Sex offender registered with Corr.Dept: intentionally photographing, filming, or videotaping person under age 17 without written consent of parent, guardian, or custodian prohibited; felony provision -  Act 432
Sex offender registry information re delinquency case or registrant who is a child: police chief and sheriff may release under certain conditions -  Act 5
Sex offenses against children: certain penalties revised; child pornography surcharge created; computers used to facilitate a child sex crime provision; OJA grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to sexual assault victims created -  Act 433
Sexual assault of a child and first-degree sexual assault: limitations period for prosecutions eliminated  -  Act 276
Sexual assault of a child by a stepparent or a volunteer or employee of a substitute care facility: prohibitions and penalties provided -  Act 277
``Sexual contact" definition expanded -  Act 273
``Sexual contact" definition expanded re third person -  Act 435
Sexual contact or intercourse with a 16- or 17-year-old prohibited re occupation or volunteer position that works directly with children other than through a school  -  Act 274
Sexually violent person commitment procedures revised; definitions modified -  Act 434
Transitional halfway house for sexually violent persons on supervised release deleted from the authorized state building program -  Act 300
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
shared revenueShared revenue
Municipal aid amount correction [Sec. 1706, 9341 (12)] -  Act 25
Municipal revenue sharing agreement: county may enter into with another county, municipality, or federally recognized American Indian tribe or band -  Act 98
State aid payments re computer-related property tax exemptions: date revised [Sec. 1710] -  Act 25
Utility aid payments and distribution formula: revisions re production plants, mitigation payments, substations, and payments for high-transmission lines; DOR study required [Sec. 93m, 1258m, 1260b, c, p, q, t, 1473b-e, 1474p, 1705b-g, 2097m, n, 2098m, 9141 (1n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
shareholderShareholder, see Corporation
sheboygan, city ofSheboygan, City of
Local roads discretionary grant for Eisner Avenue in Sheboygan County [Sec. 9148 (6n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Wisconsin Aerospace Authority created; bonding authority; annual report required; DOT duties  -  Act 335
sheboygan countySheboygan County
Local roads discretionary grant for Eisner Avenue in Sheboygan County [Sec. 9148 (6n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
sheboygan, town ofSheboygan, Town of, see Sheboygan County
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re child abuse investigations of noncaregivers, definition of ``relative", holding a child in custody, provision of information to relative caregivers, and placement of a child for adoption  -  Act 232
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers -  Act 278
Eyewitness identification of a suspect: law enforcement agencies required to adopt written policies  -  Act 60
Law enforcement services: city or village may abolish its police department and contract with county sheriff to provide; villages under certain population, city in more than one county, and 911 telephone service provisions -  Act 40
Sex offender registry information re delinquency case or registrant who is a child: police chief and sheriff may release under certain conditions -  Act 5
shining animalsShining animals, see Game — Hunting
shoreland zoningShoreland zoning
County shoreland zoning ordinance: enforcement requirement eliminated re annexing city, village, or town and incorporated territory or town incorporated as a fourth class city [vetoed] -  AB-299
Restoration of nonconforming structure re zoning of shorelands: conditions on ordinances to include ice, snow, mold, or infestation -  Act 112
shsw _state historical society of wisconsin_SHSW (State Historical Society of Wisconsin), see Historical society
silvicultureSilviculture, see Forestry
simulcast raceSimulcast race, see Racing
sister bay, village ofSister Bay, Village of, see Door County
slow moving vehicleSlow moving vehicle, see Motor vehicle
small businessSmall business, see Business
small loanSmall loan
Motor vehicle consumer lease: revisions re voluntary surrender and actions to recover collateral; nonjudicial repossession, customer and law enforcement notices, and penalty provisions -  Act 255
smith, benjamin aSmith, Benjamin A.
Life and military service commended [SJR-67] -  JR-38
ATV, certain boats, and snowmobiles in this state for a limited time and used exclusively as part of an advertisement: exemption from certification and registration period and fees; DNR duty set -  Act 481
Boats, ATVs, and snowmobiles registration service fees; motorcycle recreational program funding transfer [Sec. 247c, g, 499-507, 659-668, 2270-2278, 2280, 9435 (9m)]  -  Act 25
Snowmobile noise level standards clarified; DNR rule-making authority added -  Act 210
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: speed limit set; sunset provided -  Act 209
Snowmobile trail grooming reimbursement rate; supplemental aids, appropriation lapses [Sec. 2278m-2279p, 9235 (3r)-(3t)] [9235 (3s), (3t) — vetoed] -  Act 25
social securitySocial security
Farm Assets Reinvestment Management Loan Guarantee Program, Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, and Small Business Development Loan Guarantee Program modifications; WHEDA revisions re notes and bonds limits, authority to acquire property, confidentiality of certain records, and using the Building Commission as its financial consultant; Comm.Dept to prepare an appendix report -  Act 75
Personal information disclosure to DOR: DOT, DRL, and DWD to provide; state agencies issuing occupational licenses included [Sec. 1194, 1446, 1464, 1733, 2252, 2253, 2261-2263, 2284] -  Act 25
Register of deeds prohibited from recording certain instruments containing an SSN; liability for damages; federal tax lien, vital records, and certain memorial provisions; removing or obscuring SSN before recording permitted  -  Act 139
Social security benefits: 3-year phase-in for exemption from taxation [Sec. 1286gm-jm] [1286hm-jm — partial veto] -  Act 25
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation
Soil and water resource management projects: appropriation from environmental fund created to pay principal and interest costs; general obligation bonding increased [Sec. 148, 258, 460] -  Act 25
soldier _ educationSoldier — Education, see Veteran — Education
solid waste managementSolid waste management, see also Recycling
Contaminated property: residual contamination after cleanup under administration of agency with authority over the site, DNR and notification provisions; ERTID revisions; local governmental exemption from solid waste management standards under certain conditions; voluntary party liability exemption modified -  Act 418
CWD provisions re transportation, possession, control, storage, and disposal of cervid carcass regulated; provide tissue samples of wild animals to DNR; allow shooting of deer from certain vehicles in CWD control zones; DNR and DATCP agreements with operators of landfills, meat processing facilities, or wastewater treatment facilities; exemption from deer hunting license in CWD control zones -  Act 286
Recycling tipping fee decreased; does not apply to recycled material fiber re wastepaper products, if the material fiber cannot be used [Sec. 2198x, 2199, 9335 (3q), 9435 (5q)] [all sections vetoed except 2199] -  Act 25
Waste Facility Siting Board changes re executive director, state agency assistance with duties, and appropriation lapse; fee revised [Sec. 47, 48, 2109, 2198t, 9201 (1f), 9335 (2f), 9435 (2f)] -  Act 25
southeastern wisconsin fox river commissionSoutheastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding [Sec. 247b, 9135 (4w)] -  Act 25
special session, 2005 _ januarySpecial session, 2005 — January
Public debt refunding re tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities and investment of funds in the bond security and redemption fund -  Act 1
special session, 2006 _ februarySpecial session, 2006 — February
Low-income energy assistance program: eligibility expanded for fiscal year 2005-06; one-time fund transfer from the petroleum inspection fund; application deadline set  -  Act 124
splinter, christopher jSplinter, Christopher J.
Life and military service commended [AJR-62] -  JR-25
spouseSpouse, see Family; Marriage