Next Generation Agriculture and Manufacturing
Wisconsin manufacturing and agriculture are the core of who we are. We must streamline regulation and make smart investments in the next generation of these industries.
Today we're producing more milk than we have in twenty years because we helped our dairy industry become more efficient. Let's work with Representatives Ott and Steinbrink and Senator Vinehout to do the same for our cheese makers, meat processors, and others.
Small and mid-size manufacturers like GenMet in Mequon have gone from 50 people and $3 million in sales to 80 people and $12 million in sales because they've maintained a commitment to quality and became more efficient. Let's continue our investments in lean manufacturing and work with Senators Lassa and Sullivan and Representatives Jeskewitz and Strachota to direct $85 million to strengthen Wisconsin manufacturers.
Minimum Wage
We've worked hard to create high-paying jobs, but we must provide opportunity for every Wisconsin worker. In my first term we raised the minimum wage after 8 years of inaction.
Legislators, it is time to do it again. Imagine trying to pay $3 a gallon for gasoline when you're making $6.50 an hour. Imagine trying to clothe your children, pay for college, or buy your groceries on $260 a week before taxes. We can do better. We must do better.
Wisconsin's minimum wage now ranks 40th in the nation. Let's support Majority Leader Decker's efforts to raise the minimum wage to help nearly 230,000 Wisconsin families who are trying to get ahead.
Creating Renewable Energy
We have set Wisconsin on the right course to seize new economic opportunities and lead our nation's response to one of the most critical challenges of our time...
Our addiction to foreign oil is compromising our national security, paralyzing our economy, and melting the polar ice caps.
The global threat of climate change is undeniable. Temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have reached their warmest point in over two thousand years.
A barrel of oil has topped $100...and just look at the price of gasoline at the pump - nearly double what it was just five years ago.
The oil companies don't care. They're making the biggest profits in history.
Our country is sending over a billion dollars a week in oil payments to the Middle East. Just imagine if we were investing that kind of money right here in Wisconsin.
Energy Accomplishments
I've said it before and I'll say it again - we should depend more on the Midwest and less on the Mideast, and today we are.
Since I became Governor, we've worked together to increase production of Wisconsin-made ethanol from zero gallons to half a billion gallons per year.
Last fall, I brought governors from across the Midwest together in Milwaukee to chart a new energy direction for our region and our world.
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison we are launching the Great Lakes BioEnergy Research Center bringing together researchers from five other universities across the country.
Our nation's dependence on foreign oil must end, but drilling our way out of this crisis is not the answer. We must invent and innovate our way to a cleaner, safer energy future.
...and tonight, from generating wind power in Fond du Lac to harnessing the power of biomass in Rice Lake, Wisconsin is ready to lead the way.
Energy Independence Fund
Tonight we'll launch an aggressive new strategy to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and grow Wisconsin's economy - the Wisconsin Energy Independence Fund - a major new investment to make Wisconsin a world leader in renewable energy and homegrown power.
Over the next 10 years Wisconsin will invest $150 million to help our businesses, our farmers, our foresters, and our manufacturers produce and promote renewable energy.
Our strong manufacturing base and rich agricultural industries, along with the wealth of resources in our vast northern forests and world-leading research universities, position Wisconsin to become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy.
From manufacturing wind turbines and solar panels to retro-fitting fuel pumps and exploring the latest clean technologies, we will seize green opportunities and create good jobs for our citizens.
But we won't stop there.
Renewable Fuel Initiative
Tonight we'll launch a new campaign to increase the availability of renewable fuel by 1 billion gallons.
First we'll provide new tax credits for biodiesel fuel producers and add 400 new renewable fuel pumps to our roads.
Second let's pass a renewable fuel standard sponsored by Senator Kreitlow and Representative Suder to require oil companies to provide renewable fuel for our consumers.
Energy Efficiency
Energy costs continue to rise and Wisconsin families deserve relief. Over the next 18 months, we will make another historic investment - $95 million - to help save families and businesses over half a billion dollars over the next decade.
Making Health Care Affordable
To grow Wisconsin, we must address the most significant burden on our economy, our businesses, and our families - heath care.
Today more than 90 percent of our citizens have health insurance, making Wisconsin a national leader.
Yet too many in our state still don't have affordable health insurance - running to the emergency room when they get seriously sick, driving up health care costs for all of us.
600,000 citizens in this state lack health insurance and nearly 98,000 of them are children.
I think we can all agree: No child -- no child -- should go without health care.
BadgerCare Plus
This year Speaker Huebsch, Senator Robson and lawmakers from both parties came together to provide every single child the health care they need at a price their family can afford.
No more financial dead ends for families... No more needless emergency room visits... On February 1st we will launch BadgerCare Plus and fulfill our moral obligation to every child in this state.
And when the program is fully implemented, 98 percent of Wisconsin citizens will have access to affordable health insurance making Wisconsin America's health care leader. Let's keep leading the way.
S532 BadgerChoice
Skyrocketing health care costs are paralyzing our economy. And across the country small businesses, their employees, and their families are shouldering the worst of the problem.
Less than half of small businesses can even afford to provide insurance for their workers. These families represent over half of the uninsured people in this country.
And the problem is getting worse. Small businesses and their employees pay 18 percent more for health insurance than big companies. And their insurance bills may go up 30 percent one year and 50 percent the next.
Senator Vinehout and Representative Seidel have been working with businesses and health care experts to solve this problem. Rising insurance costs are killing our small businesses.
For over 25 years, Keeper Goals, a small manufacturer in Butler, Wisconsin has made high quality athletic equipment such as soccer goals and basketball hoops.
John Moyhnihan, the owner, does the right thing and provides health insurance to his employees. He has eleven full time employees - seven of which participate in their health care plan. For the past two years his insurance costs have gone up nearly 60 percent. He spends nearly 15 times what he spent on health care a decade ago. He says that health care costs take up almost 25 percent of his overall business.
Every year John works with an insurance broker to look for better health care deals and every year the costs go up.
A horrible illness or accident could happen to any one of us. The purpose of health insurance is that we all share the risk. But when one person at Keeper Goals gets sick, their costs go through the roof.
This comes down to an issue of fairness. Two people - same age, same health history - the only difference is that one sits behind a desk and another makes things for a living.
Why should our farmers, our manufacturers, our service employees and others have to pay so much more for health care?
For years we've worked on lowering health care costs. We've created purchasing pools and coops. They've helped, but it's just not enough.
We have a system that's not working. ...A system that allows insurance companies to cherry-pick who they'll cover. ...A system that too often puts insurance companies and drug companies ahead of small businesses and ordinary families.
It's time for a change, and it's called BadgerChoice - a one-stop shop for small businesses where there's real competition among insurance companies and real choice for consumers.
Modeled off of the most innovative solutions in the country, our plan will create a consumer-driven health care marketplace for nearly 800,000 people.
Here's how it works:
First by harnessing the purchasing power of Wisconsin's small businesses, we can drive down costs and provide real saving for families.
Second we'll create a simple, straightforward web-site and a 1-800 number that will reduce administrative costs and make it easy for families to understand their options.
Third we can eliminate the “one size fits all" health plan and allow employees to choose from a dozen private plans - applying their employer contribution to the one that works best for them.
Finally - and this is the critical step - through a new community rating system, we'll inject real stability and fairness - ensuring that all of us share the risk.
Our economy, our businesses, and our families need health care reform that draws from the best Democratic ideas and the best Republican ones. A plan that gives our small businesses the relief they need and gives Wisconsin families the peace of mind they deserve.
Let's keep leading the way.
Anti-Smoking Initiative
Our efforts to fight smoking have worked. Since the price of cigarettes went up on January 1st over 20,000 people have called our Quit Line ready to kick the habit.
Already we have saved lives.
It's time to take the next step. 23 days ago every bar, every restaurant, every workplace in the state of Illinois went completely smokefree. Five months ago the state of Minnesota went completely smokefree.
From Appleton to Ashland, more than 30 communities across Wisconsin have gone smokefree. The patchwork approach to public health is bad for business and the time for action is now.
I want to thank Senator Risser and Representative Wieckert for their leadership. Wisconsin should not become the ashtray of the Midwest. It's time for lawmakers to do what's right and make all workplaces completely smokefree.
Nicole and Matthew Horton are here tonight and I want to thank them for letting me share their story. They are dealing with something that thousands of other families struggle with in Wisconsin.
Three years ago Nicole and Matthew gave birth to their son Owen. But it wasn't too long before they realized that Owen was not developing like he should.
The doctors said that Owen had Autism. It was serious, but if he got immediate treatment the chances for improvement would grow dramatically.
Nicole and Matthew worked hard to get good health insurance so that it would be there if they needed it. But when they turned to their insurance company to pay for Owen's treatment, they were rejected.
Owen's treatment costs more than $50,000 a year - a cost almost no Wisconsin family could ever afford.
A year ago I asked lawmakers to help families who struggle with autism. Enough is enough. Senator Robson and Representative Ott have authored legislation that would require insurance companies to cover the cost of autism treatment.
They're here because they want lawmakers to side with Wisconsin families not big insurance companies.
Investing in Quality Education
From the health of our families to the health of our economy, we have work to do together...but it all begins with a commitment to education.
For me it's pretty basic. It comes down to what every parent wants for their child - small class sizes, good teachers, and high standards.
Over the past year Democrats and Republicans have come together to invest in education from four year old kindergarten to our world class colleges and universities.
We've opened the doors of opportunity for every student willing to work hard and earn their way. Students like Justin Beaver. Justin and his grandparents, Joanna and Donald, are here tonight.
After his mother left home and his father passed away, Justin had to take care of his younger brother and put himself through college. He earned a 3.5 grade point average and found time to mentor middle school students and coach high school football.
He also played a little football himself. A three time all-American, Justin was named the best player in the country for division three football and led the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks to their first ever national championship. Justin represents the hope of Wisconsin.
S533 Justin, thanks for making us so proud.
3rd year of Math and Science