Ethanol production facility funded by any state grant program: competitive bid process required [Sec. 1725m, 1752c, f, g, 2347p, 2388p] -  Act 25
Fish health management and fish hatcheries: DATCP authority provided; DNR duty revisions [Sec. 143i, 245n, 557t, v, 587e, g, 657f-L, 1756d-h, L] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Grain inspection funding and program plan; DOA and JCF duties [Sec. 81, 141, 9103 (4e)] -  Act 25
Public health planning, services, and functions; reporting of communicable diseases; DHFS required to develop a public health agenda every 10 years and other duties specified; contracts between municipalities and Indian tribes or bands in other states authorized; DATCP provision  -  Act 198
Renewable energy requirements re electric utilities and cooperatives modified; certain state agencies required to generate or purchase renewable energy; energy efficiency standards imposed in certain state contracts; energy conservation code changed; anaerobic digestor research funding; public benefits program revisions; corn-burning furnace pilot program; PSC duties; report provisions -  Act 141
Rental vehicle fee increased; limousine provision added; regulations created re rental company advertising of rental rates [Sec. 1694, 1826L, 9341 (11), 9441 (5)] -  Act 25
Rural development loans with federal funding: DATCP authority [Sec. 144, 1743] -  Act 25
Soil and Water Resource Management Program: DATCP bonding authority increased [Sec. 470]  -  Act 25
Soil and water resource management projects: appropriation from environmental fund created to pay principal and interest costs; general obligation bonding increased [Sec. 148, 258, 460] -  Act 25
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1)] [partial veto] -  Act 25
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops during specific dates may exceed weight limits without a permit under certain conditions; exceptions, DATCP agricultural emergency declarations, and DOT provisions  -  Act 364
aids in lieu of taxesAids in lieu of taxes, see Property tax
air conditioningAir conditioning
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license revisions re storm water discharge and refrigerant recovery permits  -  Act 339
air force academy, u.sAir Force Academy, U.S., see Military training
air pollutionAir pollution
Air management fee revisions; DNR air permit report to JCF [Sec. 230v-233, 237v, 270g, 273e, 2192-2196j, 9135 (4k), 9235 (4k), 9435 (5)] [2196i — partial veto]  -  Act 25
Air pollution management revisions re general permit, term of registration permit, and challenge to an emission limitation; report required -  Act 28
Petroleum inspection fee reduced; diesel truck idling reduction grants created, sunset provided [Sec. 156s, t, 1829p, 2094f, 2348q, 9108 (1v), (1w), 9408 (1x)] [1829p, 9108 (1v) — vetoed] -  Act 25
airportAirport, see also Aviation
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  -  Act 487
Dane County Regional Airport: state aviation facilities named the ``Fritz E. Wolf Aviation Center"  -  Act 424
Instant lottery ticket vending machine placement in airports and Amtrak passenger terminals permitted [Sec. 2423v] [vetoed] -  AB-100
alcohol and other drug abuseAlcohol and other drug abuse
Alcohol and drug rehabilitation specialists (substance abuse counselors, clinical supervisors, and prevention specialists) certification; reciprocal provisions [Sec. 2284mg, 2293m, 2337am, 2345m, 9121 (12s), 9140 (1q), (1r), 9321 (8q), 9421 (10q)] [2337am, 9121 (12s), 9421 (10q) — partial veto] -  Act 25
AODA grant program for TCS eliminated [Sec. 217r, 713m] -  Act 25
AODA treatment as alternative to prosecution or incarceration: grant program for counties created; reports required [Sec. 90m, 327m, 414m, 416m, 841m, 2222, 2232-2236m, 2241m, 2449m, 2450b, 2467c-x, 2472, 2475g-r, 9121 (13g), 9401 (2r), 9421 (11q)] [9121 (13g) — vetoed]  -  Act 25
Clinical supervisors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists: titles of some subcategories modified; DRL duties re continuing education and establishing minimum standards for the practice of substance abuse counseling, supervision, and prevention by rule -  Act 407
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense in Winnebago County: pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment  -  Act 389
Punitive damages: proof the plaintiff must provide modified; voluntary intoxication or drugged condition not a defense [vetoed] -  SB-447
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
Substance abuse by employees required to be paid the prevailing wage re public works projects: prohibitions re possessing, distributing, or delivering a controlled substance or being under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol while performing work; employer required to have a written program for substance abuse prevention and remove an employee from work under set conditions -  Act 181
Treatment record confidentiality: release without written consent exception modified -  Act 485
Second degree sexual assault: ``intoxicant" modified to include alcohol beverages; provision re giving consent  -  Act 436
Three-tier distribution system for alcohol beverages [Sec. 1921-1924m] -  Act 25
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception modified re attendance at a banquet, reception, dance, or similar event; exception created re unaccompanied person and brewery premises and tour -  Act 50
Wine used in a religious service in a jail, prison, or house of correction: clergy may possess and give no more than 2 ounces -  Act 67
alcohol beverage _ regulationAlcohol beverage — Regulation
Beer wholesaler regulations, distribution, retailer, and out-of-state shipper revisions re 3-tier system  -  Act 103
Beer wholesaler's license: municipal authority to issue revised; nonresident wholesaler provisions -  Act 115
``Class B" liquor license quota exception created for opera house or theater for the performing arts operated by a nonprofit organization; consumption on premises in connection with a performance specified -  Act 307
Restaurants with a ``Class B" or ``Class C" license may sell wine by the open bottle and reinsert the cork to take the bottle off the premises; conditions specified; exception provided  -  Act 268
Three-tier distribution system for alcohol beverages [Sec. 1921-1924m] -  Act 25
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception modified re attendance at a banquet, reception, dance, or similar event; exception created re unaccompanied person and brewery premises and tour -  Act 50
alcohol beverage _ sale to minorsAlcohol beverage — Sale to minors
Discovery procedure in implied consent and alcohol beverage law violations modified -  Act 332
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception modified re attendance at a banquet, reception, dance, or similar event; exception created re unaccompanied person and brewery premises and tour -  Act 50
alcohol beverage _ taxationAlcohol beverage — Taxation
Intoxicating liquor taxes: administrative fees increased; alcohol agent funding conversion [Sec. 438b, 1946, 9341 (18)]  -  Act 25
Treatment record confidentiality: release without written consent exception modified -  Act 485
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated -  Act 449
algaeAlgae, see Weeds
alibiAlibi, see Evidence
Motor vehicle operator's license or ID card applicant: documentary proof of U.S. citizenship or legal presence in U.S. required; DOT required to include expiration date of legal presence on the license or ID card -  Act 126
Public assistance programs: eligibility limited to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence; documentary proof required with application, forfeiture provision [vetoed] -  SB-567
all_terrain vehicle _atv_All-terrain vehicle (ATV), see Recreation vehicle
alvarez, barryAlvarez, Barry
Achievements as coach of the U.W. Badgers football team commended [SJR-56] -  JR-29
Film production companies: income and franchise tax credits created; DOR and Comm.Dept provisions  -  Act 483
Nonprofit organization sales at an event involving entertainment: sales tax provision modified [Sec. 1503, 1579, 9441 (1)] -  Act 25
anatomical giftAnatomical gift, see Transplant
anderson, lyman fAnderson, Lyman F.
Life and public service [AJR-65] -  JR-26
anderson, nicholas robertAnderson, Nicholas Robert
Life and military service commended [SJR-78] -  JR-54
anhydrous ammoniaAnhydrous ammonia, see Public safety
Service animal accompanying person with a disability or animal trainer: laws re access to public accommodations modified -  Act 354
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
animal _ diseaseAnimal — Disease, see also Livestock and meat
Animal condemnation re BSE or CWD: disease indemnity revision [Sec. 1753-1755] -  Act 25
CWD provisions re transportation, possession, control, storage, and disposal of cervid carcass regulated; provide tissue samples of wild animals to DNR; allow shooting of deer from certain vehicles in CWD control zones; DNR and DATCP agreements with operators of landfills, meat processing facilities, or wastewater treatment facilities; exemption from deer hunting license in CWD control zones -  Act 286
Deer farm that is located in two states: exemption from having entire area fenced created if certain requirements are met; CWD provision -  Act 409
Public health planning, services, and functions; reporting of communicable diseases; DHFS required to develop a public health agenda every 10 years and other duties specified; contracts between municipalities and Indian tribes or bands in other states authorized; DATCP provision  -  Act 198
Rabies vaccination administered to dogs by veterinary technicians permitted under certain condition  -  Act 236
Rabies vaccination requirement for dogs: exemption for reasons related to the dog's health; letter from veterinarian required -  Act 240