Revisor's revision bill -  Act 155
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 253
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 254
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: deadline revised (remedial legislation) -  Act 159
School levy property tax credit calculation: reference to repealed provision eliminated (remedial legislation)  -  Act 399
U.W. revisions re membership of State Laboratory of Hygiene Board, transfer program at U.W. School of Medicine and Public Health, and nonresident tuition exemptions for nonresident veterans (remedial legislation) -  Act 404
Wisconsin Credit Union Savings Insurance Corporation: provisions removed (remedial legislation)  -  Act 134
WRS creditable service: employer not required to match other governmental service purchased by a participant (remedial legislation) -  Act 154
Youth Challenge program: DMA notice to school district requirement modified (remedial legislation)  -  Act 475
stepparentStepparent, see Family
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207
stevens, andy aStevens, Andy A.
Life and military service commended [SJR-65] -  JR-36
stewardship programStewardship program, see Natural resource
Neighborhood electric vehicle: city, town, or village may, by ordinance, allow operation on certain roadways  -  Act 329
student achievement guarantee _sage_ contractsStudent achievement guarantee (SAGE) contracts, see School — State aid
Building project costs at U.W. System: LAB to study [Sec. 9152 (8m)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Cladaphora algae in Lake Michigan at Hika Bay: grant to Manitowoc County for study [Sec. 245m, 9135 (2e)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Correctional facilities strategic plan: requirement created [Sec. 9105 (14x)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Higher education committee created to study public benefits, expansion of baccalaureate degrees, fostering economic development, research environment to develop intellectual properties, and develop new businesses [Sec. 9152 (9m)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Hunting and fishing fees and wildlife damage surcharge revisions; approval changes re lake sturgeon fishing and turkey hunting; study re commercial rearing of lake sturgeon repealed; youth gun deer and archery licenses created [Sec. 243-245, 559-565, 567, 569-578, 582, 583, 587, 594, 595-630, 647-649, 652-656, 1259, 1756i, j, 9135 (3), 9435 (2), (4)] [9435 (4) — partial veto; 1259 — vetoed]  -  Act 25
Joint academic programs: study of [Sec. 9152 (8q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Long-term care for certain inmates: Corr.Dept to study and report on options [Sec. 9109 (3q)] [partial veto]  -  Act 25
Open enrollment program: DPI to study online application and reporting system [Sec. 9137 (3m)] -  Act 25
Physician information and health care information database: data procedures, DHFS study, reports, and memorandum of understanding with DRL [Sec. 313m, 2067g, 9101 (6), (7q)] [9101 (6) — partial veto; 2067g, 9101 (7q) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Raw forest products: overwight vehicle permit revised; definition and weight scale records maintenance modified; forfeiture for violation of weight limitions created; JLC study on system of motor vehicle weight limits on highways and bridges required -  Act 167
Special education aid distribution on census basis rather than cost basis: DPI to study and report to JCF [Sec. 9137 (2q)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
STH 58 segment in Sauk County: DOT to conduct safety improvement study [Sec. 9148 (3t)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
UI law revisions; study required -  Act 86
Utility aid payments and distribution formula: revisions re production plants, mitigation payments, substations, and payments for high-transmission lines; DOR study required [Sec. 93m, 1258m, 1260b, c, p, q, t, 1473b-e, 1474p, 1705b-g, 2097m, n, 2098m, 9141 (1n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
U.W. Superior and University of Minnesota-Duluth: collaboration study by Regents [Sec. 9152 (7f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
sturgeon bay, city ofSturgeon Bay, City of
Bridge in Door County: construction and funding [Sec. 276L, p, s, 1723m] -  Act 25
suicideSuicide, see Death
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  Act 439
Dane county exposition center grant revisions; sunset provided [Sec. 145e, 1751h] -  Act 25
Homeless veterans in a first class city: housing vouchers and sunset provided; funding to housing authority, report required [Sec. 375cm, 745f] -  Act 25
Incorporation of certain towns contiguous to 2nd class cities; referendum and sunset provisions [Sec. 1242p, s]  -  Act 25
JLC to create and direct the studies of a special committee on strengthening Wisconsin's families; sunset provision  -  Act 467
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [vetoed]  -  AB-58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1260s] [1251c — partial veto; 707m — vetoed] -  Act 25
Mission welcome home outreach services funding; sunset provided [Sec. 375gm, 745d] -  Act 25
Petroleum inspection fee reduced; diesel truck idling reduction grants created, sunset provided [Sec. 156s, t, 1829p, 2094f, 2348q, 9108 (1v), (1w), 9408 (1x)] [1829p, 9108 (1v) — vetoed] -  Act 25
Sale of state property: DOA to review, inventory, and report to Building Commission; certain exceptions provided; U.W. provision re use of net proceeds for operation of U.W. System; sunset provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public building"] -  Act 25
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: speed limit set; sunset provided -  Act 209
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset date extended [Sec. 2255] -  Act 25
WHEDA funds transfer to Comm.Dept from unencumbered reserves; new biennial PR housing grants and loan appropriation created, sunset provided; Comm.Dept housing grant requirements [Sec. 156n, p, 2118k-n, 9108 (3r), 9408 (1q), 9424 (1q)] -  Act 25
supervised releaseSupervised release, see Sex crimes
supplemental security income _ssi_Supplemental security income (SSI), see Public assistance
supreme courtSupreme court
Court system appropriations: chief justice of the Supreme Court to ensure lapse in 2005-07 biennium [Sec. 9145 (1)]  -  Act 25
Law license revocation, suspension, or denial re tax delinquency [Sec. 1460-1463, 1465-1467, 9341 (1)]  -  Act 25
surchargeSurcharge, see specific subject
surveying and surveyorsSurveying and surveyors
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR-2] -  JR-2
sustainable agricultureSustainable agriculture, see Farm and farming
swimming poolSwimming pool, see Recreation
t - T -
taking of propertyTaking of property, see Eminent domain
tanf _temporary assistance for needy families_TANF (Temporary assistance for needy families), see Public assistance
tax incremental district _tid_Tax incremental district (TID), see Property tax
tax incremental financing _tif_Tax incremental financing (TIF), see Property tax
taxationTaxation, see also specific tax
Administration of local taxes; retirement of debt re baseball park and football stadium districts [Sec. 437m, n, 439m, n, 452m, p, 1666m, n] -  Act 25
Debt related to property tax: county or municipality may certify to DOR for setoff from state tax refunds; definition provision -  Act 454
Tax revisions: appealing determination of the board of assessors, DOR authority to reduce taxes and certain costs, a spouse's tax liability, bona fide angel investment credit, employer re single-owner entity, qualified retirement fund, refund of sales or use tax received erroneously, estate tax interest, mailing tax-related documents, earned income tax credit, and audit of emissions inspectors contracted with DOT -  Act 49
MPCP and charter schools, pupil eligibility, special education reimbursement, and teacher requirements [Sec. 1877m, 1878c, 1883f-r, 1895h-t, 9337 (6m), (7m), 9437 (4m)] [9337 (7m) — partial veto; 1883f, r, 1895h, p, 9337 (6m) — vetoed] -  Act 25
teacher _ certificateTeacher — Certificate