State employee appeals to WERC: crediting of filing fees and appropriation purposes expanded [Sec. 296, 2111]
Act 25
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions
Act 450
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development; biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation [Sec. 145, 145j, 1751v, 1752, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] [1751v — partial veto]
Act 25
Energy costs study by U.W. System Regents and DOA: report to Building Commission [Sec. 9152 (6q)]
Act 25
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund; application deadline set
Act 124
Low-income home energy assistance program funding restriction removed [Sec. 60, 61, 80] -
Act 25
Renewable energy requirements re electric utilities and cooperatives modified; certain state agencies required to generate or purchase renewable energy; energy efficiency standards imposed in certain state contracts; energy conservation code changed; anaerobic digestor research funding; public benefits program revisions; corn-burning furnace pilot program; PSC duties; report provisions -
Act 141
Engineer positions re highway delivery functions: DOT may request reallocation [Sec. 9148 (7f)] [vetoed]
Regents allocation of funds re U.W. Rock County engineering initiative, U.W. Fox Valley engineering initiative, and recommendations of the Committee on Baccalaureate Expansion [Sec. 9152 (4)] -
Act 25
English for Southeast Asian children: funding re aid to Wausau School District shifted from DWD to DPI; Head Start supplement from TANF funds eliminated [Sec. 179, 188, 1107, 1108, 1859] -
Act 25
English language proficiency assessment system: DPI authorized to assist in forming consortium to obtain funds for purchase [Sec. 1857] -
Act 25
Aquatic invasive species management grants [Sec. 495] -
Act 25
Brownfield definition revised to include abandoned residential property re assignment of property contaminated by hazardous substances -
Act 93
Brownfields grant program to city of Madison [Sec. 156i, 9108 (3f)] -
Act 25
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: bonding and present value subsidy changes [Sec. 461, 462, 2157-2159] [2159 — partial veto; 461 — vetoed] -
Act 25
Conservation fund: transfers from environmental and recycling funds re management of fish and wildlife sources [Sec. 9235 (3m), (4m)] -
Act 25
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -
Act 418
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development; biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation [Sec. 145, 145j, 1751v, 1752, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] [1751v — partial veto]
Act 25
Emergency response teams (regional): highest standards for hazardous materials responder required
Act 33
Environmental fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9235 (2)] -
Act 25
Environmental repair bonding authority increased [Sec. 464] -
Act 25
Hazardous substances: abusing or distributing or possessing with intent to abuse or distribute prohibited; definitions and exceptions -
Act 44
Ice holes or openings in lakes, ponds, or streams created by aerating water: alternative warning methods allowed for certain organizations; liability exemption, penalties, and owners of riparian property provisions -
Act 395
Impact fee laws revised re imposition by and payment of; publication of municipal budget summary and requirements on plat approval conditions provisions -
Act 477
Impact fees: time period in which it must be used and refund process modified -
Act 203
Invasive species classification system: terminology correction (remedial legislation) -
Act 160
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset date extended [Sec. 2255] -
Act 25
Nonprobate transfer of real property on death: new mechanism created -
Act 206
Uniform Principal and Income Act of 1997 to replace the Revised Uniform Principal and Income Act of 1962; provisions re revocable living trusts, fiduciaries, unitrust, and principal -
Act 10
Tax revisions: appealing determination of the board of assessors, DOR authority to reduce taxes and certain costs, a spouse's tax liability, bona fide angel investment credit, employer re single-owner entity, qualified retirement fund, refund of sales or use tax received erroneously, estate tax interest, mailing tax-related documents, earned income tax credit, and audit of emissions inspectors contracted with DOT -
Act 49
Pending state contracts and orders: every state agency in executive, legislative, and judicial branches required to post certain information to the Internet; Ethics Board to maintain the site; Investment Board exception -
Act 410
Alcohol concentration over legal limit as evidence of being under the influence of an intoxicant: number of previous OWI-related convictions condition removed
Act 8
Alibi as a defense: deadline to provide notice revised -
Act 279
Custodial interrogation recordings by law enforcement officers: requirements created; juvenile and adult provisions; definitions and exceptions; OJA grant program -
Act 60
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified
Act 60
First-degree sexual assault case: evidence of previous assaults similar to alleged offense may be admitted
Act 310
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing [vetoed] -
Health care review records: confidentiality and privilege provisions revised; ``quality improvement activity" defined; liability and evidence provisions [vetoed] -
Lay witness and expert witness testimony or evidence modifications [vetoed] -
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [vetoed]
Medical malpractice case: introduction of collateral source payments and evidence of the injured person's obligations of subrogation or reimbursement resulting from collateral source payments allowed; damage award provision [vetoed]
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification -
Act 17
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification -
Act 18
Paid vacation hours revised for nonrepresented state employees subject to Federal Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime requirements -
Act 21
Security and public safety bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification -
Act 19
Technical employee bargaining unit: 2003-05 contract ratification -
Act 20
Death penalty for first-degree intentional homicide conviction supported by DNA evidence: advisory referendum at November 2006 general election [SJR-5] - JR-58
Election law revisions re voter registration, absentee ballots, pre-election procedures, election day procedures, and post-election procedures -
Act 451
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF approval; pilot project requirements integrated into contract requirements; provisions re DHFS use of capitation payments re long-term care services, self-directed services option, evaluations, and increased funding for reimbursement for certain care provided by nursing homes; annual report re certain relocations or diversions required
Act 386
Film production companies: income and franchise tax credits created; DOR and Comm.Dept provisions
Act 483
GPS tracking of persons on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release for committing a serious child sex offense; residency requirements and sex offender registry Web site provisions; Corr.Dept, DHFS, and court duties specified; report required
Act 431
Health savings accounts: federal law adopted for income and franchise tax purposes; penalty for withdrawing from a medical savings account to deposit into a health savings account prohibited [vetoed] -
Internet equipment used for broadband market: income and franchise tax credits and sales and use tax exemptions created -
Act 479
Pending state contracts and orders: every state agency in executive, legislative, and judicial branches required to post certain information to the Internet; Ethics Board to maintain the site; Investment Board exception -
Act 410
Public assistance programs: eligibility limited to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence; documentary proof required with application, forfeiture provision [vetoed] -
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -
Act 423
Research and research facilities: tax credits modified re engine and vehicle design; alternative computation methods provided -
Act 452
Secretary of Administration to submit certain reports to JCF re lapses or transfers to the general fund from certain allocations [vetoed] -