Managed forest land: contiguous acres may be in more than one municipality -  Act 299
Managed Forest Land Program revisions re exemption from yield tax, management plans and fees, and calculation of withdrawal tax -  Act 64
Paper science program at U.W. Stevens Point: funding for [Sec. 209m] -  Act 25
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  Act 423
Raw forest products: overwight vehicle permit revised; definition and weight scale records maintenance modified; forfeiture for violation of weight limitions created; JLC study on system of motor vehicle weight limits on highways and bridges required -  Act 167
School forest: school board may allow hunting; conditions and DNR duties specified -  Act 290
State forest lands: chief state forester duties specified; forest land inventory and report required; annual allowable timber harvests and cooperating foresters; DNR rule-making authority  -  Act 166
Tangible personal property used in the business of farming including horticulture, floriculture, and silviculture: sales and use tax exemptions created; additional sales and use tax exemptions for silviculture created -  Act 366
Timber management on state owned lands; expenditures from forestry revenues re managed forest land aids for closed lands, research and development grants, internships, school forests, logging apprenticeship and certification, and Paper Discovery Center [Sec. 156m, 221m, 225g, 246g-t, 490m, 541b-m, 557d-m, 707g, 1684b-w, 2361m, 9135 (4p), (5p), (6p), 9335 (2k), 9435 (7k), (8k)] [221m, 246g, m, 541b, h, j, 557m — partial veto; 246m-t, 490m, 9435 (7k) — vetoed]  -  Act 25
forestry _ taxationForestry — Taxation
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [vetoed]  -  AB-58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1260s] [1251c — partial veto; 707m — vetoed] -  Act 25
Managed Forest Land Program revisions re exemption from yield tax, management plans and fees, and calculation of withdrawal tax -  Act 64
Anatomical gift request from a hospital, organ procurement organization, tissue bank, coroner, or medical examiner: document of gift must include statements re limitation on certain uses of bones or tissue; recorded message and forfeiture provisions; DHFS report required -  Act 229
BAC above 0.0 in motor vehicle operator under the legal drinking age: forfeiture increased and DOT to assess demerit points -  Act 317
Badger Care: forfeiture assessed re employer failure to return employment and insurance information in timely manner [Sec. 314c, 1186bc, c] -  Act 25
Comm.Dept may assess a forfeiture for violating plumber licensing requirements; interest, AG authority, and school fund provisions -  Act 182
Commercial fishing regulations revised; DNR and penalty provisions -  Act 288
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  -  Act 450
Crime victim and witness surcharge increased; surcharge on certain forfeitures; county reimbursement for services [Sec. 2450d-r, 2468m-2471, 9307 (2e), 9329 (1), (2)]  -  Act 25
Discharging a firearm in the direction of a transmission facility prohibited; definition and penalty provisions  -  Act 169
DNR educational programs re hunting, fishing, trapping, and conservation: use of unclaimed, seized, or confiscated property or weapons authorized; proceeds of the sale of skins prepared in trapper education program credited to trapper education fund; resale of confiscated fish and game revised  -  Act 394
Fine, forfeiture, fee, and surcharge collection: use of debt collector and credit or debit cards allowed; certified debt collection by DOR modified; DOT may disclose certain information to DOR; public official authority to disclose financially identifying information restricted -  Act 59
Fines and forfeitures imposed by circuit court unrelated to transportation: percentage retained by county [vetoed]  -  AB-152
Microchip implanted in an individual: requirement of prohibited; forfeiture provision -  Act 482
Money forfeited in a drug case: law enforcement agency may retain certain percentage -  Act 91
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  Act 305
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or knowingly operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license: penalties for causing property damage, injury, great bodily harm, or death  -  Act 412
Public assistance programs: eligibility limited to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence; documentary proof required with application, forfeiture provision [vetoed] -  SB-567
Raw forest products: overwight vehicle permit revised; definition and weight scale records maintenance modified; forfeiture for violation of weight limitions created; JLC study on system of motor vehicle weight limits on highways and bridges required -  Act 167
Special registration plates or special ID for persons with disabilities re parking privileges: criteria for obtaining modified; forfeiture for lending or selling special ID to a person not authorized to use it revised; forfeiture for providing false or misleading information created; DOT provision re issuing more than one ID; copy of statement from certain health care providers must be kept on the person or in the vehicle  -  Act 455
Traffic control signal emergency preemption device: operating a motor vehicle equipped with a transmitter, other than authorized emergency vehicles, prohibited; use of transmitter in authorized emergency vehicles limited; selling of transmitter prohibited except for authorized purposes; forfeiture and definition provisions -  Act 193
Traffic law revisions re motorcycles, mopeds, motor bicycles, and bicycles stopped at a red light and penalty for failure to yield the right-of-way resulting in bodily harm; driver education courses to include motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian awareness information; motorcycle operator's license requirements modified -  Act 466
Transporting a building on a highway: requirements created; exceptions, DOT and local highway officials authority, penalty, and appropriation provisions -  Act 250
``Unregistered motor vehicle" definition changed; enforcement of ordinance and immobilization or impoundment costs provisions -  Act 185
foster homeFoster home, see Children
fox river management commissionFox River Management Commission
Fox River Navigational System Authority funding and budget process revisions; Commission repealed; sale of surplus lands [Sec. 40, 54, 272, 273, 273g, r, 678-680, 2119, 9101 (10t), 9105 (14q), 9118 (1q)] -  Act 25
fox river navigational system authorityFox River Navigational System Authority
Fox River Navigational System Authority funding and budget process revisions; Commission repealed; sale of surplus lands [Sec. 40, 54, 272, 273, 273g, r, 678-680, 2119, 9101 (10t), 9105 (14q), 9118 (1q)] -  Act 25
fox valley technical collegeFox Valley Technical College, see Technical college
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
franchise _ taxationFranchise — Taxation
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  -  Act 487
Bona fide angel investment credit and early stage seed investment income and franchise tax credit revisions  -  Act 97
Farm property: computing expense deductions and amortization and depreciation for income and franchise tax purposes revised -  Act 362
Film production companies: income and franchise tax credits created; DOR and Comm.Dept provisions  -  Act 483
Health savings accounts: federal law adopted for income and franchise tax purposes; penalty for withdrawing from a medical savings account to deposit into a health savings account prohibited [vetoed] -  AB-4
HIRSP changes; HIRSP Authority and Health Care Tax Credit Program created; reports and LAB provisions  -  Act 74
Internet equipment used for broadband market: income and franchise tax credits and sales and use tax exemptions created -  Act 479
Livestock farm modernization or expansion provisions created; livestock and poultry definitions provided, farm-raised pheasants included [Sec. 1306-1311e, 1377-1382e, 1420-1425e]  -  Act 25
Research and research facilities: tax credits modified re engine and vehicle design; alternative computation methods provided -  Act 452
Rural enterprise development zones: Comm.Dept authorized to designate; tax credits created [partial veto]  -  Act 361
Falsifying title insurance commitment or policy or other written evidence re title to real property prohibited  -  Act 205
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  Act 212
Motor vehicle consumer lease or consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle: material false statement in credit application added to definition of ``default" -  Act 110
Special registration plates or special ID for persons with disabilities re parking privileges: criteria for obtaining modified; forfeiture for lending or selling special ID to a person not authorized to use it revised; forfeiture for providing false or misleading information created; DOT provision re issuing more than one ID; copy of statement from certain health care providers must be kept on the person or in the vehicle  -  Act 455
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, damages, and penalty provisions -  Act 261
frit _fixed retirement investment trust_FRIT (Fixed retirement investment trust), see Retirement — Public
frivolous actionsFrivolous actions, see Claims
frye, nichole mFrye, Nichole M.
``Nichole M. Frye Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark the bridge on STH 141 in the Town of Lena as  -  Act 338
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
fuelFuel, see also Gasoline
Biodiesel fuel for school bus transportation purposes: DPI to provide state financial assistance to certain school districts; application for federal assistance in conjunction with DOA provision -  Act 43
Biodiesel fuel prohibitions re labeling and selling; definition expanded -  Act 83
DATCP grants re agricultural products and wastes as energy sources, reduction and use of agricultural wastes, and biochemical development; biennial appropriation from segregated agrichemical management fund; grants specified re agricultural development and diversification, sustainable agriculture, and bio-industry grant program; bio-industry to include forestry waste and bio-diesel technologies; grant to Cashton Area Development Corporation [Sec. 145, 145j, 1751v, 1752, 1752d, 9103 (4d)] [1751v — partial veto]  -  Act 25
Low-income home energy assistance program funding restriction removed [Sec. 60, 61, 80] -  Act 25
full_time equivalent position _fte_Full-time equivalent position (FTE), see Public employee
funeral and funeral directorFuneral and funeral director, see also Veteran
Cemetery authorities, salespersons, and preneed sellers registration requirements revised; Cemetery Board created, initial appointments, duties defined [Sec. 41g-r, 44m-45m, 55m, 2081na-s, 2303k, 2337b-z, 9140 (1m), (1p)]  -  Act 25
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DRL duties specified; criminal penalties, civil forfeiture, and exemptions provisions; Crematory Authority Council created -  Act 31
Funeral, cemetery, and burial expense reimbursement to counties or tribal governing body authorized if certain conditions are met [Sec. 1191, 1191c, 9321 (9e), 9421 (12e)]  -  Act 25
Funeral establishment and director regulations revised; advertisement for funeral director, funeral, or cremation services must include address -  Act 266
Funeral or memorial service: certain disruptions and protests prohibited during and 60 minutes immediately preceding and following; blocking access to a facility or impeding vehicles in a funeral procession also prohibited; penalty provisions -  Act 114
g - G -
Indian gaming establishment re proposed location on certain Indian lands: Governor may not concur with U.S. Secretary of the Interior's decision unless the legislature first concurs by joint resolution [vetoed] -  AB-461
Video gaming devices and pari-mutuel racetrack licensing [Sec. 1430m, o, 2422b-2423o, 9101 (9r), 9401 (2q)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Wisconsin Bear Hunters' Association, Inc.: DNR to issue two certificates for Class A bear hunting licenses re raffle prizes; proceeds for bear management and research [Sec. 565g]  -  Act 25
Animal condemnation re BSE or CWD: disease indemnity revision [Sec. 1753-1755] -  Act 25
Conservation fund: transfers from environmental and recycling funds re management of fish and wildlife sources [Sec. 9235 (3m), (4m)] -  Act 25