personal propertyPersonal property
Tangible personal property used in the business of farming including horticulture, floriculture, and silviculture: sales and use tax exemptions created; additional sales and use tax exemptions for silviculture created -  Act 366
Actions against health care provider by person under age 18: time limit clarified; disability provision [vetoed]  -  AB-1071
Education of children with disabilities: laws revised re federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act adopted in 2004 -  Act 258
Elder abuse law revisions re terminology, reporting of, investigations, services, and confidentiality; counties permitted to assist adults-at-risk who are under age 60; ``financial exploitation" defined -  Act 388
Family Care resource center expansion: DHFS to create nine new centers; JCF to review [Sec. 872m-s, 878m, 9121 (12k), (12L)] -  Act 25
Family Care resource centers and care management organizations: DHFS authority to contract with certain entities to provide, JCF approval; pilot project requirements integrated into contract requirements; provisions re DHFS use of capitation payments re long-term care services, self-directed services option, evaluations, and increased funding for reimbursement for certain care provided by nursing homes; annual report re certain relocations or diversions required  -  Act 386
Independent living center grants: amount of moneys transferred by DWD to DHFS increased [Sec. 350]  -  Act 25
Joint services plan and report re centers for the developmentally disabled [Sec. 1225m, 9121 (12q)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Physical and occupational therapy under MA: DHFS required to substantiate reduction in duration of services [Sec. 1149f, 9321 (9k)] -  Act 25
Residents of state centers for the developmentally disabled deemed appropriate for community care: revision re charging counties for services [Sec. 1229] -  Act 25
Rural health clinic in Chippewa Falls: funding re dental services for elderly or developmentally disabled [Sec. 2031m, 9421 (11k)] -  Act 25
Service animal accompanying person with a disability or animal trainer: laws re access to public accommodations modified -  Act 354
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
Special registration plates or special ID for persons with disabilities re parking privileges: criteria for obtaining modified; forfeiture for lending or selling special ID to a person not authorized to use it revised; forfeiture for providing false or misleading information created; DOT provision re issuing more than one ID; copy of statement from certain health care providers must be kept on the person or in the vehicle  -  Act 455
Specialized medical vehicle: MA-certified provider requirements revised re wheelchair accommodations  -  Act 340
Specialized Transportation Assistance Program: aid held in trust by DOT expanded to cover services; deadline to apply for county proportionate share revised  -  Act 438
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated -  Act 449
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans re U.W. and TCS boards: residence requirement re incurrence of service-connected disability removed; eligibility expanded to include unremarried spouse and children of veteran who died as a result of a service-connected disability, residency provision  -  Act 468
U.W. and technical college fee remission extended to child or surviving spouse of an ambulance driver, correctional officer, EMT, fire fighter, or law enforcement officer who qualified for duty disability benefits and later died from the disability -  Act 320
Weight gain, obesity, or related health condition caused by the consumption of food: civil liability exemption from claims for food manufacturers, marketers, packers, advertisers, distributors, and sellers; attorney fee provision  -  Act 325
petition for recallPetition for recall, see Recall
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund; application deadline set  -  Act 124
Petroleum inspection fee reduced; diesel truck idling reduction grants created, sunset provided [Sec. 156s, t, 1829p, 2094f, 2348q, 9108 (1v), (1w), 9408 (1x)] [1829p, 9108 (1v) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Petroleum inspection fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9208 (1)] -  Act 25
Raw forest products: exemptions from harvesting on tax delinquent land created re maintaining railroad tracks, pipelines, and utility right-of-way -  Act 423
petroleum _ taxationPetroleum — Taxation
Oil pipeline terminal facility taxation: annual distribution to governments where facility is located [Sec. 454, 456, 1470-1473, 9441 (4)] -  Act 25
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  Act 16
Drug product equivalent: label to include statement identifying the prescribed brand name unless practitioner requests omission -  Act 195
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
Methamphetamine: possession of certain materials with intent to manufacture prohibited; pseudoephedrine products classified as a schedule V controlled substance, definition and restrictions on sale of created; anhydrous ammonia intentionally released without owner's consent prohibited; Pharmacy Examining Board provision re storage of controlled substances; penalty provisions -  Act 14
Optometrist regulation revised including certain pharmaceutical agents, license examination, and continuing education  -  Act 297
Out-of-state pharmacy licensure requirements created; telephone number provision -  Act 242
Pharmacy Examining Board powers during a declared state of emergency re granting a variance -  Act 270
Prescription drug labels: practitioner must include symptom or purpose for which the drug is prescribed if the patient wants that information on the label -  Act 196
Pseudoephedrine product sales: weight-based prohibitions modified; law enforcement officer access to certain records of pseudophedrine sales revised -  Act 262
Public health planning, services, and functions; reporting of communicable diseases; DHFS required to develop a public health agenda every 10 years and other duties specified; contracts between municipalities and Indian tribes or bands in other states authorized; DATCP provision  -  Act 198
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, maximum compensation amounts, work injury supplemental benefit fund, hearings and procedures, program administration, and general coverage; penalty and report provisions -  Act 172
pheasantPheasant, see Game bird
Cancer drug repository program expanded to include prescription drugs and supplies for chronic diseases; fee and DHFS provisions -  Act 16
Drug product equivalent: label to include statement identifying the prescribed brand name unless practitioner requests omission -  Act 195
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing [vetoed] -  AB-1021
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified -  Act 244
Physician information and health care information database: data procedures, DHFS study, reports, and memorandum of understanding with DRL [Sec. 313m, 2067g, 9101 (6), (7q)] [9101 (6) — partial veto; 2067g, 9101 (7q) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Prescription drug labels: practitioner must include symptom or purpose for which the drug is prescribed if the patient wants that information on the label -  Act 196
Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified -  Act 434
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
``Treatment records" and ``registration records" re mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, and drug dependence: definitions changed; confidentiality exception re release to physician in a medical emergency modified; good faith exception to liability for release of records eliminated -  Act 449
Voluntary and informed consent for abortions: printed information and physician oral information to include data re pain awareness of unborn child at gestational age of 20 weeks [vetoed] -  SB-138
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program expanded to certain public elementary schools, charter schools, and MPCP participating schools; conditions set; definition expanded to include nurse practitioner; DOA approval required  -  Act 188
physician assistantPhysician assistant, see Physician
pierPier, see Port
plantsPlants, see also Weeds
Tangible personal property used in the business of farming including horticulture, floriculture, and silviculture: sales and use tax exemptions created; additional sales and use tax exemptions for silviculture created -  Act 366
Vegetation obstructing view of outdoor advertising signs: DOT permit system created for maintenance and removal of vegetation by sign owners; LAB report required  -  Act 465
Impact fee laws revised re imposition by and payment of; publication of municipal budget summary and requirements on plat approval conditions provisions -  Act 477
Real estate documents: requirements for recording media revised -  Act 9
Register of deeds: county ordinance to revise cutoff time to file documents permitted; technical changes re recording certain real estate, tax lien, and probate documents; location of county highway register revised; plat, map, and plan forms modified -  Act 41
Transportation project plats: filing by DOT or a municipality and making corrections revised -  Act 446
Automatic fire sprinkler contractor fees and terms for credentials increased; provision re Comm.Dept plumbing supervisors [Sec. 2014-2026] -  Act 25
Comm.Dept may assess a forfeiture for violating plumber licensing requirements; interest, AG authority, and school fund provisions -  Act 182
plumbingPlumbing, see Plumber
``Podiatry" or ``podiatric medicine and surgery" redefined; required postgraduate training period increased  -  Act 334
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
poelman, ericPoelman, Eric
Life and military service commended [SJR-46] -  JR-52
Attorney fees for protective services officers re certain criminal proceedings: municipality, county, school district, or technical college district required to reimburse under certain conditions; definition provision -  Act 73
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re child abuse investigations of noncaregivers, definition of ``relative", holding a child in custody, provision of information to relative caregivers, and placement of a child for adoption  -  Act 232
Combined protective services departments: population restriction on villages removed -  Act 3
Concealed weapon licensing system created; active duty or retired law enforcement officer permitted to carry a concealed firearm, ID card provision; DOJ to consider mental health status re background checks for handgun purchases; grants for shooting ranges; reports required; DOT duties specified [vetoed] -  SB-403
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers -  Act 278