Research and research facilities: tax credits modified re engine and vehicle design; alternative computation methods provided -  Act 452
Secretary of Administration to submit certain reports to JCF re lapses or transfers to the general fund from certain allocations [vetoed] -  AB-1182
Sex offender registered with Corr.Dept: intentionally photographing, filming, or videotaping person under age 17 without written consent of parent, guardian, or custodian prohibited; felony provision -  Act 432
Wharves and piers: regulating and permitting revisions; DNR authority specified; riparian rights and ``solid pier" provisions [vetoed] -  AB-850
f - F -
facsimile machineFacsimile machine, see Telephone
false statementFalse statement, see Fraud
Actions affecting the family: chap.767 recodified -  Act 443
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re child abuse investigations of noncaregivers, definition of ``relative", holding a child in custody, provision of information to relative caregivers, and placement of a child for adoption  -  Act 232
Domestic abuse arrests: presumption changed from primary physical aggressor to ``predominant aggressor"; definition, law enforcement policies, and bail provisions  -  Act 104
Domestic abuse program funding by DHFS; matching funds required for grants [Sec. 898c, e, 900-902, 9321 (9d)]  -  Act 25
Domestic abuse services funding: TANF replaced with GPR; DHFS grants to specific organizations; Refugee Family Strengthening Project funding (which includes bilingual staff, especially Hmong) [Sec. 309, 898, 899, 903, 904, 918-922, 1102, 1103] -  Act 25
Family Care entitlement for non-MA eligible persons: requirement delayed [Sec. 878] -  Act 25
Family Care resource center expansion: DHFS to create nine new centers; JCF to review [Sec. 872m-s, 878m, 9121 (12k), (12L)] -  Act 25
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF approval; pilot project requirements integrated into contract requirements; provisions re DHFS use of capitation payments re long-term care services, self-directed services option, evaluations, and increased funding for reimbursement for certain care provided by nursing homes; annual report re certain relocations or diversions required  -  Act 386
JLC to create and direct the studies of a special committee on strengthening Wisconsin's families; sunset provision  -  Act 467
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board: certain ``certificates" references changed to ``licenses"; training certificate requirements modified -  Act 422
Refugee Family Strengthening Project: DHFS to report on alternative funding sources [Sec. 9121 (13f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Rights of crime victims: ``family member" definition revised to include adult children -  Act 419
Sexual assault of a child by a stepparent or a volunteer or employee of a substitute care facility: prohibitions and penalties provided -  Act 277
Treatment record confidentiality: release without written consent exception modified -  Act 485
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability -  Act 320
Actions affecting the family: chap.767 recodified -  Act 443
Active duty in the armed forces: court may not use as a consideration in determining or modifying a child's legal custody -  Act 471
Child support appropriation transfers [Sec. 343] -  Act 25
Court decision on custody or physical placement of a child and any modifications: factors to consider include the criminal record of and any abuse or neglect of the child or any child by a person with whom the parent is dating or who regularly or intermittently resides in the custodial household  -  Act 101
Father's obligation to contribute to pregnancy and birth expenses re paternity judgment revised; public assistance and poverty level income provisions -  Act 304
Health insurance ID card for a child: parent required to provide to the other parent re divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions; contempt of court provision  -  Act 342
Technical changes re ``medical support liability program" and clarification re program as part of the state's child and spousal support and paternity establishment programs [Sec. 1118, 1203, 1230] -  Act 25
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) of 1997 to replace the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) enacted in 1975  -  Act 130
WEJT for noncustodial parents: additional source of funding re child support obligations [Sec. 1119]  -  Act 25
family planningFamily planning, see Birth control
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development; biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation [Sec. 145, 145j, 1751v, 1752, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] [1751v — partial veto]  -  Act 25
Farm Assets Reinvestment Management Loan Guarantee Program: eligibility expanded; refinancing existing debt provision -  Act 480
Farm Assets Reinvestment Management Loan Guarantee Program, Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, and Small Business Development Loan Guarantee Program modifications; WHEDA revisions re notes and bonds limits, authority to acquire property, confidentiality of certain records, and using the Building Commission as its financial consultant; Comm.Dept to prepare an appendix report -  Act 75
Farm property: computing expense deductions and amortization and depreciation for income and franchise tax purposes revised -  Act 362
Livestock farm modernization or expansion provisions created; livestock and poultry definitions provided, farm-raised pheasants included [Sec. 1306-1311e, 1377-1382e, 1420-1425e]  -  Act 25
Tangible personal property used in the business of farming including horticulture, floriculture, and silviculture: sales and use tax exemptions created; additional sales and use tax exemptions for silviculture created -  Act 366
farm and farming _ machineryFarm and farming — Machinery
Consecutive monthly registration permitted for motor truck, trailer, or truck tractor used to transport calcium chloride liquid and weight transfer machine for truck or tractor pulling competitions or events -  Act 408
Farm truck or dual purpose farm truck combined with a semitrailer or farm trailer: exemption from motor carrier regulations and marking requirement; horse trailer, vehicle combination weight, and passenger provisions; DOT prohibited from promulgating certain rules -  Act 65
Tangible personal property used in the business of farming including horticulture, floriculture, and silviculture: sales and use tax exemptions created; additional sales and use tax exemptions for silviculture created -  Act 366
Two-vehicle combinations re tractor-semitrailers and semitrailers: exception to operation on certain highways without a permit allowed under certain conditions; DOT duty and LC provision; distance unauthorized vehicles may travel to access a designated highway modified -  Act 363
farm produceFarm produce
Agricultural Producer Security Program: licensed vegetable contractor who purchases only potatoes may choose not to contribute; credit against fees charged modified; resuming participation after opting out provided -  Act 80
Renewable energy requirements re electric utilities and cooperatives modified; certain state agencies required to generate or purchase renewable energy; energy efficiency standards imposed in certain state contracts; energy conservation code changed; anaerobic digestor research funding; public benefits program revisions; corn-burning furnace pilot program; PSC duties; report provisions -  Act 141
TIF approved purposes re towns: ``agricultural project" expanded to include ``farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated" -  Act 330
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops during specific dates may exceed weight limits without a permit under certain conditions; exceptions, DATCP agricultural emergency declarations, and DOT provisions  -  Act 364
favre, deannaFavre, Deanna
Packers Breast Cancer Cap campaign: Green Bay Packers, American Family Insurance, and Deanna Favre commended for raising over $1,000,000.00 for breast cancer awareness groups [AJR-84] -  JR-44
fax machineFax machine, see Telephone
federal aidFederal aid
Biodiesel fuel for school bus transportation purposes: DPI to provide state financial assistance to certain school districts; application for federal assistance in conjunction with DOA provision -  Act 43
DPI expenditure of federal funds: JCF procedure [Sec. 1856f, 9437 (3v)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Educational Telecommunications Access Program: educational agencies may request expanded services; DOA to apply for aid under E-Rate Program; agencies required to pay monthly fee to cover costs [Sec. 94, 95-103, 104, 408, 409, 458]  -  Act 25
Harbor Assistance Program: appropriation created for federal moneys [Sec. 276] -  Act 25
Homeland security: OJA authority to apply for contracts and to receive and expend federal funding [Sec. 87m, 416p]  -  Act 25
Rural development loans with federal funding: DATCP authority [Sec. 144, 1743] -  Act 25
Supplemental MA payments made from community aids: sunset removed [Sec. 1133, 2498-2510, 9121 (4)]  -  Act 25
Supplemental MA payments to county and municipal nursing homes: any additional federal moneys must be distributed to the nursing homes -  Act 107
UI law revisions; study required -  Act 86
feeFee, see specific subject
Deer farm that is located in two states: exemption from having entire area fenced created if certain requirements are met; CWD provision -  Act 409
Agricultural chemical cleanup fund: maximum fertilizer tonnage surcharge reduced [Sec. 1752m]  -  Act 25
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development; biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation [Sec. 145, 145j, 1751v, 1752, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] [1751v — partial veto]  -  Act 25
City of Milwaukee Employes' Retirement System (CMERS): investment of funds revised re Uniform Prudent Investor Act -  Act 189
Uniform Principal and Income Act of 1997 to replace the Revised Uniform Principal and Income Act of 1962; provisions re revocable living trusts, fiduciaries, unitrust, and principal -  Act 10
financial institutionFinancial institution, see also Bank; Credit union
Electronic funds transfer re payments to the state permitted; Depository Selection Board to charge fee re insufficient funds [Sec. 485, 486] -  Act 25
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  Act 212
financial institutions, department ofFinancial Institutions, Department of
Business corporation revisions re wholly owned subsidiaries, mergers, share exchanges, business combinations, classes or series of stock, shareholder notices and meetings, transfer of property to certain affiliates, title to real estate re property transfer, and fee simple ownership; DFI report to DOR required -  Act 476
DFI funds lapse to general fund [Sec. 9217 (1)] -  Act 25
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Foreign corporation annual report filing fee increased; fee increase for certificate of authority [Sec. 2094m-2096, 9317 (1)-(2c)] -  Act 25
Lapse of funds to general fund delayed [Sec. 9117 (1f)] -  Act 25
Unincorporated cooperative association: creation of new type of business organization authorized -  Act 441