Election day procedures: high school student poll workers, poll closing procedures re waiting voters, conduct of election observers, proof of residence, election threats, certain election-related material prohibited, polling place map, lists of felons ineligible to vote, and greeter at polling place  -  Act 451
Post-election procedures: time for delivery of election materials, inspectors' statements, county and municipal clerk serving on board of canvassers, grounds for recall re local elective offices, retention of unused ballots, recount procedures, and post-election audits -  Act 451
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions -  Act 248
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality — Ordinance
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  -  Act 81
Building code or zoning ordinance violations: remedies in certain actions [vetoed] -  AB-597
County shoreland zoning ordinance: enforcement requirement eliminated re annexing city, village, or town and incorporated territory or town incorporated as a fourth class city [vetoed] -  AB-299
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years old and older: city, village, or town allowed to enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting  -  Act 116
Elevators, escalators, and other conveyances: laws revised re safety code, permits, licensing of contractors, mechanics and inspectors, and local ordinances; emergency rules provision -  Act 456
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed -  Act 79
Manufactured housing regulations revised re manufacturers, home installations, fees, and titling; rehabilitation and recycling grant program; Manufactured Housing Code Council created; manufactured home ``park" changed to ``community"; local ordinance or resolution provision  -  Act 45
Municipal traffic ordinance violations re juveniles over age 12 but under age 16: exclusive municipal court jurisdiction; disposition provision -  Act 190
Neighborhood electric vehicle: city, town, or village may, by ordinance, allow operation on certain roadways  -  Act 329
State minimum wage law to be construed as enactment of statewide concern; uniform living wage throughout the state is a matter of statewide concern; city, village, town, or county ordinance establishing a living wage prohibited and existing ordinances voided -  Act 12
Unauthorized acquisition of personal identifying information: requiring the entity that possesses the information to notify the individual; notice requirement exception; local government ordinance prohibited; definitions, civil claims, and law enforcement provisions -  Act 138
``Unregistered motor vehicle" definition changed; enforcement of ordinance and immobilization or impoundment costs provisions -  Act 185
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Condemnation of property that is not blighted prohibited if condemnor intends to convey or lease the acquired property to a private entity -  Act 233
Impact fee laws revised re imposition by and payment of; publication of municipal budget summary and requirements on plat approval conditions provisions -  Act 477
Impact fees: time period in which it must be used and refund process modified -  Act 203
Military base or installation representative required re planning or zoning entities of political subdivisions and consideration required re comprehensive planning; council on military and state relations created in the Governor's office  -  Act 26
Neighborhood improvement district (NID): municipality allowed to create -  Act 186
Target group member definition re community, enterprise, and agricultural development zone [Sec. 1295, 1296, 1299, 1370, 1413, 9341 (10)] -  Act 25
TID creation simultaneous with subtracting territory from an existing TID without adopting a resolution containing the 12-percent test: city or village authority granted under set conditions; DOR provisions -  Act 328
Transportation project plats: filing by DOT or a municipality and making corrections revised -  Act 446
Wisconsin Development Fund restructured; grant dispersal specified re distressed areas and small businesses; merging of technology grant programs; biomedical technology alliance established [Sec. 150m, 153m, 155L, m, 2366m-2376m, 2407L, 9208 (2n), 9308 (1z)] [2407L, 9308 (1z) — partial veto; 2376j, L, m, — vetoed] -  Act 25
municipality _ public worksMunicipality — Public works, see Public works
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation
Levy limit for counties and municipalities [Sec. 1251c, 1254m-1258m, 1260b, c, 9435 (4)] [1251c, 9435 (4) — partial veto; all other sections vetoed] -  Act 25
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [vetoed]  -  AB-58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1260s] [1251c — partial veto; 707m — vetoed] -  Act 25
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions: exception created re charges assessed by a joint fire department  -  Act 484
Personal property taxes on improvements to leased land: collection of modified -  Act 241
n - N -
national association membershipsNational association memberships, see Interstate relations
College reenrollment protections and registration priority modified re students discharged, demobilized, or deactivated from the military -  Act 470
College reenrollment protections modified re students discharged from the military -  Act 324
Hemauer, (SPC) Kyle M.: life and military service commended [AJR-46] -  JR-20
Hunting or trapping permits: deferral for qualified, active members of the armed forces or national guard created  -  Act 53 JR-45
Kaufman, (SPC) Charles A.: life and military service commended [SJR-38] - 
Mission welcome home outreach services funding; sunset provided [Sec. 375gm, 745d] -  Act 25
National guard tuition grants and information regarding attendance [Sec. 364g, 488g, m] -  Act 25
natural disasterNatural disaster
Consumer goods and services sold at unreasonably excessive prices during periods of abnormal economic disruption re emergency prohibited; penalty, DATCP, and DOJ provisions  -  Act 450
Emergency assistance to needy persons: frequency revised [Sec. 1059b, d] -  Act 25
Hurricane Katrina victims: technical college directors authorized to exceed limit re nonresident fee remissions for needy and worthy students -  Act 265
Major disaster assistance: Adjutant General may make payments to local governmental units if Governor's request for a presidential disaster declaration is denied; DMA provision; local governments to pay certain percentage  -  Act 269
Pharmacy Examining Board powers during a declared state of emergency re granting a variance -  Act 270
State of emergency re natural or man-made disasters, enemy action, or declared by the Governor or federal government: death, injury, and property damage liability immunity for providing equipment, materials, facilities, labor, or services under direction of certain officials; immunity does not apply if act or omission involved reckless, wanton, or intentional misconduct -  Act 459
natural resourceNatural resource
BCPL may invest moneys in the purchase of land in this state under certain conditions; DNR required to set aside moneys under the stewardship program to acquire certain land from BCPL -  Act 352
DNR educational programs re hunting, fishing, trapping, and conservation: use of unclaimed, seized, or confiscated property or weapons authorized; proceeds of the sale of skins prepared in trapper education program credited to trapper education fund; resale of confiscated fish and game revised  -  Act 394
Endangered resources program: additional source of funding from conservation fund; funding appropriation maximum reduced; appropriation lapse [Sec. 226m, 230, 9236 (3u)] -  Act 25
Stewardship acquisitions: review by JCF [Sec. 491g, k] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Stewardship purchase in certain county: town board approval required [Sec. 491n] [vetoed] -  AB-100
natural resources, department of _ administrationNatural Resources, Department of — Administration
BCPL may invest moneys in the purchase of land in this state under certain conditions; DNR required to set aside moneys under the stewardship program to acquire certain land from BCPL -  Act 352
BCPL sale of remaining land holdings to DNR; use of stewardship funds and report required [Sec. 252, 252c, 429v, 491b-fr, i, m, s, 508c-511m, 9135 (5q)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Chief warden: DNR to designate conservation warden and may designate one or more deputy chief wardens [Sec. 491p] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Conservation fund: transfers from environmental and recycling funds re management of fish and wildlife sources [Sec. 9235 (3m), (4m)] -  Act 25
Endangered resources program: additional source of funding from conservation fund; funding appropriation maximum reduced; appropriation lapse [Sec. 226m, 230, 9236 (3u)] -  Act 25
Stewardship acquisitions: review by JCF [Sec. 491g, k] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Stewardship purchase in certain county: town board approval required [Sec. 491n] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Surplus land sale or conveyance by DOT: conditions modified; sale to county, municipality, local school district, and DNR provisions created; ``appraised value" replaces ``fair market value"; biennial report re inventory of surplus land revised -  Act 392
Unclassified division administrators: number reduced [Sec. 2107d] [vetoed] -  AB-100
natural resources, department of _ environmental protectionNatural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Air management fee revisions; DNR air permit report to JCF [Sec. 230v-233, 237v, 270g, 273e, 2192-2196j, 9135 (4k), 9235 (4k), 9435 (5)] [2196i — partial veto]  -  Act 25
Air pollution management revisions re general permit, term of registration permit, and challenge to an emission limitation; report required -  Act 28
Appropriation re environmental inventory and monitoring: funding for public health activities re surface water monitoring; data on natural resources [Sec. 240, 241]  -  Act 25
Business waste reduction and recycling assistance: DNR authority to contract with nonprofit organization; funding limited; goals and objectives required; reporting schedule; funding transfer to general fund [Sec. 250, 2198] [2198 — partial veto] -  Act 25
Cladaphora algae in Lake Michigan at Hika Bay: grant to Manitowoc County for study [Sec. 245m, 9135 (2e)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Clean water fund program projects: approval of construction plans by DNR revised [Sec. 2152-2155]  -  Act 25
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: bonding and present value subsidy changes [Sec. 461, 462, 2157-2159] [2159 — partial veto; 461 — vetoed] -  Act 25
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  Act 418
County forest land use plan period modified; eligibility for forest administrator and sustainable forestry grants provision  -  Act 48
DNR water quality certification process and approvals re wetlands: exemption for specific structure in Kewaunee County under certain conditions [vetoed] -  SB-551
Environmental repair bonding authority increased [Sec. 464] -  Act 25
Invasive species classification system: terminology correction (remedial legislation) -  Act 160
Managed Forest Land Program revisions re exemption from yield tax, management plans and fees, and calculation of withdrawal tax -  Act 64
Marsh restoration: DNR to identify, assess, and set goals; submit results to JCF and appropriate standing committees [Sec. 9135 (5c)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license revisions re storm water discharge and refrigerant recovery permits  -  Act 339
Navigable water fees: PR appropriation converted from continuing to annual [Sec. 241m] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Safe drinking water loan program: appropriation revision re expending all federal moneys received [Sec. 246]  -  Act 25
Septage disposal revisions: municipal sewage system disposal fees, private sewage system maintenance, Clean Water Fund loans, sewage treatment plant planning, septage and sewage sludge disposal regulations, septage servicing, and enforcement; Comm.Dept and DNR provisions  -  Act 347
State forest lands: chief state forester duties specified; forest land inventory and report required; annual allowable timber harvests and cooperating foresters; DNR rule-making authority  -  Act 166