Deer farm that is located in two states: exemption from having entire area fenced created if certain requirements are met; CWD provision -  Act 409
English language proficiency assessment system: DPI authorized to assist in forming consortium to obtain funds for purchase [Sec. 1857] -  Act 25
Guardianship and conservatorship laws revised -  Act 387
Hunter education certificate of accomplishment requirement for hunting approval: exception for certain certificate from another state or country -  Act 289
Hurricane Katrina victims: technical college directors authorized to exceed limit re nonresident fee remissions for needy and worthy students -  Act 265
Interstate body and committee expenses: funding provision [Sec. 32m, 37, 38b, 62, 62m, 393k, L, 401a, 695v, 9401 (1q)] -  Act 25
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course; rental provisions; DNR duties specified -  Act 356
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws delegations: revision re former legislator and state bar membership -  Act 23
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised -  Act 176
Out-of-state banks may establish a branch in this state without acquiring a Wisconsin bank; requirements for acquisition of a Wisconsin bank changed; holding company provision  -  Act 217
Out-of-state pharmacy licensure requirements created; telephone number provision -  Act 242
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  Act 439
Three-tier distribution system for alcohol beverages [Sec. 1921-1924m] -  Act 25
Trapping license for nonresidents created; limitations and preference provisions -  Act 284
U.W. Superior and University of Minnesota-Duluth: collaboration study by Regents [Sec. 9152 (7f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
intrastate relationsIntrastate relations
Area cooperation compacts: certification and reporting requirements repealed -  Act 164
County law enforcement services and county tribal law enforcement grant programs transferred from OJA to DOJ [Sec. 87t-88b, 416g, h, 423m, 424b, 2086s, 2088m, 9101 (10r)]  -  Act 25
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  Act 257
Joint academic programs: study of [Sec. 9152 (8q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
investment, government fundInvestment, Government fund
BCPL trust funds: delegation of investment authority to the Investment Board permitted [Sec. 513-520, 521, 523-525m] -  Act 25
LGIP expenditure reimbursements [Sec. 535] -  Act 25
investment boardInvestment Board
Attorney positions: 13.0 FTE vacant positions eliminated; exception re U.W. Regents, DETF, and Investment Board; DOA Secretary to ensure required total is met and to lapse balances to general fund [Sec. 9155 (1w), (2)] [partial veto] -  Act 25
BCPL trust funds: delegation of investment authority to the Investment Board permitted [Sec. 513-520, 521, 523-525m] -  Act 25
FRIT name changed to core retirement investment trust (remedial legislation) -  Act 153
HIRSP administration transferred to private, nonprofit organization; new board created, duties defined; report required [Sec. 156w, 320p, r, 522c, 535m-r, 1286c, 1354L, 1406f, 2032m-2063c, 2429c-r, 9121 (13p), 9221 (3p), 9321 (4L), (4p), 9341 (19p), 9421 (5p)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Investment Board operating budget and external management authority revisions; report requirements re JLAC [Sec. 525t-528w, 9326 (1c)] -  Act 25
Pending state contracts and orders: every state agency in executive, legislative, and judicial branches required to post certain information to the Internet; Ethics Board to maintain the site; Investment Board exception -  Act 410
iowa countyIowa County
Nursing home MA reimbursement: DHFS to treat Columbia, Dane, Iowa, and Sauk counties as one labor region  -  Act 301
islandIsland, see Land
ithaca, town ofIthaca, Town of, see Richland County
j - J -
jackamonis, edward gJackamonis, Edward G.
Life and public service [AJR-74] -  JR-42
Jail prisoner segregation and classification system re housing assignments, supervision, services, and programs established -  Act 295
Wine used in a religious service in a jail, prison, or house of correction: clergy may possess and give no more than 2 ounces -  Act 67
jansky, benjamin donaldJansky, Benjamin Donald
Life and military service commended [SJR-32] -  JR-17
joint custodyJoint custody, see Divorce
joint legislative councilJoint Legislative Council
JLC to create and direct the studies of a special committee on strengthening Wisconsin's families; sunset provision  -  Act 467
Raw forest products: overwight vehicle permit revised; definition and weight scale records maintenance modified; forfeiture for violation of weight limitions created; JLC study on system of motor vehicle weight limits on highways and bridges required -  Act 167
RRC abolished; JSCRS authority to hire a research director and staff eliminated; LC duties specified  -  Act 316
Two-vehicle combinations re tractor-semitrailers and semitrailers: exception to operation on certain highways without a permit allowed under certain conditions; DOT duty and LC provision; distance unauthorized vehicles may travel to access a designated highway modified -  Act 363
Alvarez, Barry: achievements as coach of the U.W. Badgers football team commended [SJR-56] -  JR-29
Anderson, (LCpl) Nicholas Robert: life and military service commended [SJR-78] -  JR-54
Anderson, Lyman F.: life and public service [AJR-65] -  JR-26
Bossert, (SGT) Andrew L. ``Andy": life and military service commended [SJR-39] -  JR-51
Cornell, (SSG) Todd: life and military service commended [SJR-71] -  JR-49
Death penalty for first-degree intentional homicide conviction supported by DNA evidence: advisory referendum at November 2006 general election [SJR-5] -  JR-58
Diesing, (SFC) Trevor John: life and military service commended [SJR-40] -  JR-50
Edinger, (SGT) Benjamin C.: life and military service commended [SJR-13] -  JR-31
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session created; limited-business floorperiod provision re JCRAR bills [Joint rules 81r, 83 (4), 83 (4)(b)] [SJR-1] -  JR-1
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session: December 2006 floorperiod moved to July 12, 2006; JCRAR and JCOER provisions [Joint rules 81r and 83 (4)(b)] [SJR-86] -  JR-61
Gaunky, (PFC) Anthony ``Alex": life and military service commended [SJR-66] -  JR-37
Hahn, Stephen: life and public service as a police officer commended [SJR-68] -  JR-53
Heinzen, Raymond: life and public service [SJR-36] -  JR-16
Helland, Stanton Peter: life and dedication to conservation issues commended [AJR-34] -  JR-14
Hemauer, (SPC) Kyle M.: life and military service commended [AJR-46] -  JR-20
Hoyer, (SPC) Bert Edward: life and military service commended [AJR-81] -  JR-64
Huibregtse, Harold F.: life and public service [SJR-11] -  JR-4
Jackamonis, Edward G.: life and public service [AJR-74] -  JR-42
Jansky, (CPT) Benjamin Donald: life and military service commended [SJR-32] -  JR-17 JR-45
Kaufman, (SPC) Charles A.: life and military service commended [SJR-38] - 
Keenan, George Frost: life and career as a diplomat, philosopher, and historian commended [AJR-25] -  JR-11
King, Coretta Scott: life and service as matriarch to the civil rights movement and dedication to her husband's legacy commended [SJR-64] -  JR-35
Kiser, (SSG) Charles Anthony: life and military service commended [AJR-2] -  JR-5
Lang, Robert ``Bob": commitment to Big Brother Big Sisters honored [AJR-66] -  JR-27
Lybert, (SSG) Patrick: life and military service commended [AJR-109] -  JR-72
Mason, Wilton ``Tony" E., III: public service commended and congratulations on his retirement from the LFB [AJR-103] -  JR-66
Mathews, Vincent R.: life and public service [AJR-42] -  JR-19