No action taken.
Carol Roessler
INTRODUCTION, First Reading and
reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 326
Relating to: the personal property tax exemption for recreational mobile homes.
By Senators Olsen, Grothman, Roessler, Harsdorf and Lassa; cosponsored by Representatives Towns, Gunderson, Van Roy, Hines, Ainsworth, Petrowski, Kerkman, Wood, Musser, Freese, Townsend, Bies, Ballweg, Vos, Hundertmark and Molepske.
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions.
Senate Bill 327
Relating to: school and school district performance reports.
By Senators Harsdorf, Leibham, Roessler and Stepp; cosponsored by Representatives Petrowski, Towns, Albers, Ballweg, Bies, Davis, Friske, Gunderson, Hahn, Hines, Jeskewitz, Kerkman, F. Lasee, Lehman, LeMahieu, Lothian, Montgomery, Musser, Nerison, Nischke, Ott, Pridemore, Pettis, Seidel, Stone, Townsend, Vos and M. Williams.
To committee on Education.
Senate Bill 328
Relating to: interest rates for consumer credit transactions.
By Senators Hansen, Coggs, Erpenbach and Jauch; cosponsored by Representatives Nelson, Albers, Benedict, Berceau, Black, Boyle, Pocan, Seidel, Sheridan, Sinicki and Grigsby.
To committee on Housing and Financial Institutions.
Senate Bill 329
Relating to: the parking of vehicles on highways.
By Senators Darling and Plale; cosponsored by Representatives Richards, Wasserman, Hahn and Sheridan.
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
Senate Bill 330
Relating to: the annual adjustment of the motor vehicle fuel tax rate and depositing motor vehicle sales and use tax revenues into the transportation fund.
By Senators Reynolds, Zien, Grothman, Lazich and Leibham; cosponsored by Representatives Wood, F. Lasee, Gundrum, Jeskewitz, Kerkman, Kestell, Lothian, McCormick, Pridemore and Vukmir.
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
Senate Bill 331
Relating to: eliminating the annual adjustment of the motor vehicle fuel tax rate.
By Senators Reynolds, Zien, Grothman, Lazich and Leibham; cosponsored by Representatives Wood, F. Lasee, Gundrum, Jeskewitz, Kerkman, Kestell, Lothian, McCormick, Pridemore and Vukmir.
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
Senate Bill 332
Relating to: authorizing specific information signs on certain portions of USH 12.
By Senators Robson and Kedzie; cosponsored by Representatives Towns, Lothian and Nass.
To committee on Natural Resources and Transportation.
Senate Bill 333
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for certain tangible personal property sold in August.
By Senators Hansen, Roessler, Carpenter, Lassa and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives McCormick, Nelson, Krawczyk, Sheridan, Gunderson, Albers, Boyle, Fields, Berceau and Suder.
To joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions.
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Joint Legislative Council
September 12, 2005
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to transmit to you the following report to the 2005 Legislature on legislation introduced by the Joint Legislative Council:
RL 2005-14 Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations
I would appreciate your including this letter in the Journal for the information of the membership. Additional copies of this report are available at the Legislative Council Staff offices, One East Main, Suite 401, or from our webpage at
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
September 8, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature:
In accordance with sec. 1.11(2)(j) Wis. Stats., the Department of Health and Family Services reports that it did not conduct any Environmental Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements during the reporting period of July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005.
University of Wisconsin System
September 14, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature,
Attached is a copy of the University of Wisconsin System's annual Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) report. This document fulfills Section 1.11 (2)(j) of the Wisconsin Statutes, providing information on the number of Type I Environmental Impact Assessments completed during the past fiscal year.
S346 The attached report reflects WEPA activities of the University of Wisconsin System related to Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Impact Assessments completed during the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.
Should you have any questions regarding this report, please direct them to Terri Reda, UW System Environmental Affairs Officer. Terri may be reached at 263-4410.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
September 12, 2005
The Honorable, The Legislature:
I am submitting the quarterly report of the Wisconsin Lottery for the quarter ending June 30, 2005. As required by s. 565.37(3), Wis. Stats., the attached materials contain unaudited Wisconsin Lottery year to date Revenue and Expenditure information.
Lottery sales were $451.9 million for FY 2004-2005, the second best mark in eight years. The major factor keeping the Lottery form matching or surpassing its FY 2003-2004 sales of $482.9 million was the performance of Powerball. Fewer large jackpots resulted in a decline in Powerball sales, from $108 million to $79.3 million.
The information reported here is a summary and is not intended to be a complete financial accounting of Wisconsin Lottery operations.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please feel free to contact me at (608) 266-6466.
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #118
Relating to a Proclamation of a State of Emergency Relating to the Transportation of Emergency Relief Supplies
WHEREAS, the Governors of many states, as well as the U.S. Department of Transportation, have declared a state of emergency due to the catastrophic damage to persons and property caused by Hurricane Katrina; and
WHEREAS, this catastrophic damage creates a need to transport large amounts of emergency relief supplies (including food, clothing, fuel building materials, and medical supplies) on Wisconsin highways; and; and
WHEREAS, allowing the transportation of overweight and oversize loads of emergency relief supplies, in a safe manner and as described in this order, will benefit persons injured by Hurricane Katrina; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DOYLE, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of this State, and specifically by Wis. Stat. 166.03(1)(b)1, and by 49 CFR section 390.23, hereby declare the catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Katrina to be a natural disaster and hereby proclaim the State of Wisconsin to be in a state of emergency for a period of 30 days, unless such period is extended by joint resolution of the Legislature.
PURSUANT to said state of emergency, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and laws of this state, Wis. Stat. 166.03(1)(b)(1), and 49 CFR section 390.23, I HEREBY ORDER THAT:
1. Notwithstanding chapter 348 of the Wisconsin Statutes, commercial motor carries directly involved in providing emergency relief and assistance relating to the Hurricane Katrina disaster are allowed to transport loads of emergency relief supplies (including food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and medical supplies) even when such loads exceed the statutory size and weight limitations. However, vehicle operators must obey the conditions set forth in this order and must obey posted weight limits and temporary weight restrictions for bridges and highways;
Divisible loads of relief supplies and equipment may be transported at a maximum gross vehicle weight of 88,000 pounds;