The DOR recommends denial of this claim. The DOR states that it has been trying to get the claimant to file his sales and income tax returns since 1998. The DOR filed tax liens and garnished the claimant's wages, actions which normally get a taxpayer's attention, however, the claimant ignored repeated notices. The DOR notes that the claimant met with the DOR in February of 2002, was given blank sales tax forms, and promised to filed the returns by March 2, 2002. The DOR told him that if he filed his missing returns, he could receive refunds, however, the claimant failed to file his returns as promised. The DNR states that in July 2003 the claimant called the DOR and again received sales tax return forms but again failed to file the returns. The DNR notes that the sales tax returns were not filed until September 2004, six years after the DOR first began issuing assessments. The claimant filed his 1997-1999 income tax returns on December 23, 2004. The DOR states that the statutes of limitations under § 77.59 (4)(b) and § 71.75 (5), Stats., have both expired. The DOR is providing refunds to the claimant for three sales tax periods for which the statute of limitations had not expired. The DOR states that the claimant operated a business for five years without filing the required sales tax returns and then ignored repeated notices and advice from the DOR regarding the need to file his returns and is therefore not due any further refund.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
7. Todd Burow of Hager City, Wisconsin, makes 14 claims in the total amount of $33,338.65 for refunds of sales and income tax payments lost due to the statute of limitations. The claimant states that his income and sales tax returns were filed late. The claimant states that judgments for the missing returns were awarded against him and that the Department of Revenue garnished his wages. The claimant states that the DOR collected $56,245.06 but that his actual tax liability was only $2,720. The claimant states that overpayments which totaled $38,318.59 were lost to refund because of the expired statute of limitations. The claimant states that he is not contesting that interest and penalties should be paid on his delinquent taxes, however, he believes that this is an excessive amount of overpayment and requests refunds of the above amounts.
The DOR recommends denial of these claims, which involve failure to timely file income and sales tax returns. The DOR states that between May 1996 and April 2005, it issued a total of 40 estimated assessments against the claimant. The DOR began certifying the claimant's wages in December 1996. The DOR notes that from the time certification began until February 2005, the claimant contacted the department only once in 2001 to inquire about his account. The claimant did not begin filing the requested returns until July 2005 and completed filing his returns in October 2005. The DOR points to the fact that the active wage certification was in place for more than 8 years before the claimant took any steps to resolve his delinquent account. The statute of limitations had expired when the claimant finally filed his returns and the DOR does not believe he is entitled to any additional refunds at this time.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
8. Bryan Pelant of Appleton, Wisconsin, claims $185.45 for the cost of replacing two tires damaged by a boat ramp. In July 2006, the claimant was using a boat ramp at High Cliff State Park. Two of the tires on his boat trailer were gashed after entering the water. The claimant inspected the side of the boat ramp and discovered a shard of metal sticking 3-4 inches out of the side of the ramp in the area where the tires were punctured. The claimant notified the park superintendent and showed him the metal shard. The claimant requests reimbursement for the cost of the two trailer tires that had to be replaced because of the damage.
The Department of Natural Resources recommends payment of this claim. The DNR does not dispute that the damage occurred in the manner described by the claimant. The DNR notes that the damage was caused by a defect in the boat ramp itself, not by an unforeseen object such as a nail or broken bottle. The DNR also notes that the claimant would have an expectation that the ramp would be in good operating condition and would not damage his equipment when properly used. The DNR therefore believes that the claimant should be reimbursed for his damage based on equitable principles.
The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the amount of $185.45 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of § 16.007 (6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Natural Resources appropriation § 20.370 (1)(ea), Stats.
9. Tomas Barajas of Boscobel, Wisconsin, claims $42.65 for value of property removed from his cell and destroyed by the Department of Corrections. The claimant is an inmate at Wisconsin Secure Program Facility. He states that in October 2006, a correctional officer conducted a cell search and removed several magazines and photos because they were not properly labeled with the claimant's name and inmate number in red ink and because the magazine labels had been taped. The claimant alleges that DOC personnel often forgets to label items with red ink. The claimant also states that he taped the labels onto the magazines because the labels were falling off and that he has disbursement requests proving that he owned the property in question. The claimant states that he was never given the option of sending out his property instead of having it destroyed. He requests reimbursement for the value of the property.
The DOC recommends denial of this claim. The DOC states that the items found in the claimant's cell were altered and did not contain his name and inmate number as required. Possession of such altered property is in violation of DOC 303.47 Adm. Code. Such items are considered contraband and were therefore confiscated during the cell search. Section 303.10--Seizure and Disposition of Contraband, allows for the seizure and destruction of items that are considered contraband. Because the items confiscated were contraband and did not belong to the claimant, they were destroyed.
S262 The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
10. Mark Brown of Boscobel, Wisconsin claims $19.66 for the value of ordered canteen items confiscated and destroyed by the Department of Corrections. The claimant is an inmate at Wisconsin Secure Program Facility. The claimant states that in November 2006 he was given a canteen menu and was verbally told by the guard that he could order items off that menu. The claimant ordered $19.66 of food and hygiene items from the canteen menu. When the ordered items were about to be delivered, a guard told the claimant that he was not allowed to have the items and confiscated them. The claimant requested that he be allowed to send out the items but the DOC denied that request and destroyed the items. The claimant believes that he should have been allowed to send out his items and requests reimbursement for the destroyed property.
The DOC recommends denial of this claim. The DOC states that the claimant has been in program segregation status and has been a Step Program inmate since July 2006. The Step Program has a limited canteen menu. The DOC states that the claimant ordered items that he was not allowed to have from a menu clearly labeled "High Risk Offender Program." The DOC states that he was well aware of his Step Program status and that he knew he must order from the menu labeled "Step Inmates". The DOC further states that it is the inmate's responsibility to order from the correct menu. The DOC destroyed the items because, pursuant to institution policy, inmates are not allowed to send out any items purchased from the canteen.
The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the amount of $19.66 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of § 16.007 (6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Corrections appropriation § 20.410 (1)(a), Stats.
11. Mark Brown of Boscobel, Wisconsin, claims $61.70 for the value of items allegedly missing from his property. The claimant states that in December 2003, while an inmate at Oshkosh Correctional Institution, he ordered twice from the institution canteen (on December 8th and December 22nd). On December 25th the claimant was placed into temporary lock-up and his property was taken from him. The claimant alleges that when he was released from temporary lock-up and his property was returned, the majority of his canteen property, mostly food items, was missing. The claimant requests payment of the value of the missing items.
The Department of Corrections recommends payment of this claim in the reduced amount of $8.04. The DOC states that the property inventory completed on December 25th, when the claimant was placed in temporary lock-up, shows no canteen food items, though numerous non-edible items are listed. The DOC states that if food items had been in the claimant's property, they would have been noted on the inventory list along with the other property. The DOC does acknowledge that the property inventory form is irregular in that does not contain the claimant's signature. However, the DOC points to the fact that it is impossible to know how quickly the claimant consumed the food items he purchased. The DOC therefore recommends the claimant be reimbursed for half of the food items from his December 22nd canteen purchase, which amounts to $8.04.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
12. Mark Brown of Boscobel, Wisconsin, claims $48.63 for the unreimbursed value of a damaged television set. The claimant's television was moved when he was transferred from Racine Correctional Institution to Wisconsin Secure Program Facility. No damage was noted to television when it was packed at RCI, however there was damage to the TV when it arrived at WSPF. The Department of Corrections depreciated the TV at 10% per year and only reimbursed the claimant $112. The claimant does not believe this depreciation is fair, as he would be charged full value for any DOC property he damaged. The claimant paid $159.75 for the TV and requests reimbursement for the remaining value plus $0.88 tax, for a total of $48.63.
The DOC recommends denial of this claim. The DOC has established policies to reimburse inmates for damaged property in a fair and uniform manner. Pursuant to the DOC Internal Management Procedure Property Depreciation Schedule, TVs are considered to have a total of 10 useful years and are therefore depreciated at 10% annually. The claimant paid $159.75, which was rounded to $160. The TV was three years old and was therefore depreciated 30%. The DOC notes that the claimant never filed any appeal protesting the depreciation of the TV at the time the decision was made. The DOC does not believe the claimant is due any additional payment.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
13. Shirell Watkins, Sr. of Boscobel, Wisconsin, claims $108.55 for the unreimbursed value of a damaged television set and fan. In October 2003, the claimant was transferred from Green Bay Correctional Institution to the Wisconsin Secure Program Facility. Staff at GBCI packed the claimant's property, including a TV and fan, neither of which were noted as damaged. In 2006, during a routine property check of the WSPF warehouse, it was noted that both the fan and the TV were damaged. The claimant objects to the fact that the Department of Corrections depreciated the fan by 50% and the TV by 40% when calculating the reimbursement value. The claimant does not believe this depreciation is fair, as he would be charged full value for any DOC property he damaged. The claimant also objects to the fact that the DOC deducted 5% sales tax from the TV purchase. The claimant alleges that he did not pay any sales tax on the TV purchase. The claimant was reimbursed $149 by the DOC and requests payment of an additional $108.55 to cover the full purchase price of his fan and TV.
S263 The DOC recommends denial of this claim. The DOC has established policies to reimburse inmates for damaged property in a fair and uniform manner. Pursuant to the DOC Internal Management Procedure Property Depreciation Schedule, both fans and TVs are considered to have a total of 10 useful years and are therefore depreciated at 10% annually. The Schedule also indicates that if no receipt is available, an item is assumed to be 5 years old and that taxes and shipping & handling should not be included in the base price for reimbursement. There was no receipt for either the TV or the fan. The cost of the TV was $235.50 minus 5% for sales tax. The age of the TV was determined from the claimant's trust account statement, which showed the payment for the TV. The TV was four years old and was therefore depreciated 40%, for a reimbursement of $136. The age of the fan was unknown, so it was depreciated at 50% for a reimbursement of $13. The DOC reimbursed the claimant according to its standard policy and does not believe that there are any equitable grounds to grant him any additional payment.
The Board concludes there has been an insufficient showing of negligence on the part of the state, its officers, agents or employees and this claim is neither one for which the state is legally liable nor one which the state should assume and pay based on equitable principles.
The Board concludes:
That the claims of the following claimants should be denied:
  Fred and Leslie Schweinert
  David E. Johnson
  Audio Contractors, LLC
  Steven J. Graf
  Todd Burow (14 claims)
  Tomas Barajas
  Mark Brown ($61.70)
  Mark Brown ($48.63)
  Shirell Watkins, Sr.
That payment of the following amounts to the following claimants from the following statutory appropriations is justified under s. 16.007, Stats:
JMPK Company, LLC   $5,000.00   § 20.395 (3)(eq), Wis. Stats.
Bryan Pelant     $185.45     § 20.370 (1)(ea), Wis. Stats.
Mark Brown     $19.66     § 20.410 (1)(a), Wis. Stats.
The Board recommends:
Payment of $10,317.93 to Klemme Brothers Well Drilling for damages relating to well drilling costs, and that this payment be taken from Department of Natural Resources appropriation § 20.370 (4)(mq), Wis. Stats.
Dated at Madison, Wisconsin this 11th day of June, 2007.
Robert Hunter
Chair, Representative of the Attorney General  
John E. Rothschild
Secretary, Representative of the Secretary of Administration
Nate Zolik    
Representative of the Governor    
Jeffrey Stone  
Assembly Finance Committee