Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified -  Act 434
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR-2] -  JR-2
Worthless check violations: deferred prosecution program established; DA duties set and authorized to contract with private entity to administer, conditions specified; confidentiality, collection agency, and fee provisions  -  Act 462
districtingDistricting, see Redistricting
Actions affecting the family: chap.767 recodified -  Act 443
Court decision on custody or physical placement of a child and any modifications: factors to consider include the criminal record of and any abuse or neglect of the child or any child by a person with whom the parent is dating or who regularly or intermittently resides in the custodial household  -  Act 101
Electronic communication with a child: court may grant when determining custody but not as a replacement for physical custody; conditions and parenting plan provisions  -  Act 174
Health insurance ID card for a child: parent required to provide to the other parent re divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions; contempt of court provision  -  Act 342
Public school pupil living outside the school district re joint custody arrangement: school district must transport the pupil to and from an agreed upon location within the school district  -  Act 224
dltcl _division for libraries, technology, and community learning_DLTCL (Division for Libraries, Technology, and Community Learning), see Public Instruction, Department of
dodge countyDodge County
Directional guidance signs: DOT to erect along I90 (for the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe), USH 151 (for Wayland Academy), and I94 (for Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum) [Sec. 9148 (1n)] -  Act 25
dog racingDog racing, see Racing
Conservation warden authority to kill certain dogs injuring wildlife: statutory reference corrected (remedial legislation) -  Act 162
Rabies vaccination administered to dogs by veterinary technicians permitted under certain condition  -  Act 236
Rabies vaccination requirement for dogs: exemption for reasons related to the dog's health; letter from veterinarian required -  Act 240
Service animal accompanying person with a disability or animal trainer: laws re access to public accommodations modified -  Act 354
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
domestic abuseDomestic abuse, see Family; Women
door countyDoor County
Bridge in Door County: construction and funding [Sec. 276L, p, s, 1723m] -  Act 25
Premier resort area: villages of Sister Bay and Ephraim allowed to become but may not impose a premier resort area tax unless passed in a referendum -  Act 440
double_crested cormorantDouble-crested cormorant, see Bird
drinking waterDrinking water, see Water supply
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Driver education schools and instructors: standards for licensing, testing, and regulating revised  -  Act 397
Traffic law revisions re motorcycles, mopeds, motor bicycles, and bicycles stopped at a red light and penalty for failure to yield the right-of-way resulting in bodily harm; driver education courses to include motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian awareness information; motorcycle operator's license requirements modified -  Act 466
drug abuseDrug abuse, see Drugs
``Abuse" definition in Children's Code expanded to include manufacturing methamphetamine with a child physically present or in a child's home; juvenile court authority and child abuse reporting law provisions -  Act 113
Badger Care cost-saving measures, including prescription drug copayment: DHFS to request waiver [Sec. 9121 (10)]  -  Act 25
Badger Care, prescription drug assistance, and MA: 2004-05 GPR appropriations revised; MA trust fund and Ho-Chunk Nation Indian gaming payments provisions  -  Act 2
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  Act 16
Chiropractor counseling for vitamins, herbs, and supplements: dietitian certification or approved nutrition postgraduate training required [Sec. 2338q, v, 9440 (1c)]  -  Act 25
Controlled substances schedule: GBL restriction specified for human consumption; BDO for human consumption added  -  Act 52
Drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana: county ordinance enactment or application regardless of population size -  Act 90
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years old and older: city, village, or town allowed to enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting  -  Act 116
Drug product equivalent: label to include statement identifying the prescribed brand name unless practitioner requests omission -  Act 195
Earned release program: Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center to provide substance abuse program [Sec. 2226m-2231] -  Act 25
Generic drugs under MA and Badger Care: copayment increased [Sec. 1144p, 1184c, 9321 (9w), 9421 (11w)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Guardianship and conservatorship laws revised -  Act 387
Hazardous substances: abusing or distributing or possessing with intent to abuse or distribute prohibited; definitions and exceptions -  Act 44
Inmate pharmaceuticals: pilot project for privatization of supplying and distributing [Sec. 9109 (2q)] [partial veto]  -  Act 25
Methamphetamine and related controlled substance analog: drug paraphernalia possession penalties increased re residence of person under age 18 and presence of child age 14 or younger -  Act 263
Methamphetamine: possession of certain materials with intent to manufacture prohibited; pseudoephedrine products classified as a schedule V controlled substance, definition and restrictions on sale of created; anhydrous ammonia intentionally released without owner's consent prohibited; Pharmacy Examining Board provision re storage of controlled substances; penalty provisions -  Act 14
Money forfeited in a drug case: law enforcement agency may retain certain percentage -  Act 91
Multijurisdictional drug offense cases: penalty assessment funding for prosecutor positions in Dane, Milwaukee, and St. Croix counties [Sec. 87p, 359v, 394m, 415o, vm, y, 416k, 91111 (1c)-(1e)] -  Act 25
Prescription drug labels: practitioner must include symptom or purpose for which the drug is prescribed if the patient wants that information on the label -  Act 196
Prescription drugs under MA and Badger Care: DHFS report on savings and costs re capping number of prescriptions per recipient [Sec. 9121 (13n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  Act 264
Pseudoephedrine product sales: weight-based prohibitions modified; law enforcement officer access to certain records of pseudophedrine sales revised -  Act 262
Psychotropic medications under MA, Badger Care, and prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement limits prohibited; DHFS report on physician prescribing practices under MA, report to JCF [Sec. 9121 (14k), (14p)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Rental unit tenancy termination re drug or criminal gang activity nuisance: notice by law enforcement agencies expanded; DA authority added -  Act 281
Substance abuse by employees required to be paid the prevailing wage re public works projects: prohibitions re possessing, distributing, or delivering a controlled substance or being under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol while performing work; employer required to have a written program for substance abuse prevention and remove an employee from work under set conditions -  Act 181
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated -  Act 449
BAC above 0.0 in motor vehicle operator under the legal drinking age: forfeiture increased and DOT to assess demerit points -  Act 317
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense in Winnebago County: pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment  -  Act 389
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
e - E -
earned income tax creditEarned income tax credit, see Income tax — Credit
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, or public board or commission to an electric utility if it received certain certificate from PSC; fair market value provisions -  Act 24
edinger, benjamin cEdinger, Benjamin C.
Life and military service commended [SJR-13] -  JR-31
educational approval boardEducational Approval Board