Domestic abuse services funding: TANF replaced with GPR; DHFS grants to specific organizations; Refugee Family Strengthening Project funding (which includes bilingual staff, especially Hmong) [Sec. 309, 898, 899, 903, 904, 918-922, 1102, 1103] -  Act 25
Elder abuse law revisions re terminology, reporting of, investigations, services, and confidentiality; counties permitted to assist adults-at-risk who are under age 60; ``financial exploitation" defined -  Act 388
Elderly benefit specialists program funding [Sec. 897p, r, 9121 (12c), 9225 (2d), 9421 (10e)] -  Act 25
Emergency assistance to needy persons: frequency revised [Sec. 1059b, d] -  Act 25
Family Care entitlement for non-MA eligible persons: requirement delayed [Sec. 878] -  Act 25
Family Care resource center expansion: DHFS to create nine new centers; JCF to review [Sec. 872m-s, 878m, 9121 (12k), (12L)] -  Act 25
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF approval; pilot project requirements integrated into contract requirements; provisions re DHFS use of capitation payments re long-term care services, self-directed services option, evaluations, and increased funding for reimbursement for certain care provided by nursing homes; annual report re certain relocations or diversions required  -  Act 386
Generic drugs under MA and Badger Care: copayment increased [Sec. 1144p, 1184c, 9321 (9w), 9421 (11w)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Group home revolving loan fund eliminated; balance transferred to appropriation for substance abuse prevention and treatment; federal block grant aids [Sec. 9221 (2)]  -  Act 25
Guardianship and adult protective services grant revisions [Sec. 909-916] -  Act 25
HMO services: reimbursement to be made under capitation rates that are actuarially sound [Sec. 1124g] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Homeless individuals with CMI: program transferred from DHFS to Comm.Dept [Sec. 323, 331, 905-908, 9121 (5), 9421 (6)] -  Act 25
Independent living center grants: amount of moneys transferred by DWD to DHFS increased [Sec. 350]  -  Act 25
Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: contract for plan payment for certain county [Sec. 872g]  -  Act 25
Joint services plan and report re centers for the developmentally disabled [Sec. 1225m, 9121 (12q)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
MA and Badger Care eligibility: third parties required to provide information for verifying [Sec. 1190]  -  Act 25
MA and Badger Care incorrect payments based on failure to report nonfinancial information: recovery by DHFS permitted; report to DOR re setoff against tax refund [Sec. 1167-1173, 1198, 1199, 9321 (5)] -  Act 25
MA supplemental payments for school-based services: DHFS authority eliminated [Sec. 177, 1147-1149, 1880]  -  Act 25
Managed care expansion: DHFS report to JCF; SSI provision [Sec. 9121 (13w)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Mental health systems charge grants: requirements revised [Sec. 895] -  Act 25
Mike Johnson life care and early intervention services grants [Sec. 2133] -  Act 25
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded: licensed bed assessments and deposit of revenues [Sec. 537, 1222m, 1223] [partial veto]  -  Act 25
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: restrictions on placement of persons with developmental disabilites modified -  Act 47
Nursing home MA reimbursement: DHFS to treat Columbia, Dane, Iowa, and Sauk counties as one labor region  -  Act 301
Physical and occupational therapy under MA: DHFS required to substantiate reduction in duration of services [Sec. 1149f, 9321 (9k)] -  Act 25
Prescription drugs under MA and Badger Care: DHFS report on savings and costs re capping number of prescriptions per recipient [Sec. 9121 (13n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -  Act 264
Psychotropic medications under MA, Badger Care, and prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: reimbursement limits prohibited; DHFS report on physician prescribing practices under MA, report to JCF [Sec. 9121 (14k), (14p)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Public assistance programs: eligibility limited to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence; documentary proof required with application, forfeiture provision [vetoed] -  SB-567
Refugee Family Strengthening Project: DHFS to report on alternative funding sources [Sec. 9121 (13f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  -  Act 218
SSI program administration revisions [Sec. 315, 340, 345, 937, 939, 953, 1027, 1114-1117, 1120, 1154, 1188, 1189, 1192, 1195-1197, 1200-1202, 1435, 1436, 2484]  -  Act 25
health care liabilityHealth care liability, see Medical malpractice
health insurance risk_sharing planHealth Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan
HIRSP changes; HIRSP Authority and Health Care Tax Credit Program created; reports and LAB provisions  -  Act 74
health maintenance organization _hmo_Health maintenance organization (HMO), see Medical practice, Group
health officerHealth officer, see Public health
health savings accountHealth savings account, see Insurance — Health
hearings and appeals, division ofHearings and Appeals, Division of
Motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor: duties concerning motor vehicle dealers clarified; DHA provision  -  Act 256
heinzen, raymondHeinzen, Raymond
Life and public service [SJR-36] -  JR-16
helland, stanton peterHelland, Stanton Peter
Life and dedication to conservation issues commended [AJR-34] -  JR-14
hemauer, kyle mHemauer, Kyle M.
Life and military service commended [AJR-46] -  JR-20
high schoolHigh school, see School
higher educational aids boardHigher Educational Aids Board, see also Scholarships and loans
Nursing Student Loan Progam in HEAB extended to include master's and doctoral degrees in nursing; loan forgiveness requirement revised -  Act 368
Vocational diploma program (two-year): eligibility for higher education scholarship extended to include  -  Act 267
Wisconsin health education assistance loan repayment transfer [Sec. 167g, k, 725m, 9222 (1f)] -  Act 25
Wisconsin higher education grant: maximum amount increased -  Act 367
Wisconsin higher education grant revisions [Sec. 166d, 727-729k] [166d — partial veto]  -  Act 25
Wisconsin higher education grants: funding from auxiliary enterprises eliminated [Sec. 167, 199, 730]  -  Act 25
historical societyHistorical society
SHSW excess general bonding authority revised [Sec. 470p, 471p] -  Act 25
Unclassified division administrators: number reduced [Sec. 2107] -  Act 25
hmo _health maintenance organization_HMO (Health maintenance organization), see Medical practice, Group
holding companyHolding company, see Bank
holidays and special datesHolidays and special dates
Gulf War Illness Recognition Day: Governor to annually proclaim January 17 as -  Act 37
``Ronald Reagan Day" recognized February 6, 2005, and subsequent yearly anniversaries thereafter [SJR-4]  -  JR-3
homeland securityHomeland security, see Civil defense
horse racingHorse racing, see Racing
Farm truck or dual purpose farm truck combined with a semitrailer or farm trailer: exemption from motor carrier regulations and marking requirement; horse trailer, vehicle combination weight, and passenger provisions; DOT prohibited from promulgating certain rules -  Act 65
Veterinary license required re castration of certain livestock  -  Act 237
Anatomical gift request from a hospital, organ procurement organization, tissue bank, coroner, or medical examiner: document of gift must include statements re limitation on certain uses of bones or tissue; recorded message and forfeiture provisions; DHFS report required -  Act 229
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  Act 16
Caregiver background information: if entity required annual disclosure of criminal conviction or charge, the entity is not required to use DHFS form; civil penalty for failure to comply with disclosure policy -  Act 351
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
Essential access city hospitals: revision re MA eligibility [Sec. 1135c-e] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Health care review records: confidentiality and privilege provisions revised; ``quality improvement activity" defined; liability and evidence provisions [vetoed] -  SB-578