2005-06 Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
The Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations on this website are non-current electronic archive versions of the printed Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations produced by the Legislative Reference Bureau, as updated through the 2005 legislative session.
This table of contents shows all the statute chapter titles listed numerically, grouped under subject-matter headings. Clicking on a chapter title takes the user to the beginning of the selected statute chapter in an HTML view. Clicking on the icon next to the title presents the chapter as a PDF file. If you perform a search using the search boxes above, the results will be presented in the HTML view. To view search results in a PDF file click on the preferences link above and check "View documents as PDF when available." See also
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The Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations are presented on a secure connection. To verify that the statutes are being accessed from the Wisconsin Legislature's secure document server,
https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov, click on the lock icon in your browser toolbar or status bar.
NOTE: The United States Constitution and the Wisconsin Constitution follow Chapter 995.
Sovereignty, Jurisdiction and Civil Divisions of the State.
General Organization of the State, Except the Judiciary.
Public Domain and the Trust Funds.
Public Printing.
Educational Institutions.
Employee Trust Fund.
Cultural and Memorial Institutions; Veterans' Affairs.
Charitable, Curative, Reformatory and Penal Institutions and Agencies.
Functions and Government
of Municipalities.
Highways and Bridges,
Drains and Fences.
Agriculture; Foods and Drugs; Markets.
Regulation of Industry.
Public Instruction.
Regulation of Trade.
Public Health.
Police Regulations.
Partnerships and Corporations; Transportation; Utilities; Banks; Savings Associations.
Administrative Procedure and Review.
Populous Counties and Cities.
State Personnel.
Independent Authorities.
Platting Lands.
Navigational System Authorities.
Fraudulent Conveyances
and Contracts.
Natural Resources.
Uniform Commercial Code.
Wisconsin Consumer Act.
Regulation and Licensing.
Investment Regulation and
Business Development.
The Family.
Actions and Proceedings
in Special Cases.
Small Claims.
Municipal Court Procedure.
Civil Procedure.
Provisions Common to Actions and Proceedings in All Courts.
Relief of Prisoners.
Juvenile Justice Code.
Criminal Code.
Controlled Substances.
Criminal Procedure.
Newspaper Publication.
Construction of Statutes, Repeal of Existing Laws, Curative Acts and Miscellaneous Statutes.