motor vehicle _ equipmentMotor vehicle — Equipment
Funeral procession: flashing lights on vehicles permitted -  Act 177
Idle reduction technology: weight limitations may be exceeded for heavy-duty vehicle equipped with, conditions specified [Sec. 3435j, 9348 (5d)] -  Act 20
Ignition interlock device ordered by court: DOT to place same restriction on occupational license (remedial legislation) -  Act 94
Organ transport vehicles and emergency medical device transport vehicles are authorized emergency vehicles; siren, lights, and safety and training course provisions [Sec. 2651g, 3190m, p, 3220c, 3427c, e, 3432c, e, 9348 (7j)]  -  Act 20
Safety glass requirement for motor vehicles: exception for certain recreational vehicles created  -  Act 60
motor vehicle _ parkingMotor vehicle — Parking
Habitual parking violator: county or municipal ordinance for the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal permitted; conditions and fee provisions [Sec. 3435x] [vetoed] -  SB-40
Nonmoving traffic violations re leased or rented vehicles: company may charge forfeitures and costs to renter's or lessee's credit card; notification and DATCP provisions  -  Act 207
Special registration plate, special ID card, or temporary certification re parking privileges for disabled persons: public health nurse and podiatrist allowed to provide certification to enable a person to obtain -  Act 120
Driver education course, driver school, and DOT knowledge examination: additional information required  -  Act 68
Emission inspection and maintenance program revisions re exemptions and self-service inspection stations; DOT to prescribe by rule procedures for additional methods; alternative program models study and report required [Sec. 2653-2661, 3083-3085, 9148 (4c), 9448 (7)] -  Act 20
Habitual parking violator: county or municipal ordinance for the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal permitted; conditions and fee provisions [Sec. 3435x] [vetoed] -  SB-40
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, definition, and exemption from emission inspections  -  Act 33
motor vehicle _ regulation _ speedMotor vehicle — Regulation — Speed
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: sunset on speed limit extended -  Act 29
Highway operation of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers, semitrailers, and other vehicles: grammatical changes in registration requirements (remedial legislation)  -  Act 137
Motor vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset revised [Sec. 3216] -  Act 20
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, definition, and exemption from emission inspections  -  Act 33
Registration fees increased [Sec. 3206-3209b, 9448 (6)] -  Act 20
Special distinguishing registration plates for EMTs: first responders added to that group -  Act 38
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting the efforts of Donate Life Wisconsin and organ and tissue donation; annual audited financial statement, fee, and DHS provisions  -  Act 107
Special distinguishing registration plates: surviving spouse of a fire fighter who died in the line of duty permitted to retain or apply for; changes similar condition for surviving spouse of military group member from permissive to mandatory; fire fighter, EMT, or rescue squad member who surrendered plates due to injury preventing performance of duties may apply for reissuance of the plates -  Act 194
Special registration plate, special ID card, or temporary certification re parking privileges for disabled persons: public health nurse and podiatrist allowed to provide certification to enable a person to obtain -  Act 120
Special registration plates re Gold Star family members: criteria for obtaining modified re federal law for gold star lapel button -  Act 160
Motorcycle safety campaign re impaired riding: grants to motorcycling organizations, conditions specified [Sec. 9148 (7c)] -  Act 20
municipalityMunicipality, see also Milwaukee — City; Town and its subheadings; Village and its subheadings; name of specific municipality
Electrical wiring code; electricians and electrical and other contractors regulations; inspections of electrical wiring; Comm.Dept duties specified and local government provisions -  Act 63
Emergency powers: prohibition against restricting firearms or ammunition during an emergency -  Act 87
Lightweight utility vehicles may be used on ATV trails or routes designated by the county or municipality  -  Act 209
Overweight vehicle combinations transporting granular roofing material: DOT may issue multiple trip permits under certain conditions; approval of municipality or county with jurisdiction over streets; sunset provision -  Act 171
Permits for activities along an STH: municipal authority to approve; condition set [Sec. 2523m, 2534p, r, 2550s, t, 2558d] [vetoed] -  SB-40
Video service provider and cable television regulations; municipality and DFI duties specified; U.W. and fee provisions [partial veto] -  Act 42
municipality _ annexationMunicipality — Annexation
Municipal boundary agreements and use of alternative dispute resolution in municipal boundary disputes  -  Act 43
municipality _ consolidationMunicipality — Consolidation
Rochester, Town and Village of: consolidation authorized if referendum passes [Sec. 1875p-t] -  Act 20
municipality _ councilMunicipality — Council, see also Milwaukee — City council
Governing body of a city, town, village, or county: member or member-elect may refuse to accept salary  -  Act 49
Retail intoxicating liquor license issuance: interest restriction on a member of a municipal governing body modified; ethics code violation provision -  Act 69
municipality _ employeeMunicipality — Employee, see Public employee
municipality _ financeMunicipality — Finance
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -  Act 188
General transportation aids to local governments increased [Sec. 2552-2554] -  Act 20
Post-employment benefits: school district funds held in trust must be held in segregated accounts; provisions expanded to include local governmental units and technical college districts -  Act 82
Public utility aid: formula changes, DOR study group and report required; per capita payment limit for counties and municipalities increased [Sec. 2505d-i, 9141 (1f)]  -  Act 20
School levy property tax credit and lottery and gaming property tax credit distribution revised -  Act 190
Termination of tenancy by tenant or landlord for imminent threat of serious physical harm provisions created; rental agreement that restricts access to certain services because the tenant contacted law enforcement, health, or safety services is void; local governmental unit prohibited from imposing a fee for calls from an owner or occupant for law enforcement services re domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking  -  Act 184
Utility aid payments: hold-harmless payment for qualifying municipalities created -  Act 226
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality — Health department, see Public health
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality — Ordinance
Habitual parking violator: county or municipal ordinance for the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal permitted; conditions and fee provisions [Sec. 3435x] [vetoed] -  SB-40
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, definition, and exemption from emission inspections  -  Act 33
Property tax assessment objections: extension allowed; evidence, ordinance, court, and fee provisions  -  Act 86
Publication of a local governmental unit ordinance in a newspaper: requirements revised -  Act 72
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Enterprise zone jobs tax credit modifications [Sec. 1967-1976, 2040-2049, 2096-2105, 3637, 3638, 9341 (6)]  -  Act 20
Impact fee revisions re time period in which they may be used and payment of by the developer or property owner; costs of certain professional services provided through a political subdivision; fee for acquisition or improvement of public park land permitted re plat approval; dedication on a plat of storm water treatment facilities for the public  -  Act 44
TID project costs: area in which it may be expended expanded with joint review board approval; exception provided  -  Act 57
municipality _ public worksMunicipality — Public works, see Public works
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation, see also Shared revenue
Joint fire department debts re fire station: local levy limits exception expanded to include -  Act 129
Levy limits modified and extended; new exceptions created [Sec. 1878d-1899, 9155 (3t), 9441 (6n)] [1880, 1881, 1882, 1892 — partial veto; 1896 — vetoed]  -  Act 20
Property tax assessment objections: extension allowed; evidence, ordinance, court, and fee provisions  -  Act 86
municipality _ water districtsMunicipality — Water districts, see Waterworks
museumMuseum, see also Historical society
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -  Act 20
National Railroad Museum sales of beer, wine, and liquor [Sec. 2757w, 2759ce, cs] -  Act 20
Racine Discovery Place Museum project: grant requirements and project in 2001-03 building program deleted [Sec. 9nb, 583, 596kb, 606d, 3934b, 9105 (9p)]  -  Act 20
Wisconsin Black Historical Society and Museum: annual grants provided [Sec. 227, 782] -  Act 20
musicMusic, see Amusement
n - N -
Depleted uranium affecting veterans: Adjutant General and DVA required to assist and provide information; committee to study the effects of exposure created, report required  -  Act 46
Employment discrimination because of military status revised and expanded; exception if the individual has been discharged under certain conditions -  Act 159