College savings program bank deposit trust fund and college savings program credit union trust fund established  -  Act 478
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  -  Act 217
banking, division ofBanking, Division of
Banking, Division of, regulatory authority over insurance premium finance companies, certain loan companies, loan originators, and mortgage bankers and brokers modified; requirements for certain consumer loans secured by a first lien revised; CPA as shareholder of a service corporation organized for carrying on the profession of CPA provision  -  Act 215
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  -  Act 217
Rental-purchase agreement regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions [vetoed] -  SB-268
Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board membership revised re aesthetician -  Act 314
bdo _butanediol_BDO (Butanediol), see Drugs
beaver dam, city ofBeaver Dam, City of, see Dodge County
bed and breakfastBed and breakfast, see Hotel and motel
best _business employees_ skills training_BEST (Business Employees' Skills Training), see Business
Bicycle-pedestrian bridge in Village of Weston; local contribution required [Sec. 9148 (5h)] -  Act 25
Sugar River State Trail underpass construction in the Village of New Glarus; lower cost improvement project provision [Sec. 9148 (3s)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Traffic law revisions re motorcycles, mopeds, motor bicycles, and bicycles stopped at a red light and penalty for failure to yield the right-of-way resulting in bodily harm; driver education courses to include motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian awareness information; motorcycle operator's license requirements modified -  Act 466
bids and biddersBids and bidders, see Contracts
big brothers big sisters of wisconsin, incBig Brothers Big Sisters of Wisconsin, Inc., see Youth
Off-premises business area signs along highways: multiple or variable messages permitted under certain conditions; DOT may restrict the illumination of messages  -  Act 464
Vegetation obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs: DOT permit system created for maintenance and removal of vegetation by sign owners; LAB report required  -  Act 465
``Budget stabilization fund" name changed to ``Taxpayer protection fund"; limit on expenditures of general fund revenues [Sec. 10m, 15m, 17m, 65m, 66m, 68a-j, 81p, 126e, m, 137m, 482m-r, 520m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Contractual services: DOA rules revised re determining when contracting is appropriate and uniform cost-benefit analysis; report requirements; fiscal estimate for bills, definition, and DOT provisions; minimum expenditure specified  -  Act 89
Indian gaming establishment re proposed location on certain Indian lands: Governor may not concur with U.S. Secretary of the Interior's decision unless the legislature first concurs by joint resolution [vetoed] -  AB-461
Bingo revisions re maximum prize amounts, progressive jackpot bingo, special bingo games, and maximum fee for any type of bingo -  Act 247
biodiesel fuelBiodiesel fuel, see Fuel
Double-crested cormorant: DNR required to administer a program to control and manage in compliance with a U.S. depredation order -  Act 287
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
Family planning services funding preference [Sec. 2133c-p] [vetoed] -  AB-100
birth out of wedlockBirth out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
blood donationBlood donation, see Public health
ATV, certain boats, and snowmobiles in this state for a limited time and used exclusively as part of an advertisement: exemption from certification and registration period and fees; DNR duty set -  Act 481
Boat, and associated tackle and equipment, in violation of hunting and fishing laws are declared a public nuisance (remedial legislation) -  Act 161
Boats, ATVs, and snowmobiles registration service fees; motorcycle recreational program funding transfer [Sec. 247c, g, 499-507, 659-668, 2270-2278, 2280, 9435 (9m)]  -  Act 25
Harbor Assistance Program grants for private boatlifts in certain northeastern Wisconsin city and for construction of dockwall in City of Marinette at the Waupaca Foundry [Sec. 9148 (2)] [partial veto] -  Act 25
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course; rental provisions; DNR duties specified -  Act 356
Patrol boats responding to an emergency or pursuing a suspect: exemption from boating laws; emergency light provisions revised -  Act 308
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Lake research donations: amount of voluntary contribution increased re boat registration or renewal of certificate of number [Sec. 669] -  Act 25
bodyworker or massage therapistBodyworker or massage therapist, see Trades and occupations
bondsBonds, see also School — Bonds; specific agency or department
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  -  Act 487
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities and investment of funds in the bond security and redemption fund -  Act 1
Qualified veterans mortage bonds revisions [Sec. 763p-v, 795e]  -  Act 25
Wisconsin Aerospace Authority created; bonding authority; annual report required; DOT duties  -  Act 335
bonds _ schoolBonds — School, see School — Bonds
bossert, andrew lBossert, Andrew L.
Life and military service commended [SJR-39] -  JR-51
bovine spongiform encephalopathy _bse_mad cow disease_Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE/Mad cow disease), see Animal — Disease
breast cancerBreast cancer, see Disease
Bicycle-pedestrian bridge in Village of Weston; local contribution required [Sec. 9148 (5h)] -  Act 25
Bridge in Door County: construction and funding [Sec. 276L, p, s, 1723m] -  Act 25
Freight rail preservation program: bonding limit increased; funding for rail rehabilitation and rail bridge projects [Sec. 469, 9148 (2q)] [9148 (2q) — vetoed]  -  Act 25
``Nichole M. Frye Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark the bridge on STH 141 in the Town of Lena as  -  Act 338
State-owned lift bridges: funding for operation and maintenance [Sec. 276w] -  Act 25
brown countyBrown County
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County re restoration of Cat Island Chain; DNR provisions and appendix report -  Act 390
brownfields _contaminated property_Brownfields (contaminated property), see Environmental protection
bse _bovine spongiform encephalopathy_BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy), see Animal — Disease
budget bills and processBudget bills and process, see also Appropriation
Appropriation revisions: Corr.Dept and U.W. System re energy and utility expenses, prescription drug assistance for elderly persons program, MA trust fund, supplemental MA payments to nursing homes, and budget stabilization fund; rule prohibiting a structural imbalance in the general fund does not apply [budget adjustment bill] -  Act 15
Budget bill [partial veto] -  Act 25
``Budget stabilization fund" name changed to ``Taxpayer protection fund"; limit on expenditures of general fund revenues [Sec. 10m, 15m, 17m, 65m, 66m, 68a-j, 81p, 126e, m, 137m, 482m-r, 520m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Fund conditional statements: DOA and LFB to develop own methodology [Sec. 32, 65] -  Act 25
State budget report and compilation publications discontinued; distribution in optical disk format in lieu of printed format permitted [Sec. 63, 64, 682-684, 686-692]  -  Act 25
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  -  Act 81
Building code or zoning ordinance violations: remedies in certain actions [vetoed] -  AB-597