and for such purpose to keep the following books: A minute book, in which shall be recorded in chronological order full minutes of all elections, general or special, and the statements of the inspectors thereof; full minutes of all the proceedings of the board of trustees; the titles of all ordinances, rules, regulations and bylaws, with reference to the book and page where the same may be found. An ordinance book, in which shall be recorded at length, in chronological order, all ordinances, rules, regulations and bylaws. A finance book, in which shall be kept a full and complete record of the finances of the village, showing the receipts, the date, amount and sources thereof, and the disbursements, with the date, amount and object for which paid out; and to enter in either such other matters as the board prescribes, and such other books as the board directs.
61.25(4) (4) To countersign and cause to be published or posted every ordinance, bylaw or resolution as required by law, and to have proper proof thereof made and filed.
61.25(5) (5) To be the custodian of the corporate seal, and to file as required by law and to safely keep all records, books, papers or property belonging to, filed or deposited in the clerk's office, and deliver the same to the clerk's successor when qualified; to permit, subject to subch. II of ch. 19, any person with proper care to examine and copy any of the same, and to make and certify a copy of any thereof when required, on payment of the same fees allowed town clerks therefor.
61.25(6) (6) To draw and countersign all orders on the village treasury ordered by the board and none other.
61.25(6m) (6m) To stamp or endorse street trade permits at the request of an employer under s. 103.25 (3m) (b).
61.25(8) (8) To make and deliver to the village treasurer a tax roll and to make and transmit to the county treasurer, on forms provided by the department of revenue, a statement showing the total amount of all taxes levied in the village.
61.25(9) (9) To perform all other duties required by law or by any ordinance or other direction of the village board.
61.25(10) (10) To notify the treasurer of the county in which the village is located, by February 20, of the proportion of property tax revenue and of the credits under s. 79.10 that is to be disbursed by the taxation district treasurer to each taxing jurisdiction located in the village.
61.25 Note NOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 47, which affects this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
61.25 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 66.0609 for an alternative system of approving claims under sub. (6).
61.26 61.26 Treasurer. The village treasurer shall:
61.26(1) (1) Execute and file an official bond which may be furnished by a surety company as provided by s. 632.17 (2).
61.26(2) (2) Except as provided in s. 66.0608, receive all moneys belonging or accruing to the village or directed by law to be paid to the treasurer.
61.26(3) (3) Except as provided in s. 66.0608, deposit upon receipt the funds of the village in the name of the village in the public depository designated by the board. Failure to comply with this subsection shall be prima facie grounds for removal from office. When the money is deposited, the treasurer and bonders are not liable for the losses defined by s. 34.01 (2), and the interest shall be paid into the village treasury.
61.26(4) (4) Pay money only on the written order of the president, countersigned by the clerk and specifying the number thereof, the payee and the amount and the object for which drawn.
61.26(5) (5) Keep just and accurate detailed accounts of all transactions under sub. (4), showing when, to whom and for what purpose all payments are made, in books provided by the village board, and preserve all vouchers filed in the office.
61.26(6) (6) Render an account and settlement of all official transactions to the board at its last meeting prior to the annual election, and at all other times when required by the board.
61.26(7) (7) Deliver to the successor when qualified all books of account, papers and property of the office and all money on hand as treasurer.
61.26(8) (8) Perform other duties as are required by law or the village board.
61.26(9) (9) Keep but one fund in the treasury, except as otherwise provided.
61.26(10) (10) Execute the bond required by s. 70.67 and take receipt therefor, which the treasurer shall file in the office of the village clerk.
61.26(11) (11) On receipt of the tax roll, and while acting as collector of taxes, exercise the same powers and perform the same duties as are by law conferred upon and required of town treasurers while acting in that capacity, and be subject to the same penalties and liabilities.
61.261 61.261 Deputy village treasurer. The village treasurer, subject to approval by a majority of all the members of the village board, may in writing, filed in the office of the clerk, appoint a deputy who shall act under the treasurer's direction and who during the temporary absence or disability of the treasurer or during a vacancy in such office shall perform the duties of treasurer. The deputy shall receive such compensation as the village board shall determine. The acts of such deputy shall be covered by official bond as the village board shall direct.
61.261 History History: 1991 a. 316.
61.27 61.27 Assessor. In all villages not assessed by a county assessor the assessor shall take and file the official oath. The assessor shall begin under s. 70.10 to make an assessment of all of the property in the village liable to taxation, as prescribed by law. The assessor shall return the assessment roll to the village clerk at the same time and in the same manner in which town assessors are required to do. The assessor's compensation shall be fixed by the village board. No person may assume the office of village assessor unless certified by the department of revenue under s. 73.09 as qualified to perform the functions of the office of assessor. If a person who has not been so certified is elected to the office, the office shall be vacant and the appointing authority shall fill the vacancy from a list of persons so certified by the department of revenue.
61.27 History History: 1975 c. 39, 199; 1979 c. 221; 1989 a. 56.
61.28 61.28 Marshal. The village marshal shall execute and file an official bond. The marshal shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon constables, and be taken as included in all writs and papers addressed to constables. The marshal shall obey all lawful written orders of the village board; and arrest with or without process every person found in the village engaged in any disturbance of the peace or violating any law of the state or ordinance of the village. The marshal may command all persons present in that case to assist, and if any person, being so commanded, refuses or neglects to render assistance the person shall forfeit not exceeding $10. The marshal is entitled to the same fees prescribed for sheriffs in s. 814.70 for similar services, unless a higher fee is applicable under s. 814.705 (1) (c); for other service rendered the village, compensation as the board fixes.
61.28 History History: 1975 c. 41, 199; 1981 c. 317; 1987 a. 181; 1997 a. 27.
61.29 61.29 Constable.
61.29(1)(1) A constable shall:
61.29(1)(a) (a) Execute and file an official bond.
61.29(1)(b) (b) Serve within his or her county any writ, process, order or notice, and execute any order, warrant or execution lawfully directed to or required by any court or officer to be executed by the constable.
61.29(1)(c) (c) Attend any session of the circuit court in his or her county when required by the sheriff.
61.29(1)(d) (d) Inform the district attorney of all trespasses on public lands of which the constable has knowledge or information.
61.29(1)(e) (e) Impound cattle, horses, sheep, swine and other animals at large on the highways in violation of a village ordinance.
61.29(1)(f) (f) Cause to be prosecuted all violations of law of which the constable has knowledge or information.
61.29(1)(g) (g) Perform all other duties required by law.
61.29(1)(h) (h) Keep his or her office in the village. No constable who keeps his or her office outside the limits of the village may receive fees for any service performed during the period the outside office is maintained.
61.29(2) (2)Section 60.351 applies to village constables.
61.29 History History: 1983 a. 532.
61.31 61.31 Peace officers, who are.
61.31(1) (1) The president and each trustee shall be officers of the peace, and may suppress in a summary manner any riotous or disorderly conduct in the streets or public places of the village, and may command assistance of all persons under the same penalty for disobedience provided in s. 61.28.
61.31(2) (2) Every village police officer shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges, and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon village marshals.
61.32 61.32 Village board; meeting; salaries. The trustees of each village shall constitute a board designated the "Village Board of" (name of village) in which shall be vested all the powers of the village not specifically given some other officer. A majority of the members-elect shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. The president shall preside at all meetings when present. In the president's absence the board may select another trustee to preside. Regular meetings shall be held at such time as may be prescribed by their bylaws. Special meetings may be called by any 2 trustees in writing, filed with the clerk, who shall thereupon seasonably notify all the trustees of the time and place thereof in the manner directed by the bylaws. All meetings shall be open to the public. The board shall keep a record of all its proceedings, and if there is a newspaper published in any village, the board shall cause the proceedings to be published therein as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. The proceedings for the purpose of publication shall include the substance of every official action taken by the governing body. If there is no newspaper published in the village, the board may cause the proceedings to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the village, posted in several public places or publicized in some other fashion, in such manner as the board directs. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the republication of any proceeding, ordinance or other matter or thing which has already been published according to law, nor shall anything herein be construed to relieve any village from publishing any proceeding, ordinance or other matter or thing required by law to be published. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 985.08 (4), the fee for any such publication shall not exceed the rates specified in s. 985.08 (1). The board has power to preserve order at its meetings, compel attendance of trustees and punish nonattendance and it shall be judge of the election and qualification of its members. The president and board of trustees of any village, whether operating under general or special law, may by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the village board determine that an annual salary be paid the president and trustees. Salaries heretofore established shall so remain until changed by ordinance and shall not be increased or diminished during their terms of office.
61.32 History History: 1991 a. 316.
61.325 61.325 Trustee may be appointed president. A village trustee shall be eligible for appointment as village president to fill an unexpired term.
61.34 61.34 Powers of village board.
61.34(1) (1)General grant. Except as otherwise provided by law, the village board shall have the management and control of the village property, finances, highways, streets, navigable waters, and the public service, and shall have power to act for the government and good order of the village, for its commercial benefit and for the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public, and may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, fine, imprisonment, and other necessary or convenient means. The powers hereby conferred shall be in addition to all other grants and shall be limited only by express language.
61.34(2) (2)Cooperation with other municipalities. The village board, in behalf of the village, may join with other villages or cities in a cooperative arrangement for executing any power or duty in order to attain greater economy or efficiency, including joint employment of appointive officers and employees.
61.34(3) (3)Acquisition and disposal of property. The village board may acquire property, real or personal, within or outside the village, for parks, libraries, recreation, beautification, streets, water systems, sewage or waste disposal, harbors, improvement of watercourses, public grounds, vehicle parking areas, and for any other public purpose; may acquire real property within or contiguous to the village, by means other than condemnation, for industrial sites; may improve and beautify the same; may construct, own, lease and maintain buildings on such property for instruction, recreation, amusement and other public purposes; and may sell and convey such property. Condemnation shall be as provided by ch. 32.
61.34(3m) (3m)Acquisition of easements and property rights. Confirming all powers granted to the village board and in furtherance thereof, the board is expressly authorized to acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation under ch. 32 any and all property rights in lands or waters, including rights of access and use, negative or positive easements, restrictive covenants, covenants running with the land, scenic easements and any rights for use of property of any nature whatsoever, however denominated, which may be lawfully acquired for the benefit of the public or for any public purpose, including the exercise of powers granted under ss. 61.35 and 62.23; and may sell and convey such easements or property rights when no longer needed for public use or protection.
61.34(4) (4)Village finances. The village board may levy and provide for the collection of taxes and special assessments; may refund any tax or special assessment paid, or any part thereof, when satisfied that the same was unjust or illegal; and generally may manage the village finances. The village board may loan money to any school district located within the village or within which the village is wholly or partially located in such sums as are needed by such district to meet the immediate expenses of operating the schools thereof, and the board of the district may borrow money from such village accordingly and give its note therefor. No such loan shall be made to extend beyond August 30 next following the making thereof or in an amount exceeding one-half of the estimated receipts for such district as certified by the state superintendent of public instruction and the local school clerk. The rate of interest on any such loan shall be determined by the village board.
61.34(5) (5)Construction of powers. For the purpose of giving to villages the largest measure of self-government in accordance with the spirit of article XI, section 3, of the constitution it is hereby declared that this chapter shall be liberally construed in favor of the rights, powers and privileges of villages to promote the general welfare, peace, good order and prosperity of such villages and the inhabitants thereof.
61.34 History History: 1983 a. 192; 1987 a. 395; 1995 a. 27, 378; 1997 a. 27.
61.34 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 118.105 for control of traffic on school premises.
61.34 Annotation When a municipality's power to contract is improperly or irregularly exercised and the municipality receives a benefit under the contract, it is estopped from asserting the invalidity of the contract. Village of McFarland v. Town of Dunn, 82 Wis. 2d 469, 263 N.W.2d 167 (1978).
61.34 Annotation A village was authorized under ss. 30.77 (3) and 61.34 (1) to enact an ordinance granting exclusive temporary use of a portion of a lake for public water exhibition licensees. State v. Village of Lake Delton, 93 Wis. 2d 78, 286 N.W.2d 622 (Ct. App. 1979).
61.34 Annotation The delegation of village powers to a non-governmental entity is discussed. Save Elkhart Lake v. Elkhart Lake Village, 181 Wis. 2d 778, 512 N.W.2d 202 (Ct. App. 1993).
61.34 Annotation The state regulatory scheme for tobacco sales preempts municipalities from adopting regulations that are not in strict conformity with those of the state. U.S. Oil, Inc. v. City of Fond du Lac, 199 Wis. 2d 333, 544 N.W.2d 589 (Ct. App. 1995), 95-0213.
61.34 Annotation It was not a violation of this section, s. 236.45, or the public purpose doctrine for a municipality to assume the dual role of subdivider of property it owned and reviewer of the plat under ch. 236. Town of Beloit v. Rock County, 2001 WI App 256, 249 Wis. 2d 88, 637 N.W.2d 71. Affirmed on other grounds, 2003 WI 8, 259 Wis. 2d 37, 657 N.W.2d 344, 00-1231.
61.34 Annotation State statutory enabling legislation is required to authorize enactment of typical rent control ordinances. 62 Atty. Gen. 276.
61.34 Annotation Local units of government may not create and accumulate unappropriated surplus funds. 76 Atty. Gen. 77.
61.34 Annotation An ordinance authorizing placement of an immobilization device on an automobile is invalid. 77 Atty. Gen. 73.
61.34 Annotation Conflicts between state statutes and local ordinances in Wisconsin. 1975 WLR 840.
61.342 61.342 Direct legislation. The provisions of s. 9.20, relating to direct legislation, shall be applicable to villages.
61.342 History History: 1989 a. 273.
61.345 61.345 Recycling or resource recovery facilities. A village may establish and require use of facilities for the recycling of solid waste or for the recovery of resources from solid waste as provided under s. 287.13.
61.345 History History: 1983 a. 27; 1989 a. 335 s. 89; 1995 a. 227.
61.35 61.35 Village planning. Section 62.23 applies to villages, and the powers and duties conferred and imposed by s. 62.23 upon mayors, councils and specified city officials are hereby conferred upon presidents, village boards, and village officials performing duties similar to the duties of such specified city officials, respectively. Any ordinance or resolution passed prior to May 30, 1925, by any village board under s. 61.35, 1923 stats., shall remain in effect until repealed or amended by such village board.
61.35 History History: 1981 c. 390.
61.351 61.351 Zoning of wetlands in shorelands.
61.351(1) (1)Definitions. As used in this section:
61.351(1)(a) (a) "Shorelands" has the meaning specified under s. 59.692 (1) (b).
61.351(1)(b) (b) "Wetlands" has the meaning specified under s. 23.32 (1).
61.351(2) (2)Filled wetlands. Any wetlands which are filled prior to the date on which a village receives a final wetlands map from the department of natural resources in a manner which affects their characteristics as wetlands are filled wetlands and not subject to an ordinance adopted under this section.
61.351(2m) (2m)Certain wetlands on landward side of an established bulkhead line. Any wetlands on the landward side of a bulkhead line, established by the village under s. 30.11 prior to May 7, 1982 and between that bulkhead line and the ordinary high-water mark are exempt wetlands and not subject to an ordinance adopted under this section.
61.351(3) (3)Adoption of ordinance. To effect the purposes of s. 281.31 and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, each village shall zone by ordinance all unfilled wetlands of 5 acres or more which are shown on the final wetland inventory maps prepared by the department of natural resources for the village under s. 23.32, which are located in any shorelands and which are within its incorporated area. A village may zone by ordinance any unfilled wetlands which are within its incorporated area at any time.
61.351(4) (4)Village planning.
61.351(4)(a)(a) Powers and procedures. Except as provided under sub. (5), s. 61.35 applies to ordinances and amendments enacted under this section.
61.351(4)(b) (b) Impact on other zoning ordinances. If a village ordinance enacted under s. 61.35 affecting wetlands in shorelands is more restrictive than an ordinance enacted under this section affecting the same lands, it continues to be effective in all respects to the extent of the greater restrictions, but not otherwise.
61.351(5) (5)Repair and expansion of existing structures permitted. Notwithstanding s. 62.23 (7) (h), an ordinance adopted under this section may not prohibit the repair, reconstruction, renovation, remodeling or expansion of a nonconforming structure in existence on the effective date of an ordinance adopted under this section or any environmental control facility in existence on the effective date of an ordinance adopted under this section related to that structure.
61.351(6) (6)Failure to adopt ordinance. If any village does not adopt an ordinance required under sub. (3) within 6 months after receipt of final wetland inventory maps prepared by the department of natural resources for the village under s. 23.32, or if the department of natural resources, after notice and hearing, determines that a village adopted an ordinance which fails to meet reasonable minimum standards in accomplishing the shoreland protection objectives of s. 281.31 (1), the department of natural resources shall adopt an ordinance for the village. As far as applicable, the procedures set forth in s. 87.30 apply to this subsection.
61.351 History History: 1981 c. 330; 1995 a. 201, 227.
61.351 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. NR 117, Wis. adm. code.
61.354 61.354 Construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning.
61.354(1) (1)Definition. As used in this section, "department" means the department of natural resources.
61.354(2) (2)Authority to enact ordinance. To effect the purposes of s. 281.33 and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, a village may enact a zoning ordinance, that is applicable to all of its incorporated area, for construction site erosion control at sites where the construction activities do not include the construction of a building and for storm water management. This ordinance may be enacted separately from ordinances enacted under s. 61.35.
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