Pending state contracts and orders: every state agency in executive, legislative, and judicial branches required to post certain information to the Internet; Ethics Board to maintain the site; Investment Board exception -  Act 410
Physician information and health care information database: data procedures, DHFS study, reports, and memorandum of understanding with DRL [Sec. 313m, 2067g, 9101 (6), (7q)] [9101 (6) — partial veto; 2067g, 9101 (7q) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Public library revisions re county tax, recurring payments and wages, investing gifts or endowments, remote access to electronic database, and membership of public library boards -  Act 226
School and school district performance report distribution revised; Internet and notice provisions  -  Act 62
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  -  Act 218
State budget report and compilation publications discontinued; distribution in optical disk format in lieu of printed format permitted [Sec. 63, 64, 682-684, 686-692]  -  Act 25
Statewide automated child welfare information system confidentiality and information sharing [Sec. 1023, 1226, 2462] -  Act 25
Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act established, electronic signature and register of deeds provisions; Electronic Recording Council created -  Act 421
Virtual charter school: definition created; teaching or instructional staff license or permit requirements; nonresident tuition provision [vetoed] -  AB-1060
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Custodial interrogation recordings by law enforcement officers: requirements created; juvenile and adult provisions; definitions and exceptions; OJA grant program -  Act 60
GPS tracking of persons on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release for committing a serious child sex offense; residency requirements and sex offender registry Web site provisions; Corr.Dept, DHFS, and court duties specified; report required  -  Act 431
Sex offenses against children: certain penalties revised; child pornography surcharge created; computers used to facilitate a child sex crime provision; OJA grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to sexual assault victims created -  Act 433
data processing _ privacy issuesData processing — Privacy issues
Microchip implanted in an individual: requirement of prohibited; forfeiture provision -  Act 482
Statewide automated child welfare information system: revisions re entering information about certain individuals, access to information by Corr.Dept and certain county agencies, and notifying individuals before their information is entered into the system -  Act 406
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, damages, and penalty provisions -  Act 261
Unauthorized acquisition of personal identifying information: requiring the entity that possesses the information to notify the individual; notice requirement exception; local government ordinance prohibited; definitions, civil claims, and law enforcement provisions -  Act 138
day careDay care
Child care licensing and quality rating [Sec. 346d, 962d, 1076d, 1077d, 1094d, 9321 (8f), 9421 (10f)]  -  Act 25
Child care subsidy eligibility under W-2 [Sec. 1077r, 1079s] -  Act 25
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision; convicted person may not receive kinship care payments, certain child care licenses may be denied, and if death was a consequence, foster care and teaching licenses may be denied for set period -  Act 184
Guardian appointment and subsidized guardianship payments; eligibility re MA, child care subsidy, and adoption assistance; federal waiver provision [Sec. 330, 843, 844, 851-855, 884, 885, 924-936, 938, 940-950, 952, 1024-1026, 1028-1044, 1078, 1080, 1081, 1150, 2441-2444, 2458-2461, 9121 (1)] [926 — vetoed] -  Act 25
Sexual assault of a child by a stepparent or a volunteer or employee of a substitute care facility: prohibitions and penalties provided -  Act 277
Shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies prevention: CANPB to prepare informational materials and distribution requirements; training for day care providers; instruction in schools required; DHFS duties specified  -  Act 165
TANF program and child care subsidy changes; program for certain training for parents and child care providers continued; provision re DLTCL lending library [Sec. 1049-1058, 1059x, 1075, 1083m, 1086-1092, 1095c-1101, 1104-1106, 1188p, 1599, 9154 (1k), 9254 (1m)] [1075, 1095c, 1106 — partial veto; 1092, 9154 (1k) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Anatomical gift: powers and duties of coroners and medical examiners over the decedent specified; DHFS authority set -  Act 230
DNR random or preference selective systems re trapping or hunting permits or licenses: person may designate a person who can designate a minor to exercise the privilege if the person dies before using the permit or license  -  Act 88
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing [vetoed] -  AB-1021
Motor vehicle operator involved in an accident resulting in death or great bodily harm: law enforcement officer may request a test for controlled substance, alcohol, or other drugs; OWI arrest provision -  Act 413
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or knowingly operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license: penalties for causing property damage, injury, great bodily harm, or death  -  Act 412
debit cardDebit card, see Credit
debt, publicDebt, Public
Administration of local taxes; retirement of debt re baseball park and football stadium districts [Sec. 437m, n, 439m, n, 452m, p, 1666m, n] -  Act 25
Biennial building program recommendations [Sec. 16p, r] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Capital budget bonding and project schedule [Sec. 19e, s, 201m, r, 374m, 460g, r, 465e-s, 469g, r, 471c-m, q-t, 472e, t, 479m, 2496g, r, 9105 (1)-(14)] -  Act 25
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: bonding and present value subsidy changes [Sec. 461, 462, 2157-2159] [2159 — partial veto; 461 — vetoed] -  Act 25
DOT general obligation bonding re Marquette interchange reconstruction project; bonding revision; owner controlled insurance provision [Sec. 276p, 281, 284, 467, 467m, 1718m-1719i, 1727, 1727g, 1728m, 9148 (4f)] [1727, 9148 (4f) — partial veto; 1719g-i, 1727g — vetoed] -  Act 25
Environmental repair bonding authority increased [Sec. 464] -  Act 25
Freight rail preservation program: bonding limit increased; funding for rail rehabilitation and rail bridge projects [Sec. 469, 9148 (2q)] [9148 (2q) — vetoed]  -  Act 25
Harbor Assistance Program: bonding limit increased [Sec. 468]  -  Act 25
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1260s] [1251c — partial veto; 707m — vetoed] -  Act 25
Nonpoint source, priority watershed, and lakes: bonding increased [Sec. 463, 463c, 465] -  Act 25
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities and investment of funds in the bond security and redemption fund -  Act 1
Revenue bonding for major highway projects and transportation facilities: level revised [Sec. 1728]  -  Act 25
Revenue obligations re MA [Sec. 115, 116] -  Act 25
SHSW excess general bonding authority revised [Sec. 470p, 471p] -  Act 25
Soil and Water Resource Management Program: DATCP bonding authority increased [Sec. 470]  -  Act 25
Soil and water resource management projects: appropriation from environmental fund created to pay principal and interest costs; general obligation bonding increased [Sec. 148, 258, 460] -  Act 25
Tax supported and self amortizing refunding bonding and DVA refunding bonding [Sec. 471b, 472c]  -  Act 25
Variable rate obligations for environmental improvement program [Sec. 2151, 2156, 2160] -  Act 25
debt and debtorsDebt and debtors, see also Scholarships and loans
Bad debt deductions and preferred claims against cigarette and tobacco products taxes [Sec. 1980m, n, 2009m, n, 9441 (1k)] -  Act 25
Debt related to property tax: county or municipality may certify to DOR for setoff from state tax refunds; definition provision -  Act 454
Debts owed to state agencies: procedure re DOR withholding tax refund [Sec. 1434] -  Act 25
Debts owed to state agency, county, or municipality: intercepting state disbursements [Sec. 1437-1445, 1447-1450, 1468] -  Act 25
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Fine, forfeiture, fee, and surcharge collection: use of debt collector and credit or debit cards allowed; certified debt collection by DOR modified; DOT may disclose certain information to DOR; public official authority to disclose financially identifying information restricted -  Act 59
Lottery debts owed by retailer to DOR: collection provision created [Sec. 2429] -  Act 25
Motor vehicle consumer lease: revisions re voluntary surrender and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession, customer and law enforcement notices, and penalty provisions -  Act 255
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  Act 305
Worthless check violations: deferred prosecution program established; DA duties set and authorized to contract with private entity to administer, conditions specified; confidentiality, collection agency, and fee provisions  -  Act 462
deferred compensation planDeferred compensation plan, see Retirement — Public
deferred prosecutionDeferred prosecution, see Court — Procedure
defibrillatorDefibrillator, see Medical service
Dental grants for school-based dental sealant program and funding to TCS for oral health services; funding for programs to discourage use of smokeless tobacco [Sec. 325g, 2131, 2132, 2149g, h] -  Act 25
Dental hygienist continuing education requirements created; DRL and DHFS to consult on required credit hours and DRL may set by rule -  Act 318
Rural health clinic in Chippewa Falls: funding re dental services for elderly or developmentally disabled [Sec. 2031m, 9421 (11k)] -  Act 25
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program expanded to certain public elementary schools, charter schools, and MPCP participating schools; conditions set; definition expanded to include nurse practitioner; DOA approval required  -  Act 188