Second Chance Partnership funding [Sec. 179m, 183b, 1856w, 1899d, 9137 (3q)] -  Act 25
appropriationAppropriation, see also Budget bills and process; Claims; Federal aid; Shared revenue; specific subject
Appropriation revisions: Corr.Dept and U.W. System re energy and utility expenses, prescription drug assistance for elderly persons program, MA trust fund, supplemental MA payments to nursing homes, and budget stabilization fund; rule prohibiting a structural imbalance in the general fund does not apply [budget adjustment bill] -  Act 15
Appropriation schedule in chap.20, Wis. Stats., repealed and recreated; across-the-board agency reductions; general effective dates [Sec. 138-140, 9155 (5dv), 9400] [140 — partial veto; 9155 (5dv) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund and Ho-Chunk Nation Indian gaming payments provisions  -  Act 2
Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility changed to Office of Lawyer Regulation re appropriation (remedial legislation) -  Act 157
``Budget stabilization fund" name changed to ``Taxpayer protection fund"; limit on expenditures of general fund revenues [Sec. 10m, 15m, 17m, 65m, 66m, 68a-j, 81p, 126e, m, 137m, 482m-r, 520m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Business waste reduction and recycling assistance: DNR authority to contract with nonprofit organization; funding limited; goals and objectives required; reporting schedule; funding transfer to general fund [Sec. 250, 2198] [2198 — partial veto] -  Act 25
DFI funds lapse to general fund [Sec. 9217 (1)] -  Act 25
DOT general obligation bonding re Marquette interchange reconstruction project; bonding revision; owner controlled insurance provision [Sec. 276p, 281, 284, 467, 467m, 1718m-1719i, 1727, 1727g, 1728m, 9148 (4f)] [1727, 9148 (4f) — partial veto; 1719g-i, 1727g — vetoed] -  Act 25
Environmental fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9235 (2)] -  Act 25
General fund required statutory balance [Sec. 127-137] -  Act 25
GPR appropriation limitation exclusions [Sec. 10, 11-15] -  Act 25
Interfund transfers re state government: transfer date must be during the fiscal year the law takes effect [vetoed]  -  SB-446
MA GPR appropriation decreased; transfer of certain amount from general fund to MA trust fund; MA reimbursement rate for nursing homes increased and one-time supplement added  -  Act 211
Petroleum inspection fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9208 (1)] -  Act 25
Recycling fund transfers to general fund; demonstration grant and wildlife damage claims and abatement transfers [Sec. 9235 (1)-(1g)] [9235 (1) — partial veto]  -  Act 25
School district may choose not to comply with SAGE contract requirement; foregone aid lapses to general fund to supplement special education aid [vetoed] -  SB-68
Secretary of Administration to submit certain reports to JCF re lapses or transfers to the general fund from certain allocations [vetoed] -  AB-1182
State agency appropriation lapses to general fund [Sec. 9255 (1)] [partial veto] -  Act 25
State operations appropriation balances lapse or transfer to general fund; DOA report to JCF [Sec. 9155 (3), 9255 (2)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Utility public benefits fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9201 (1)] -  Act 25
WRS unfunded retirement liability debt service: lapses and fund transfers [Sec. 79, 9155 (4)] [79 — partial veto; 9155 (4) — vetoed] -  Act 25
aquatic invasive speciesAquatic invasive species, see Fish and fishing
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
Art and arts education centers: property tax exemption created -  Act 4
``Class B" liquor license quota exception created for opera house or theater for the performing arts operated by a nonprofit organization; consumption on premises in connection with a performance specified -  Act 307
arts boardArts board
Appropriation lapses [Sec. 9204 (1d)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Indian gaming receipts appropriation: use for wastewater treatment at Jackson Correctional Institution and for state aid for the arts [Sec. 163, 290, 291, 417, 427, 428, 743, 744, 9409 (1)] -  Act 25
assignment of supportAssignment of support, see Family — Support
asthmaAsthma, see Disease
Athlete agent fees: DRL rule-making removed; fees and effective date set [Sec. 2286b, 2296k, 2338m, p, 9440 (1q)]  -  Act 25
Attorney positions: 13.0 FTE vacant positions eliminated; exception re U.W. Regents, DETF, and Investment Board; DOA Secretary to ensure required total is met and to lapse balances to general fund [Sec. 9155 (1w), (2)] [partial veto] -  Act 25
Board of Attorneys Professional Responsibility changed to Office of Lawyer Regulation re appropriation (remedial legislation) -  Act 157
Law license revocation, suspension, or denial re tax delinquency [Sec. 1460-1463, 1465-1467, 9341 (1)]  -  Act 25
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws delegations: revision re former legislator and state bar membership -  Act 23
Presentence investigation reports: DA and defense attorney entitled to a copy of; defendant may view but not keep a copy -  Act 311
attorney _ feeAttorney — Fee
Attorney fee limits in medical malpractice cases revised [vetoed] -  AB-1074
Attorney fees for protective services officers re certain criminal proceedings: municipality, county, school district, or technical college district required to reimburse under certain conditions; definition provision -  Act 73
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  Act 264
Weight gain, obesity, or related health condition caused by the consumption of food: civil liability exemption from claims for food manufacturers, marketers, packers, advertisers, distributors, and sellers; attorney fee provision  -  Act 325
attorney generalAttorney General
Comm.Dept may assess a forfeiture for violating plumber licensing requirements; interest, AG authority, and school fund provisions -  Act 182
Open housing enforcement [Sec. 1839u-z, 9353 (3k), 9454 (3k)] -  Act 25
U.W. System contracts with research companies: exception to prohibition of public officer or employee with a private interest in a public contract created; AG review required  -  Act 417
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
auditAudit, see Legislative Audit Bureau; specific agency or department
aviationAviation, see also Airport
Special distinguishing registration plates for certain groups that are military in nature created; fee and funding provisions; surviving spouse may personalize the plate or replace it with a regular plate -  Act 109
Wisconsin Aerospace Authority created; bonding authority; annual report required; DOT duties  -  Act 335
b - B -
bad checksBad checks, see Checks
College savings program bank deposit trust fund and college savings program credit union trust fund established  -  Act 478
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  -  Act 217
banking, division ofBanking, Division of
Banking, Division of, regulatory authority over insurance premium finance companies, certain loan companies, loan originators, and mortgage bankers and brokers modified; requirements for certain consumer loans secured by a first lien revised; CPA as shareholder of a service corporation organized for carrying on the profession of CPA provision  -  Act 215
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  -  Act 217
Rental-purchase agreement regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions [vetoed] -  SB-268