``Class B" liquor license quota exception created for opera house or theater for the performing arts operated by a nonprofit organization; consumption on premises in connection with a performance specified -  Act 307
theobald, dr. h. rupertTheobald, Dr. H. Rupert
Life and public service as Chief of the LRB honored [AJR-69] -  JR-28
thompson, marian lThompson, Marian L.
Life, public service, and dedication to women's studies commended [AJR-30] -  JR-62
tid _tax incremental district_TID (Tax incremental district), see Property tax
tif _tax incremental financing_TIF (Tax incremental financing), see Property tax
timberTimber, see Forestry
title to propertyTitle to property, see Real property
tollefson, john oliverTollefson, John Oliver
Life and military service commended [SJR-34] -  JR-32
tourism, department ofTourism, Department of
Special distinguishing registration plate supporting the WPGA Junior Foundation, Inc., created; fee, Tour.Dept, and DOT provisions -  Act 260
Tourism marketing appropriation created from transportation fund [Sec. 274k-m, 532, 740m, 741]  -  Act 25
townTown, see also name of specific town
Emergency management programs of local governments required to include Mutual Aid Box Alarm System; Adjutant General to promulgate rules -  Act 257
High-voltage transmission line construction: authorizing conveyance of property owned by county, city, village, town, or public board or commission to an electric utility if it received certain certificate from PSC; fair market value provisions -  Act 24
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised [vetoed] -  AB-509
Incorporation of certain towns contiguous to 2nd class cities; referendum and sunset provisions [Sec. 1242p, s]  -  Act 25
TIF approved purposes re towns: ``agricultural project" expanded to include ``farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated" -  Act 330
Town that has entered into a cooperative boundary agreement with a village or city authorized to use TIF; cooperative plan required with application -  Act 13
town _ boardTown — Board
Incorporation of certain towns contiguous to 2nd class cities; referendum and sunset provisions [Sec. 1242p, s]  -  Act 25
Perrot State Park: before altering a park entrance, DNR must obtain approval from town with jurisdiction over the road; procedure specified -  Act 94
Stewardship purchase in certain county: town board approval required [Sec. 491n] [vetoed] -  AB-100
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required -  Act 357
Town board meetings: location requirements revised -  Act 312
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  -  Act 207
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions -  Act 248
town _ electionsTown — Elections
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions -  Act 248
town _ financeTown — Finance
Municipal court contract with collection agency re forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges: local governments to share in cost of collection -  Act 305
Oil pipeline terminal facility taxation: annual distribution to governments where facility is located [Sec. 454, 456, 1470-1473, 9441 (4)] -  Act 25
Public construction contracts: minimum bid amount raised re lowest responsible bidder requirement  -  Act 202
town _ health, board ofTown — Health, Board of, see Public health
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  -  Act 81
County shoreland zoning ordinance: enforcement requirement eliminated re annexing city, village, or town and incorporated territory or town incorporated as a fourth class city [vetoed] -  AB-299
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years old and older: city, village, or town allowed to enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting  -  Act 116
Forestry operations: nuisance declaration and certain zoning ordinances prohibited if generally accepted forestry management practices are followed -  Act 79
Neighborhood electric vehicle: city, town, or village may, by ordinance, allow operation on certain roadways  -  Act 329
State minimum wage law to be construed as enactment of statewide concern; uniform living wage throughout the state is a matter of statewide concern; city, village, town, or county ordinance establishing a living wage prohibited and existing ordinances voided -  Act 12
town _ meetingTown — Meeting
Town board meetings: location requirements revised -  Act 312
town _ officersTown — Officers
Town plan commission appointment procedure modified re towns authorized to exercise village powers  -  Act 207
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions -  Act 248
town _ taxationTown — Taxation
Levy limit for counties and municipalities [Sec. 1251c, 1254m-1258m, 1260b, c, 9435 (4)] [1251c, 9435 (4) — partial veto; all other sections vetoed] -  Act 25
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [vetoed]  -  AB-58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, first class city levies for school purposes, forestation state tax, referendum, and sunset provisions; JCF duties specified [Sec. 707m, 1251c, 1260r, 1260s] [1251c — partial veto; 707m — vetoed] -  Act 25
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions: exception created re charges assessed by a joint fire department  -  Act 484
trade practiceTrade practice, see also Sales
Billing for consumer goods or services: certain practices prohibited; DATCP authority and civil action provisions  -  Act 458
Cigarettes sold to consumers in this state: direct marketing regulations created; restrictions re sale to persons under age 18; definitions and DOR duties [Sec. 1779t, 1930-1935, 1948-1980, 1982-2003, 2145, 2145g, 2454] -  Act 25
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, damages, and penalty provisions -  Act 261
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Alcohol and drug rehabilitation specialists (substance abuse counselors, clinical supervisors, and prevention specialists) certification; reciprocal provisions [Sec. 2284mg, 2293m, 2337am, 2345m, 9121 (12s), 9140 (1q), (1r), 9321 (8q), 9421 (10q)] [2337am, 9121 (12s), 9421 (10q) — partial veto] -  Act 25
Chiropractor counseling for vitamins, herbs, and supplements: dietitian certification or approved nutrition postgraduate training required [Sec. 2338q, v, 9440 (1c)]  -  Act 25
Clinical supervisors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists: titles of some subcategories modified; DRL duties re continuing education and establishing minimum standards for the practice of substance abuse counseling, supervision, and prevention by rule -  Act 407
Credential renewal date revisions; use of timekeeping data in calculating fees; initial fee not to exceed renewal fee [Sec. 2283g, 2287-2326, 2328-2334, 9140 (1), (2e), (3b)  -  Act 25
DFI revisions re pawnbrokers, Division of Banking authority, trust services, seller of checks, securities and investments, franchises, and collection agencies (remedial legislation)  -  Act 158
Health care provider statement of apology or condolence is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing [vetoed] -  AB-1021
Home care placement agency notification requirements re home care worker and consumer; complaint, liability, damages, definition, and telephone numbers for reporting abuse provisions -  Act 197
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board: certain ``certificates" references changed to ``licenses"; training certificate requirements modified -  Act 422
Massage therapist and bodyworker certification: role of EAB eliminated; DRL responsibilities [Sec. 388d, 2347, 2496, 9153 (2), 9253 (1)] -  Act 25
Pawnbroker, secondhand article dealer, and secondhand jewelry dealer: regulations revised -  Act 58
Personal information disclosure to DOR: DOT, DRL, and DWD to provide; state agencies issuing occupational licenses included [Sec. 1194, 1446, 1464, 1733, 2252, 2253, 2261-2263, 2284] -  Act 25
State agent of DHFS status granted to behavioral health providers, health care providers, pupil services providers, or substance abuse prevention providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision  -  Act 96
traffic safetyTraffic safety
Safety programs: new appropriations in segregated transportation fund created to fund [Sec. 277-280] [278 — partial veto] -  Act 25
traffic signalTraffic signal, see Road — Marking